
Pain Avoidance Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The reason any human being does anything is to avoid pain."
"The ego has hijacked your spiritual practice so as to stay out of pain."
"Self-actualized people live to experience joy rather than to experience pain."
"The avoidance of pain and the maximization of pleasure for all people, not just individually but for everyone. Life is short. We should enjoy things, allow ourselves to enjoy things, and we should help others in that similar pursuit."
"What falls out of that more often than not is a nose-to-tail carnivore diet."
"All animals want to avoid pain and suffering and they don't want to die."
"People spiritually bypass because they don't want to be in pain... spirituality becomes an opiate for the masses." - JP Sears
"Can we just stop shaming people for not wanting to be in physical pain? Seriously, if a person doesn't want to have sex...they have every right to say no."
"Most people will do more to avoid pain than they will to gain pleasure."
"Addiction is an attempt to escape from pain."
"Great things take time; people will do more to avoid pain than they will do to gain pleasure."
"There's no right way to do the wrong thing... Today it's about avoiding pain and maintaining happiness."
"Life is preferable to death, pleasure is generally preferable to pain."
"If you really love somebody, you wouldn't want them to go through the pain of you constantly withdrawing from that bank account."
"We don't have to add to that pain by going out and searching for pain... but you have to be willing to acknowledge your own faults."
"A lot of times, we're kind of trained to avoid any pain, anything uncomfortable."
"If a piece of information is only going to produce pain, then it's best to not share that information."
"It's mental illness for you to continue to engage in anything that's bringing you pain."
"Someone's going to get hurt if you run away from that unfair pain."
"The absence of pain infinitely more valuable than any tangible acquisition."
"I tell her don't eat potatoes... it's just not worth the pain."
"The avoidance of pain is something we all share."
"Understanding that the world is full of pain and that people are just trying to avoid more pain in the moment will help us become less reactive."
"The brain will do more to avoid pain than it will to seek pleasure."
"This process can save you a lot of pain and a lot of money if you follow it."
"Even animals avoid pain by nature."
"These don't ping and break because at the minute I'm using the Primark ones and you know when they ping and snap and they literally like whip your hand and it's so painful they don't do that."
"There could be so much pain that's avoided."
"You're going to work much harder to avoid pain than you will to gain pleasure."
"The human brain makes decisions based on avoiding pain."
"Most people, women included, thinking about divorce, they really don't want divorce; what they want is an end to the pain."
"I'm the kind of guy who never wants to cause pain for anyone."
"...our culture and Society is so fixated on escaping pain and transcending pain like we don't want to be uncomfortable."
"People make decisions either to avoid pain or to get closer to pleasure."
"...the basic topics include how do we live a good life how do we avoid pain..."
"The fact that we pursue pleasure is actually what makes it good, and the fact that we avoid pain is actually what makes it bad."
"People start an addiction because it feels good, and people continue an addiction to avoid some kind of pain."
"We understand what suffering means, we understand what pain is. We don't want to have to experience that pain again or for other people in our country to experience that pain."
"The only way I can avoid pain in the future is not by changing others, but it's just about changing myself."
"The chronic stage of pain is what we're all trying to avoid. This is the type of pain that you can feel years after your initial injury."
"Avoid pain... find the middle path instead."
"It's not just simply choosing between the two; it's more like a question of which would hurt less."
"We must guarantee the right of people to seek happiness and avoid pain."
"Our motivation comes from the desire to seek pleasure and to avoid pain."
"We'll do more to avoid pain than we will to gain pleasure."
"A teachable spirit will save you from a lot of pain."
"We're taking our joints through their full range of motion to our capacity, completely avoiding pain."
"Save yourself so much pain and suffering and accept people at the level they are at currently."
"Sometimes you have to pull the band-aid off, and you don't pull the band-aid off slowly because if you do, it's gonna hurt like hell."
"I have saved myself from so much pain by relying on myself instead of looking for other people to save me."
"The ID part of ourselves is the impulsive part that's driven by pleasures and repulsed by pain."
"You're wanting to move away from some sort of painful situation in order to accomplish and achieve your idea of fulfillment."