
Hype Quotes

There are 795 quotes

"Less hype, less anti-hype, less tweets on how there's too much hype in AI, and more solid research."
"With much hype we just had the announcement of 'Crimson Desert' by Pearl Abyss."
"The possible effects of overhype of deep learning and artificial intelligence can be very dangerous."
"Your superpower in life is knowing yourself and not listening to all the hype."
"The hype train kind of like snowballed a bit."
"This film really deserving of its next-level hype and game-changer status."
"It won Automobile Magazine's 2012 car of the year award, it garnered well over $600 million dollars in start-up capital and it was heralded as the car that would bury Tesla, but then it died. Both with a bang and a whimper. It's the most over-hyped car in the world."
"Quantum computing is a little bit like cryptocurrency or deep learning, where there is a core of something that is genuinely revolutionary and exciting, and because of that core, it attracts a vast penumbra of... utterly ridiculous claims."
"It was over hyped and now it’s over hated, but really hype and hate aren’t so very different, and neither are especially helpful."
"I don’t know if hype can be objectively measured. But I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that Cyberpunk was probably the most eagerly anticipated video game in history."
"Using a product that is intentionally inferior...solely based on taste and hype rather than actual efficacy."
"Hype makes you stupid, and I would never stoop so low as to be hyped over something."
"I'm looking forward to testing that, to see how big the hype is."
"They are hype statements designed to excite the backers."
"I always hate to say Quantum Computing is overhyped because it genuinely is groundbreaking technology with revolutionary uses, but at the same time it’s a topic cluttered with bad and superficial explanations."
"It's on a cover of Forbes Magazine January issue... no one ever heard of it... and now it's living up to the hype."
"The gp1 hype is as overextended as the AI hype cycle."
"The hype levels for this shoe are off the charts."
"The hype is real, dude! Yeah, that's all it is, guys. We are not looking for anything else but Loot Lake expansion right now."
"I think AI and m/l are overhyped relative to how far I think they're gonna go."
"The raw hype from this alone I think makes it the best reveal in the series and as a result is number one in S plus tier."
"Expectations are very high with this game we all kind of know that it's probably the most hyped game I've ever experienced."
"The future of gaming starts right here, right now."
"Believe your own hype, and if you don't have that messiah hype, I want you to [ __ ] create it."
"Few shows have ever hyped up a bad guy quite like Avatar hyped up the Fire Lord."
"We are complicit in the hype cycle for sure."
"From a marketing point of view, these films were expertly timed and rode the wave of the hype over the last few books perfectly."
"Nakamoto games had one of the craziest runs... hype trumps a lot of things."
"That was a get hyped moment, that was such a good hype moment."
"Attack on Titan: This series has never been more worthy of the hype than it is right now."
"If there was ever a time that they just wanted to capture the hype... do you know how like this [ __ ] was trending on Twitter, it was trending on YouTube, it was trending everywhere?"
"Octane, he's hyped. Statistically a phenom in that game one, putting up LeBron-like numbers. Unreal performance, man."
"I feel like a lot of these players generate ridiculous hype."
"The hype around Overwatch was insane. 2015 could not come soon enough."
"It lived up to absolutely every single bit of the hype."
"Looks like derpcoin is going to the moon here right how do we buy derpcoin then?"
"Something I just really appreciate and I feel like this is like a love song to this book but it's really living up to all the hype I wanted it to."
"Not everything needs to specifically contribute to hype."
"They've surpassed the hype; God of War Ragnarok will hit you like a bifrost blast."
"It lived up to the hype, guys, I don't know what I could say, it lived up to the hype."
"You gotta love the hype train for what it is."
"I think we're in a little bit of a blockchain bubble right now mostly because people are really more hyped on the notion of the value being created than they are actually creating value."
"Ah, the hype is real! US chance coming out of the crowd for some reason."
"Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn launched in 2013 to a decent amount of hype."
"If you've been craving some pure and simple unadulterated shonen hype, they don't come much hyper than The God of High School."
