
DevOps Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"DevSecOps brings security into DevOps, enabling development teams to secure what they build at their pace."
"Improving overall security posture as a culture of shared responsibility is created by the integration of security practices into DevOps."
"The data from the State of DevOps report is clear: trunk-based development predicts higher throughput, better stability, and even higher job satisfaction and lower rates of burnout."
"DevOps engineer, with an insane increase of 14.1% and an average salary of $136,000 a year."
"DevOps is basically the practice of building awesome workflows into all the things developers do every day."
"To be great at DevOps these days, the two technologies you learn more than anything else are Docker and Terraform."
"Azure DevOps is a single platform for implementing DevOps, deploying code using the CI/CD framework, and facilitating agile software development."
"A solution should be that you have someone in the middle, a person that has a development mindset but also knows IT operations, a DevOps engineer."
"Jenkins is a flexible tool that can be used to create custom devops pipelines."
"DevOps is not just a single product, it's the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users." - Donovan Brown
"I want to show you what I would consider to be a solid starting point for a stack setup and a CI/CD pipeline that will make you confident in your software application."
"Devops engineers make $103 to $148,000 a year."
"I hope you learned a lot today and it accelerated your DevOps learning curve."
"It can also provide a massive push towards DevOps practices and head down the path of continuous automation through continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment."
"Git is a distributed version control system used to track changes in source code during software development. In DevOps, Git is used for version control, collaboration, and to automate through CI/CD pipeline."
"Shell scripting is a must-learn for DevOps engineers."
"So, this is one of the use cases for shell scripting in a DevOps engineer's life."
"If you have a DevOps mindset, it should be all about the stuff that you build and you want to operate and run in production."
"We define DevOps as the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to end users."
"DevOps is first the culture and communication and basically defining what the workflows are and how the team works offline, and then basically implementing that and taking that online."
"Most of the DevOps is about communication."
"If you're looking to get into DevOps or site reliability engineering or cloud computing, it's a requirement. It's literally on every single job posting out there."
"DevOps engineering is an approach that combines software development with IT operations, aiming to shorten the development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality."
"Targeting company culture first and these more like DevOps-y buzzword things second is important."
"DevOps is about unifying development and operations, making the life cycle faster by building automations, doing continuous deployment and testing, monitoring, and logging."
"DevOps has become an essential skill set for today's technology professionals."
"This comprehensive program will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to master the DevOps principles, tools, and practices."
"The main goal of DevOps is to encourage seamless collaboration between development and operations teams."
"Let's start with deploying our Netflix application on AWS using DevOps practices. So in this video, we will be integrating security right from the start using tools like SonarQube, Trivy, and more."
"As a devops engineer, I am primarily focused on automating and improving the efficiency of building, testing, and the deployment phase."
"The primary purpose of using shell scripting by DevOps Engineers is to interact with Linux systems and to get some information from these Linux systems or to manage these Linux systems."
"Instead of doing manual tasks, you can automate as a DevOps Engineer. Write a script that talks to the API of GitHub and fetches the required information."
"DevOps is a process of improving the application delivery by ensuring that there is proper automation."
"DevOps is about improving delivery by ensuring proper automation, maintaining quality, continuous monitoring, and continuous testing."
"DevOps is not just about delivery, it's also about automation, monitoring, and testing."
"DevOps came up with the tools like Docker which mainly solved the issue where the developer would put his code without mentioning all the required dependencies."
"DevOps completely changed the cultural shift of our industry."
"Continuous integration is a major step in the DevOps life cycle."
"Security is fundamental to all the work that we do within devops."
"So everything has code. That's the DevOps principle."
"The reason why we are learning these things is that they will help you in creating big projects. These are day-to-day tasks of DevOps engineers."
"Efficiently managing secrets with HashiCorp Vault ensures secure and reliable devops workflows."
"HashiCorp Vault provides a robust solution for managing sensitive information in devops workflows."
"Secrets management is crucial for handling sensitive information in devops workflows."
"Terraform workspaces help streamline the management of infrastructure across different environments."
"Efficient terraform coding practices, like using workspaces and modules, are key skills for devops engineers."
"HashiCorp Vault simplifies secrets management and enhances security in devops workflows."
"Understanding how to create a repository on something like GitHub, how to give access to team members on that repository, and understanding basic branch protection rules are pretty important skills to know as a DevOps engineer."
"Terraform is the most widely used tool, basically any company that you go and apply for, they probably have used Terraform at some point."
