
Non-negotiable Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Under no circumstances is rape ever acceptable."
"Consent isn't negotiable. Consent is required in any and all forms of intimacy, especially sex."
"Protecting women's reproductive rights is non-negotiable."
"That requires free speech and that isn't negotiable. That really isn't negotiable."
"No person should ever feel unsafe at work, period."
"Your empowerment, Black people, is non-negotiable."
"There's no spectrum when it comes to abuse like this."
"Animal rights are not negotiable; they're fundamental."
"It's not a resource you can negotiate over. It's not okay, I guess we'll do without water this month. It's non-negotiable."
"A genuine move toward peace and prosperity is just not negotiable."
"Here's what I have to say, now I'm gonna say it. This is not open for negotiation."
"Resting is one of those things that no one wants messed with."
"Palestinians need the right of return; it's non-negotiable."
"You are non-negotiable, your needs, your happiness is non-negotiable, everything else has to fall into place after that."
"Decency is not negotiable for me."
"I need peace of mind. I'm not compromising on that."
"That's a good analogy versus a deal breaker. It is a non-negotiable, so it's like a strong, strong disqualifier."
"You have to press it on firm pressure. It's non-negotiable."
"Standards are not preferences. A standard is non-negotiable."
"Everybody needs to sort out what unhealthy character will I not accept. It's non-negotiable."
"When it comes to your health, there should be no compromise."
"Bringing justice to those responsible is non-negotiable."
"Taking care of oneself is something non-negotiable, it's something really important."
"By shining, you know, it sorts it all out anyway. It's not negotiable. You're shining, you're brilliant, you're there. You don't have to negotiate over this."
"I've already made it extremely clear that the issue is non-negotiable. As long as I'm alive, able, and willing, these properties are staying with me."
"Value for your money is non-negotiable."
"The only non-negotiable commodity is time, and in the best scenarios, mine is running out."
"Salah is your oxygen; it's non-negotiable."
"Gratitude should be non-negotiable, every second of your life."
"Love yourself as a default. It should be non-negotiable."
"She was their third pick that's non-negotiable"
"I think non-negotiable for me, like a deal breaker, would be like, you know, you want me to be happy, you know? Yes, of course, well, I need to do things that make me happy."
"Setting non-negotiable boundaries is essential."
"I think that's definitely one of the things which I knew I wouldn't compromise on."
"The battle is lost, the war is lost, but the truth, of course, is not negotiable."
"When it comes to your health, you shouldn't have to compromise."
"Stop compromising on your health."
"...it kind of changed my mindset from, you know, can I fit a workout in today to it being non-negotiable..."
"It is not for sale," Isabelle firmly stated.
"Violence: drop dead deal breaker number one."
"I bought a house for my mother... it was non-negotiable."
"Sleep is the only thing in my life that's not negotiable."
"No matter what your ideology is, if your lineage is foundational black American, it's locked in. There's no negotiating your lineage."
"Communists' Lex Bots are temporary, but democracy is non-negotiable."
"We as Muslims can negotiate about a lot of things, but there's one thing that's non-negotiable, and that is the oneness of God."
"Joy is a matter of life and death. It's not frivolous, it's not like dessert, it's not extra."
"You need safety here; you can't go without safety."
"Human rights aren't up for debate."
"Genocide cannot be justified under any circumstances, including reported self-defense."
"No, we will not accept your critical change, we will not accept your feature, we will not accept your anything if it doesn't have associated tests."
"We never compromise our safety for any other advantage."
"Watching the sun rise is optimal but that's non-negotiable, you have to watch that sunrise."
"Effort and attitude aren't things that can be negotiable."
"Your inner peace is non-negotiable."
"Your peace isn't up for negotiation."
"Safety is something you can't put a price on."
"Your feelings, your respect, and your dignity is not for negotiation. Zero tolerance."
"The ultimate non-negotiable is the will of God."
"You can't compromise when it comes to the safety of children."
"Flexibility is the cornerstone of movement; this is non-negotiable, you must be flexible."
"I'll give up everything else, the cakes, the biscuits, but not a cup of tea."
"You cannot buy my dignity, you can't buy my respect, certain things are non-negotiable, they're not for sale."
"Be in shape, bro. This is not negotiable."
"Different people have different standards; in my world, there are three fundamental rules you cannot violate."
"People's information should always be kept confidential, and this is just non-negotiable."
"The unity of Nigeria is non-negotiable."
"Huaiying departs today. Not postponeable."
"Consider our Lord... Jesus is not up for negotiation."
"She is the cutest thing ever; that is not negotiable."
"It's not a negotiation. This is a mandate."
"The home office is very clear that you cannot buy the services of the British Metropolitan Police; they are not for sale."
"Living is non-negotiable for me at the moment."
"The protection of civilians is not negotiable."
"Safety is paramount on here, there's no two ways about it."
"One of the things that I absolutely will not compromise on is comfort."