
Literary Appreciation Quotes

There are 540 quotes

"This was a good chapter, man; this was a really, really good chapter."
"But those three people, I just see them liking books with this type of depth to it."
"I'm currently reading 'A Farewell to Arms'. I don't know, I'm just kind of falling in love with him in a way that I've never fallen in love with an author."
"The blend of darkness and humor in this book and the fact that it's so ahead of its time definitely made this one of the year's best reads."
"I think subtlety is a virtue... I like to reward the readers who are reading closely and paying attention."
"Instead of just focusing on analyzing the story structure and how it is written, also take some time to focus and think about why a book touches you or why you love a certain story so much."
"I appreciated the sentiment of this novel and I liked the ending, which was a little bit more experimental."
"Even if I don't enjoy a particular book, I can respect what it's trying to achieve and learn from that perspective."
"Despite all of these facts, the Succession War arc continues to be, in my opinion, an incredible, elaborate, and ambitious piece of work."
"Piranesi is a study in solitude, and one of the best things I read in 2021."
"The story here in my opinion is one of the best of the series."
"The King James Version has wings and soars like a bird above the lesser translations."
"The Live Ship Trader series is just living at the top of the list."
"It is one of the best things I have read in years and it's truly one of my favorite fantasy series of all time."
"This concluding novel did not disappoint in any way."
"These chapters were flawless, I have no complaints, I've got nothing negative to say. It was perfect, I loved it all."
"I liked this chapter because it made me rethink everything, it was more realistic than just dragons."
"It's a thrilling book... the prose is lovely... I'm a sucker for genre fiction that is well written."
"Orwell is still remembered even now as one of the clearest and most intelligent writers of the 20th century."
"The genius of The Da Vinci Code is how brilliantly it weaves together history legend and fantasy into an intriguing new tapestry."
"I think a book is good if you gain something from it whether that be enjoyment or a heightened appreciation for your own reality."
"Again, I think that is the sign of really good writing."
"This story is not just a rehash of what we kind of thought we all knew about the Christopher Watts case."
"I kept thinking to myself, 'Wow, she's a very good writer.'"
"I am giving this book a 5 out of 5 stars... it deserves five stars."
"As much as I loved the first book I loved the sequel even more and oh my goodness these books were just so so great."
"In his work Steven has articulated this struggle better than anyone I've ever read."
"Man, I would kill to see this book adapted into a film someday."
"I loved it... just his beautiful, beautiful way with words."
"I read this story first aloud in a class in college in 1979, and a friend of mine came up to me and said, 'You should forget that sports casting thing, you should read Thurber for a living.'"
"I think her writing matches the genre beautifully and wonderfully and so perfect."
"Revenge of the Sith book is so underrated, must read."
"I love good writing, it's my number one criteria."
"I've always been kind of a big Edgar Allen Poe, Bram Stoker fan, and so having a game that's sort of set in that world or nebulous is very, very intriguing to me."
"I love Rurouni Kenshin. It is one of my favorite stories of all time."
"Evelyn Hugo feels like a real person. You want to live and have a piece of Evelyn Hugo because that is how charismatic and absolutely gripping this woman is."
"Each story was so unique... I felt like each story fit into the theme of the collection, but overall each story stood out as its own."
"I've read Ender's Game now north of 26 times."
"This book is excellent and I think everyone should read it."
"The found family vibes immaculate... I'll gas those books, they're just really good."
"History is All You Left Me... I love literally every second of this book."
"Everything about it was just amazing, I think it's actually one of the most atmospheric books I've ever read in my entire life."
"This is one of the greatest stories I've ever heard."
"I stand with the raos. I've never even seen the Star Wars movies, but I've read some banger books by the raos this year."
"It was an instant classic. Definitely one of the best Memoirs that I've read. 5 out of 5 freaking Stars."
"There's such an incredible magic to reading a book that you love and that you're overwhelmed by the beauty of and you think, 'I can't believe that this book was written by a person!'"
"You know more Tolkien is a good thing in the world."
"This book honestly sounds enchanting. I'm particularly drawn to the magic itself."
"Farewell Sarah Jane by Russell T Davies was a wonderful tribute."
"The sheer intelligence and layers of depth within their writing is still unparalleled to me."
"I found his book so compelling that I began to read a lot of him."