"I just included what I think are the core elements to becoming a DevOps engineer in 2024."
"DevOps extends this to operation and production by bringing teams together and implementing automation, monitoring, and feedback at all the steps in the development life cycle."
"Azure DevOps is a set of tools that helps you solve all the traditional development life cycle processes with the modern processes and tools."
"A key point of DevOps is this idea of embracing failure, failing early, and correcting it before it takes root."
"You begin to see the value of what DevOps can do for you and your organization."
"You make a career out of being able to do things that add real value and regardless of particular organizations or titles, it's really a DevOps world out there."
"DevOps is the new cybersecurity. When somebody says DevOps, my question is going to be: what do you mean by DevOps? Because it means different things depending on where you go."
"Most places think about DevOps, they don't really want you to be a developer. They don't need you to be a developer. They want you to be a scripter, they want you to be an automator."
"Once you click on save and run, the PowerApps agent DevOps will run and start executing one by one task that we have assigned for the pipeline."
"Thanks everyone for watching this video. This is how you can completely automate your DevOps using solution import export."
"The fact that security must be inbuilt into your pipeline, that it is, you know, not quite DevOps if you don't have security measures taken."
"DevOps teams today are using automation to build and provision infrastructure in a matter of minutes rather than days."
"Set up CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins for deploying applications onto Kubernetes."
"Argo CD provides declarative continuous delivery for Kubernetes clusters."
"Multi-stage, multi-agent Jenkins jobs streamline CI/CD for complex applications."
"Enhance Jenkins pipelines with custom stages for building, testing, and deploying."
"Argo CD monitors and manages application state within Kubernetes."
"Start with learning something that you want to offer... Once you learn devops and you can Implement things you can do some stuff then you can promote yourself on different freelancing platforms."
"Manage multi-tier architectures efficiently with Jenkins pipeline."
"It eliminates data downtime by applying some of the best practices from DevOps to your data pipelines."
"Kubernetes is the future of DevOps."
"Even without using this Azure DevOps platform, DevOps engineers can definitely achieve this but DevOps engineers have to do it through some scripts or through some external solutions."
"Continuous integration and continuous delivery is one of the key responsibilities of devops engineer."
"DevOps engineers streamline the software development process, ensuring that new features and updates are rolled out smoothly."
"Many people lack this perseverance, lack this hustling... that's why they get demotivated. DevOps is a journey of persistence."
"DevOps is essentially the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools."
"DevOps is different teams like both development team as well as operations team working together as a single team."
"Continuous integration and continuous delivery are critical parts of DevOps engineering."
"One of the reasons I like the boards feature in DevOps is because in addition to creating and assigning work items, we can also monitor their progress from queries."
"The goals of MLOps and DevOps are practically the same: to shorten the system's development lifecycle and ensure high-quality software is continuously developed, delivered, and maintained in production."
"A data scientist need not really know every part of ML ops, but he needs to be involved in the process with the DevOps team so that he can create code and frameworks that are easily deployable by DevOps engineers."
"But I hope it was useful and that this has opened your appetite for learning more about DevOps, GitLab, and AWS."
"DevOps is so much more than just adopting a particular tool."
"DevOps is more than just culture. To succeed, organizations adopting DevOps also focus on automating their tasks. Manual and repetitive work is a productivity killer."
"MLOps is the discipline that really sits at the intersection between the domains of machine learning, data engineering, and DevOps."
"All right, in summary, if you look at what we did is we, you know, just to conclude, we started with the DevOps project, we set up the repository, we configured our LCS, configured our build environments pipeline, and then, you know, at the end, we set up the release pipeline."
"So, I started, um, you know, it's like a new community, um, three months ago, three months ago, uh, talking about it's called the cloud DevOps, you know, cloud of observations where it aims to help people learning DevOps and cloud."
"DevOps has several stages and set of tools to automate each of these stages."
"You can become like a very specific Niche devops engineer which frankly is a pretty Evergreen field I'd say uh."
"If you're transitioning into DevOps, showcase your past two years or whatever you're learning from YouTube, and show it on your resume."
"DevOps integrates and automates the work of software development and IT operations to improve and shorten the systems development life cycle."
"Viral utils is a command line wrapper around viral that lets you very easily work with your network simulations in a net DevOps framework."
"DevOps really is a culture of being able to deliver solutions faster."
"Desired State Configuration is a great DevOps tool."
"If you're just getting into DevOps, is this thing important? I always tell people read this book first."
