
Solar Energy Quotes

There are 799 quotes

"Must be very proud. No, not while my greatest nemesis still provides our customers with free leaked heat and energy. This enemy, the Sun."
"The cheapest source of energy is today... Fusion. It's the sun using solar panels."
"Life on Earth needs energy to function, and the Sun frequently provides that energy."
"There's a giant fusion reactor in the sky that shows up every morning and zero maintenance."
"The Chad le Solar Project Park is currently home to the largest solar farm in the world... it proves that in the right location, solar energy is more than cost-effective and feasible."
"If you really want to get a lot from solar panels, you need to adopt the traditional Bavarian farming method where you leap off the roof and coat the countryside with solar panels."
"The earth is almost entirely solar-powered today... The amount of energy that reaches us from the Sun is tremendous."
"Charge on solar quote: during the day when the sun is shining, this energy can be directed right to your car."
"Earth is basically self-sufficient, except for the light we receive from the sun, which keeps our planet comfortably warm and powers our entire ecosystem."
"Some archaeologists and scientists believe that the Capstone could absorb the sun's energy and distribute it evenly throughout the pyramid."
"My wife and I decided to get solar installed for two reasons: 1) reduce our electric bill and save money over time, and 2) get as much of our electricity from clean sources as possible."
"A new device pulls drinking water from the air using only solar energy."
"Giving a second life to all solar panel components would not only reduce the amount of waste ending up in landfills but also shrink the demand for new materials."
"If you'd like to be completely sustainable by putting solar on the roof of your house, talk to our friends at EnergyPal."
"We were well prepared, mate. One thing I would do again is make sure I've got solar on my vehicle."
"Dyson Swarms work perfectly fine even when just composed of a few hundreds objects absorbing a millionth of the sunlight, and you just keep adding to it with time."
"We have solar panels that attach directly to roofs."
"But what do you think is CSP technology going to be the solar wave of the future?"
"Solar is all about freedom and being off-grid is all about freedom."
"People should not wait for next year to get solar."
"Transparent solar panels have a clear advantage over partially transparent versions since they can turn any glass sheet or window into a photovoltaic cell."
"A single solar panel placed here in algeria is capable of generating three times more electricity than the same panel placed in germany."
"Our Sun offers a more reliable and long term power supply than fossil fuels."
"Solar power’s future is as bright as the sun that fuels it."
"However, if you finance and pay for the system yourself and don’t lease it, adding solar to your home actually increases your home’s value by 3-4%."
"It's important that we have utility scale projects to help really create lots of opportunity for lots of different types of customers to be able to get solar power."
"With the passage of the $1.4 trillion omnibus package last week, the federal ITC U.S. solar tax credits that were going to expire in a few days were instead extended for two more years."
"The ideal angle for a solar panel installation is somewhere between 30 degrees and 45 degrees."
"Solar, or photovoltaic energy, is made useful by converting light (photons) into an electric or voltaic current."
"Solar will ultimately allow for a more distributed and more resilient power system or grid..."
"Elon says it's sort of like having a money printing machine on your roof."
"Thinking about solar power like money is a good way to look at things."
"Solar power is an integral component to continuing life with a modern semblance of convenience."
"What if making new solar cells was as simple as printing a newspaper?"
"The technology he conceived to harvest all of the sun's energy is today known as a Dyson Sphere."
"The use of solar panels contributes to building a sustainable future and reducing dependence on fossil fuels."
"These are Thermal Lilies, organisms that spend most of the time tracking the Sun and absorbing its energy."
"That's a lot of bang for the buck for solar."
"The Tesla Powerwall 3 is a fully integrated solar and battery system."
"The sun produces about 420 million billion watts of power every second."
"We are light beings literally, and the sun itself as it brings those photons which energize and interact directly with our DNA."
"This is all kind of an experiment, right? I mean, doing this whole solar and battery, I'd never done it before. I'm just doing it and I'm sharing with you what I learned."
"The energy from the Sun, both light and heat, originates from nuclear fusion. So, this is what we're teaching in science classes."
"He used glasses and sunlight to start the fire."
"That's where it's headed... all new construction for non-residential buildings has to have solar panels."
"Perovskites could hold the key to higher efficiency at lower costs."
"This is yet another problem engineers have had to think carefully about in their quest to optimize solar cell efficiency."
"Solar power: almost magical in its simplicity."
"2024 is looking to be the year of the perovskite."