"Something filled with plot twists and a plot I'll fall in love with but would also shatter my soul."
"So if you're listening to this and you agreed you were like okay it was good but it wasn't like I mean go read it or you just don't have trauma in your life."
"It is excellent it is gruesome but it is excellent."
"This book was amazing also cried while reading this it was just a beautiful portrait of a family."
"It's more than a classic, it's a generational statement."
"I'm so incredibly excited for her future writing and her future books because this was incredible and amazing."
"Something I just really appreciate and I feel like this is like a love song to this book but it's really living up to all the hype I wanted it to."
"Words of Radiance after Way of Kings is just so good."
"But just the expansion and the character development that is present within this book..."
"There isn't an aspect of this book for me that seems boring or sad or ugly or gross or not informative."
"This is one of the most unique reading experiences I have ever had."
"I love the way Emily Henry writes it literally makes me just emotional."
"The song of Achilles holy moly holy shlokes... one of the most beautiful love stories of all time."
"I am in love with Hyperion and this, yeah, earns the spot solidly."
"I highly recommend it, the Overstory by Richard Powers."
"I enjoy how different Mariposa is from Alina and it's always nice to see a book lover portrayed in a film in a way that isn't nerdy."
"Chapter by chapter, I find myself more and more endeared to who he is. He shoulders the narrative extremely well."
"The Afterlife of Holly Chase is so fantastic, it's extremely atmospheric. I find it to be very creative retelling and there are just so many little intricate things I love about it."
"There could be so much pulled from these opening lines. I love it."
"The great book... is the main reason great books are so rare."
"JK Rowling is a phenomenal writer, and you can tell how much she cares about this series based on how much detail she puts into each aspect of the book."
"This book is genuinely a masterpiece, and I feel like kind of shaped me."
"I loved the characters and the storyline was incredible."
"It's an engaging, well-written, wonderful story."
"Neil Gaiman is probably my favorite living writer... I think he's absolutely brilliant."
"The way that Ocean Vuong can sort of just rip your heart to shreds in a few sentences... it's so beautiful."
"As expected, did not cry... Madeline Miller's writing is incredible... I still think [Circe] is better than the Song of Achilles."
"I love the writing of this book, I love the world building of this book."
"Jiraiya's backstory is so good that he brought together these three stories to make the protagonist's story even better."
"Marquez's writing is so beautiful at times, it's so lyrical."
"In short, Midnight is a novel that speaks to and for our generation."
"The reason Harry Potter will remain an international classic for generations to come is not because of its accessible writing style or page-turning mysteries, but because of the universal themes it explores."
"It's kind of a little bit sad but it's also just so great... once again, that nostalgia really brought me back to the story."
"Hobbits really are amazing creatures. Yet after a hundred years, they can still surprise you."
"One of my favorite series ever though, one of my favorite fantasy series too is the Queen of the Tearling."
"Love Murakami, adore these so so much, definitely one of my favorite writers."
"David Mitchell, another one of my favorite authors, love them so much."
"Lord of the Rings is the best book of the last century you know I don't even feel the need to justify that it's one of the most compelling stories ever told."
"The writing in this, at least to me, was spot-on."
"Hostage at all costs. Well, I am a big Isaac Asimov fan."
"The really magical thing about this project is I thought it was going to be incredibly Niche it was a heart piece born out of my love for Shakespeare..."
"I think you ever get too old to read a middle grade or children's book because if it's a good book then it's a good book."
"when it came to World building classic Thomas was a master of The Craft"
"Jughead is dense and smartly written and totally relatable to readers of any age."
"But you don't have to agree with Eren's actions to recognize that he is an extremely well-written character and that he has undergone one of the most incredible character developments in all of fiction."
"Bolo'bolo is a genuinely fun read, a great resource for worldbuilders, and certainly deserves points for creativity."
"Reading young adult books does not make you a lesser reader liking Twilight or Cassandra Clare or John Green does not make you a bad person or a fake reader."
"Series of unfortunate events... just such a classic and it's so good."
"The main thing I see praised in this story is the writing style."
"Every little detail in the book is brilliant."
"Could a murder conspiracy exist at the highest level? The only way we'll ever know is if records from the FBI or some other governmental agency suddenly turn up."