"It's so frustrating to me that content creators will be so halfhazard with their recommendations and encouraging people to get hyped."
"Big content updates carry so much weight to a product because of all the hype they can give."
"That's an exclusive leak, this is so lit, guys!"
"AirPods - have just gotten that much more hype."
"I honestly think Nvidia has done AMD the biggest favor ever because they've created this huge amount of hype for next-generation GPUs."
"Toyota has developed one hell of a sports car with the new Supra it lives up to the hype you get from super"
"Surely the lesson here is not to get on the hype train in the first place."
"Stop hyping it up. Stop ginning up hysteria."
"If we treat storytelling like a cake, the plot structure, the characters, whether or not it's all makes sense and is consistent, that's like the cake itself."
"All the hype and pizzazz of a major Hollywood premiere with none of the associated limo fees."
"This is really, really good. It lives up to all the hype."
"He was supposed to be the future, present, past, everything of English football."
"You want to be able to trade the hype but not let the hype trade you."
"She deserves the [ __ ] hype. She is just as dope in real life."
"This game is worthy of the hype it has generated."
"I feel like Uzi's you know everybody gotta had his track... amped at number five."
"They have infinitely more hype on them from the pro players, from the fans, and from their actual accomplishments."
"Distancing yourself from the hype is crucial."
"He isn't perfect, but can I say that the hype was warranted? For me, yes, it totally was."
"Never before in my life have I seen something so hyped become so universally criticized and downright despised."
"The reason why hype can be bad for games is because sometimes people's expectations become greater than what the game ever could be."
"In some ways it can be a revolution but in a lot of ways it's overhyped."
"I'd say yes, give it a try. You might enjoy it. All MMOs are fun during launch week hype anyway, and with this one being free to play, you've got nothing to lose in trying it for yourself."
"The Ruby hype train has no brakes. It's off the rails."
"Travis Scott sneaker hype was at a next level because when these were releasing, it was just like bots destroying everything."
"If that doesn't get you hyped up, I don't know what will."
"But damn, people who doubt the hype or excitement for next-gen, I'm telling you, man."
"Artificial intelligence is very important, but there's also a lot of crazy hype on the subject. Artificial intelligence is not going to cure cancer." - Charlie Munger
"Gear five: the latest form that has been hyped up to no end... gear five is coming."
"So many people are gonna be hyped for Rekkles versus Uzi, two of the biggest bot lay stars in the entire world."
"When there's hype, people can make a lot of money."
"It was just crazy and everybody was super hyped about it."
"They got hyped up way too fast before, now they're just kind of struggling to come back."
"Believe the hype and allow Xbox to power your dreams."
"Look at this impartially, ladies and gentlemen, don't get too caught up in the hype."
"This has probably been one of the hottest palettes this year and it is so worth the hype."
"So much of us have really come to expect each new thing to drop just like bombshell after bombshell after bombshell."
"Are you effing kidding me right now? This is what everyone's been making such a big freaking deal about?"
"WWE certainly added fuel to this too promoting the encounter as a dream match."
"The hype is real, and you can look for this ride to be added to the list of the world's top indoor coasters."
"This matchup, it has to be the best matchup of all time."
"It's truly hard to put into words just how much hype Neymar had back in the early 2010s."
"Teases can be such a cool way of getting you hyped and selling you on a movie without spoiling the entire [__] thing."
"The mellow era is here. The boy is here. No discussion."
"Believe the hype, Marvel Spider-Man 2 delivers on all fronts."
"In the electric car world, Tesla gets all the hype in the media."
"I think about all this and I try so hard and I just can't give a [ __ ] yeah there's just no hype for it and there's nothing there's no hype for any of this stuff."
"It's important for us to evaluate these things with a level head... not just buy into the hype."
"The hype is good as long as you sell at the hype."
"Are these cars overhyped or are they just overpriced?"
"Elon Musk seems to be on the same train to some degree with all the hype he's giving it."
"These people attacked me, yeah, and then the problem is right, they hype up everything."
"The results of this event are absolutely insane."
