
Agreements Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"The process of creating agreements with myself, creating agreements with others, and healing and integrating that healing process throughout life is what has allowed me to be more and more free every day."
"At the heart of negotiation is the attempt to achieve better understandings and better agreements."
"Our world: most of our world, is created through communication. Specifically through agreements made inside of conversations."
"You can be on one side of the law or the other, but if you make a deal with somebody, you keep your word."
"A businessman respects all fair agreements, from contract to handshakes."
"If this law goes through, it is a clear violation of our policy act and it's a clear violation of the Brits agreement with Hong Kong."
"Politics isn't a game; diplomatic agreements should be honored."
"I think the deal that she's striking is not what the people voted on."
"Friday is really the day when everything comes together... So, Friday is a day to go ahead and sign a contract if you're in that position or to go ahead and make the deal and shake hands or whatever."
"A contract agreement can be an agreement or a contract or a vow connected to third house matters."
"This agreement will really help America over the long term."
"The basic premise of it is this: you get to come see the movie early, but in exchange, you agree that you're not going to release your reviews until X date."
"The problem with making a deal with the Devil is nobody ever negotiates."
"Be wary of things like this because the CCP's common practice is to begin violating agreements like this immediately."
"It's weird that they limited it to 100. I guess they have to strike a deal with the national park."
"If you didn't get it in writing, the next thing that's gonna happen is they're gonna start treating you cruelly."
"Contracts, policies, and boundaries are crucial for a smooth business operation."
"Get it in writing anything they tell you that's important to the transaction."
"I just always said yes... crushed what did you win with? That's my friendship."
"We show for the first time the actual Lordstown pre-order agreements... while the agreements entail zero commitment on the part of the buyer, they include clauses about the parties agreeing to work on press releases to announce the deals."
"Put everything on paper in writing... it's not fair to any of y'all."
"Maybe if we both wish for it, it'll come true. Deal, pinky deal."
"If you make a deal, you make a deal. Simple as that."
"Ask your boss to put any promises that they're making in writing. If they don't put it in writing, it's not a good sign."
"A deal's a deal, we practically shook on it." - Unacceptable
"The border between the Russian Federation and Ukraine was agreed upon by both parties in December of 1991."
"A deal's a deal. You can't unwind the deal because you don't like the expression of that prosecutor."
"Contracts make the world go around, my friend."
"What do we have in our deal with the devil? Yes, we always go for the pact."
"As long as you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you, but we can make a deal, we can do business."
"If you make an agreement, stick with your agreement."
"There is an agreement, truth is coming through."
"Words are covenants, words are partnerships, they're agreements."
"Commercial agreements define the specifics of how people collaborate, how they relate to each other, and how they have shared goals."
"The agreements in outline is there, it does not impinge on the United States's core interests."
"Prenups keep that [stuff] mutual, keep the relationship mutual."
"Contract law can be understood as a set of private laws that individuals can make among themselves."
"A series of agreements between our two species designed to promote peace and cooperation."
"You're my hall pass, you're number two."
"Positive contracts feel like gifting relationships."
"Politics in the contracts between the promoter and myself."
"Your lease should be a living breathing document."
"We're not under contract with Urban Caravans."
"So you saw last week what I think was a massive event. The central bank of Saudi Arabia signed a swap line with, uh, the PBOC, the Chinese central bank."
"The secret to a long-lasting relationship is to identify your Four Agreements with someone else and then to remember those agreements and keep them top of mind in all that you do as long as you are committing to doing life with somebody else."
"Oh, I agree. Every word in this contract is totally binding. Which is why I'd like to turn your attention to this."
"We haven't completed a multilateral trade agreement since 1994."
"never ever rely on a verbal agreement if there's a writing in place add that verbal agreement to the writing you will lose otherwise"
"The agreement allows citizens from the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau to live and work freely in the United States, in exchange for U.S. military control of strategic lands and waters in the region."
"For the United States to break its word in that agreement, we pledged something and the Congress is now saying that the United States reserves the right to just break its word."
"Keep me at the money I'm at. I got a [__], I'm telling, not saying, but my [__] going to be agreed upon."
"Some of you who live in communities or in families... because you don't know the agreements, the allegiance, the covenants that they have made in secrecy with evil altars."
"What was the point of signing any of this stuff if you're just going to not regard any of it?"
"We currently have contracts guaranteeing the purchase of 900 million doses of vaccine."
"Your merch split with your talent, that is public."
"This agreement will also ensure that we receive an additional five hundred million doses shortly thereafter. This is another crucial step in our effort to develop, manufacture, and distribute a vaccine in record-breaking time."
"Wilt has always said that he had been promised a piece of ownership."
"We've learned that doing a handshake and making the agreements just on someone's word is a very bad thing in business."
"Pala and varvar gave me their wagers beforehand."
