
Bull Market Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Corrections are noble; we're going to get corrections in a bull market. They're part of the course."
"We're definitely in a bull market, and this bull market is definitely going to melt faces."
"I know we're all going to make life-changing money in this bull market, but not everyone's going to keep their money."
"We should be taking advantage of one of the greatest gifts these crypto winters afford us: time to build, without all the distractions of bull market mania."
"The average bear market period lasts about 1.4 years with an average accumulated loss of 41%, while the average bull market period lasts 9.1 years with an average cumulative total return of 476%."
"Dips in a bull market like this are not only healthy but they are necessary for us to see sustained growth."
"Gold is just beginning a truly historical bull market."
"The kind of bull market that investors dreamed of in the late '90s... will come out of this."
"Invalidation of previous bull market theses."
"This NFT craze is gonna last throughout this entire bull market... gaming is gonna be such a big focus."
"This bull market is actually a much better, much healthier bull market."
"There will be another great opportunity for an expansion in a multi-year bull market."
"Timing is everything. I personally believe that we are the very beginning stages of the last part of this bull market."
"The real key to succeeding in this bull run actually lies in these dips."
"Take advantage of them because they're not going to come around that often in a bull run and you want to maximize your cost basis in this market."
"Every dip is an opportunity in a bull market."
"Historically, a market like this, that's a bull run that the world's never seen before."
"When the market responds to good news, typically that's a bull market indicator."
"I think D5 is going to be a big Narrative of the next bull market."
"As long as we maintain ourselves above that level, we could still be in a bull market."
"Science is not a set of facts, it's a way of thinking about the world."
"Just showing up and sharing these things with us is a fantastic way to be a part of the community."
"Bitcoin is in an absolutely historic bull run phase."
"This time the game is completely different, but if you play your cards right, you're going to make more money in this bull market than any other bull market that we've seen in history."
"This bull market is going to be the craziest of our lives."
"I thought there'd never be another crypto bull market like the one we had in 2017, now I'm saying this bull market is just getting started."
"The market is on an absolute tear, and if you want to make life-changing money in the next part of the bull market, you really have to understand."
"Silver has risen more than gold every single time in major bull markets in history."
"I think we are now on an explosive track for this bull run."
"It's entirely possible this could be the beginning of the longest bull market run we have ever seen."
"During bull runs the amount of effort a seller needs to impact the price is immense and usually ineffective."
"Transaction volume is picking up... resembling the early phase of a bull market."
"The cryptocurrency I think has the greatest appreciative value between now and the end of the bull run that is already kind of in the mid cap range is shiba inu."
"If bitcoin can manage to do that very quickly... then the odds could favor a potential bull market continuation."
"I'm way more on the bull case than the bear case when you look at the entire ecosystem."
"In a bull market, when we see breakouts, that means higher, higher, higher action is coming."
"It's not catastrophic. This is not the end of the bull market."
"There's excess demand for a very finite and scarce supply of an asset; that's the bull case."
"These factors combined to give us the mother of all bull runs."
"The next bull market is not only going to be the best and most violent bull market that we have had in crypto but also the last opportunity to make outstanding and lifechanging gains for yourself."
"We had a 70% drop here, and we were still in a very, very raging bull market."
"I think it's as attractive as it was during prior beginnings of bull markets."
"Ethereum is going to do damn well in this bull market."
"Gold is making new all-time highs in every currency... We are in a bull market and this bull market is just getting started..."
"We're at the end of a 41-year secular bull market."
"This is the bull market that will make multi-millionaires."
"Unbelievable because that places you exactly on time for the absolute bull market that's about to happen."
"I think we're on a commodity super cycle, you know, bull market doorstep."
"A bull market is going to resume, and we're going to see a major uptrend."
"Bull markets run higher than anyone ever thinks possible."
"The bull run that we're coming into is going to change a lot of people's lives for the better."
"The suppression of the last bull run is gone."
"Ultimately this to me is signaling that we are at the beginning... of the major bull run."
"I think we are at the end of a 40-year secular bull market that began in August of 1982."
"One trend we notice is in bull runs, the active supply which is liquid and market available increases."
"You need to respect the bull breakout and follow the price action and trend."
"Remember, often in a bull market you can get away with small positions, big move."
"Investing early during the early stages of a bull market can yield good results."
"Launch block is a Launchpad that I think is going to go bigger than any other Launchpad throughout the course of the next bull run."
"In a bull market, most investors are making money."