"I guess all press is good press and it looks like this shoe is more hyped up than it was even just a couple weeks ago."
"The hype levels are very high and it's easy to see why."
"This is a step closer, and GameStop is really hype."
"I hope we see it because like I said, Speed's been hyped up for like, as you said, like a really long time."
"It's like revolutionizing, everyone said that."
"I really felt like it wasn't just hype there was some follow through on a lot of this stuff."
"Agents of Mayhem 2 would be the sequel that blows everyone's mind."
"Michael Buffer describes this as a match that's bigger than any title trophy or championship belt."
"It's definitely one of the best fights that we've ever put on... there's nothing I love more than when there's so much hype around the card and the card actually delivers."
"Yes, this is more than just hype. This is more than just promotional videos."
"Quit anointing these guys after a few weeks after they've done a few good things and starts calling them the next goat we see it far too often."
"When it comes to E3 hype, few other franchises are as consistently rewarding as Super Smash Brothers."
"If I wanted to milk it, wouldn't I just sling him in the biggest fight possible?"
"Travis Scott objectively by far one of the most popular rap artists but he's a hype master besides the music."
"Everyone thought I was going to beat him, I knew that I had no chance but that's the way it was portrayed and the hype was created and it sold great."
"This is the greatest [ __ ] you're gonna ever hear."
"In conclusion, this thing is absolutely worth the hype."
"This is not just a mega fight, it's bigger than that, it's a generational fight."
"It's exciting. I haven't felt this hype for an experience of this magnitude since Red Dead Redemption 2."
"Do you understand how crazy the sneaker community would go if you released in Adidas easy in an old Nike Z colorway like if they did that that would bring the Yeezy hype back in my opinion."
"Both of them are talking a big game, you know they're gonna end the other's career and you believe them."
"Folks, this is the coolest car that's come out this year... tens of thousands of people waited in line outside Tesla dealerships to reserve this car."
"If Mr. Beast is involved, you know they'll probably go FOMO in."
"Shadowlands had so much hype, it was really good on release."
"Shane Dawson, the man, the moment, the myth, the legend, has returned."
"Fire festival was supposed to be the new Coachella than you Bernie man whatever the whole thing is wrapped in sex appeal."
"More than I thought they would give us, but there's already a tremendous amount of hype and anticipation for the opening of this very special cruise ship."
"There is a reason that these books are so hyped up and famous."
"Be an independent thinker, don't just follow the hype train."
"Stop stalling because it's time for you to accept the fact that this entire series has been building up to you flipping open the lid on a metallic eyeshadow palette for colors you never released and never will."
"Products that are just great... things that are actually really, really worth all that hype."
"Number 101 Silent Honor Ark really exceeded the hype in ways people didn't really imagine."
"His rookie mixtape is going to go so hard in like 10 years."
"The transition from the debut to the first comeback really sets the tone and the hype for the group."
"That is the definition of hype, that is the reason why I watch one punch man."
"Nothing damages the industry more than hyped Hardware that never actually comes to fruition."
"It's a game of who can show the least while still managing to create hype, which as you're probably aware is a bit of a paradox."
"Approach things cautiously optimistic instead of just falling into the hype."
"If all those people are saying this is dope, do you not think it's going to be remotely dope?"
"Like out of anybody that's ever introduced me, I think you're like the guy that always hypes me out the most. The legend himself, here he is."
"It did everything you wanted it lived up to the height."
"Hype is, of course, a major problem in the game industry overall."
"I love the fact that we have something new that's releasing teasers like Scott used to do."
"Be careful with the shiny objects, all the rage doesn't always mean long-term store of value."
"You'd really be a fool to know about NF Smoove Minh and not think that he's gonna make it on the double XL cover."
"Good God, that is the hardest album that is going to drop in 2024."
"I'm blown away by this. This is so incredibly hype."
"Brain-inspired AI is often over-hyped and used as fodder... But I'm not afraid of exploring these sometimes over-hyped areas."
"Whether you like the shoe or not, hands down, this will be the most limited and hardest to get."