"What is so beautiful about the Lord of the Rings is exactly its broad applicability"
"It's so visually atmospheric, haunting, with such gorgeous prose."
"It's science fiction. This is what we're all looking for."
"I loved this book and this book also destroyed me in every way shape and form."
"Thank you Mark, it's a wonderful book, and we thank Mark and your wonderful work Greg for all these years, these decades working and connecting and sharing with us this wisdom in a really practical way too."
"I just wanted to express my gratitude to Jared Kushner for reviving interest in my book."
"Each character is just so intricately and intimately created, they are perfect."
"The poetry, that's tremendously good reason."
"From beginning to end, it was a delight. I really enjoyed this book, it was so imaginative and just really gosh darn entertaining."
"Shakespeare just kind of opened my eyes to how beautiful language can be."
"I just wanted to take a second to thank all of these people for this book because I love Strix Haven. It's so creative and interesting and complex."
"But I at least wanted to take this opportunity to throw my shield up in defense of this book because I think there's so much that it did right."
"I've always considered Alan Moore to be the exception to the rule that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover."
"I love the idea that somewhere some person is going to pick up one of these books and it could be their favorite book instead of it just sitting on my shelf."
"The rings of power is a masterpiece, an epic Saga Tolkien would be proud."
"I adore Wuthering Heights, I really really really do, I can't wait to reread it, annotate this copy and just fall in love with it all over again."
"This classic just honestly lives up to all the hype, Oscar Wilde just went places that I've never seen anyone else really go to before with their writing."
"I cried at this book because of how beautiful the language was, it was such, oh my gosh, it was just such a wonder to see him work and to like see what he does."
"The writing, like, it was so beautiful. I don't think this is a book for everyone because the prose is exquisite and flowery and descriptive."
"Book 4 is arguably the best in the entire series."
"I do like those sort of histories that kind of take you through different time periods and I like that theme that's sort of like weaves together all those little details."
"The old stuff is often underestimated; the quality of writing is something people vastly underestimate."
"JK Rowling really created the most beautiful world. Harry Potter will always be one of the best book and film series."
"The remains of the day really taught me that non-genre fiction are not so much about the premise of the book like the premise of the book doesn't have to be interesting for the book to be interesting to read like it's more about the execution."
"Both books that I've read from her so far have just been phenomenal, and I'm really hoping that that pattern will continue."
"A hundred years from now if somebody should bring up my name... I thought he was a good writer, his stories gave me a lot of pleasure."
"It's honestly kind of hard to go deep into, but just know this has a wonderfully complex plot but also equally lovable characters."
"There's no right or wrong way, there's just preferences."
"That book of yours was fantastic, all of your writing is good."
"The divine comedy is not so much a puzzle to be unraveled but a mystery to be experienced."
"Perfect endings don't come around all that often Deathly Hallows and half-blood Prince are just the pinnacle of Harry Potter."
"The writing style is absolutely gorgeous and this is one of those books where it describes people reading books and it makes you jealous that they're reading a book that doesn't exist because it makes it sound so good."
"The idea of a coach and horses pulling in here to the Royal Victoria and bull Hotel carrying Mr. Pickwick and his friends is as delightful as ever."
"It's worth re-reading those chapters for small deviations, rearranged events, and honestly better art."
"From the first sentence to the last sentence, I am hooked the entire time."
"The blend of mystery and solving, first love and horrible loss was just phenomenal."
"She ends up being arguably one of the most developed characters."
"The beauty of Stephen King's novella is that as much as it is a story about surviving monsters in the mist, it's equally about the monster lurking within each human being."
"I recommend Elizabeth Acevedo's books to everybody. If you have not checked her out before, now is the time. This is the sign to read Elizabeth Acevedo's books."
"I cannot overstate how much I love his writing."
"It's just fun to learn about the new unique concepts, to enjoy the fantastic writing, to watch the style and format change in new ways."
"I'm really thinking a lot about like the craft of writing about what makes my favorite books my favorite books."
"I enjoyed obviously Station 11 so much, it's one of my favorite books of all time."
"It was probably the most emotionally moving book I read this year, it really impacted me emotionally."
"I really enjoyed this book; it had the perfect mix of fantasy, thriller, and heart."
"The Harry Potter books are special, they transport you into another world."
"When it comes to just the story, this is probably my personal favorite."
