
Quality Improvement Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"Starting this year, I announced that I would be slowing down uploads, but this was not me saying that I was stepping away from Maverick files. Instead, I'm diving even deeper into improving the quality of my uploads."
"Disney has done a very good job at their theme parks of getting away from like theme park food."
"Unlocking individuals' potentials...you're going to see that quality increase."
"The asset of the company is the people... when people are thinking, they're driving costs down and quality up."
"I want to steer into more serious, high production good stuff that people can be like, 'Whoa, this is actually dope.'"
"Your support directly allows me to improve the quality and frequency of my content and allows me to keep uploading through all of you awesome people who watch me."
"I feel like if more people were critical then films would improve."
"What's needed... is a good degree of extra polish to deliver the kind of complete package users should expect."
"Trying to improve quality of life during military service is something even militaries that rely on conscription can focus on doing."
"Quality of gameplay changes like endless mode, having the bugs being fixed, adding a Mythic crate in the summons, and adding that teleports thing."
"Just know that's how easy it is to make your footage look amazing."
"Standing by itself like without worrying about dying increases your quality of fishing exponentially."
"You have made the difference, you have influenced the marketplace, you have decided that the quality and the variety of picks needed to be improved."
"Wendy’s made a big effort in recent years to make its food look and taste more rustic and 'handmade'..."
"Season three of the boys is easily the best season of the show...it steps up on every level imaginable."
"YouTube wants to raise the bar so that the quality comes up so the advertisers will spend more money."
"Competition is good. It makes you create a better product."
"They always produce fantastic quality builds but they are iterators they love to take something that's great and work on it so it's better and then work on that till it's amazing and then work on that again."
"There is a significant difference in quality... a solid upgrade from a headset mic."
"You try everything you can to try to make it as good as it can."
"The cancellation of an annualized release for Call of Duty may very well lead to future entries that are significantly better in quality."
"For virtual tour businesses, this is a no-brainer purchase. You see how much better in the photo and video quality of this little camera."
"People enjoyed going to plays...they liked to enjoy it, with much better quality because of modern technology."
"Enjoy the effects of fresh air and sunlight. Gardening will produce plants and harvestables at a higher quality."
"I think maybe centrifugal casting might be a good way to do it to help get all the porosity and pores out of there."
"Get excited for this guy I am so stoked ascending sup in a couple days we're gonna have awesome camera quality and it's just going to be amazing."
"Having in-body stabilization makes this camera just an overall better video camera."
"The quality there is so drastically improved over every headset I've tested."
"Always be critical of the media that you enjoy, because that's how you get better things."
"I was craving a Dungeons & Dragons film... this new one already looks to be much higher quality."
"The game is in a much better state than it was when it released."
"We're on our way into the new year where we're going to be offering you a lot more mind-blowing content. We're going to raise the bar quite a bit over what you've seen this year."
"Every purchase of equipment has allowed for a step up in output quality."
"Forsaken is categorically what destiny - should have shipped as."
"Investing in better art supplies... means the less work that you're gonna have to do to make something look good."
"Having a good plan... makes your final piece a lot better more often."
"Don't be afraid to go the extra mile if you think something will be better for it, even if it's hard."
"Having more games locked at 60 or 120Hz would be really nice."
"I hope this trend continues in coffee, pushing quality things at a cheaper and cheaper price so that more and more people can get into really nice brewing at home."
"The longer you age them, the sharper they get."
"I'm a nurse by trade but I work in quality improvement."
"Lego is obviously stepping up their game in terms of quality."
"Overall, Pluto 2x GC video mod is a great internal HDMI solution."
"Dubs have gotten good recently. Sue me, but dubs have gotten good."
"If you can't offer better, the consumer is going to move to the one that can."
"Capcom should be trying to make a product that is better than the originals."
"The move will promote educational equity and quality."
"Here is my verdict on what should be done if Dice and EA want this game to be great: fantastic. It needs to be delayed another year."
