
Supportive Relationships Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"I surround myself with authentic and loving people who share my journey of personal growth and awakening."
"You're meant to build each other up, not tear each other down."
"I feel aligned in my life. I feel like I have the right people around me. I feel a lot of love."
"If you want to be the one, be the one that helps him, be the one that respects him."
"I'm always ready to go in whatever direction you take me."
"Real compassion is meeting someone where they are and getting them to the next step on their Journey not yours."
"Surround yourself with people that actually care about you, that's really important too."
"They want to bring you out of that because you do matter and there are going to be good people that come into your life that appreciate you and honor you and value you the way that you absolutely deserve."
"They want to make you feel comfortable, they want to be your safety net."
"You can't say that's a good decision you've made, I'm really proud of you."
"He's so proud of her for wanting to better herself."
"You've got such a big heart for the right people, of course, but your heart, you're so pure it with the intentions."
"You're showing me all your best traits when it comes to this, patient, stoic, optimistic."
"She's educated, she's my queen, she Build Me Up she keeps me going now she's my queen simply amazing simply amazing."
"Encourage and support your purpose - that's a green flag."
"I just want to be somebody you can feel safe talking to."
"Rey reassures Emilia that he will live with her and be there for her."
"Abby's campaign is showing how Abby is able to overcome her problems...Abby would have not been able to change had it not been for Lev and Yara."
"Surround yourself around people that want to see you successful... if you learn this early on success will repeat itself."
"Surround yourself with qualified people who really have your best interests at heart."
"Behind every successful woman is a progressive man."
"I want to help him do that, I want to end that, I don't like that."
"Accepting where somebody's at, meeting them where they're at, and then trying to raise them up."
"Supportive partners don't see you as competition. They're genuinely happy for your achievements."
"He just let me know he loved me... and he just was kind of like, 'You're still you, you're doing a great job.'"
"They want to give you everything, they want to give you emotion, they want to give you the ten of Pentacles."
"Be yourself and be surrounded by those who want to see blossom and or bloom."
"I feel like drag family is kind of just like a best friend kind of thing."
"Cam showed me ways to work harder, he helped me become better as a man."
"I just love how amazing of a motivator you are for yourself as well as for me in other people."
"I know that when I grow into the best version of myself, I will always remember the woman that supported me."
"Many of us don't have real friends, friends that will be there when you're up, friends that will be there when you're down."
"Have you ever had a girl that genuinely gave a [__] about you and helped you out?"
"I'm not here to tell you what to do, I'm just here as a brother to help."
"He's very down to celebrate her victories with her which is so cute."
"I feel like this person helped you kind of get out of the fog. I feel like maybe you were in a point in your life where you were just like, you know what, this is what I'm settling for."
"Real friends lift each other up, they don't put each other down."
"Now I'm not a brother anymore we'll be your brothers Dad."
"Holding space is not giving advice. Create a space where he can share, listen without taking it personally, and ask how you can support him."
"This is what real life is like: love and fun and real support."
"You're helping to open this person up, turning their shadows into something of value."
"You guys are being my Sam in these vlogs and you're helping me grow as a person and develop and become more insightful."
"Nothing is impossible. Stay strong and make sure you surround yourself with good people that you can trust."
"I've seen a man stand up for his wife, which we don't see that much anymore."
"This connection has the magnetism to bring you through whatever situation you're dealing with right now."
"The best thing you can do for a person is give them hope, you become this person's inspiration, you become this person's Muse."
"Our destinies are different, so the things that we need for our destiny, if it's either dragging me behind or helping me move towards my destiny, I'll keep it."
"To have a man who is proud to show you off and accepts you, allows you to fly, he's not interested in clipping your wings, or, you know, limiting you, you know, just allows you to be that person that you want to be."
"I love seeing you grow. I'm so proud of you."
"It's about someone having your best interests."
"Every child who winds up doing well has had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult."
"But I think there are others that adopt a very appropriate relationship to the targets of their giving that allows them to maintain their independence, but does support their work."
"Coach Pickles, our Ally and number one ride or die BFFs forever."
"Affirm the identity, attack the issue, speak life to the person, and come against the real enemy."
"You pull me up when I'm falling down, and I don't know what I would do without you."
"Turn that person into a mentor... truly lift them up in this moment."
"Protect yourself and be around people who are there for you."
"Surround yourself with people who want to see you at your highest and best use."
"I would listen to you talk about literally anything."
"It's what's going to matter the most is finding someone that's going to help apply treatment to them."
"Your feelings are valid because I was a mess yesterday."
"One of my favorites is Anna and Leslie and Parks and Recreation I think that's such a wonderful portrayal of a friendship between two ladies who are supportive of one another and they're not caddy to each other or in competition with each other."
"They can almost act like a friend who sits beside you to give advice."
"True soulmate is someone who wants to support you."
"Caring for your friends counters the enemy's attack."
"Real love is something that actually builds you up. It doesn't tear you down."
"If there ever had been a place for Jerry, Kim would have been the one to provide it to him."
