
Long-term Relationship Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"Being in a long-term relationship, a marriage, and having children, that's two-thirds of your life...my family has been unbelievably important to me."
"Of course, does he not get anything for standing the test of time? They've been together 30 years; they have raised two stable children."
"They have every intention of keeping you in their life."
"They see this as a long-term opportunity, it's not just a fling."
"They really see this as just a long-term, like lifetime thing with you."
"I think there's a lot of value in a long-term relationship."
"The most valuable thing that we have going for us is that friendship, having been together so long and knowing each other so intimately."
"This relationship has beautiful long-term potential."
"I see this being a long-term relationship, one of meaning, and something that is going to take a lot of time and effort and mutual time and effort."
"They want a long-term relationship because there is so much fulfillment here, there is so much happiness here."
"13 years of dating like we have been waiting years for this so we were just so happy but once we said once you said I do we walked away we were just like look you were screaming."
"You are going to marry your soulmate; this is the type of love that lasts for a long time."
"I've been married for 12 years and I'm so grateful that I found my husband."
"Goldie Hawn: Now at stunning age of 77 she's been living the love story of the century with her partner Kurt Russell."
"It's been a long, long crazy ride. We've been on lots of trips together. Tons of memories together."
"We can journey together for many years to come."
"With this king of wands, it's a ten of pentacles with them, and a ten of pentacles represents a relationship that is guaranteed to be abundant and long-term."
"This person wants to be with you life long not just today and gone tomorrow."
"They definitely feel like Victorious around you... they're gonna see you in their life long-term."
"The Galaxy would have its peace, but nothing like the peace that OB and T were able to share with each other for the rest of their lives."
"This is a power couple straight up. The king and the queen of pentacles are in it for the long haul, lifetime after lifetime after life."
"We are extremely pleased to continue the long relationship we've had." - Lockheed Martin representative
"It's great to be married for 20 years and to have such meaningful experiences."
"Heading towards commitment, towards stability, towards long term."
"2023, you will be married or in a long-term thing, a union."
"This person desires something long-term with you."
"We've been friends for almost 10 years, but we don't really collaborate that often."
"I believe in marriage. I witnessed my own parents 66 years married."
"They see a future with you; they want to be with you."
"There is union here and this person wants to be with you for the long haul."
"What an incredible life Vita and Harold had together, their friendship was deep enough and strong enough for their marriage to endure for 50 years."
"I'm 82, and he's in his 60s, and we've been together for 38 years."
"How do you get married for 40 years in R&B? That's a great question."
"She came up to me, got very drunk and lost my inhibitions... married 11 years."
"I've known this woman for five years. I love her. I want to be with her."
"I look so different what'd your mom say she didn't she hasn't seen it yet I thought you went when children I went to the venue that's where everybody was and then she left you did we marry 16 years though basically."
"Your goal should never be to have a happy marriage... through the trials, you should be together and you should be there for one another."
"You will be in a long-term, beautiful relationship."
"The power between you two is just undeniable."
"They want you in their life for a lifetime or a very long time."
"Karen has been the shining star in my world for over 13 years."
"The two had just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary."
"It just feels like we've been together forever."
"This person sees you as their long-term partner, the one for them."
"We've known each other since 2014... there's nothing that he doesn't know about me and there's nothing that I don't know about him."
"We've been married for 50 years by the math, spending all our time together. It's been good."
"I've been married for quite some time, very happily."
"We've been together over thirty years... but we've been through a lot together."
"Will and I are continuing to do what we have done for the last 28 years and that's keep figuring out this thing called life together."
"This woman finally got her man, she's been with and for him for over 30 years."
"They're realizing that this could be the person I could be with for a lifetime."
"Their intentions are to start a long-term relationship with you, maybe marry you eventually one day."
"This romance is coming to you in the summer and is very special, as soulmates, it's meant to be long-term."
"You guys have been with me since freaking three years now, I appreciate you all."
"When I ask a woman to marry me, I'm there for the long haul."
"You guys are gonna be in it for the long haul."