"...we're building the operating system of the company one agreement at a time through consent."
"Absolutely, and I think not only that, we actually need to review the cases that have been agreed because there's no question from what I've read that postmasters have signed agreements where they've only taken a fraction of what they thought it was."
"I was not clever enough to get the agreement in writing."
"Being impeccable with your word is one of the most important agreements."
"All these agreements would not have come about had it not been for the life skills that I'd learnt talking to adults and customers during my apprenticeship."
"The problem with that sort of a system is that in most cases the seller is never aware of what they've actually agreed to until they're already under contract."
"Everything needs to be written out somewhere, preferably in a written contract."
"Agreements are meant to be broken."
"Croghan still needs to secure Chief Pontiac's signature on the peace treaty. But that's easier said than done."
"I agreed to a $150 cleaning fee and that should have been the only thing that was taken out."
"I feel like a settlement is a One-Shot deal at being honorable and if you dishonor it then we're back, it's a reset."
"...let the buyer go down to the city and figure out if there are any permits."
"...you need to have a side agreement that specifies literally every single little detail of the item that is being transferred."
"It's advisable never to make any verbal offers. Always ensure your offer is in writing."
"It's unfortunate. I'm hoping that they have a withdrawal which all that is is kind of an agreement in principle that gives them two to four years to negotiate a real deal."
"Our Summits, agreements, promises, and pledges are worse than meaningless, because they give us the delusion that we're making progress when the actual opposite is the case."
"The whole point of a really good contract is so that you never have to go to the contract."
"Payment plans should be clear from square one. No big deposits."
"Smart contracts allow us actually to code not only the obligations the parties have agreed to but automatically execute them upon the occurrence of often public and verifiable and available information."
"...it is just always better to get it in writing the scope of the job the amount it's supposed to cost how long it will take the words time is of the essence if time is important all of those things matter and it will bite you in the butt if you don't do it."
"All drama in relationships is caused by unaligned commitments and or unclear and unkept agreements."
"We need to ensure that all strands of the Belfast Good Friday agreement are respected."
"I guess Ray could back door and say, 'Well, you didn't hold up the end of the bargain of the bargain either because you're supposed to be at home and not working.' But okay, I guess that's a rabbit hole too."
"When you're done with your week, you come back and see me and Desi, okay? It's a deal."
"I encourage businessmen and all of you here, many of you who are businessmen, please think about how you can tap on these agreements."
"It's still an agreement, it's still a contract, but only from one side."
"Every contract has penalties, otherwise it's not worth the paper it's written on."
"Contracts and all that are in place."
"No prenup, no nappy, yeah, come on dogs, no nothing."
"The real estate transaction is governed by three agreements: between the seller and the listing agent, between the buyer and the buyer agent, and the purchase agreement governed by title, escrow, or an attorney."
"Document verbal agreements immediately after making them."
"It's about agreements and consent and like boundaries."
"We literally have a person right now who still hasn't signed their agreement with us. Opportunity cost means that person's lost 8%."
"Always use contracts and agreements."
"If you don't have a contract and it doesn't spell out exactly what the deal is then here's a surprise everybody has a different recollection about what the deal is."
"That contract's not worth the ink it's written on, but I guarantee the handshake behind it."
"'Get it in writing and I mean, get it specific. Every detail, the obligations, what you're entitled to, what happens if the business dissolves. Put it in writing, especially if you have a relationship with the other person.'"
"With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life."
"We want to take all of the disempowering agreements we currently have and replace them with empowering agreements."
"A bilateral contract is an agreement between two or more parties."
"Living in society, we wind up making agreements with other people, with our family, with our children, with people around us, but most importantly with ourselves."
"It's important to have service level agreements in place."
"Do your best to adopt these new agreements in your life."
"Everything is up to you, so choose to live a life of love and happiness by living The Four Agreements you learned from this book."
"The only way you can unveil every conflict in your mind and bring order to the confusion is to become aware of all your agreements in life."
"There are four new agreements that can help you take back your freedom."
"To succeed with the first three agreements, you must do your best no matter what."
"Get agreements down; they're not scary, they are good things that protect everyone involved."
"Some contracts are written with ink, others with blood."
"Contracts are simply there to protect both parties."
"What if we're all wonderful people, including you, but we've got to work this out agreement by agreement to restore the witness by trustworthiness?"
"Many individuals put together can structure and form any arrangement, any contract social or otherwise amongst them, because the individual is sovereign."
"Deals are deals, you made the deal, you should honor it."
"Nothing final till pen meets paper."
"Get everything in writing and make sure there's a timeline of what they're going to deliver."
"Be careful of the agreements you sign... when you turn 18, make sure you have a lawyer involved before you write anything down."
"Make sure you understand everything before you sign any paper."
"Read that grant agreement; it's crucial."
"Both parties should be using the service level agreement in a mutually beneficial way to provide and consume resources."
