
Sagittarius Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"The first part of the month is quite awesome for Sagittarius, as the Sun, Venus, and Mercury are in your fifth house, sending only positive rays."
"Your money is gonna grow, Sagittarius, really grow over the course of 2020... it's like a steady increase to your abundance."
"Work hard, Sagittarius. Grow yourself professionally, chase your dreams, because you will be rewarded in 2020."
"Sagittarius are attractive because we're extremely open-minded and non-judgmental."
"Sagittarius... will do anything for you. Anything you can ask them to go to the depths of hell to get you a peach and they will do it."
"If you don't like a Sagittarius, it's probably you."
"Good times ahead for our Sagittarius friends. More joy, more fun, more romance."
"There's an opportunity for you here, Sagittarius, an opportunity of true love."
"Sagittarius, March 2024 looks to be a month filled with exciting opportunities and personal growth."
"A lot of you guys are in this position sagittarius of knowing very well you have feelings for someone but at the same time it's like it's very tempting to just end things rather than to go through this turmoil again."
"Sagittarius moon: Keep expanding, don't stop."
"I feel like Sagittarius is the type to like say like some Drake quote or some Drake line that is kind of funny corny but romantic at the same time."
"Dating a Sagittarius is always a good idea... they are giving, loving, and caring people."
"Sagittarius are those sweet, caring, considerate people... that just make you feel so special."
"Trust your instincts right now, especially when it comes to something unfamiliar in your life, Sagittarius."
"It's okay, Sagittarius, if you want to bring your shield down because it's not necessary anymore."
"Good times are ahead, peace, harmony, and that's what it's all about, Sagittarius."
"The game is over, they fear you now, Sagittarius."
"Some sort of positive news, positive movement forward for you, Sagittarius."
"It's time to speak your truth, Sagittarius. Manifest greatness in sharing your wisdom and essence with the world."
"Follow your heart, Sagittarius, no matter what."
"It's bursting into your life Sagittarius like kind of like lightning out no we're and it's a powerful time what an exciting reading."
"Sagittarians display honesty, humor, and a strong moral nature."
"Trust your intuition, my beautiful Sagittarians."
"You shine like the sun, Sagittarius. You just radiate joy."
"Make a wish, Sagittarians. Your dreams become reality."
"We do not have to be miserable in life, Sagittarius."
"You need to shoot your shot here, Sagittarius."
"It's like they're just coming in and saying Sagittarius, I just adore you."
"Sagittarius also loves to travel, they may really enjoy traveling."
"Even if you know a lot of things with Sagittarius or you're very learned in a number of different areas, are you able to communicate that effectively to other people?"
"We've got a lot of new growth in 2024 for Sagittarius."
"It's like when you have a breakthrough, one of the things that often happens when you're a Sagittarius is suddenly you allow yourself to consider new people, places, things, ideas."
"This full moon in Sagittarius is my favorite full moon of the year."
"The full moon in Sagittarius... it's a cool full moon, the moon is in an exciting sign."
"The full moon will be in Sagittarius on the 23rd of May, injecting more opportunities for adventure."
"Sagittarians tend to be very friendly, for the most part, very outgoing and adventurous."
"This is your moment to shine, Sagittarius."
"Sagittarius, release grudges, it's time to forgive."
"Sagittarius loves to explore, loves a challenge, an adventure, a new destination."
"Mercury in Sagittarius likes things on a bigger scale."
"Your IC is in Sagittarius, meaning you're going to find your comfort in learning, exploration, and travel. You might feel more comfortable traveling than you'll ever feel at home."
"Sagittarians are great students, loving education in all aspects."
"It's not so much a lack of opportunities for you Sagittarius, it's the fact that you're not really clear on what you want in the near future."
"When she gives her heart to you, when she's very honest with you, she expects that in return. She very much expects that because if you are honest with a Sagittarian lady, then she will be doubly honest with you."
"The full moon in Sagittarius injects more opportunities for adventure."
"When you have a Sag moon you guys don't have a sign that links us to being depressed right but when you do go through depressive moments it's like I can't be down for too long I've got to travel."
"There's some sort of opportunity that's coming towards you, Sagittarius, and it's going to get nurtured and grow into beautiful abundance."
"You got a lot of like there are people looking at you, Sagittarius."
"Meditation would be the best thing for Sagittarians."
"Sagittarians need to know that when they go through the worst, a wonderful change is about to come."
"Sagittarius is the sign concerned with knowledge through experience."
"Sagittarians are Savage and known as the least loyal of all the signs. They prioritize themselves first and have a 'stop at nothing' mentality."
"Charge up your joy my friends that's the calling for Sagittarius people in this Eclipse."
"Luck is on your side, Sagittarius energy."
"Sagittarius Venus is about visualizing the desire without the details, going after the big picture, and seeing what synchronicities pop up."
"Sagittarius season is for being your most unhinged self."
"Jupiter in Sagittarius expands your capabilities."
"Sagittarius risings can be charismatic and jovial leaders who possess a strong vision for what lies ahead."