"Kubernetes really simplifies DevOps."
"Net DevOps is about bringing all that's good in software DevOps and applying it towards networks."
"DevOps engineers should make sure that the cloud cost should go down."
"This 30 days of free DevOps boot camp is basically job-ready content. I'm giving you all the job-ready content, so job-ready content means this content you can place directly in your resume."
"Are you able to see this? Beautiful concept, all the DevOps concepts I have dumped into this project only."
"It's kind of one of the big things that we're trying to achieve with DevOps is to reduce the time it takes between I make some changes and I can see the results."
"Terraform is just one of those tools that's going to help you do that more efficiently."
"Infrastructure as code makes DevOps possible."
"It's brilliant pressing and it's also what's really, really cool is how Unreal provides you and also DevOps tools to actually really maintain these things."
"If you're concerned with DevOps, then SDLC component is perfect."
"Every DevOps engineer should have a good understanding of observability when moving to Kubernetes production."
"DevOps is not a tool or technology, it's a process which we follow along with best practices to build our application and deploy it to a production server."
"Kubia or Kuby is a virtual DevOps assistant that is built on various large language models."
"It's not just an application that is built on LLMS, but it is a virtual DevOps assistant that you can add to your Slack organization."
"Kuby supports integrations with various popular DevOps tools such as Kubernetes, Jira, GitHub, as I mentioned, AWS, and many more."
"What you could say is MLOps is basically DevOps plus machine learning."
"We started day one with understanding what exactly Python is, how it is different from Shell scripting, and why and how DevOps Engineers use Python."
"DevOps is a culture which we need to build and maintain."
"Ansible is one of the key tools that you would have within your DevOps environment."
"Containers is not necessarily DevOps but it's increasingly being adopted as a core technology and utilized in many modern app environments because of its flexibility, speed of deployment of resources."
"Aspiring DevOps engineer who is interested in problem-solving and DevOps solutions."
"Implemented end-to-end CI/CD pipeline for an entire architecture microservice application."
"Dedicated and result-driven DevOps professional with five years of experience."
"This rapid ability to provision and react because of that declarative nature makes it perfect for that kind of lifecycle idea when I think about the overall DevOps process."
"Goldman Sachs chose GitLab to help the engineering teams to remove this complexity and accelerate the adoption of DevOps."
"DevOps, one of the key things about it is, it gives you the ability to continuously deliver value to your customers."
"DevOps is all about how we can start to develop a software solution, test that, and if we're happy with the final unit test results, then we push it in production."
"At least 50% of companies are not using the DevOps approach for the database yet. It's time to change it."
"Azure DevOps is like a three-in-one tool by Microsoft."
"You really want to be your own DevOps engineer in today's world."
"DevOps is a journey that'll never end."
"DevOps specialist is meant to help improve and manage all aspects of the software development lifecycle."
"Argo CD is a continuous deployment tool for Kubernetes that follows GitOps methodology."
"People in the DevOps industry tend to be a little more stressed out than other parts of software engineering."
"Understanding the system is in the DevOps circles or SRE that we talked about this term of observability."
"Testing, test-driven development becomes extremely important, DevOps becomes extremely important, making sure that team members can easily get up and running and spinning everything up using something like Docker."
"What many of us like to do both in development and for pushing things out with DevOps in production is to script things out."
"Start with DevOps fundamentals, then go with the cloud platform."
"Cloud is just one part of the DevOps umbrella."
"Everything as code, that's the DevOps principle, so the pipelines will be written as scripts."
"What DevOps is really about is how do you get those two groups of people to work together better."
"Congratulations, you now have enough knowledge to get started with any of the DevOps and cloud courses out there."
"Linux plays a key role in the DevOps and cloud world."
"It's really powerful because now you've sort of taken this DevOps idea... and you've moved up the stack to basically being able to declare a full application."
"The key to high performance is the ability to develop and deliver software with both speed and stability."
"If you think about the DevOps idea, it means that the team really caring about the order service also cares about running the order service."
"Their flavor of DevOps is called SRE, which stands for Site Reliability Engineering."
"Docker is a popular DevOps tool used to automate the deployment of applications in lightweight containers."
"The tools that are used within a continuous integration continuous delivery DevOps model do vary."
"Orchestration tools have become very, very popular and relevant specifically these days when people are more and more interested in adopting DevOps practices."
"Any tool that exists in DevOps is solving a problem; that's why it exists."
"MLOps is based on DevOps principles and methods to improve workflow efficiency."