"It truly feels like we’re at the beginning of a massive paradigm shift for solar."
"In yet another recent efficiency and durability breakthrough, a team led by scientists from the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) have broken records for semi-transparent perovskite PVs."
"Even if these predictions are wrong and they’re not the next technological leap in the solar sphere, their efficiency ratings are so impressive, they’ll probably find their niche no matter what."
"If the superintendent of schools is on board you get your solar because there's no other reason not to."
"Australia actually has quite a large percentage of homes adopting solar power."
"Now is the time for State lawmakers to help more Americans from all backgrounds reap the financial and environmental benefits of solar."
"Fusion is completely natural. It's called The Sun."
"Putting solar on the roof of your house might not make sense for the first two or three years but then it'll play the long game it will totally Stack Up totally."
"Solar today is already the cheapest form of energy generation on planet Earth today. Not tomorrow, not in 10 years. Today."
"Solar panels actually last 32 and a half years."
"China has installed more solar power capacity than the US and several other countries combined."
"Well, I can't go solar because it's too expensive, 50 grand for my roof."
"Solar panels are an asset; they add value to the house."
"So we just St into the sun collect the metal."
"Perovskite solar cells really do look like they offer the prize of an ultra adaptable, ultra thin, flexible, cheap, high-performance solar cell."
"The chip shortage is also affecting the solar industry."
"The sun, in a very practical sense, is that proximate agent for giving of life."
"Humans use more power than the sun... the electricity will come from massive solar power ramp-up."
"Sunspot's mutant ability allows him to store solar energy in his cells... using it to enhance his physical strength, fly faster than light speed, and use pyro and thermokinesis."
"The sun is the natural life giver, the energy giver of the planet."
"The virtue system promises to outdo traditional solar panels and water heaters combined—could this be the future of home energy solutions?"
"If you want solar cells, we'll just put it in. You don't pay a cent. It's like leasing a car, but even better."
"Solar panels on Earth have to contend with dust, rain, snow, hail, sandstorms, thermal fluctuations and other weathering."
"Solar panels will continue to get lighter, cheaper, more durable, and more efficient as times go on."
"Biden's climate bill might be dead but he just approved two huge solar farms."
"Solar panels on every house could be as common as roofs."
"Solar energy is often underestimated but the earth would be just a cold, dark ice ball at three degrees above absolute zero if it was not for the sun."
"This punch is nothing compared to what the sun is packing right now our star emits over 70 million times more energy per second than all of our nuclear weapons combined."
"How do we have a solar roof that is better than a normal roof?"
"Solar is one of the cheapest forms of electric generation."
"Every hour the sun bombards the earth with more power than the global population consumes in one year."
"The oceans surface absorbs solar radiation all day and that warms the surface to around 22 degrees Celsius."
"Magic Initiate: a way to get just a touch of another class without actually committing to it."
"Solar sails work by having a large sail that used the energy of sunlight to propel itself."
"China approved a 1 billion dollar solar project in the Nevada desert, the biggest solar project in the United States."
"Crystals are being used in more efficient and innovative ways in the solar panel field."
"As long as you put it in geosynchronous orbits, the sun is never going to go down, increasing the efficiency of solar panels by a factor of four."
"Our sun serves as the primary source of light, heat, and crucially, life."
"Install, transform your yard into an oasis of storing light - a solar-powered, waterproof design."
"Solar car: the Lightyear Zero is one of the world's first solar powered cars."
"The Sun is about to illuminate something that's going to make you feel happy."
"Puerto Rico installations: not just throwing up panels, but helping hospitals and elderly centers."
"Solar panels in its roof which is kind of cool."
"This thing is pretty neat, I want to test out more solar panels in the future."
"This is going to see a dramatic change in the way that we think about solar."
"In the very near future, you'll call up the roofing company and they'll be like, 'What style of solar roof do you want?'"
"Streamlined and standardized permitting for residential solar and storage will be massively enabling for the US solar market."
"Australia has been a magnificent innovator in solar cell development over the years for decades."
"Thank you for your interest in Tesla solar; upon further review of your project, our team has determined that your home is in an area we no longer service as we cannot complete your order."
"Every hour the earth is hit with more energy from the sun than the entire world consumes in a year."
"It's a miracle that you can point a sheet of glass at the Sun and out the back comes light and cold and information. I mean, that's Hogwarts scale magic."
"You can think of a star, our own Sun, as a big conversion factory."
"The Sun, source of power for the overpowered."
