
Cultural Learning Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"We didn't learn from our grandmothers, we didn't learn from our great-grandmothers, we didn't learn from our mothers. When are we, collectively as Black women, going to stop placing men on a pedestal?"
"Never lose your curiosity, never lose your interest in learning about other cultures."
"That's what travel does, or not travel but just learning other people's cultures."
"When you learn a new language, it's really good to learn about their culture."
"Day number six, you're gonna focus on American culture."
"Talk about getting on your feet and learning and like really going back home and learning culture and perhaps even relocating that personally."
"We've got more to learn from China than we have to teach it."
"The isolated peninsula and its isolated people display just how much we can learn from those living on the edges."
"You become rich when you travel and learn about people's culture."
"In humanity's pre-history, pretty much everybody figured it out unanimously or learned it from a neighboring tribe."
"The brazilians know how to school, would you ever get pumped? Would you be a little scared?"
"Our education started literally at birth, around the fire, learning valuable skills. Western education just teaches you how to be a worker."
"This really is so cool for me because I mean I studied Spanish in school but you know you're only learning the actual grammar and language for so long then once you speak it you're learning things like culture and history."
"Living in the Philippines has taught me patience."
"You are teaching me and inviting me into a world I knew nothing about."
"China has more to teach us than we have to teach them."
"I love museums, you learn something, that's for year two."
"It's really a place to learn and a place that highly recommended when you come to Guatemala it's definitely worth it to come on a Sunday."
"What a great opportunity there from to learn about United States culture."
"Michelangelo believed Christianity could learn a lot from the more matriarchal traditions of Judaism and the Pagan world."
"When training to become a stronger hero, he learns about the ninja in Japan, so he goes there to train with one so he'll be skilled enough to take down all evil in the world."
"It's cool to learn about lunataya and their religion and all that kind of stuff."
"When that many people believe something, it's a good idea to learn what they believe."
"There’s so much we can learn from the diverse cultures, philosophies, and worldviews."
"Freedom of speech was never a religious value, we've learned it from the secular world."
"Representation is just interesting for people... you can learn more about other cultures other history..."
"I hope that the culture as a whole can learn from this and make a positive change."
"Y'all, one of my favorite new Americanisms as we found out in the dialect quiz."
"Traveling for me has always been the School of Life, observing people's ideas, perceptions, and goals."
"Learning a language... changes the posture of how you approach people from that culture."
"Rather than just write it off as hokum, maybe we can learn from them and take the bits that apply to us."
"All sorts of different groups of people had to learn about each other."
"Let us know if there's any other educational videos, is there any other videos that you know we can learn about Tamil or any other part of India that we don't know of?"
"Having a mixed Latino family lets children of other ethnicities learn about different cultures in a way that could happen if the show was just white people being part of a show."
"With the evolution of a species that learns to speak, this genetic mechanism of natural evolution is superseded by the ever genetic mechanism of cumulative and accelerating cultural learning processes."
"These cultural learning abilities are gifted to a cognitive advance, not only in depth but depending on a cognitive advance that is clearly found at the cognitive and social cognitive transition."
"Probably the best way of learning about life in Japan without actually being in Japan."
"I've learned so much about the Yucatan Peninsula and Mayan culture, just from one day spending here and learning about the food."
"There's a lot to learn, I guess, with different cultures and all those things. I guess this is one of the reasons I really love doing videos on Egypt, Peru, and things of sort."
"Listening to Humza, is the evidence for me, of how much we have to learn from the great minds, the great thinkers in the Muslim community."
"Thank you for being my friend and for showing me so much just about this culture and look at us now two years later we're friends we're here we're on the trip of a lifetime."
"I've also enjoyed learning more about the 2000s about Y2K simply because of the conversations that are being had around the album."
"It's fun to learn about new cultures."
"I heard about this celebration and the tradition but I never knew the detail so it's so interesting to learn."
"I lived in Cyprus for over six years but there was one dish I never learned how to bake, and that is a flauna."
"It's amazing how much we've learned from this country."
"If America wants to save itself, they need to learn from the immigrants and their work ethic and their family values."
"They are hard-wired to pick up the skills that are relevant in their culture and in their species."
"I think the biggest thing that a Westerner could learn from Africa is community."
"They learn from so many masters from India, from many places, and they have a lot of knowledge."
"It's about your willingness to learn their culture, to hit the pavement running, and stand by them and learn every piece of their history and being."
"Most first-time visitors really want to learn a lot about the local culture here, especially the Amish."
"It's always good to learn other religions because we're living on Earth with people with different cultures."
"She taught me Australian accent; you gotta like, they talk through their nasal mostly."
"Learning from different cultures is a very, very important thing."
"It's my belief that you can learn a ton from looking at the tales and the stories that people, the common culture, tell each other."
"What can we learn from other cultures, what works in terms of improving quality of life?"
"We can learn from other cultures, indigenous cultures, collectivist cultures, to reframe our relationship with nature and ideas of progress and happiness."
"If you look past that and you try to learn more about these cultures and experiences, it opens up your eyes to more of other people's cultures and what they eat, how they live, and then you try to apply to your life and you just try to become a better person."
"There's much to learn. You're learning about a whole new different culture."
"You know, I could learn so much about the culture."
"Looking at art wasn't just about pleasure; it was always about keeping an open mind and learning more about the culture that you lived in."
"Western action movies need to learn a thing or two from Eastern action."
"Learning something new about a whole culture outside of your own and engaging with it respectfully is the dream."
"We already passed the survival stage, people are looking into not only to fulfill our stomach but the experience, the memories, but also the learning, the culture."
"What a beautiful place, what wonderful people, who learn about the lifestyle that humans can lead."
"Be open to learning new things, culture, the traditions."
"I've learned about the culture via TV shows and movies."
"Learn other cultures because those are going to inform your worldview, and your worldview is really the place from which you should be designing."
"We could have learned a lot from the Thais."
"Every day I learn more about new hobbies and holidays and celebrations."
"The best way to learn about a country is by exploring its cities, not its beaches."
"I'm so excited to be learning about Indonesia and all the food and your culture."
"Learn how to say good morning when you enter somebody's house."
"Until I did a starter job, that's when I realized how important that starter job was because you learn so much about the Canadian culture."
"It's always fun to learn from these different indigenous cultures and combine all that knowledge into a working system."
"It's a great business and there's some fabulous stuff when you learn a lot about culture."
"It is a poor civilization from which we may not learn something to improve our own."
"I think we do have huge amounts to learn from East Asia."
"Learn different cultures, different ways of life."
"I'm here trying to learn, trying to respectfully not ruffle any feathers, learn the language as little as I can, but do it in a respectful way."
"We can learn a lot from other cultures around the world about really great plant-based protein meals and dishes that are delightful."
"I learned so much about Persian culture while reading that book."
"We learned from our Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino patients that the right diet was a diet of rice and vegetables."