
AI Research Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Less hype, less anti-hype, less tweets on how there's too much hype in AI, and more solid research."
"The goal of AI research is to continue to expand the range of tasks that computers can handle so they can keep surprising us."
"Figuring out how to make machine learning secure against an adversary who wants to interfere with it is one of the most important things researchers today could solve."
"At the time of Tetris' creation, Pajitnov was an artificial intelligence researcher working for the Soviet Academy of Sciences, one of the few Soviet organizations with contact to the outside world."
"Well, it turns out that this was the best decision I've ever made because it led me to join one of a handful of labs in the world that were doing research on an AI technology known as artificial neural networks."
"So there's a very active area of research now using the Self-Attention models for less auto-regressive generation."
"We're going to learn a lot about how the human brain works by looking at how neural networks work."
"Generating cool images and getting a sense of what features networks are looking at."
"You can patent anything you want, you can make research papers all you want with AI. But it doesn't mean it's real."
"As the direction of research goes game environments are a really wonderful place to actually conduct AI research."
"Building AI helps us understand the mysteries of our own minds."
"They want OpenAI's long-standing practice of making AI research and technology available to the public."
"The field of consciousness is a singularity that is the singularity everyone's looking for in AI."
"I think the next wave of research is going to be with less data not just less human not just with less label data but also with a lot of weak supervision and where you can increase the learning rate."
"Explaining AI aids scientific discovery, distinct from other purposes."
"I think the Turing test is no longer the right way to channel research in AI."
"We've seen a lot of progress today in self-supervised learning."
"Our goal in all of this isn't really about beating humans at Dota; our goal is to push the state of the art in reinforcement learning."
"I have this view that as a neuroscientist that this journey we're embarked on with AI will be is the most fascinating journey one can ever take scientifically."
"Researchers at MIT and Harvard are using artificial intelligence to weed through this."
"We're going to be using GPT researcher to answer questions on the latest fields of science and provide citations if we ask it to."
"Scaling laws for neural language models... you get basically a straight line and the line is not leveling off over a range of several orders of magnitude."
"Google's saying hang on there guys, google told its scientists to strike a positive tone in AI research documents."
"Our goal is to build roughly human level automated alignment researcher we can then use vast amounts of computer scale our efforts and of course OpenAI has planned to build human level AI by 2027 and then scale up super intelligence."
"Recent research also raises doubts about the utility of simply scaling context since they find uneven attention distributions in large context models."
"Another interesting thing they present in this paper is a deep fake detection algorithm by projecting these images back into the latent space."
"What we want to show today is that Tesla is much more than an electric car company, that we have deep AI activity."
"Meta had a paper called Cicero where they took eight language models and got them to check each other's work, outperformed humans in the game of diplomacy."
"This AI found 2.2 million candidate new materials... the equivalent of 800 years of human research."
"I've got a lot of optimism that we can do this, but it needs a lot more people, a lot more great researchers joining that effort."
"Our leadership in AI research and infrastructure and our global product footprint position us well for the next wave of innovation."
"This is an extraordinary time to be an AI researcher."
"Solving the biggest problems with cutting-edge AI research and improving the lives of billions of people."
"Google's AI research teams are changing everything in this space with generative AI foundation models."
"AI researchers must find ways to make AI systems robust and able to tackle everyday problems."
"AI researchers should strive to build something that can reason more powerfully and display more brilliant inventiveness."
"The latest advances in AI research are truly amazing and make this all possible."
"That's why I think CLIP has created a pretty big leap forward in quite a few areas such as image classification."
"Apple's new AI model is a big advancement in the AI field, providing an innovative, efficient language model."
"Elucidating the nature and mechanisms of AI systems such as GPT-4 is a formidable challenge that has suddenly become important and urgent."
"Graph neural networks are one of the hottest research fields in the deep learning community at the moment."
"We are honored that the International Research Center for Artificial Intelligence saw the value in AI solution."
"AI is the best chance that we have in finding it out by making testable theories."
"In Orca 2, we continue exploring how improved training signals can enhance smaller LMs' reasoning abilities."
"AI alignment is difficult like rockets are difficult."
"It's hard to overstate just how influential the AlexNet paper has been."
"We're a small team of engineers and scientists spread across Facebook AI research in Menlo Park and London."
"Alec Radford is a research scientist at OpenAI."
"The ImageNet competition created this large repository of labeled data that was required to do these challenges."
"It is very exciting to be entering the field of science of intelligence and studying AI today."
"One of the key contributions of reinforcement learning as we study it in AI is that it has really bridged this silo."
"The goal of self-supervised learning is to learn equally good, if not even better, features without supervision."
"The video talks about a recent research paper by Microsoft research explores the potential of AI systems to improve themselves without human intervention."
"Contrastive learning really pushes the state of the art of self-supervised representation learning."
"If I want to solve AI, I think it's worth it to explore more general purpose methods."
"Backprop has been really the workhorse of the amazing successes of deep learning."
"This is a real important point: it was able to get state of the art results with far less compute time than previous methods."
"I am a research engineer at the Allen Institute for artificial intelligence in Seattle."
"This exploration of capabilities is where this multimodal model truly does shine."