"With all the buzz currently surrounding Berberine, it's important to sort out where the science stands and to separate out the hype."
"there is no MCU without that first Iron Man trailer that they dropped at ComicCon that year and the Avalanche of of hype that came out of that that really kickstarted the whole MCU"
"It's probably the most hyped I've ever been for a show that hasn't come out at all yet."
"It's a pretty dang good machine, and I completely understand the hype now."
"When people hype something, I just go the other way."
"If you've been thinking about this you need to try it immediately I'm not overhyping it it is that good."
"I feel like these were super hyped up for a while there but for a good reason."
"Believe the hype, you need the shoe."
"There's a lot of hype, a lot of excitement, a lot of promise but sometimes overpromises about AI."
"French food, um, they are definitely living up to the hype and I am very much impressed."
"It is hype, y'all. I'm sorry, I know a lot of people don't want to hear it."
"The height behind this contest is insane, it will be the biggest fight in history."
"I think at this point in time, Marvel is writing its own hype train. Look, we gave you the big stars, we gave you the flashy move, now yeah, we trust us on phase four."
"Bondi has been graced with many famous visitations, but none have generated more hype than Hollywood's hottest heartthrob."
"I think it goes without saying, absolutely worth the hype, worth how popular it is."
"One thing you can definitely count on is hype. Hype is much more predictable."
"The only time they ever told us, you know, hype it up and stir some drama."
"...I would love to hear in the comments section tell me what things do you feel like you're hearing about left and right on social media when it comes to drugstore makeup what things are getting so much hype and then is there something."
"The suspense, hype, and enjoyment of the series still remain at its peak."
"I became alarmed by the increasing amount of hype in the Aging field."
"This is a case where the hype has been real."
"This form is incredibly potent and it really hypes up for the tournament because now they can finally show this off."
"There's definitely a lot more hype around Dune 2 than there was around the first one."
"Stop lying. I mean the typical British press trying to hype up the Premier League big matches when in reality they're about as exciting as watching two snails kiss."
"There goes that hype. I mean, back in 2019, don't forget this guy was the first teenage permanent goalkeeper since Joe Hart in 2006."
"I feel like the hype is back, you know, like, honestly."
"Trash talk is meant to hype something up. It's not meant to just be evil, I guess."
"The thing about signs and wonders is that honestly, they mostly happen in meetings where there's a lot of hype and a lot of push and drive."
"This was actually really good. I understand the hype."
"The whole hyping up thing hurts people a lot and it's hurt me and it's hurt a lot of people I know because we end up working on projects that don't make any sense that are launched because of the hype."
"When was the last time a run-up to the title created so much buzz Inganu was getting Tyson-like reverence for his power nearly instantly."
"This is the biggest fight in history the UFC every package is the biggest fight in history of the UFC all of a sudden because they don't say this every month although they do overhyped their stuff."
"Paul skeens hard to outdo the hype but I would say that he did."
"I, I genuinely get it now, I understand the hype."
"Electric bikes live up to the hype."
"Let's see if it's worth the hype."
"...some products are worthy of hype and this is one of them."
"My question is, are they actually worth the hype?"
"I'm just excited to jump in and see what all the hype is about for this movie."
"I haven't heard this much hype for a movie since Avengers endgame."
"The stock is acting like these TMLs are revolutionary new technologies."
"Software-defined WAN is one of these technologies that has been very buzzworthy for a long time, but this one might actually live up to the hype."
"This anime just keeps getting better... it really does live up to all the hype."
"This is one of those products that deserves all of the hype."
"The C8 Corvette lived up to the hype in the most complete way possible."
"In professional wrestling hype is everything after all."
"The real queen of marketing and hype is to be put to shame."
"Truly, this was a moment worthy of the incredible hype of two of the strongest pirates ever."
"The hype behind this contest is insane. It will be the biggest fight in history."
"Hype is tied to emotion. Get people to see what you see and feel excited about it."
"I don't think they have done anything to earn the hype that they seem to routinely inspire on the internet."
"...if these came out in 2020, everybody would go crazy hype."