
Career Opportunities Quotes

There are 363 quotes

"The last 10 days of April and I would say the first 20 days of May, some powerful new beginnings in your career will appear like new project in your career."
"Careers should be open to talents; there should be formal equality of opportunity regardless of the accident of birth."
"It's actually a pretty awesome time for video games right now because if you told ten-year-old Dane that in the future, you can pursue playing video games as a career, I'd think that was pretty crazy."
"You may be getting offers in regards to business or career as well."
"I'm so excited for this park. I'm excited for the two new careers. This is such a good park for a rags-to-riches challenge."
"Having money in the sport brings more opportunities, more people being able to live off the sport, and thus the sport would get bigger."
"Military service offers an unparalleled value proposition."
"There are sometimes 30 times more job postings than there are people to fill them."
"There should be opportunities for them to reap offices."
"Unexpected money, inheritance, or solid career prospects ahead."
"People be so surprised how much entertainment can get you paid."
"If you want a job in space, there's a really good chance you'll be able to get one in the future."
"Jordan Peele introduced me to these two great child actors and gave Lupita the opportunity to do that."
"You must be willing to sleep outside of that office for your opportunity."
"As Lily grew, she went on a world tour and then I got paid well to be on the world tour with her and perform."
"It's imperative as hell you get this tea house, you feel like people can work their way up to the top, but if you're not even in a position to start at the bottom, oh yeah, what are you gonna do?"
"There's only 32 jobs in this league so whether you get a second chance or not you're lucky no matter what color you are."
"By increasing diversity in the STEM sector, it's only good for the individual who will benefit from well-paid, creative, rewarding jobs, but it brings a wealth of talent and creativity to an ever more important sector itself." - Member of Parliament
"Knowing JavaScript opens up a whole lot of job opportunities."
"If you have the opportunity to work with Marvel, I highly recommend it."
"The actors of Squid Game have encountered opportunities they never could have imagined."
"Understanding coding on a foundational level has really opened up a ton of different opportunities."
"Even though it takes a while, there's not that many fields that you can self-teach and make a six-figure salary."
"Knowing that it's possible and that there's just so much opportunity here, there's no way that you can tell me if I didn't keep going I wouldn't get a tech job."
"My favorite driver was going to drive the flagship car of the best team in motorsports full time next year."
"Media controls messaging, and I honestly believe that media is your elevator to break through to a lot of opportunities that you can create for yourselves."
"Monkeys can expect unexpected opportunities and benefits in career, finances, and relationships."
"You're not necessarily paying for the education, but for the opportunities and the connections."
"The awesome thing about software engineering is that you can learn to code and get a high paying job while literally having no idea how anything actually works. It all just feels like magic."
"The good thing about tech interviews is that the school that you went to is not going to prevent you from getting a job at a big tech company"
"You are literally going to have your pick of the litter in b-class Hollywood."
"These are life-changing opportunities, like you know, listen, the amount of money that they're offering for some of these roles is just like absolutely bananas."
"Not many people know how great of a game it is, but just how many opportunities you can have."
"It's like you're never going to know what opportunities you have if you don't at least allow us to give you the pitch."
"I'm pumped because it's another opportunity for me."
"I wasn't going to say no right so uh with the ninth pick the 98 draft changed my life."
"It's just unbelievable, like what a fantastic opportunity."
"Every job's a new opportunity... you have to be willing to take a shot."
"Prison style tattooing could give him a lucrative career on the outside."
"If you're doing really good work, those opportunities come along."
"I was offered a little movie called Avatar. James Cameron offered me 10 of it, I will go down in history."
"Some of you are going to get a shocking position or a surprise opportunity that puts you financially in a better situation long term."
"There will be always a new job new excitement."
"You will have your entire career flooded with opportunity and the ability to do amazing new things."
"I hung up the phone and got to thinking about it. If he's offered me a job, I want to go back there." - Bruce Prichard
"Winning is what's going to create other opportunities. If The Breakfast Club wasn't The Breakfast Club, the stuff that's happening for y'all wouldn't happen for y'all."
"Whether it's a promotion, a new job offer, or a chance to excel in their current role, Scorpios are primed to shine in their professional Endeavors and achieve their Ambitions with confidence and determination."
"We have prioritized women's opportunities for career success at the expense of the success of men..."
