
Data Breach Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The average cost of a data breach in 2020 was $3.86 million."
"Most hacking is simply someone guessing your password successfully or just finding it on some leaked database out there."
"How a company responds to a breach can reinforce or erode consumer confidence in the company."
"So Have I Been Pwned is always a great way to check to see if a password is weak or strong."
"How many times have you gotten a letter, an email, a notification that your personal information has been hacked?"
"I, of course, love the irony that a hacking company just got hacked, and its data has been leaked."
"LastPass breach was worse than expected; information stored in plain text."
"Weibo data breach - 538 million users' data for sale!"
"533 million Facebook users' phone numbers and personal data were leaked online."
"This week's big hack was an airline company, with easyJet admitting data of 9 million hacked."
"And it monitors the deep web for data breaches so if your password does get leaked it'll alert you and you can change it before anything bad happens."
"When you have a cyber breach, a chunk of America is gone forever for your children and your grandchildren."
"Ashley Madison was hacked by a group who called themselves the impact team."
"This terminal contains extensive data regarding the bacterial contagion identified as Kara... pandemic development, network error resulted in routine quarantine procedure failure."
"Companies state that our data is the most valuable asset for them, but when there's a data breach nearly every week... it's like they don't even care."
"CD Projekt Red was also the victim of a hack, resulting in stolen documents and source code."
"Personal information from 191 million voters was leaked to the public online."
"Is it the Intel hack where entire designs leak... we may never entirely know what they did."
"They were responsible for the biggest dump of user information in Internet history."
"When a company suffers a data breach and it's known to the public, it can cause damage to their brand as they lose the respect of the public."
"It's the mother of all breaches, totaling an astounding 12 terabytes of data contained within 26 billion database records."
"Prescriptions went unfilled, patients were stuck at the hospital longer than needed, and Americans are still in the dark about how much of their sensitive information was stolen."
"The zero knowledge architecture makes it nearly impossible for your passwords to be leaked due to a data breach."
"According to the cost of data breach survey, these were the top five things that reduced the cost of a data breach."
"The idea of email aliases was really that in a data breach when I sign up for a new service, I Don't Need Just A Unique strong password for that service, it would also be good if I could have a, you know, a unique email Alias for that service."
"What happened to the husbands who had their information leaked?"
"It seemed like the 37 million users were just caught in the middle while the impact team was trying to bring down Avid life media."
"Crafting a good data breach indemnity clause is really difficult."
"A substantial risk of harm exists when hackers access information through a breach, because the purpose of hacking is misuse."
"It was a series of ifs. But in contrast, in data breach cases, it's the hacker themselves who already accesses all of the information."
"Hundreds of thousands of personal patient records were leaked online and were accessible for anyone to view."
"And the cybercriminals could either abuse those accounts themselves, steal from them, or they could sell access to the data to other individuals or groups."
"Our evil managed to get into GSM law and steal allegedly hundreds of gigabytes of data from them."
"Your full name, address, phone number, passwords, and other sensitive information have been linked before in various data breaches."
"Basically, if there's a data breach out there where the data is public, Troy knows about it."
"'Equifax announced last week that on September 7th, 143 million U.S. base users had their entire financial history compromised.'"
"We can go ahead and crack some information, dump the non-default user's password."
"Now companies state that our data is the most valuable asset for them, but when there's a data breach nearly every week due to horrendous security, it's like they don't even care."
"You can assume that all these usernames and passwords are now in the hands of whatever attacker that got into this computer."
"If thousands of usernames, order amounts, addresses all get leaked, all of those people will leave Silk Road and be scared to use it again."
"Every business is a potential target for cyber attackers, and data breaches are becoming more frequent, severe, and costly."
"Insiders are actually still the largest in terms of just exfiltration of data, insiders are still our biggest threat."
"The over-and-under on your stock drop when you do get breached is gonna make that look cheap."
"The world's largest data breach is not a record that any company wants to hold."
"Millions of U.S military emails have been leaked."
"Have I been pwned.com is set up there for the public to check if they've ever been in a data breach."
"The enforcement rule and the breach notification rule are incredibly important because they lay out the detailed conditions under which people need to be notified if there's been a breach."
"Sadie slipped away and accessed a restricted area; she inserted a flash drive into a computer and downloaded the resort's confidential files."
"Not a week goes by today that we don't learn about another data breach somewhere."
"Not a day goes by in which we don't see another company in the headlines due to a data breach."
"With cybercrime increasing over 600 percent during the pandemic, 79 percent of businesses encountering at least one data breach over the previous 18 months, and 4.8 million theft and fraud reports received by the FTC, the protection of data is no longer optional."
"The Equifax data breach was an absolute disgrace."
"If it all goes wrong and the company fails to keep our data safe, then they must report the breach and tell us within 72 hours."
"Data breaches must now be notified... it's easier for supervisory authorities to exercise their function."