"This relationship is going to lead to some sort of long-term commitment, money, Financial Wellness is going to be here and it's going to lead to marriage."
"They want a partner, they're planning for this to be successful."
"Married for over 27 years and had recently been enjoying their retirement, her loved ones say that she was passionately in love even after all that time together. It's truly a sad situation."
"It's a sad story about a couple that probably were living a long and harsh time together."
"They see you as marriage material, they see you as the end game."
"Yo, shout-out to all the OGs, you've been with me for so long."
"We've been together since 2010. This year will be 12 years in April."
"This person intends to commit to you they see you long term with you they feel like you guys could build a legacy together."
"They really want to work on this connection because they actually want to marry you or have a long-term, solid, stable, committed relationship with you."
"I feel like this is a match made in heaven, and I feel like you're going to definitely be with this person for a long time."
"Those are literally, I've known them since we were in California before even Hawaii."
"How do we keep intimacy alive in like a long-term relationship? It's forever, baby, you know we locked in forever."
"The streak, a testament to the enduring long-term relationship, making it a prize more valuable than any title."
"We've just been together for so long that we've truly don't know life without each other."
"The beauty of a long-term relationship: you experience the terrible and the amazing."
"I am a fan of your product since I was four years old. I am now 35."
"I am completely in love with this woman. We met more than 30 years ago at a pool party, and I've been in love with her ever since, more so now than that day."
"What sustains attraction in a long-term relationship? What do you do to get it back?"
"Best: Major Kira and Odo. Talk about a well crafted long-running love story — Kira and Odo are established as close friends early on in the series." - Steve
"You know someone for 50 years, there's ups or downs."
"60 years later, we're still together."
"I loved that Alan was your man in your life at that time and that he supported you through like they've been together for 48 years."
"I've known someone for 20 years, 30 years, like there's a lot, and it shows that you've got a good person there."
"Marriage sort of says like this is a little bit more than a girlfriend boyfriend thing that I'm in this for the you know for the long run."
"Plan A was marrying her a long, long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her."
"After almost 40 years, you can't not have that connection."
"She's been your maternal figure whether you finally realize it or not for the past 20 years."
"I've been happily married to my wife, yes, over honestly going on 20 years."
"My wife and I have been together since we were 15 and 16 years old."
"Partnership is incredibly important because if you want a guy to see you as somebody that wants to be with you over the long term, he needs to make sure that you guys can grow together."
"We spent 20 years together. It's a long time."
"This is our sixth Valentine's Day together, and I can't wait until we spend our 30th and our 50th and our 100th Valentine's Day together."
"If 11-year-old me knew that I would be in a long-term relationship with the love of my life, my high school sweetheart, she would be literally the happiest girl in the whole world."
"I love you. I've loved you for a long time too."
"We can accompany our clients for months or even years, and it's amazing to see how fast they progress."
"I'm honored to have walked alongside this beautiful family for many, many years."
"Can you believe that we've known each other for ten years?"
"Even in my long-term relationship that I was in, there was a deepening of love as time went on."
"I love you. I have loved you for a very, very long time."
"We've known Millicent for 20 years, the nicest person you would ever meet."
"Communication, yeah I think you all know or high school sweethearts, they'll be married 65 years this spring."
"Cheers to four years of marriage and ten years of dating."
"Jack had always been good to her during their 16-year marriage."
"My dad's favorite saying was 'Be quick to forgive and don't take offense.' This has worked very well in our marriage the last 44 years."
"Don't think temporary love, think long-term love."
"We've been married for 26 years; she's my best friend."
"We've been together for a long time, more than half our lives."
"The relationship between Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman has lasted over 40 years."
"We want these customers for life and we want their kids and their kids' kids."
"We look forward to the opportunity of becoming a trusted partner and building a long-term relationship in providing consistent, high-quality cleaning services."
"Elephants have been part of human culture for at least 4,000 years."
"I don't love you, I treasure you, and I have every minute of the 40 years we've been together."
"This is somebody who's gonna want a long-term connection."
"I've been single for five years... I mean, I'm 23 right now, so like, if I'm going to date somebody, I'd rather date long-term."