"Sagittarius rising can be seen as physically attractive and as physically appealing to others who truly feel inspired by not only their view of the world but also by their wisdom."
"This energy of Sagittarius also has to do with adventure, so the sage or ninth house Eclipse can bring you on an adventure."
"Turn up y'all, happy birthday, happy birthday y'all, Sagittarius season."
"Sagittarius is not the type of zodiac sign that typically plays mind games. They are very typically straightforward and blunt types of people who would much rather get straight to the point."
"Venus in Sagittarius is very curious, they're very fun-loving."
"Sagittarius moons tend to be really good at interpreting their dreams."
"Sagittarius loves adventure, they love other languages, they love to be expansive."
"Sagittarius rising is so optimistic and so enthusiastic, they're really broad-minded."
"Sagittarius is a great storyteller, so you might be in that energy."
"Sagittariuses are very optimistic and lucky, they're explorers, they're enchanting, they're independent, they can be spiritual, they can be gullible, they're very capable, they're very trustworthy, and can be impulsive."
"I ain't never heard nothing bad about Sagittarius."
"Symbolizing which sign of the zodiac is the Archer? Sagittarius."
"A door's opening up around you right now, Sagittarians, and you can expect a lot of beautiful things to open up for you."
"Everything around you right now, Sagittarians, is coming to life."
"Ride into your magic stream, Sagittarians."
"Go after everything with your heart, Sagittarians, as long as you're open to everything with your heart, something's about to be unleashed in you."
"Hold on to your heart, Sagittarian, go after everything with love."
"You're definitely stepping back into your element in December, Sagittarius season."
"Sagittarius loves to explore the unknown."
"A Scorpio with Sagittarius moon is a very cool combo because Scorpio and Sagittarius are both very powerful but very different energies."
"You are Sag; you're getting a very happy outcome. The best is yet to come for Sag."
"There is love in Sagittarian's future."
"Sagittarius, what was ever wrong is gonna be made right, somehow."
"You deserve true blue, Sagittarius, because you're true blue. Don't settle for anything less than that."
"Which zodiac sign is represented by a centaur?"
"A Sagittarius, forgiveness. Forgive yourself or another will help the two of you move forward."
"Sagittarius women like to be loved in the right way."
"Sagittarians are known for their sarcastic, witty sense of humor; they can be very smart with their words."
"Sagittarius people are honest, fair-minded, and optimistic."
"You're having a big change this month, Sagittarius."
"Sagittarius is the epitome of fixing the things that they can fix and not worrying about the things that they can't."
"Sagittarius people are usually the most optimistic people you will probably ever meet in your whole life."
"Sagittarians are the best out of all because they're not as crazy as y'all."
"A full moon in Sagittarius... it's about generally clearing away, moving away from some obstacles, negative energies, challenges that block that ability to grow financially."
"Sagittarius Venus is flashy with a lot instead of flashy with like showing off."
"Sagittarius are optimistic, free-loving, jovial, good-humored, honest, and philosophical."
"The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, which adds an extra dimension of information."
"Sagittarius is like that; he's a dreamer, and he's beautiful."
"The real center of the Milky Way is located tens of thousands of light years away from us in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius."
"Sagittarius requires someone to keep their interest, they're all about the thrills in life."
"No one can cut to the chase like a Sagittarius."
"The power of a Sagittarian comes from their willingness to face the harshness of reality while still maintaining the belief that anything is possible."
"Sagittarius energy has this carefree, spirited, natural, authentic, genuine playfulness to it."
"No matter how much crap a Sagittarius goes through in life, they always rise."
"All Sagittarius are spiritually inclined, or at least curious by it, and they want to explore or dabble in it a little bit."
"Sagittarius are connected with all the world and all knowledge and as such have a really deep connection to nature and animals."
"They have huge hearts and they're really good-hearted; they care very deeply about the people that are around them."
"Sagittarius would rather spend an afternoon alone outside, exploring something new, learning something new, or just being with animals than being with a human being."
"Sagittarius sees things in a big way, the bigger picture."
"They're very tactful; they're very good at giving advice in a way that will gently lead you into the right direction."
"Sagittarius make exceptionally good friends; they will protect you no matter what."
"Sagittarius are possibly one of the funniest signs in the zodiac; they have a great sense of humor."
"Sagittarius... try and get them to open up about that side and once they open up they feel so comfortable."
"Sagittarius, if they remember every little detail about you... they're gonna remember little details."
"This new moon is about you, my lovely Sagittarians, it is a new moon that puts you in the absolute spotlight."
"Sagittarius does see its own weaknesses and it tries to emphasize its strengths instead."
"Sagittarius are fun-loving, very entertaining, just an overall good energy to be around."
"Happy birthday for all you November born Sagittarians out there."
"Have patience, beautiful Sagittarius, soon you are going to fly."
"Sagittarius is mostly identified with various Greek mythologies and he is often depicted as a centaur."