"I'm just so glad you wrote it... it's the perfect analogy."
"It's beautiful; I think it's one that you could pick up and read and enjoy as well."
"There's someone for everyone in this world of classics."
"He wasn't just a poet though he was a teacher novelist critic and all-around champion of literature."
"It gives you so much context for the books... made me want to reread the series."
"This Dark Tower entry is the peak of Dark Tower for me so far. It embraces Stephen King's weird and alternative looks at what fantasy can be in such a fantastic way."
"This book balanced being very tragic with being very beautiful... I got emotional at various points."
"This reread was actually so easy breezy kind of coordinating right now loved it quest focus classic fantasy with great romance."
"I really respected how kristin cashore approached the romance within this novel."
"The new covers are incredible, the story holds up so well, I loved every single second of it."
"I am in love... she is just struggling so much... I love our main character... themes that it's covering... how children in these horrific situations are robbed of their childhood... I feel so much for her."
"I can totally see why Jack loved this book... so many lines that I was in love with... absolutely fascinating... absolutely stunning."
"I think Jeanette was so [__] brave for publishing this book."
"We always have Tolkien's books as they were intended to be read, and no matter what show comes along it will never destroy Tolkien's true works."
"Beatrix Potter is still adored the world over."
"I think it was such a well-crafted piece of literature and I think a lot of people will get a lot of enjoyment out of this book."
"Owen Meany is very charismatic character Jonathan writes him amazingly well you kind of fall in love with him in that sense it's really a good book and worth reading for that kind of thing alone."
"Beyond satiating my own thirst for Warcraft lore of course it got me thinking about franchise novels in general."
"I'm so glad you read the book. Every reader is like my first reader to me."
"Go support your favorite author, he deserves it."
"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is my new favorite book. Honestly, my new favorite book."
"I absolutely loved that... what a fascinating read honestly."
"Gravity's Rainbow is poignant and profound beyond belief, there are passages that simply send chills through me."
"East of Eden... is probably one of the most beautiful books I've ever read."
"It felt like such a divine little tribute to a woman who, you know, had flaws and which she recognizes but also was really wonderful."
"Kahlil Gibran's writing is like magic, like a magic trick every single time."
"I just feel like a total fangirl when I talk about Pride and Prejudice."
"Everyone likes fiction for different reasons, but characters will always be the linchpin of a narrative, and that is why, when done right, good characters can create unforgettable moments that are impossible not to marvel at."
"Morning Star, one of my favorite finishes to a trilogy I have come across."
"Nice Try, Jane Sinner is seriously so so good."
"I highly highly recommend it I think a lot of you guys are really gonna like it."
"That book was so good it fully lived up to the hype."
"I found the writing, the explosive storyline, to be incredibly engaging."
"This book is just stunning, I love it, one of my favorite books of the month."
"Love the books, just finished Killing Jesus. So impressed."
"This book was everything that I did not know that I needed."
"Gaiman is clearly a fanboy from childhood and that love runs rampant in every little line, detail, and reference in 'The Doctor's Wife.'"
"It's a really lovely example of writing of its kind."
"Fantasy is a genre that just overlaps others... that's the real beauty of it to me."
"Charles Dickens is my favorite author in the whole wide world."
"You have to approach poetry with the understanding that this is someone's favorite poem."
"The fact that people were still interested in the story books even from the time when she first wrote them up until her later years, who wouldn't be flattered by that kind of attention?"
"It's wonderful how Dune has such an emotional relatable heart to it deep down."
"The setting and time period of this was so cool and that was probably my favorite part of the books themselves."
"It's a special feeling when you find a story where not only are you able to enjoy what is on the page but there's this additional understanding that you hope is real of what the author is trying to accomplish."
"E. Lockhart creates such a tense atmosphere and, like, you know there's a twist coming but I was not prepared for how good the twist was."
"Pariston Hill is, in my opinion, one of if not the most fascinating character that Takashi has ever created."
"A book becomes more resonant, more profound when we share it with another, when we talk it through, when we think aloud or we think on paper."
"I just love markets, magical markets in books, best Trope."
"Absolutely wonderful, highly recommend if you like Gothic stories."
"Sherlock Holmes is a fantastic character, just so unique, I love that he's so hyper focused on his work."