"Find a tribe that understands what you're wanting to do."
"They really feel like they have some input that could help you, they really feel like they could save you."
"Look for one whose goals you'd want to see achieved and would support you in your endeavors."
"I'm blessed to be here, man. I'm proud of you."
"I want to thank God for putting amazing people in my life."
"She wanted to learn how to play Valor with me and I was like okay I'll buy you a gaming PC that's so nice that's such a wholesome moment."
"This person isn't going to try to douse your flames."
"Steve you've taught me so much about life, about the world, about how to stop getting into a break, yeah, you've become a rock to me, an anchor, a touchstone and a punching bag."
"Just start. The hardest part is starting. Thankfully, I had a really supportive boyfriend who literally kicked me in the butt to make videos by buying me the capture card."
"All I do is listen. That could mean a new dependable Ally who's got you back."
"You need friends like that though, that'll keep you in line, huh?"
"You're the ultimate homie, anybody would be so lucky to have you as a friend."
"What I want to do is to find something that gives her a sense of fulfillment."
"I'm super caring, I'm very supportive, you know, if you have dreams and I'm here, I support."
"Recognize that what you want wants you and what you want, you deserve. Align yourself with people and situations that love, support, and care for you."
"She loves running, so I got her winter running gear."
"Your inner circle loves you enough to challenge who you used to be while giving you grace to become."
"I just want to end it with you Justin to say how proud I am of your courage."
"If they're not supportive, then you probably just need to let them go."
"Because you have seen and been through so much, you are going to be that much more loving and giving to the people around you."
"You want me to have the best things in life. You bless my family, friends, pastors, and Associates for my sake."
"I just feel like we need more just supportive friendships."
"It's more about... making sure that you're in a good space as well."
"Your person's emotionally sensitive to you and your feelings, which is really nice."
"Surround yourself by the kind of people who are going to lift you higher instead of keep you firmly stuck in place."
"Choosing the right person to support you diminishes the pain."
"You have new beginnings, someone's trying to bear for you."
"Having that partner feels like a superpower."
"Release burdens, overcome challenges, and embrace the loyal support of a true companion."
"It's important to keep people around you that are good."
"He's a good guy... hopefully he listens to you."
"Drake really calling Serena Williams husband a groupie like he wasn't in the crowd at the games looking like a pro father."
"Your responsibility as a friend is to be a friend."
"Your true friends are happy when good things happen to you, not them."
"I love ya kid. You know I do… but this place.. it’s not for you… get off this rock, go live a life you deserve to live… I’ll always be proud of you."
"Just being able to talk to him and see him with a clear mind... it showed me where I needed to be."
"She needs some confidence, needs to hang out with the pirate lady."
"A woman on your team, your biggest fan, your greatest teammate."
"Let's strive to surround ourselves with people who contribute to our tranquility."
"Your path to success may be a lonely one, but the universe will send new people to fill your life with joy."
"Questioning whether something is good and asking for people's advice and finding people around you that are honest that will give you their honest opinion is invaluable."
"I used to think I'd never fit in, but Jack, he didn't mind my weirdness. He kept telling me I was special."
"Encouragement should be the fruit of accompaniment."
"Get around people who are willing to nurture you and help you build."
"I'll never quit on you if you don't quit trying."
"It really took someone to love me more than I could love myself at that moment."
"Like, if I had said, 'I think I want to build rockets and go to Mars,' she should've been like, 'I don't know how to do that, but I bet if you get a couple of magazines, you could figure it out.'"
"Damn okay, all I know is that I wasn't alone for the first time in my life, I wasn't scared of nothing."
"The man who would prop you up and treat you amazing could be your king."
"Find someone who praises with you, not against you."
"He's really good about being like 'hey it's okay you have all these things you have to do today'."
"If you have somebody that love you and is pushing you to do good, please just go ahead and do the good."
"Surround yourself with people who challenge you, inspire you, and push you to be your best."
"Two souls hugging each other, helping each other heal from their battle wounds."
"This is good energy, it's kind of like always there in a supportive kind of way but not in a pushy way."
"Helping yourself is surrounding yourself with people who you trust and who are on your team."
"They're trying to send you signs and synchronicities around the people that are going to help you thrive not just survive."
"I would rather watch you thrive than watch you struggle."
"I don't just stand behind him; I pray for him, I cover him, I watch his back."
"I just see your mindset, and I just want to say I'm super proud of you, and you are quite literally a warrior lion right now."
"Thank you for believing in me, thank you for being here, thank you for supporting me no matter what."
"The stability to have an unbelievable family, unbelievable kids, a nice girlfriend, and nice friends, I think this is my power."
"Heal from childhood wounds and surround yourself with uplifting people."
"This is somebody who wants to come in and get you out of this mental entanglement."
"Make sure on your quest to becoming great that you're keeping people around you that are transparent in their communication and want nothing but the best for you."
"Are you committed to helping them achieve their goals not the potential you think they have not the goals you project onto them not the life you think they could lead but are you committed to helping achieve their goals."