"The great bull market that began in March 2009 ended in March 2024."
"We should expect more tokens to launch in a bull market, and as a result, you should expect more air drops."
"When a silver bull market gets underway, it's something to behold."
"The precious metals bull markets only occupy two years or two and a half years of a decade but characteristically things like the X give you 300% returns."
"We're still in a bull market, and historically, that has coincided with the Bitcoin halving."
"We are very oversold within a bull market."
"There's no such thing as overbought in a bull market."
"These are crypto cycles that happen and it seems like there are two distinct phases within a bull market and then you have a bear market."
"During bull markets everything is going up and you can take long positions and that's great."
"The best bull markets will run this strategy up to some insane levels."
"If we are really going to have a new bull market, I think that Bitcoin theme is something that is likely going to have legs."
"Please don't leverage trade during a bull market be very very careful unless you have a lot of experience."
"Gearing up for the bull market, though, I know it's essential to be able to spot these scams, understand these scams, and avoid them in order to protect my capital."
"The 112 isn't a bull market, maybe 30 wide as I explained, make more income."
"I've got some videos on that but basically the IUL challenge says, 'Hey, we just came through the greatest bull run in the history of the world and you're gonna find out why the IUL challenge exists based on the information that I'm about to give you."
"I think we can see the scenario in 2024 where we could see a bull market emerge for the commodity sector in general and for the mining sector in particular."
"We're on the verge of the biggest Commodities bull market since the 1970s."
"We're going to begin the most powerful bull market in world history."
"We're optimistic that is going to change and that will really power this bull market."
"We're in the beginning stage of the bull market."
"We discussed four narratives that are going to play out and are going to make millionaires in this bull market."
"We're moving into phase two of the bull market."
"We're very, very early in the bull market."
"The next part of this bull market is actually the parabolic phase."
"We're just here at this part of the bull market; we haven't yet seen the retail masses coming in."
"We're in the middle of maybe the biggest bull market in crypto history ever."
"It looks and feels like early stages of a bull market."
"Well, you all know that I'm a bull, but I love talking about the bear case."
"Bull markets still on, signs are still looking good."
"Cryptocurrency millionaires will be made in the next few years as Bitcoin and crypto enters into its first real mainstream bull market."
"Bull markets are a grind, picture this as a high-rise, it takes forever to build, but when it's time to knock down a building, they blow it up and it's done in a day."
"We strictly follow price action and do not rule out these bullish scenarios because we are in a bull market."
"Even if we get a pullback into support, that is going to be a buying opportunity within a bull market."
"There's always a bull market somewhere in risk capital markets."
"In secular bull markets, if we're patient, really good things can happen."
"Bull markets, by definition, after volatility givebacks and corrections, go on to make higher highs."
"A bull market is how you could categorize a market that is rising."
"We are in a strong bull market for gold and silver and gold and silver mining stocks."
"In a bull market, you'll see price trending upwards, you lean towards taking long trade setups to trade with the overall upwards market momentum."
"Listen, there's no doubt that we are in a raging bull market on Bitcoin."
"I firmly believe that Bitcoin will go to over $150,000 probably all the way up to $200,000 this bull market."
"Ethereum will go to over $10,000 in this bull market."
"We're now talking about this bull market gaining extreme, extreme, extreme momentum."
"I've got five altcoins smart money seems to be buying in preparation for the upcoming 2024 bull market."
"Decentralized exchanges are one of the key narratives that I think you're going to see significant growth during this bull market."
"Bitcoin broke above 28,545 for the first time concretely, taking its first step towards bull market."
"The bear market seems to be behind us, maybe moving into that consolidation, potentially moving into a bull."
"In a bull market, I think you want to take some shots on breakouts when they happen on significant stocks."
"I still believe this is just a correction in an ongoing bull market."
"Don't you just love bull markets? Everything is green, it's amazing."
"Disbelief basically comes before a bull market."
"Long positions really are good to get into as the recovery phase comes in into the bull market."
"We are in this yellow phase, which has always typically been the turn before the real bull market which comes after the halving."
"Unemployment will tick up, but it's always the last thing to go before you then get that whoosh into the new bull market."
"Now we do, and it's a very different system now going into the next bull market than we had in the previous."
"The sooner that you realize we're in a Raging Bull Market, the better."
"If you cross these moving averages and you hold the red one and the blue one, you are in bull markets."
"Now is the best time to sharpen your tools because in a bull run, you don't have time to research."
"It's the longest bull market right in the history of the U.S. stock market."