
Game Graphics Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Every single surface of literally every wall, floor, and ceiling has been updated using much higher quality texture maps."
"This game had like such, oh, I don't even, the interiors were super detailed."
"Battlefield will always have better graphics and better sounds, significantly higher quality."
"Mass Effect 3: ridiculous improvements in lighting, facial animation, everything."
"Graphics are absolutely important they are an essential part of video games."
"Revelations 2 was a really eye-catching game thanks to the impressive engine."
"This HUD is pretty horrible, but the actual animation of getting a player, that is better than FIFA 19, I'm pretty sure we can all agree to that."
"Something about the character rendering though actually reminds me of the Order 1886 in a positive way."
"I just love the way this game looks, like the use of depth of field and the lighting and all the shader tricks they're doing there."
"HBao results in a more realistically lit and shaded environment."
"This does not look like Minecraft. This looks like a work of art."
"The horse animation in this game is some of the best I've seen; it feels fantastic and looks fantastic."
"The graphics are nice and tight like my butthole."
"The game has a lot of fine detail up close but also at a distance."
"Visually, Final Fantasy VI is stunning even after 20 years."
"It looks set to be fantastic looking in shiny 4k and a great sequel to the experimental first game."
"A game that looks this good visually? Hell yeah."
"The graphics do look stunning. It's just basic cinematic shots we've seen before, but that's a really good idea of how much different the game looks."
"Skyrim now features serene snow-capped mountains, frozen lakes, scenic rivers, cliff sides, and forests; it's a downright gorgeous looking game at times."
"It just looks gorgeous as the motion blur shutter speed scales properly with that framerate."
"It's just unusual to see such complex angled geometry and high-quality animated textures like this."
"Graphically, Final Fantasy XIV is beautiful."
"Planet visuals give a great representation of population and focus."
"The visuals on the campaign map are really the best in the strategy genre."
"Why are demons flying? This is also one of my favorite graphics."
"The Great Lakes Gators are going to the World Series in 2020 in just the second year of this team's existence."
"Miles Morales looks spectacular... PS5 definitely allows this game to really shine."
"Cutscenes also look superb in action, thanks to carefully crafted cinematic animation, smooth camera work, and Insomniac's super impressive per pixel motion blur."
"The game's graphics are actually superb, better than I thought."
"Sekiro has the best graphics of a FromSoft game to date." - 2019
"It's very impressive... they look really cool."
"Everything they're showing here looks fantastic."
"Forbidden West’s world in general is amazingly detailed. Maybe even too detailed."
"Unreal's exceptional bokeh depth of field also works in tandem with the dynamic camera to create something rather impressive."
"The movements are so fluid, the smears are amazing."
"Makes any water look amazing, just beautiful."
"This is one of those games where you could take a screenshot from absolutely any point in the game and it could look spectacular."
"I like the fragmentation of like the robot right there too it looked really really nice."
"From a visual perspective, I think the procgen stuff fits in just fine."
"This game having reflections? That's insane!"
"The ultimate version has seen a significant improvement in geometry and texture detail."
"The graphics look so freaking good, it's incredible."
"Ace Combat 7 Sky's Unknown the I can't quite believe how good it looks continuation of everyone's favorite dogfighting series..."
"Welcome to freaking just 10 out of 10 beauty like unreal how good this game looks."
"This is pretty damn good guys...the visuals are just insane in this game. It's so beautiful to look at."
"Fear 2 is a pretty good looking game in its own right."
"The lighting in this game is so gorgeous that it is still stunning today."
"The look on this game is very beneficial and very important."
"Genshin Impact looks stunning for a free game."
"Metal Gear Solid for the Game Boy Color... makes better use of those graphics, even in its design and UI."
"The mood the lighting it's really polished and I think that this point in the bond game over back in 2002 no other Bond game had looked as good as this."
"Everything in the trailer is mind-blowing, looks realistic like the hair."
"The Last of Us... really compelling storyline with phenomenal graphics and just like really I don't know what I would say about the gameplay."
"The reflections add a lot of depth to the world."
"It looks absolutely incredible and gorgeous."
"They fixed his models, you guys see they fixed Typhlosion's model? Flames in the back, yeah, oh no I did see them."
"From pixels to HD: Pokémon Let's Go's stunning visual transformation."
"Visually, the game has decent graphics and seems to be going with a Souls style action combat system."
"The detail in these environments is just bananas."
"The gameplay looks pretty damn good 3d beat'em ups are rarely executed well but this looks like it has an intuitive and responsive combat system."
"Blur did an amazing job at taking the art style found in Halo 2 and just bringing it to life in some of the most realistic graphics we have ever seen from Halo."
"We're gonna make it look pretty, we're gonna do the best visualization customization as possible."
"The graphics and models for this game are absolutely amazing."
"Stunning graphics: Edge's model showcases massive improvement in quality and hair physics."
"The visuals are amazing, and the open world is littered with bizarre adventures."
"Games look better when the colors pop out at you."
"Outside of human character models, this is a very stunning game visually from what I've seen."
"They might be making the creatures the most realistic as possible as well."
"The graphics are amazing, seriously, they look like a PC game."
"The t-rex looks so much fucking better in the SNES. It's fucking incredible."
"The frostbite engine still provides beautiful visuals in a chaotic skill."
"The screenshots for this one did not do it justice."
"The game looks great with a lot of good color usage and flashy set pieces."
"Astral Chain is stunning on the Switch and will not disappoint."
"Uncharted 4, visually impressive, just looks really good."
"The sprite work for this game is flat out jaw-dropping."
"Graphics are beautiful, in my opinion, and a really cool Star Wars storyline."
"I love the way the jewels look in this game; they shine very nice."
"That's what gives this a 3D effect."
"Look at the attention to detail, bro, when your suit is messed up, look at the battle scars."
"That's our scrollable background done, so that actually was not too painful, luckily."