"The popularity of Esports is being able to do something that you already love doing and get paid for it."
"Again, the fighters control their own destiny. You win, you move on. You win tonight, you win $25,000 and you are on to the semifinals. A huge opportunity for these two experienced fighters to get a world championship belt."
"10 15 20 of them may really suck but you haven't been arrested for anything before you didn't even pull the trigger you don't have a violent history and you know what you have a skill set with the state of Texas would love to use."
"If people like Dr. Oz can host this thing then why not an edutainment YouTuber like myself?"
"If you feel you are worthy within yourself, this does mean that you not only want to go after prosperity and after certain career opportunities but again energetically you're going to be receiving that."
"Just know that all these new opportunities are going to flood in, especially in the work sense."
"Scribe offers a great opportunity to both beginners as well as experienced transcribers."
"For them to have faith in me, that's just the most amazing thing ever."
"Definitely, Virgo rising will find themselves in an industry that is related to media, especially social media in the coming years."
"This is an interesting opportunity, one that I'm very excited for. I'm very excited for what I can do for Gamefound, what Gamefound can do for crowdfunding, and how this space is going to shape up around us over the next 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 years."
"I was just afforded the opportunity to have like spaces to do good work."
"Hopefully all of the real talent in front of and behind the scenes that got swept up in this show's month-long mess will be able to use it as a jumping off point for bigger and better things."
"Evening Star the primary developers of Sonic Mania are doing their own thing a 3D platform action adventure according to their job postings."
"The new moon in your 10th house can indicate that the new career opportunity will appear for you over the next two to three weeks."
"The best way to start getting experience is don't wait for somebody to give you the opportunity."
"CCNA is a door opener...the landscape is wide open."
"Being Miss USA opened up so many new opportunities for me."
"Age should not constrain one's capacity, even if the doorway is via nepotism."
"Trust and follow through on new business ideas or career opportunities."
"I think this is a pretty cool change I like this I like that that it provides some more uh roster flexibility that also doesn't necessarily just dead the career of a backup in the meantime"
"A lucky few who get to play at work and make it pay."
"We need a green new deal to make room for thousands more people just like me to have promising careers and an opportunity to get a leg up in this world. We need a candidate who doesn't just support it but wrote the damn bill and we need it now."
"I'd rather be four feet tall. At least I can go into like formula one or be a good jockey."
"There's never been a better time to be an actor."
"You are gonna receive a big career opportunity."
"Go is a good one and there's a lot of growth opportunities."
"I opened for you, I've got to meet everyone that I met through the Comedy Store."
"Job openings are at the highest point in history."
"By embracing this technology, you're not only preparing yourself... but you're actually be able to take advantage of AI to open up a lot of new opportunities for yourself."
"A bonus promotion, a salary increment, or even a better job opportunity might arise."
"So as a result I kept going freelance... it was during this time when I was making these decisions that fanatic came to me with the offer."
"There's a lot of opportunity it's becoming bigger and I think right now it's really a golden time for remote working remote living."
"Opportunity is around you, technology playing a big part."
"Your education and therefore your career options in Germany don’t depend on how much money you have."
"Breaking the glass ceiling: opportunities in China."
"Heineke earned an opportunity. The only question is will another team give it to him?"
"Russian women can now become train operators, conductors, and truck drivers."
"There's financial issues at play here, but I feel like you're supposed to come together and be able to make money, maybe helping or there's some kind of career that you guys are supposed to have together."
"The biggest game of your life...the window is not long on this team." - Pairing moments of significance with reminders of urgency and finite opportunities, urging action and determination.
"This variety is a good thing, it means that as a data analyst you'll have a pretty wide range of job opportunities available."
"If somebody is really such a talented driver, wherever he gets in, he will be good."
"Open tryouts are a great way to showcase your skills, but any other connections that you can build and help you if you have a better chance of making this team is gonna help you."
"We weren't taking anyone's spot, oh man, it's the dream."
"There's more opportunity to work in the animation industry than ever before in history."
"Expect some surprises, really pleasant ones, in terms of career and projects."
"Why wouldn't I want something to be easier for people to get to the position that I'm at?"
"Any business where that allows someone without college degree like me to go on to earn over a million dollars is honestly gonna be life-changing."
"This is freaking awesome, and to think that this is only like one out of so many other careers."