"Imagine getting twice the power for the same size panel you're using now."
"Theoretically you could cruise around the Mediterranean indefinitely using only the power of the Sun."
"When you live this close to the sea, it does feel a little bit like a waste to not use the sun exposure."
"You could have always ordered a solar roof from somebody and paid an arm and a leg."
"Perovskites are easy-to-synthetize materials, and are considered the future of solar cells."
"Providing your pushing energy through a system and since our sun is pumping energy into earth all the time, we can have high high order in our localized environment even though in the solar system as a whole we're moving towards disorder."
"Solar power tends to match energy usage because it generates power during the day."
"Homeowners who switched to solar saw an average annual savings of one thousand five hundred and eighty seven dollars."
"We're actually getting momentum with the solar roof."
"Solar Roadways: Capturing the imagination of a world in need of change."
"These 10-year-old solar panels have been a beacon of consistency."
"If they were actually serious, there would be, we'd be building solar panels and space and just like there's, there's so many more serious."
"The earth we live on is just a giant magnet that absorbs energy from our sun and converts that energy into temporary biological life forms."
"The realization of one of mankind's most cherished dreams: the harnessing of the almost limitless energy of the sun."
"The Sun, which is 4.5 billion years old, and more than a million times bigger than the earth, is not only a source of cheer when it finally pops out from behind the clouds, it also keeps us alive."
"If these farmers get their tractors and they say 'I have a lot of land'... I could power my whole operation completely by the sun and it's going to be cost-effective for me."
"They should be executed... That's going to be our demise, the sun's not getting enough respect."
"The future of solar technology extends far beyond silicon."
"Tesla's solar roof deployments grew 9x compared to the same period last year."
"We get an interesting report from Electric finally giving us an update on Tesla solar."
"This is useful for example in deploying solar panels."
"With solar panels on the roofs of nearly one in three residential homes, Australia has the highest penetration of rooftop solar per capita in the world."
"So smart energy is a solar retailer in New South Wales and they said that they have witnessed a record sales quarter after an unprecedented 41% increase in sales"
"Massive adoption is also likely to bring down prices, making these and other similar technologies the perfect complement for residential solar panels."
"The sun's activity limits you. You can maximize the sun's activity through a solar cooker or reflective materials to concentrate the heat and expedite the evaporation process."
"I upgraded to two battleborn lithium batteries which gave me more storage of the power of the solar that I bring in and they lasted longer."
"To install a large solar PV system, you need G99 approval. Your installer can handle the paperwork for you."
"Thankfully, we live in a state that has solar access rights and prevents homeowner associations from eliminating our right to put up solar panels on our roof."
"All the solar panels on that massive new building run around 75% of this site."
"The energy from solar radiation to grow our food dwarfs all of these other inputs."
"I'm really happy with how the solar performance has turned out."
"This is a solar home, so it's really, really efficient."
"As the only permanent sports facility built for Paris 2024, the Olympic Aquatic Center's materials are biobased, and it features a 5,000 square meter solar roof."
"The bifacial outperforms the standard panel all day long."
"We've helped hundreds of homeowners out; more solar is going to be installed in the next 2 years than in the last 40 years combined."
"...solar panels... they're not just pretty... but they will also rotate to make sure that the panels are always directly facing the sun."
"370 watts of solar standard on the roof."
"Invest the time and energy into either paying someone to install solar or installing solar on your own."
"It can literally pay for itself over time, especially when you factor in the current solar tax credits."
"Don't forget to claim those tax incentives as well, as that'll make this system a lot more affordable in the long run."
"Our rooftop mounted solar system will automatically position the panels to face perpendicular to the sun, generating up to two times the energy per day compared to a flat-mounted system."
"The summer months seem like the perfect time to take advantage of excess solar."
"With the help of solar batteries, we can produce electricity without burning any oil or coal."
"Solar panels generate electricity from the sun's energy."
"After installing the power optimizers, the solar panels themselves are next."
"Wouldn't that be perfect for our situation up here because we get sun about three quarters of the day?"
"a solar generator is three things it's an inverter a charge controller and a battery so basically that's output power input power and fuel tank"
"Solar gives back is a project that I started...if you guys ever want to do something cool in the world for the sake of solar come join us."
"Now for the first one, we have a panel voltage here of 24.3 and for this one, we're needing a 12 volt battery Bank with three panels in the array and so that's going to look like this."
