
Modernism Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"Modernism sealed its own fate; it contained within it the seeds for its very own destruction."
"There's sort of two large factions that exist within the world of Islam right now... On the one hand, you've got modernists or humanist Muslims... And then on the other side, you've got a very large, very powerful, very well-funded group who we broadly call Islamists."
"We're moving from modernism to post-modernism."
"Women clearly do not want modernism when it comes to dating."
"Modernist painters like Jackson Pollock or Pete Mondrian went even further creating works that didn't even aspire to be representations of objects at all."
"Revolution raged all throughout the 20th century in the Catholic Church, and then of course there was the massive modernist coming out party that took place in the 1960s."
"We have to become modernists rather than reactionaries in order to actually deal with modernity as such."
"A central error of modernism is the belief that truth can change over time."
"Eiffel Tower: an early version of the modernist credo that form follows function."
"Modernists want to have their way and they sell you error by simply wrapping it in what sounds like Orthodox teaching."
"...we're moving into an age with this understanding of cosmology and physics and the high frequency light we are blending science and spirituality now..."
"What is modernism? The synthesis of all heresies."
"It's in any case a reactionary modernism it's a future with like patriarchal macho stormtroopers jetting around in jet packs."
"Our buildings should reflect the best of our era and our country."
"Nietzsche was actually very influential on the trend of modernism."
"It's no traditional office block, it's truly monumental."
"So it's really a conversation between the past and the present and between kind of neoclassicism and high monumental modernism."
"Modern architecture doesn't want to fit in; it wants to stand out."
"What Stieglitz was driving at was a new vision for a modern world, to teach America to see."
"Stieglitz gave pioneer American moderns their first public recognition."
"The other Frost, not the simple, familiar, monumental Frost but the Frost who is a modernist poet who begins writing in London, is really quite as cosmopolitan, quite as learned as Pound and Eliot at this moment."
"Modernism is about breaks with tradition, celebrating aesthetic values beyond simple realism. It's about embracing new tools and techniques to explore what's possible, whether it's in architecture, painting, or food."
"Postmoderns relate to moderns the way romantics related to the great scientific figures of the Enlightenment."
"Most of the interior design that we see today and that we also have gripes about stem from the school of modernism."
"Bit by bit, he established a properly modern pictorial composition."
"Come with a bold approach to roof Design This ten thousand seat stadium in Georgia pushes a modern look and feel while retaining classic ballpark features."
"Joyce’s Ulysses and Eliot’s The Waste Land will always be connected as long as Modernist literature is read."
"Modernist Architects believe in making things new. Making things new doesn't mean you can't take inspirations."
"Pound's slogan, 'make it new,' a kind of motto for modernism; it's important to hear that injunction, to 'make it new,' as a specifically historical mission to revive and transmit the past in a living way."
"He is a major poet... one of the great poets of the 20th century connected with the modernist movement."
"If I'm viewing this whole so the idea is you're not enlightened enough you're not yet yeah all modern all modernism all the turns are are wrong turns."
"...here's this Fierce modernist one of the greatest sculptors of the 20th century living on his own and creating metal friends for himself to keep him company."
"Our towns and cities... there's hardly one that has not been ruined by at least one strategically placed modernist building."
"The most striking element of modernist poetry is the invention and experimentation of new modes new modes of expression."
"The main enemies of the church are the modernist clergy, and they're good guys. This is the problem. They're nice guys like Bishop Fellay, but he's a hopeless modernist."
"Art mirroring wild times, celebrating Europe's modern dynamism."
"One mark of this emergence of Cinema as a fully recognized independent art form was when movies were understood to enter the museum, earning the status that more traditional art forms had."
"Movies themselves were now asserting themselves as a modernist art, embodying the complexity, nuance, and skepticism of high modernism at the turn of the 20th century."
"Directors like Kurosawa, Ingmar Bergman, and Fellini began to create films with the complexity and skepticism characteristic of the modernist movement."