"The confidentiality of the Sultan's security arrangements is likely to be protected by non-disclosure agreements or secrecy agreements."
"If you are loaning money to a friend or a relative, it's more important than a stranger to get something in writing."
"Nobody reads the user's agreement; that thing's longer than the Bible."
"We have a working purchase agreement that's protecting both the seller and the buyer."
"Never sign something where someone's verbally telling you something different than what's written on paper."
"It's this idea that you consent to the collection and selling of the data through massive and practically unreadable agreements that is most concerning."
"Never ever buy a car from a regular person on payments unless they physically own the car, have the title, or you get some sort of agreement from a bank."
"In the world of energy companies, they have what we call PPAs or Power Purchase Agreements."
"You need to make agreements in your relationships."
"Agreements within the team members."
"Just to have an honorable agreement, and once you enter honor into a place, it can spread."
"Trust and verbal communication will prevail over a contract."
"Swaps are generally customized agreements between two large institutions and they are not exchange-traded."
"A forward rate agreement is an obligation to take a hypothetical loan at a certain contract rate."
"The meeting of the minds happened after Mr. Chandra had sent the contractual documents and Mr. Party stayed silent."
"We are making certain concessions so that we can arrive at honorable agreements."
"Make sure you have a very clear understanding and have a contract in place of who's responsible for what."
"Our sovereignty and our national interest is strengthened not weakened by being party to these international agreements and conventions."
"It's quid pro quo, we all know it."
"Every transaction is an agreement by itself."
"I like to call them agreements; I never call them contracts."
"The fastest way to lose the trust of your child... is not to stand by your agreements."
"Trade assurance is a system in which you can create and agree to purchase orders with suppliers."
"I've done a lot of stuff with friends where there's no contract, it was just kind of like, hey, don't screw each other over, right? Cool."
"Set agreements, not expectations."
"Receipts are important, but something else is important: if you are loaning money back and forth between a boyfriend and girlfriend... you got to get something in writing."
"The agreements with the two sultanates were either intentionally or unintentionally poorly worded, making matters so much more confusing."
"Agreements like these are built on trust."
"As long as all parties involved have an understanding of what they're getting into, I don't see the issue."
"The current bargain agreements will still see their cost of living adjustment."
"Agreements are required for the production of any pieces of city."
"To avoid war, many pacts, alliances, treaties, coalitions, and more alike were established."
"We always make sure that if you're doing flat rate, you have to make sure that it's a very specific scope."
"Every time you sign up to a website or subscribe to a newsletter, it often comes with a terms of service for you to accept."
"I try to warn them, you make a deal you can't keep, it'll come back to haunt you."
"It's much better to have a written agreement to set out the rules of the partnership."
"Prenuptial agreements are a great idea for a lot of reasons."
"Political globalization is when countries come together for example with international agreements."
"This treaty's got more holes in it than Swiss cheese."
"Fulfill the treaty until the end of their term."
"Free trade agreements... increase the probability of countries being able to engage in free trade and sticking with the agreement."
"Verbal agreements are by definition not binding, not exclusive."
"Mercury sextile Saturn, perfect day to have an important conversation, to sign contracts."
"...now that we see that the Scramble for the Moon is really starting to take off, it seems to me to be appropriate that we should try to put in place some sort of framework, some set of agreements about how things are going to happen out there."
"When you land on an agreement, you honor your word."
"The most critical drivers economically are these off-take agreements, these power purchase agreements."
"It's always important to understand the terms and conditions."
"You have to read before you sign something."
"You could also have some important conversations with partners around children, maybe reaching some sort of long-term agreement that you're both happy with."
"The deal worked at least until the tribe was displaced."
"Contracts are insanely important."
"You signed a deal with the devil, and all the devil's deals are ironclad."
"We never sign anyone up for anything that they have not fully said yes, this is 100% what I want to do."
"The JCPoA, the Iran nuclear deal, is a great example of that; the Paris accord, great example of that."
"If someone tells me, 'I'll pay you after three months,' I say, 'Okay, you're my asset.'"
"Everything needs to be in writing, so there's no misunderstandings."
"The purpose of negotiating is to reach agreements that are better than your alternatives."
"This is the time to seal deals, this is the time to reach agreements to form partnerships that push you quite rapidly, quite surprisingly into the direction of your long-term goals and targets."
"We want commitment, whether it's the contract, the marriage, the job, the handshake agreements."
"Get it in writing; a handshake or verbal agreement is not enough."
"You're going to be signing contracts, business deals, important legal matters, agreement between two parties, making something official."
"Things are wrapping up, coming to a close, any business deals, any loans that you've been in, any contractual agreements here, it feels like it's going to work out in your favor."
"It's calling in the contracts and the treaties that send them off to war."
"When you make a promise to someone, that is like a hard agreement. We are both now connected by the promise."