"The personal brand has been the most valuable, not only in terms of the transactions that I've made but just the opportunities that have presented themselves."
"This is absolutely incredible. I'm thrilled."
"A platform is a platform and by themselves most career drag queens don't get the opportunity to go on International tours sell merch to an international audience."
"Attractive people get more job opportunities, people perceive them, they treat them nicer."
"It's an opportunity. I understand she took it and sees the opportunity when preparation meets opportunity. Boom, you win."
"Can we get to the point where developer number a thousand could make a living off our platform?"
"There really was no glass ceiling and I feel like today that is not true more than ever."
"The best opportunity is the fact that I got to be what I want to be."
"There has never been a better time to get a remote job."
"Digital marketer: phenomenal career choice without a college degree and without any experience."
"We need to beat down those doors and make sure that there's no extraneous reason that somebody can't get into the room that they deserve to be in." - Via
"YouTube has opened up so many doors and opportunities I could have never even imagined."
"There's no business that's more exciting than trucking. There's no glass ceilings."
"Finally reaching the end of school and being able to go to LA, it's actually going to give me the opportunity to be in the same room with these people and show them exactly who I am and what I can do."
"Mercury retrograde can bring career opportunities from the past back to you, colleagues and co-workers from the past by email, phone calls making contact with you again."
"At 31 years old now, a decade removed from his initial year in the NFL, Aldon Smith has been given as many chances as one man can receive."
"Real estate agent... a really good opportunity for a lot of people."
"Opportunity knocks, especially in the digital age."
"For every Leo, it's a lucky career and money break..."
"Rap music can be a genuinely viable route out of the streets for these young men born into these challenging situations."
"The sky is the limit for you in mixed martial arts at any point in time in your career if you can catch lightning in a bottle..."
"As long as you're tracking that this isn't a field of complacency, you can get into this field. It's one that is very welcoming, has tons of great resources, and it pays well."
"And you see, he's got a nice jab. Big things are possible."
"It's almost like you can't say no to this, more money, more responsibility, more exposure, higher status. It's looking good."
"It's lovely to see it moving forward in a way in which, you know, those people now start to get leading roles and opportunities, both in front of the camera and behind the camera."
"So there is a huge job market opportunity here that you could take advantage of and absolutely crush in."
"I feel like I can do a lot with this. It's gonna be a way for me to really kind of revitalize my career."
"When you do not do the thing that makes you happy, you want to die."
"You can go into a Fortune 500 company with no degree."
"There is basically no more impactful or better place to apply some of that expertise than at Tesla today."
"There's just something in Canada there's something truly beautiful right that you see James top marching."
"If you say yes to an opportunity even if it's not your dream job, you'd be surprised at how many doors it can open for your career."
"You need somebody else's misfortune to then get the opportunity again."
"And the amazing thing that happened was the industry you chose, I mean, when you think about golf and all the things involved in that, you just gave yourself a great opportunity to meet so many amazing people."
"Everything's going to turn out great. Projects will be stunningly successful, and exciting new career opportunities are possible."
"But just what does such employment have to offer?"
"Microworks exists to shine a light on opportunities that don't require a 4-year degree to make a more persuasive case for work ethic."
"I'm an independent filmmaker. Let's talk business, love that."
"Equality of opportunity means that every career shall be open to every individual who shall have the talent and the ability."
"I think he's going to have way more opportunities because they hated him anyway, but people do like Johnny Depp. It's why he's been successful for so long."
"He recognized an opportunity and trained the reactions."
"SEO Jun could hardly contain his excitement, scoring a guest appearance on a variety show this early was an opportunity he couldn't decline."
"Being an early employee in a great FinTech company can make you a millionaire."
"I'm just over the moon happy and overjoyed that I got this opportunity."
"I hope Nigeria will find I think it's a great use for his talent."
"Welcome Jared Walsh into the fray, an unsung 39th round pick out of Georgia."
"I had felt so rejected and like I had missed out on my chance and that I was never gonna get a job in animation and then suddenly I have these two offers at once."
"There's a sense of power and prosperity and a sense of broadening your horizons when it comes to your career."
"Don't underestimate the power of networking and negotiation. Seek out other opportunities if an offer isn't up to par."
"Max Verstappen is the hottest candidate for the Mercedes seat alongside George Russell."
"All of a sudden your energy changes and options open up for you on all fronts career and relationship."