"Art is just ... 'cause then the modernists came along, and like, you know, Duchamp, he just wrote, you know like ... He just wrote R. Mutt on a toilet," and it's like, okay, now that's what everyone's trying to do."
"And as we come out of this era and this new era of religious populism, America begins a quick ascent into modernism as we finish off the 1800s."
"The big picture of liberalism is this: liberalism is Christianity's accommodation to modernism."
"Usually I'm not a fan of big modern architecture boxes in major cities I think it so it takes away from the charm it takes away from the character but in Oslo it's different."
"Just having well-made things... kind of been an icon of modernism."
"The legacy of modernism in our so-called postmodern age has brought us to a crucial moment in history prompting a lot of uncomfortable questions."
"The instant clarity of Dieter's designs clearly obeys the modernist mantra that form should follow function."
"Pope Francis realizes that the only effective resistance to the modernist remake of Catholic Doctrine morals and liturgy is coming from this zealous minority who have shown every sign of burgeoning numbers and influence."
"The difficult thing is to keep one's own; it is always easy to be a modernist."
"The natural trajectory of modernism may very well be the postmodernism that arose in the latter half of the 20th century."
"The reason why the Society of St. Pius X is now on the verge of leading the priests, their own priests, and there are many thousands of people back to the modernists is because they fail to take the right position."
"Survivals and echoes of modernism continue to resonate through contemporary art, evolving but maintaining the ideals of the movement."
"Modernism started to infect the world and then through you universities it was through the universities through universities you go to back to France right here."
"Modernism is not a style. It's a way of thinking. It's a way of reinventing and abstracting. And so it's much more open-ended."
"Architecture's inherent value is in the ideas about how people live, having natural light, having space, a lot of those issues are intrinsic to modernism."
"Erasure was a very, very important part of late 20th-century modernist thinking."
"Modern does not mean contemporary, it's a departure from classicism."
"Finally, in the end, it's about this: the birth of modernism."
"France was really the biological mother of modernism, that's where modernism was born."
"Part of Pius the Tenth's effort to extinguish modernism and uphold tradition was the institution of the famous oath against modernism."
"These artists had so often been thought of separately...we realized we were dealing with what effectively was a sort of laboratory of modernism being created."
"James Joyce's Ulysses is generally thought of today as the greatest work of modern English literature"
"...the overall style is not quite as modernist as what we see in the new Nissan Altima."
"The new wave movement combined the functionalism of the Bauhaus, energy of constructivism, and the rigor of Swiss modernism."
"The architecture of this house very clean lines very um it's actually a very modern contemporary house."
"We are definitely into the realm of modernism."
"It's going to be organized and kind of controlled by the artists who are making this movement happen."
"Nobody doubts that post-impressionism, we are definitely into the realm of modernism."
"Modernism attempts to go beyond the limits of mundane, materialistic values to a more refined, elegant way of thinking, behaving, learning, and expressing oneself."
"His use of spatialization... like what some of the European modernists like Carl and Stockhausen were doing."
"To each art or to each period its art, to the art its freedom."
"They influenced the greatest modern artists of all time; they are very, very sought after."
"It's a fantastic piece; it's an abstract modern head with bened dots."
"We really are modern and we are updating modernism as others have before us."
"He is the one who started the whole modern movement of existentialism."
"This is architecture of industry: functional, rational, and streamlined."
"The great deception of modernism is that the laws of nature are explanations of the phenomena of nature; they are not, they're only descriptions."
"I just love the looks of this thing, it kind of has that very Bauhaus, a little bit more modern in its approach."
"Modernism is a very precise architecture. It has to be kept pristine and so making them back to how they were, it shows off his art essentially."
"In order to achieve the aesthetic modern, you have to keep the space open."
"The Bauhaus program meant the rethinking of every manufactured object, not just buildings."
"You'll also find platform beds are really big in the mid-century modern as well as Scandinavian design."
"He's a modernist, he believes that people should have freedom of speech, allowed to do what they want, be able to express themselves."
"In 1910, the Austrian architect Adolph Loos wrote a hugely influential essay titled ‘Ornament and Crime’, in which he called for the rejection of all ornament in architecture."