"I have been dating my wife since we were both aged 12 and we've been together for a very, very long time."
"GP really allowed you to care for that patient in the long term."
"We want customers for life, and that is truly our goal."
"The intensity in both of their eyes, you could tell they had such a long partnership."
"If you can find someone and be with them for 25 years, good on ya."
"They've been together what, 13 years? It's a long time, and stuff happens when you've been together that long."
"Romance is nice but like all things it's very fleeting and you must make sure that if you're in a long-term relationship it's someone you know 12 years from now that you still want to wake up to."
"I guess that's what happens when you've been married for over 10 years."
"Oh crikey 50-plus years, it's 50 years yeah we've known each other, it was pretty amazing."
"I'm proud of the 20-year relationship that we had, that I think was built on mutual respect."
"Tomorrow my husband and I celebrate our 41st wedding anniversary, so we've been cruising for that long."
"Because I love her. I mean, she's the love of my life. I've been with her for 14 years."
"Adam has been a tremendous finding, has become a real good friend over the past 15 years."
"It's been 18 years and it's the real deal. We are still just grossly in love with each other."
"I do mean it when I say I love you because you, I've known you for a very long time."
"I love you so dearly. It's such an honor to have known you for such a long time."
"It's like that couple married 51 years; you know exactly where they're going to be at every second."
"Pigeons have served human beings for many, many millennia of years."
"If you're going to be with somebody twenty years down the line, y'all are going to grow into different people."
"Oh, I've known her since grade school."
"If the worst thing you know about them never changes for 50 years, are you willing to live with it?"
"I've loved you for a very long time, and I'm happy you finally said it."
"We've known each other since we were 10 years old."
"I fell in love with my wife of 23 years at first sight."
"It's the craziest feeling getting married, I mean Ryan and I have been together for eight years so this just feels like a huge change in our life."
"Congratulations to both of you, 70 years together!"
"I think that you're kind of my top priority, you're kind of someone that I see myself with for a long time."
"You're my family too, remember? You've been for a long time," she said, grabbing his hand.
"My wife of 29 years, it's probably the only thing that keeps me going."
"This is my best friend Alex, and that's my best friend Kristen, and we have known each other for a long time, 17 years."
"It's attractions up, connections up, and when both of those are in place and she really likes you and she feels connected to you, that's when she starts to think long term about you."
"Does everyone in a long-term relationship kind of discuss their future plans? Where do we see each other together in the next five, ten years?"
"My parents have been together almost 50 years, so I'm like, cool, I want advice on some of this stuff."
"To me, it is the 20-year marriage of compact SUVs."
"Still being with somebody that long teaches you and it can make you a better person."
"We want to provide customers with moments of delight so that we can build loyalty and develop long-term relationships."
"Sydney and Jacqueline had known each other for a very long time, ever since they were young adults in the '60s."
"I've been your friend for 20 years."
"To be with somebody for more than 40 years, that's loyalty right there."
"I'm an advocate for marriage because I live it; I've been successfully married for 17 years now."
"Our interest is in having long term customers that are really happy."
"Over many years, we shared a great many values."
"It just got overwhelming, and I felt sorry for my grandpa because he was with my granny for like 45 years."
"The ROI on just one property owner that loves you for the rest of your life is enormous."
"Your father and I have been together for 45 years. Can you believe that?"
"It's still possible after years to see my partner wearing an attractive outfit and want to rip her clothes off."
"We were together for so long because we loved each other."
"I had you in my life for 50 years, more than I deserved; most women would not have taken me back, and you did that, and for that, I am forever thankful."
"Long-term partnership and commitment."
"I've been with this man since I was like 15, this is 15 years of relationship."
"I thank God for bringing us together and for the last 13 years."
"This could be someone you see yourself being with in the long term."
"We've been together since high school. Now that is true love."
"Their support overall over the past five years has been absolutely astonishing."
"It's been 16 years we've been together, we are married at this point."
"We knew we were going to get married, like we knew it for a really long time."
"Somebody wants you in their life for like a long time."
"You're going to have a very long future with them."