
Personality Development Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"As people get older, they get more conscientious, more agreeable, and more emotionally stable."
"Develop a pleasing personality, accepting responsibility being the kind of person that accepts responsibility for relationship or friendship or business connection and so forth is a vibe that you give off."
"Your childhood just really shapes who you are."
"Motivation chips encourage our youth to develop a personality and become the next Freddy, Chica, or TBD Pizzaplex star."
"Enjoy your beauty but don't make it the center of your universe and don't make it your entire personality."
"Personality changes over time, and even personality disorders are treatable and changeable."
"Personality can absolutely be altered; it comes from understanding your reaction."
"Personality is not shaped by what you do; it's shaped by how you react to particular scenarios."
"Ike’s long love affair with military history and his active, sometimes temperamental personality as a young man made him an ideal fit for such an institution."
"Freud observed that when people hit an insuperable obstacle in the development of their personality, they tended to retain the patterns of behavior that characterized their age at the time of impediment."
"Personalities aren't defined by criticism dealt out; they're defined by criticism taken."
"There's a fair bit of evidence that your personality is organized at the highest level through articulated speech."
"You have an intrinsic personality, but you can also learn how to be less introverted, less neurotic, more conscientious, more open to new experiences, and get along with others better."
"A person's true nature is formed by life experiences."
"Your personality creates your personal reality. So your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel."
"You're born a certain way biologically, but then you're raised a certain way, that also shapes your personality."
"Your personality is not static. You can decide what it is that you want to do."
"He knew roughly how the character needed to look, what kind of personality he should have, and the kinds of stories he should tell with them."
"Being less superficial in a social sense can be helpful, not only because it'll make people less judgmental but also because it'll encourage everyone to develop their personality and social skills."
"What would he be like today, some kind of out-of-control psychopath, a child trapped in a man's body?"
"Tattoos force you to be decisive, let go of the need to nitpick everything."
"Give me a child until it is 7 and I will show you the man."
"People forget how important genetics are in the human being, especially personality, especially their adult characteristics."
"What really creates our personalities and our beliefs is not so much that something happened to us one time, it's that we psychologically experienced this event over and over and over again."
"You've become a lot more chill, and people want to be around you more."
"Her painful past will always be an integral part of her personality."
"You become a more extreme version of yourself over time."
"We're forging anew within our own personality, forging through seeing aspects of ourselves that are no longer in alignment."
"When you make friends with these parts, elements of your personality change."
"Healthy personality develops when initiative is balanced with a touch of guilt."
"Developing a personality with strong initiative and a touch of guilt is very important."
"All my thought patterns and my behavioral patterns and my emotional patterns put together define my personality."
"If you want to be popular, it all comes down to your ability to be an interesting human being."
"What are you doing in your life today to be a captivating, endearing, and delightful woman?"
"The Dirt Sheet debuted as an online-only program on WWE.com, hosted by John Morrison and The Miz. It was the first opportunity for both to display and develop their personalities outside of the rigid constraints of the infamous creative team."
"Establish a unique personality for your brand."
"He's already so different and has gotten such a personality, it's crazy."
"Developing a playful attitude and having a sense of humor goes miles."
"I feel like your upbringing and who you're surrounded with early on can actually shape you quite big."
"I definitely admire Chris's ability to grow and change with the times."
"Personality can be changed and altered in adulthood."
"Personality is not fixed, it's not permanent."
"I probably had a pretty strong personality starting very young, and if my parents pushed me too hard to be the person they wanted me to be, they were probably met with a lot of resistance."
"Several deeper aspects their personality and their life emerged from these questions, making them really well-rounded and very interesting."
"She becomes like a person and not just somebody who's really really just aggressive with no personality underneath it."
"Recognize that our personality is a construct."
"Healthy INTPs will replace any intentional or unintentional condescension with a teacher's and guiding mindset."
"Everybody wanted to be the crazy one... It's the abstract influence of parents that really gives you your experience."
"Billy's new wisecracker persona was natural, breezy, and endearing."
"If you want to change your personality it turns out that you actually can."
"Your personality is just the sum of the habits that have gotten you the results that you like."
"I've learned how to be what I call aggressively kind."
"Your personality is heuristic, reactive to the environment, flexible."
"You've got to have these things in your life so that you develop a personality, you develop taste."
"Freud believed there were five stages of personality development, and each is associated with a particular erogenous zone."
"Kate's strength of character shone through as she started to develop a more confident personality and ultimately became more popular amongst her peers."
"Don't just take these headlines and allow those things to shape your personality."
"Selves, personalities, don't come fully formed, born into the world. They have to be created through institution, custom, training, and education. That's one of the projects of ethical philosophy."
"Develop your personality by extending the standard deviation of your bag of tricks."
"Your personality is developed. You can develop your personality any way you choose to. So it can be molded."
"The type two person needs to love their spontaneity more, needs to embrace the child in them a little bit more that wants to play and express and be."
"If you don't have a plan, get one. If you don't have a personality, get a personality as well."
"By the time you're 25, your personality is set, the person you are is pretty well established, your humor is pretty well established."
"If you're exposed to lots of elements of like, you know, crazy shit, violence, alcoholism, and all that stuff, you build a personality that's like very interesting."
"It's always going to feel weird at first it just does but the more you use it the more it Blends into your personality."
"Erikson thought that personality development occurs throughout the lifespan."
"Negative environments shape a person's personality."
"It's incredibly controversial just in a practical cultural sort of way to say something as crazy as 'our personalities are much more nature than nurture, it's almost entirely nature.'"
"That's what I'm saying. You can clone all you like, but at the end of the day, it's how you brought up that will change your features and the way you are."
"Personality is a culmination of all these different traits and it's also a product of our environment and also inherited tendencies."
"It's good if you can live somewhere where your kids can do that because it makes them, I mean I think they that gives them a completely different personality as they grow up."
"The unconscious mind and those early childhood experiences shape your personality and development."
"Adaptive personality, it'll adapt to your environment and the way you treat it."
"Every child is born with a core driving motive that makes them who they are."
"We are having a fantastic time; Hazel is now coming into her personality."
"Growing up, Naomi had been influenced by her mother a lot, often acting like her so much she developed an ice-cold personality as well."
"Physical attractiveness is very important, but the personality change that you get through this pursuit of years of grinding and discipline is even more so."
"Your beliefs form your thought patterns which then become your habits and then form your personality."
"When they're a baby, you project a lot and you say, 'Oh, they love jokes,' but then when they actually form a personality, you're like, 'Oh, I know what they like and don't like now.'"
"If you want to build a new personal reality, you have to build a new personality."
"Individuation is a process of differentiation, having for its goal the development of the individual personality."
"About 60% of Personality had been influenced by environment, 40% had been influenced by heredity."
"You can choose to have the personality that would most please you, beginning today."
"Freud was actually a pioneer; he was one of the first people to come along and put lots of ideas of personality and development together."
"The way you communicate is how your personality is shaped."
"You're developing your own personality even more... it happens just naturally."
"A child's first relationship is the foundation stone of his personality."
"Watch your thought, for people who work hard, they already have built up the habit of working hard, and that gets grounded in the personality."
"If you were a nice person when you were young, you become nicer as you age. If you were nasty as a person when you're young, you get nastier as you age."
"I feel like I am witnessing her turning into her own little personality, and she's just honestly so hilarious."