"Picasso's paintings took on a less lifelike quality, what some call his 'modernist period'."
"To me, Millet, not Manet, is that essential modern painter who opened the horizon to many."
"The test of a great building is the ability to handle relevant art of the 20th century."
"Unlike all of its neighbors, it's stripped of all ornament, and Mies is already pulling out a kind of essential order out of that building."
"Most people believe the Seagram building was one of the great buildings of our time."
"The church is not at a dead end, modernism maybe."
"The essence of The Row's brand in one term, I think it would be modernism."
"Poetry and lyricism achieved by modern techniques."
"Scarpa is the granddaddy of that movement which you can see all over Europe now and elsewhere."
"His music is like that, basically it follows this remarkable trajectory from proto-Chopin to total modernism."
"A personal, wholly personal, unique modernism based on mystical chords and crazy harmonies."
"My design style is modernism with warmth and character."
"The symbolism of the decoration suits the function perfectly; the postal Savings Bank building is uncompromisingly modern, practical."
"Its conceptual creative radicalism points the way to modernism."
"This city, the capital of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, captivates the senses with its impressive modernist architecture, golden beaches, and rich culinary offerings."
"The Bauhaus was responsible for a totally different design aesthetic from which we all benefit today."
"Modernism is a lively topic again because we want to think about questions of globality, diaspora, and to remap modernism in other places."
"The Zen aspect of Japanese design... was really important to the development of modern design."
"The modern writers, if you think of Beckett or you think of Joyce, they're deep understanding of both pattern and abstraction."
"Modern design entered the American home not through the front door but by way of the kitchen, bathroom, and garage."
"Modernism means style versus styles."
"Impressionism changed the rules forever about what painting is and what painting should be, which is why so many people regarded it as the first modern movement."
"He is noted as a modernist writer and he is celebrated for his experimental use of language."
"It was heavily inspired by Bauhaus, which was becoming very popular at the time."
"That kind of modernism can be a happy making place, too."
"The Rite of Spring was the high-water mark of musical modernism."
"He only worked with the mechanical reproducible machined material to capture the spirit of a new age."
"Maholi Naj was radically reworking the printed page based on a new modernist aesthetic."
"This was the moment when... even if Delacroix himself did not recognize that he was a break with the past and this stepping stone into modernism."
"That's what drove the modernism of Ansel Adams. This stuff is spectacular to look at and especially the way Adams handled tones."
"Man Without Qualities is usually mentioned in one breath with James Joyce's Ulysses and Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time."
"Salvagepunk is not postmodern: it is a modernist project never fully started."
"He is considered one of the founders of modernism in theater."
"Fauvism was a huge influence on what was to follow in the 20th century."
"Bacon is painting portraiture in a way that has never been done before."
"There is perhaps no other collector who defined the ethos of the modern era quite like William S. Paley."
"Embodying the spirit of modernism and unbound innovation."
"Finally, this building has a cutting-edge style that will be the envy of the world over."
"This was the last of the modernista houses to be built in Reus, and with that, it was the largest and one might say the most impressive."
"I like modernism, I like bright clear colors, I hate dull colors and gray colors."
"The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism."
"Modern art to me is nothing more than the expression of contemporary aims."
"His signature brush strokes, expressive hues, and rich impasto launched the art world into modernism."
"This simplification to abstraction is quintessentially modern, modern yet primal, a celebration of the sheer joy of life."
"The Level Beach House was one of the first modern houses on the west coast of the United States."
"Modernism believes in human achievement and human betterment through knowledge and self-improvement."
"America actually believed that it was a culture of the modern."
"Modernism is that movement which leads up to the moment."
"But I think there are, there have been some great women modernist writers."
"The mid-century was truly a time when architecture struck a balance between form and function."
"Sometimes artists use that name 'composition' as the title of their artwork, particularly in 20th century and contemporary art."
"Behind this low-key facade are classic Bauhaus innovations."