"One thing that made my boss great was that he always had my back."
"It's the people that show up during the bad times."
"But if I was your sister, I'd be like, 'Babe, even if you're not ready to leave, start preparing.' Like, that's so... By the time you're ready to leave, you're out and you're done and it's a wrap."
"You're going to be able to see who your true soul mate is. And when I say soul mate, I mean someone who's going to show up for you and unconditionally support you."
"Lee: 'I'll always be there to get my friends back.'"
"Love yourself, surround yourself with people that love you."
"Their energy raises to you because they're in need of this help."
"Remember who your friends are, remember who's looking out for you."
"I just sent that out, she was the perfect person to have along because she actually did help make sense of that for me."
"I'm excited that they're going to have good banter and help each other out be a positive influence in each other's lives."
"It’s okay Bruce. It’s what I’m supposed to do."
"Thank you for being who you are and as supportive as you are."
"The mirror of reality is like a loyal friend who always validates your beliefs."
"Submission it's a military word like it it speaks of order this is God's desire for us and when we read it in context we understand that it's actually a safe word and there's Freedom found in submission."
"Ultimately, man, like I said, I appreciate Jimmy for being who he was when I needed him the most."
"I want a beautiful wedding filled with love, the people who really genuinely support my relationship, my union."
"Stop falling in love with people's potential. If you're gonna love somebody, love them for them, good, bad, ugly, and pray for them."
"I genuinely like your [__] bro. Keep it going, man. That's all because of you, bro. I'm proud of you bro."
"That's what I want to do for you. That's what I am committed to doing."
"I love him that much. I want to make note to a man that's been there for me."
"I was really lucky to be able to stand by her side these last few months and help her in her weakest moments."
"When a man has the right woman, she brings rest into his life."
"Thank you for being part of the swamp family and thank you for being here for me."
"I'm really happy to be going with you, and I'm really proud of you."
"They have that sort of mentality where they want to empower you."
"You've gotta be around people that care about you as much as you care about yourself."
"Your family is more important than anything. I just want the best for you."
"This person is aligning with your highest good."
"They support your dreams and your passions as well which I think is really obviously very vital and very crucial."
"Nothing brings a room together quite like a well-placed rug."
"All that you can want as a man is a woman who supports you."
"You really take me into spaces of Discovery, and you help me as much as I help you."
"We all need somebody looking out for us from time to time."
"Surround yourself with good people, and it's going to be okay."
"He's always been very supportive of my career and I just love that about him."
"Anxiety, fear, or sadness can only be cured... by you creating a safe place for yourself surrounded by people that you love."
"After that, I knew Sam Mitchell had my back for the rest of the year."
"I can't tell you how proud I am to be here with you and to do this you have been such a light in my life."
"I'm enjoying life again it's a good thing and you're a big part of that casey thank you thank you."
"Look for who supports your career... dating from that wholeness space."
"Talking about my problems is honestly one of my favorite ways to really get out my stress and get the feedback from people I trust."
"The overwhelming truth is that we are friends, allies, and support systems for the women in our lives."
"I'm filled with joy, I'm filled with love in my heart, I'm surrounded by good people."
"When you are a loving and safe presence for people who struggle, you are more trustworthy."
"surround yourself with people who will love you"
"Let me heal them and you be patient enough to let me do the process."
"They believed Chad had already prepared Emma for this moment."
"Be yourself and be surrounded by those who want to see your growth."
"You deserve to have people around you who value you for being you."
"Yo, real talk though, there is nothing, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a wife that makes substantially more money than you. Why not? 2021, bro. There's nothing wrong. Bro, let that queen treat you right."
"He's not a genie, He's a person who wants to help you be the very best you can be."
"Every time you acknowledge when things go well for people around you, this will remind your brain that it is possible for things to go well for you as well."
"Surround yourself with people that are going to build you up."
"[Pearl: Everything I do, I do it for her, I do it for him! Steven: Don’t forget about yourself, Pearl! Pearl: I do it for me!]"
"I feel like everyone needs a Jonah in their life."
"The right people, your soul tribe, are gravitating towards you."
"Quality of friends over quantity... it's about having friends that are there for you."
"It was nice and I don't have to go through everything alone."
"Be super self-aware, be very skeptical of your own feelings, and also stay close to people who you know and trust and who love you."
"Surround yourself with people that support you."
"Sisterhood, friendship, allies, compatible souls, loyalty, joy, delight."
"Sometimes our flaws or mental illness that we have to learn to adapt our lives and behaviors around; the most we can do is keep trying and apologize when we fail, knowing our friends and family will always support us."
"When that door's locked, I am depressed and I am afraid, and well, you just make it a bit more tolerable."
"I thank God for you coming into my life because I come from a family of karmics, and to meet someone like you who needs do, and I got you in my life, I know you got my best interest, I know you got my back."
"Trust me, this is your calling." - Jim, the clown, encouraging Bella
"Somebody that you care about is struggling right now."
"I want to be someone who can support you behind your back, someone you can lean on when you are tired, someone you can be pampered by."