"This game might be an interview to work at NASA or Tesla."
"It's gonna lead to a commitment, it's going to, like, even if it's a financial commitment but this is something that is gainful, gainful employment."
"There is a massive amount of demand for people who have these skills."
"You're headed towards establishment and abundance."
"It's hard to say no when you have these opportunities."
"AI and ML on an average pays... more than other regular jobs."
"I'm not trying to leave, but if an opportunity comes to go to a team that you can't refuse, I'll talk to Sporting."
"If you work hard enough, you can do anything and find a job, just as I did."
"I want to see him take this opportunity at this period in his career."
"There are rare instances where exposure has real value and can have lasting value in your career."
"The only hope of peace is a negotiated settlement."
"RoH built them up and gave them a platform before they got to spread their wings elsewhere."
"Some of the brightest talent also has come from this program."
"I think it's hard talking about careerism in an actor's life because you can wish away, but actually it's to try and keep open to all the enormous possibilities."
"There are many jobs and opportunities out there that you don't need a degree for."
"YouTube has given me so many incredible opportunities that I will remember for the rest of my life."
"There are a lot of opportunities that are coming your way."
"Everything that has happened in my career has been I've been very fortunate to have received those opportunities and to be able to play with so many legendary musicians."
"Please just go ahead and create your own portfolio website, I believe you can land your very first client very soon."
"It's definitely worth going... it's a good way to actually apply to companies."
"As overall this will be good for Formula One so Bravo to the staff and he drove a fantastic race and child opportunities will come later on."
"In the future, there will be more opportunities."
"No matter what anyone's talking about if you know how to be part of the conversation or inspire somebody, yeah you could get the job."
"A thrilling time to be a part of the auto industry."
"We were drafted with the 25th or 26th overall pick in the NFL Draft by the Miami Dolphins to become hopefully the new starting quarterback."
"You are attracting a lot of opportunities towards you because of the way you operate because of the way that you work because of your skills."
"Making the seemingly impossible possible is when we're at our very best."
"Some of the best job opportunities in America right now are roles that people associate with the working class."
"AW is offering these talents something that they wouldn't get from WWE."
"I did it for a couple reasons: Dave Chappelle asked me and that's a blessing."
"Skills are what pay the bills. The more skills that you can learn, the more money that you can make, the more opportunity is presented to you."
"This is a chance to prove your value to Adam."
"It's an amazing job, once in a lifetime job."
"He paved the way for football broadcasting, opening doors for non-ex-players to talk about football."
"Knowing Arabic opens up many business and career opportunities."
"The Exchange is always looking for new talent. You could have a bright future with our organization."
"Freelance writing is amazing guys. It's a super valuable, in-demand skill."
"For some, a villain in a toothpaste commercial is the role of a lifetime."
"In today's day and age, you know, the amount of opportunities and doors that open from being able to build your own brand is insane."
"I got Carly to get Dawn Penny to come hear my new song because guess what, big momma gotta show you how to do some music."
"With data science skills, you can land lucrative roles like AI engineer, data scientist, or business intelligence manager, with salaries ranging from 8 to 15 lakhs per annum."
"I'm excited, you know, to see where I will end up and what I can bring to them because I believe in my heart of hearts that I have a lot I can give."
"I might make a go of this. You might. I think there's a future for you."
"Bosses and people in power could say yes to you, you get the job you wanted, you apply for the perfect job, you find out about the perfect job, you get a raise or promotion."
"Networking opens up doors and opportunities that not only were closed beforehand but which you didn't even know existed."
"They're getting a bigger opportunity now than wrestling [__] bingo halls for a pint of Guinness."
"If you want to form a new nucleus of talent... ultimately, you've now built intrigue for two new stars that will help move the company forward. That's exposure, and exposure is good, especially when you're in there with guys like Lesnar and Reigns."
"If it wasn't for all the support over the years... I wouldn't have these insane opportunities."
"You're obviously good at what you do, you got lots of offers. Life's too short, man."
"Writing is one of those skills that not all of us have. It is a really valuable skill set and one that people will pay big money for."
"Pro day is really important this year because there's no combine. So the only time where people can see you in person is at the pro day."
"How can I even start again and create more lucrative opportunities in the future."
"More titles means more opportunity to have more main events, more opportunities for a guy like Conor to become a three-time three-division champion." - Michael Chiesa