"For the first time in American architecture, both exterior and interior walls are completely flush."
"It's really a museum of modern design."
"All contributed significantly to the developments that led to modernism."
"Taking a moment to look at the arts and crafts objects and consider its writings and its ideas lets us see amazing things and appreciate how they push design into a new kind of modern aesthetic."
"Make it new was the dictum that Ezra Pound held out as defining literature that could matter formally, aesthetically, innovatively."
"New urbanism is very much a modernist project, had its origins in the 17th century, the Age of Reason, 18th century age of Enlightenment."
"Simplicity and devotion... serve as an inspiration to all in a world continually striving towards modernism."
"Housing brings so much, and right up to Gropius and Corbusier, housing was essential to an architectural practice."
"Whatever area decides to be your favorite, all of them have either homes or buildings that are a part of many annual modernism tours, including celebrity homes from the city attracting Hollywood stars since the 1920s."
"It's characterized by the use of steel, reinforced concrete, wide windows, uninterrupted interior spaces, simple lines, and strict geometric form."
"By 1911, Paul Klee was not only a fully fledged painter but an intellectually formed modern artist."
"Contemporary architectural taste tends towards simplicity and deliberately avoids the elaborative decorative elements."
"Modernism... sought to create a new style based on the capabilities of new materials: steel, glass, and concrete."
"Modernism may be seen as an attempt to reconstruct the world in the absence of God."
"It's so unusual and exactly my style, like 60s modernism—so simple and elegant but totally quirky too."
"The transcendently beautiful Luckhardt chair, the apex of all possible cantilevered chrome tubular steel European modernist sensibility construction."
"Often cited as evidence of Liszt’s modernism is the beginning of the Faust Symphony, which contains all twelve notes of the chromatic scale in order."
"It's light, it's bright, it's mid-century modern cool."
"One of the differences between modernism and postmodernism is that the modernist uses objective measures to look at something and decide if it's better or worse than the thing that came before it."
"When I look at this painting, I'm transported to Paris and to that time when so many Latin American artists traveled to Europe to develop their own styles and to contribute to the story of modernism."
"The philosophy of this house is 'Less is more'."
"Postmodernism could be seen as a reaction to the failings of modernism, a phenomenon that emerges from crisis."
"It must be conceived within the spirit of our times and be made with the techniques and materials best suited to the expression of man's life in the modern world."
"What Eliot conveys isn't linked or rather limited to his modernist context."
"Machine age to her was an engine to move modernism from the margins into the mainstream."
"It's a flexible cantilevered surface; it has almost everything you would want from a modernist piece of furniture: it's tubular steel, it's cantilevered, and it's adjustable."
"It's both a very romantic work but it's also anchored in what was going on in Europe at the time in terms of the beginnings of cubism and futurism."
"What made this modernist spirit more challenging than ever was the presence of wars and conflict and violence."
"Once we reach modernism, much of this coherence seems to break down."
"He conveys the uneasy transition from Victorianism to modernism."
"Each voice in the modernist period could be identified as being distinctly individual."
"Modernist literature was not about what we see; it was rather about how one sees and how one understands."
"Modern art movements are very much like foreign languages."
"Modernism was very destructive; it was very narrowly focused on getting modern roads built, getting comprehensive development done, and it didn't pay very much attention to the people themselves."
"Modern and contemporary for sure."
"Pablo Picasso, the most outstanding figure of 20th-century modern painting, was born in the fall of 1881 in Spain."
"If modernism has a kind of exclusionary aesthetics, Rauschenberg is going to be radically inclusive in his painting processes."
"The essence of modernism lies in the use of characteristic methods of a discipline to criticize the discipline itself."
"Modernism includes more than just art and literature; it includes almost the whole of what is truly alive in our culture."
"The essence of modernism lies in the use of the characteristic methods of a discipline to criticize the discipline itself."
"...the late work gestures toward a never quite realized vision for the future of modern painting based on beauty, fashion, and happiness."
"Modernism has never meant anything like a break with the past. It may mean a devolution, but it also means a continuation."