"It is very attractive to NASA planners because by using the sun's energy in the process, considerably less propellant is being brought into orbit which reduces launch mass and cost."
"Solar as a concept is really pretty simple. You've got panels on your roof that take light from the sun and turn it into DC voltage."
"There is solar energy that does get to the surface, but not much of it actually gets to the surface."
"Solar is really best known for its powerful nature."
"So I'm ending the project 54. I did most of the tools for this except for the bigger planer and things like that and all I ever did the whole time is solar charge."
"The Netherlands created the first solar cycle lane in the world."
"Everybody can work out what a solar panel looks like, but to have it just there like that, with a cable actually going all the way down there, so it must be providing power to something."
"Solar Impulse is an aircraft that has flown around the world powered exclusively by solar energy."
"...the one thing I'm really looking forward to is the summer time because like I said earlier I can actually double if not triple my solar input by using portable solar panels outside my van."
"Pre Sun's roofing tiles not only harness solar energy but also blend seamlessly with various architectural styles."
"The idea is to use every single available surface to maximize the solar efficiency."
"This new inverter is going to make it a lot more affordable for people to initially get into solar for their home."
"If you're driving or you're sitting at camp with your solar panel set up you can rely on the Adventure Kings Mark II DC-DC charger to keep your batteries fully charged all the time."
"So you want to DIY your own solar system."
"I'm a huge admirer of the solar shows I've seen them for years and I actually believe there is room in the market for others."
"Solar is emblematic of China's ability to focus much more on using manufacturing to just out-compete to the US after the science is mature."
"The site contains everything you need to research solar from reviews of solar installers and hardware to payback calculators."
"I truly think this is the future of solar."
"Charging from solar means you can drive for free."
"SolarEdge is known to have some of the most efficient inverters and optimizers on the market."
"The solar energy is tied to freedom and Liberation, a new dawn."
"That's on the floor, who cares? I want the Solar Nutters."
"Solar panels reflect away a lot of solar heat and they actually cool the ground underneath it."
"...the level of light that emits from the solar lights has everything to do with how much sun or shade your home receives."
"If you have any idea how big 5000 watts of solar is."
"it's like 8:25...no more solar...the sun has settled beyond the horizon."
"By the end of this video you'll have a basic understanding of everything that you need to know to convert the sun's energy through your solar panels into power that you can use in your everyday life."
"But because of the work we've done for 15 years in trying to create solar light and electricity for people who've been fully left out, we've been able to get electricity to about 160 million of the world's truly poor people."
"As long as you have a relatively sunny day and a Sun Shade, you could probably make yourself a solar oven."
"Solar system works really really well. Really happy with it."
"If you decide to get solar, put on a brand spanking new roof before you put on the solar."
"This jar is designed to magnify that solar energy."
"I didn't really really gain a lot in the grand scheme of solar that's like the same as plugging in for like five minutes right so it's it's not a ton"
"Solar is one of the fastest growing industries. There's some states that are now just getting approved for solar, and it's one of the fastest growing industries."
"Solar is one of the fastest growing industries."
"People aren't going solar to save 10-20 bucks a month, they're doing it because they want the control, predictability, ownership."
"Once there's one solar panel up there, the second sale becomes easier and the third, fourth, and fifth sales almost become a breeze."
"We are as an industry in the infancy phase of RV solar."
"I came in this class with quite a bit of knowledge in how things work of solar components. I wasn't quite sure how things tied together from the solar panels on the roof, the proper way to connect them, and all the little tidbits that really make a system work efficiently."
"Renewable fuels are not the same, solar energy is diffuse, and wind energy requires a much larger land area."
"If you don't use it it's just being wasted that's what's so amazing about solar."
"It's about making solar really cost effective."
"It cost upward of $10 a watt for the solar panels, in that day in 1979."
"It's all off the grid as well, so there's solar on the roof."
"Now, they used to quote a 10-year payback on solar, but now with the sky-high price of electricity, you're looking at something closer to four to five years, I'm told."
"The sun's a powerful thing it's completely free over there you don't need Heating and you don't need cooling or you can reduce it drastically."
"Clipping is by design because in the fall, winters, and spring, when solar production isn't as optimal, the clipping that you experience in the summer will end up having a more impactful benefit."
"When people are trying to find a site and they're trying to figure out where to build a large scale solar, they want to be close to existing infrastructure."
"Striking a balance between the right power consumption, the right power storage, and the right power generation via a solar panel is very, very important."