"Sagittarius was picked, it is a centaur being wielding a bow and arrow, the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac."
"Sagittarius are usually like super, super, super chill, easy to talk to."
"Sagittarius are known to be so, so, so loyal and like ride or die."
"Enjoy every single moment that you're in Sagittarius' company."
"Sagittarius is not so much territorial but can definitely be prideful, not in what it owns, but more so in what it knows."
"Sagittarius works best alone; they have the ability to explore and be adventurous on their own."
"Never underestimate a Sagittarius and their ability to blend in with their environment."
"Sagittarius may naturally have the energy of being a teacher, or being educated, or being wise, or having wisdom."
"That's how Sagittarians operate because you're the seers, the intuitive fire sign."
"This is a period of time where Sagittarians may actually experience justice in their life like finally."
"Adventure, expansion, and wisdom are the essence of Sagittarius."
"Straight to the point, Sagittarius understands what is important and sees the greater picture."
"Passion, curiosity, bravery, and wisdom are what I think of when I think of Sagittarius."
"Miracles and go the distance, this is a card of success for you, Sagittarius."
"It's a full moon in Sagittarius, depending on where you are in the world."
"Get excited, Sagittarius, get excited."
"Enjoy the ride, Sagittarius, enjoy the ride."
"On your side, Sagittarius, we have realization, stability, and connections."
"This is a celebratory time for you, Sagittarius, a goal has been achieved here."
"Luck is on your side here, Sagittarius."
"Things are looking chef's kiss for you right now, Sagittarius."
"Sagittarius, you have success, Victory, luck, your hopes your wishes your dreams this is a good energy."
"Your intuition is dead on, you can't miss right now, Sagittarius."
"You will get what you want from this situation, Sagittarius, a wish come true."
"I just get so excited when I meet fellow Sagittarii."
"This is going to be a great New Beginning for Sagittarius ascendants and Sagittarius moons."
"2024 is definitely a year of accomplishments for you, Sagittarius."
"This full moon in Sagittarius will bring fullness, completion, fruition to all things Sagittarius."
"I love this card... you have this happy happy card, so there could be a lot of happiness coming in for you, Sagittarius."
"Venus in Sagittarius is all about the audience, thinking, truth seeking."
"I remember what you did. Sagittarius do not forget, but we always forgive."
"A lot of you Sagittarius really have this knowing, this intuition, and following your heart."
"Life is beautiful, Sagittarius, and there's so many good things that are about to unfold in your lives."
"Sagittarius, hello there my beautiful friends."
"Sagittarius moons are all about seeking higher perspective, broadening your horizons."
"All is well, Sagittarius, all is well."
"You're someone who's very optimistic, so for a Sagittarius to not be in this optimistic energy is actually something very rare to see."
"The energy of Sagittarius is all about following the horizon line as far as it goes, which we know it never ends."
"Believe in yourself here, Sagittarius."
"You deserve love, Sagittarius. You are so lovable."
"Sagittarius symbolizes the growing philosophical outlook of the human spirit."
"Be flexible here, Sagittarius, being flexible is going to be your superpower."
"The universe is trying to communicate with you right now, Sagittarius."
"Balance and patience is being restored for the whole collective of Sagittarius, which is a really good thing."
"They want to start brand new, Sagittarius."
"Sagittarius energy... the ability to be independent-minded, to want to explore, to be adventurous, to be quite buccaneering, it's an exciting energy."
"Sagittarius people have such an appetite for exciting new possibilities."
"Become so good at what you do that you are undeniable here, Sagittarius."
"Magic is coming into your lives; choose to know the truth because you can, Sagittarius."
"It's time for you to be rewarded, Sagittarius."
"You have a really good energy this month, Sagittarius."
"I wish you an absolutely fabulous month of April, Sagittarius, and know that I wish you many blessings and peace."
"You know your worth, Sagittarius, and you act like it."
"There's a lot of love around you right now, Sagittarius."
"Do what makes you happy, Sagittarius."
"There are new beginnings coming, Sagittarius, that you're not even aware of."
"Material harvest, you've planted your seed, Sagittarius, and it's coming in."
"The tide is now turning; it is the time for Sagittarius."
"This is my truth, and people see this astoundingly powerful side of you, Sagittarius."
"Discover your life purpose, Sagittarius; start asking yourself what is the meaning of your life."
"Compassion is your advice, Sagittarius."
"Universal favor on your side, Sagittarius."
"Sagittarius is the most optimistic, buoyant, expansive energy in the zodiac."
"There is no stronger force than a Sagittarius when it comes to your family, those you love, where your loyalty lies."
"Follow your own rhythm, Sagittarius; this really is your energy."
"Accolades, positive feedback, promotions - all these things are circling around Sagittarians."
"This month could be a huge month for adventures for Sagittarius."
"Good things are about to happen for you Sagittarius, things that are going to be nourishing your security, nourishing your talents, nourishing your skills."
"I wish you an absolutely amazing month of April, Sagittarius, and know that I wish you many blessings and peace."