"Invest more in your lens, focus on investing in your lens and in your lighting. These two will determine everything, trust me."
"There's been so many great quality of life updates, gameplay updates, new things added throughout the years."
"I want the game to be really, really good, and that's why people give their criticism, that's why I give my criticism."
"Quality has improved, not perfect, but coming pretty close."
"There's no doubt in my mind that today's guitars are the best they've ever been."
"Premium cars are just becoming better and better each time they come out with these new sets of them."
"Rayman Redemption is just here a remake of the original rayman that is so good and filled to the brim with quality of life improvements and changes that basically makes the original release obsolete."
"They look and feel and sound better than ever."
"Everything just needs to be gigantic, and it's so much better."
"This is one of the only franchises where it only keeps getting better with each installment."
"I think Arsenal have got to that stage now where it is about adding quality."
"I think that would surely elevate the level of quality in your content."
"High-quality and detailed change to the grass and ground cover."
"Might as well give this garment some nice heartiness and longevity."
"The old setup was miserable... this one is very, very, very good."
"This game should have been delayed for another year."
"We can only attract users by doing things better than what they already use, not by being an ethical copy of what they already know."
"It allows clubs to recruit from a higher shelf in terms of quality."
"Schools should inculcate pride towards Indian culture and civilization."
"The first Mario plus Rabbids game was drastically better than anyone expected."
"The concept of actually making the game arguably what it should have been at launch, I think that's a bit of a no-brainer."
"Quality of life features that are small are great because it's like oh I never would have thought of them doing that."
"Pixel shift technology, a higher quality image." - Jared Polin
"When you're saying I want better quality, then the universe says okay we're going to bring in better quality here."
"This is the Sonic comics what Mania was to the games, going back to the roots and polishing it up to remind everybody why this franchise was so deeply loved in the early days."
"The Hasbun Hotel series is much higher quality than the comic."
"If the universities had to compete head-to-head, they would get better."
"I think rejection is key. I actually think it's really essential for art to be really good."
"I guess this will encourage some further new quality content to be submitted and we can make this a regular thing."
"It's such an improvement over what came before."
"Hyundai has really done a good job dressing up the cabins of the Elantra."
"The interior is a massive step forward in build quality."
"The quality of life things just make the experience feel better overall."
"I'm glad actually that some of those genres are dying out because I think it can be replaced with really good content."
"Give users an opportunity to iterate and improve the quality over time."
"We are expecting an exponential explosion in the quality of avatars over time."
"I hope they stay as good as they have been... seeking quality of life improvements in the game rather than scummy practices."
"The league is becoming very, very good with a lot of very, very good teams."
"The biggest trend from the start of this marathon to now would the quality increase from game to game that I believe...most people can agree on."
"Overall, the cabin of this car is definitely no longer a penalty box."
"Quality of life changes coming in Season 22."
"The Mission Impossible movies seem to have gotten better with each installment."
"Any product has the opportunity to increase its quality."
"A smartphone gimbal... one of the easiest ways to see a big jump in quality."
"The herbal extract will actually get stronger with age like a fine wine."
"Is it time for Scarlet and Violet to be free from rampant glitches, constant performance issues, and just have a better experience for all players around the world?"
"Even the same scenes were replaced with the original superior versions."
"It feels like a real step up in quality over the previous gen."
"We want you to get paid handsomely when you deliver something that improves our lives a lot."
"The whole quality has been ramping up quite a bit recently. This is not comparable to Mark 1."
"It makes a big difference in your coffee, I highly recommend it."
"It's worthwhile replacing everything because I certainly think it's going to make that ride so much better you don't want to use old stuff when you're putting in new suspension."
"There's nothing wrong with the movie business that better films and cleaner theaters can't fix."
"That kind of competition does create better quality."
"This is just way better than the results we would see most of the time."
"If I could talk directly to the people who made this kit... you need to improve the quality of your canvases."