"The whole point of DevOps is to automate as much as we could."
"DevOps is a methodology that bridges the gap between the development team and the operations team."
"DevOps is an approach to delivering software solutions in a continuous manner."
"DevOps is when we apply communication and automation to achieve velocity and reliability, all in service of happy users."
"Velocity and stability are not opposing forces."
"DevSecOps... it's the term that many recommend instead of DevOps to emphasize the need to build security into DevOps initiatives."
"Let's look at how we can use Argo CD command line interface to create app and manage your applications."
"Azure DevOps is a set of services that span the entire DevOps lifecycle."
"My total philosophy on learning things is using the most relevant thing that gives you the maximum power for least effort."
"You can use Azure pipelines to build your containers, to test and validate your container, to publish it to whatever registry you want, and deploy it to whatever service you want."
"Azure DevOps is really a full end-to-end solution across the entire DevOps chain with great traceability from the start all the way through to the finish."
"We use a waterfall approach for our IT delivery, but we need to have DevOps approaches in order to complete this."
"The goal is to give us a common language between the things we've learned over the past ten years of agile and of DevOps."
"DevOps is a cultural and technical movement that's focused on delivering value by simultaneously improving velocity and stability."
"Agile DevOps... helps to bring everything together into what we call an agile DevOps model."
"DevOps is a set of practices intended to reduce the time between committing a change to the system and the change being placed into normal production, while ensuring high quality."
"Automation is one of the key principles; it's almost like the backbone or the glue of DevOps."
"DevOps, data science, and Cloud are the guys who are going to be the game changers."
"It requires this DevOps culture. It requires the people in your organization to have a completely different mindset."
"I hope you already know the importance of merge request or pull request and how effective and how important it is to use it in an organization which is following CI/CD practices using DevOps."
"So finally we were able to achieve, you know, CI/CD using GitLab end to end."
"DevOps is the union of people, processes, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end-users."
"DevOps isn't supposed to be a job, it's supposed to be a role that's a part of all of our jobs."
"Collaboration is one of the core principles of DevOps."
"The concept of system-level thinking is critical really in the DevOps movement."
"Bringing DevOps to Salesforce means we bring a much more disciplined, orchestrated process across all teams to really drive that velocity but also drive the quality of the overall delivery."
"It allows you to manage your requirements, store your source control, and build CI and CD pipelines."
"The growth of DevOps and the new tools that you will see are going to be crazy."
"Developers who adopt best DevOps practices can ship code faster, with fewer bugs, and ultimately increase revenue and profit."
"You get all this working together in a well-oiled machine, and you get a rugged DevOps with security."
"We want integrated DevOps to follow you into the cloud so that production is no longer a black box."
"AI is going to impact the way we do DevOps today... all the way from writing code to deploying it in production."
"In a true DevOps operating model, the builders are also responsible for the live quality of production."
"It's DevOps with proactive security checks in every deployment."
"We definitely encourage you to use Jenkins pipeline."
"DevOps really bringing your developers and your operations staff together is really all about communication and collaboration."
"Jenkins is the hub of the DevOps ecosystem."
"Jenkins works with Docker images to build and publish."
"DevOps is not only tools; it's collaboration, it's processes, and cultures, and tools all working together."
"DevOps is all about releasing quickly using processes, tools, and collaboration."
"DevOps is all about reducing the cycle time so you can deliver value to your customers faster and faster."
"Even if you're not in a cloud-native environment, you can implement these DevOps principles."
"Azure pipelines uses a YAML configuration file to describe the build pipeline, it's a technique called configuration as code."
"DevOps is about software development teams and operations teams working together and engineering and automating their practices."
"Get Ops is an operational framework that takes the DevOps best practices used for application development and applies them to the realm of infrastructure automation."
"That's a lot of what the DevOps movement is about: getting the cultural change of different teams working together to create a high-quality product."
"DevOps is often defined as an umbrella concept that refers to anything that improves the interaction between development and operations."
"DevOps is really about shared responsibility."
"You have visibility into your CI/CD pipeline, so if we're looking to have visibility along the entire DevOps, we can see the status of code change when it comes to quality, security, and performance."
"We could work together... that was the seed of DevOps coming up."
"DevOps is about culture, automation, lean, measurement, and sharing."
"While there is a lot already out there about what DevOps is or what DevOps isn't, there really isn't much about where DevOps came from or how the DevOps movement actually got started."
"DevOps is really from practitioners by practitioners."
"DevOps is an experience-based movement."