"It seems like all of the keyboards due to the advancement of technology have gotten better and better and better."
"We've been able to up our quantity but we're also upping the quality."
"If you look at most of the things we consume every day let's call it food median entertainment clothing electronics automobiles these things have either gotten cheaper or better over time."
"The involvement of Microsoft's money let us put the polish on this game."
"The more times we can actually boot up and start the level before we ship it, typically the better it gets."
"It's one of those things where if you had a choice, you would take the new one for sure."
"Now you don't have to use the greasy cheap third-party controller to play party games with your buds on the TV."
"What they need to up their production quality is money."
"I think we've cracked it in terms of how to get the perfect stream quality."
"Every single meat from here on out is going to be better."
"Porsche had to get it right, the company literally put everything it had into making the 997 the best 911 it had ever built."
"...there's one thing that's changed radically... it's that the gear below £1,000 has got an awful lot better."
"Scaling back a little bit on quantity to increase quality is the current goal."
"Competition is the most effective way to improve quality whether in computers, in automobiles, in suits, or in schooling."
"The increased worldwide demand has triggered a jump in firework's quality."
"This just feels like such a solid car, Honda has really improved this platform."
"The benefits of implementing Six Sigma in an organization are numerous, including improved quality, increased customer satisfaction, cost savings, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement."
"You know, in the world of studios, there is this promise that once in a while you'll find a piece of gear that makes all the tracks better."
"Learn to use the high pass filter. It's going to improve the quality of your mixes quite a bit."
"There is no course that you can't integrate quality improvement both clinical as well as didactic material."
"Quality improvement aims to standardize practices and structures so that variations are reduced and patient outcomes are improved."
"The ultimate aim of quality improvement is to improve patient care through enhancing patient safety, outcomes, and experiences of care."
"Quality improvement in healthcare involves continuously monitoring data and interventions to ensure positive outcomes."
"The Six Sigma process is known as DMAIC, which comprises five phases: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control."
"Should help you on your journey of getting your boots up to par."
"Not only did it help improve the quality of my images but also increase the efficiency of my photo shoots."
"This will make your videos seem more smooth and focused."
"I feel like each item that we're getting with each The Wizarding Trunk box just gets better and better."
"The more accurate you get this, the better your model will be."
"Each iteration of Chinese SSN has consistently led to a major advancement in terms of quality."
"This completes the list of top 10 changes you can make to your printer to improve the quality."
"Ever since Sigma created their Art lens back in 2016, the build quality of Sigma lenses have jumped up immensely."
"That's what really gives us a good heat treatment, in my opinion, is doing this thermal cycling."
"Interior build quality, a massive step forward in this new generation definitely."
"This farm shop just keeps getting better and better."
"We could bilinear filter and we can bicubic filter, and as you can see, the quality of the images are improving as we zoom in."
"That's why hollowing is really important because not only does it actually increase the quality of your print, but it also dramatically decreases the resin consumption."
"This is the best quality Leave it to Beaver has ever been released in."
"Lighting is the most important thing that you can do to improve the quality of your videos."
"We need to speed up construction, we need to reduce the cost of construction, we need to improve the quality of construction."
"We're almost at that 100K sub mark, so I felt like it was time to improve the quality."
"It's going to create competition in a sense that these other streaming services need to create better, higher quality original content."
"Addressing both risks and opportunities establishes a basis for increasing the effectiveness of the quality management system, achieving improved results, and preventing negative effects."
"Clinical decision support or CDS technologies are a means to improve both the quality and safety of healthcare."
"The primary purpose of the model is to improve the quality of requirements and design to reduce downstream defects."
"Since filming with the FX3, I've just found that my videos just look so much better."
"All meads, all wines get better with time."
"It doesn't hurt to make it a lot nicer installation."
"The quality is going up every single year."
"If you're wondering how to edit your videos faster, then in this video we're going to cover a simple video editing process that can save you a ton of time and boost the quality of your videos."
"A world of difference, much cleaner, much clearer, a brighter sound."
"This bike is like three times better than their entry level which is the EP2 Pro."
"It's sort of like having suspension in your car, riding out some of the bumps a little bit."
"Considerable steps forward have been made in perceived interior quality."
"The bar for American animation has been raised across the board in every genre."
"When implemented correctly, agile offers a lot of advantages such as higher productivity, better quality, faster time to market, great morale, and much more."
"We need to make these things perfect."
"More context, more a number of chunks is better both for the retrieval score and for the quality score."
"This greatly increases quality of parts as well as reduces waste and human error."
"Can we just raise the game a little bit? Make sure these last five tables are immaculate, please."
"It's an opportunity to show that this club is changing with the quality product on the field."
"If one out of every thousand cars had a paint problem before and now zero cars have that paint problem, you now know the value of your contribution."
"The bottom line is when you decrease equipment size, you make it more affordable, you decrease its cost, you improve its quality."
"I think they should like maybe cut the shows down but make the shows they do have higher quality, higher standard, and higher prize money."
"The production value has significantly improved."
"But the good ones were better than ever."
"It's like all the fun colors of that era but actual quality."
"If you're looking to take the quality up a notch or five, there's some simple ways that you can easily edit your Instagram videos with just a little bit of extra work to create something that really stands out."
"Things that must change are clear. We have to produce a higher quality product."
"Companies must strive for continuous improvement in quality, efficiency, and cost reduction."
"It's an important strategy to improve quality because it examines how and why events happened."
"Working in home health care gives us the opportunity to improve the quality of care of the patient."
"The music's always been good, but I feel like it has just gone up a notch."
"Toyota was able to reduce the cost and increase the quality of the product because of their focus on elimination of waste."
"It could turn an okay bud into a great bud, and a great bud into a premium quality bud."
"It's about quality and it's about improvement and it's about providers themselves understanding and having that sense of what good quality care looks like."
"They didn't need fixing in that level, they just needed to be scanned in again."
"Six Sigma is a philosophy, a technique which can help organizations to improve the quality of the products that they are offering to the customers."
"The film was rescanned, cleaned up, and resurfaced in HD."
"Tooling proficiency, design quality, and system-specific concepts are categories that help designers level up their craft."
"I cover a lot of LCGs on the channel, and I totally believe that the Arkham Horror core set, for how good it is, the step up in quality to the expansion is significant."
"These trains are a really high step up from the older Legacy nightjet Fleet and are a standard-bearer for quality in Europe."
"The amount of growth that we've seen from the quality of fountain pens from China is just amazing."
"I think anyone that plugs into this is gonna feel like it's, and they know the Kraken, they're going to feel at home but also really enjoy the quality of life improvements and the clean channel."
"Great connectors, I really like using them, way better than the stock connector here, look there's no waterproofing in or anything, this one, rubber, this one, no go."
"It's a really high quality kit, they've really improved the plastics from the 10-2 to the 10-3."
"The PCR serves six functions: continuity of care, legal documentation, administrative information, reimbursement, education, and data collection for continuous quality improvement."
"One thing we have found over continual experience is that sub-steps is definitely the first thing you want to increase to improve quality of cloth especially for stretchiness."
"GM really bumped up their game at some point in the not-too-distant past and really improved their quality of materials and their fit and finish."
"The objective of variables control charts are quality improvement, determine the process capability for decisions in regard to the product specifications."
"The quality of output may improve significantly through group effort."
"We use the water-soluble topping generally on knits, works great on performance wear for increasing the quality."
"Fruit quality tends to improve as a fruit tree matures."
"If you look at the quality of the astro photos... the quality has just gone up tremendously in the last few years."
"The quality gets better and better every season we go."
"I definitely do my due diligence and make sure that all the cars that pass through my hands leave me in much better condition than I found them in."