
Pandemic Preparedness Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"We're not more prepared now for the next pandemic. I think we're less so because all of a sudden, science is now partisan."
"The majority of the items that we've covered thus far are for disinfecting purposes, but the next few items are for boosting your immune system during a pandemic situation."
"We need to redefine health care so that it's meeting patient needs... We cannot be caught off guard again. We need to make sure that we prepare for the next pandemic."
"Hey, we're not ready for the next pandemic, but in fact, there's advances in science that if we put resources against them, we can be ready."
"The overwhelming response to coronavirus begs the question: where the hell were we before?"
"There's no excuse that we shouldn't be one of the best-prepared countries for a pandemic."
"Vaccinating 300 million people against a possible pandemic is worth it, even if it means some have adverse reactions."
"I suspect for a long time some of us have said that there is a pandemic of vitamin D deficiency already."
"We need an early warning system around the world when these virus outbreaks take place."
"The most important decision any human has to make is whether you live in a friendly or a hostile universe."
"We never want this to happen again. If it should come back in some form, we want to snuff it out very quickly before anything can happen."
"The world will change, health care systems will change after this... we're certainly going to have new pandemics. This is not the only one we will see in our life."
"We're much better prepared today than we were months ago."
"Let's change the paradigm, stop reacting, go out know the viruses before they know us."
"If you don't understand where these viruses come from originally, we're just gonna have this keep happening again."
"The real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic."
"We need a public health infrastructure in this country that allows CDC and our states and local health departments to be prepared for a pandemic."
"We need more research to prevent and understand what the next pandemic is going to be."
"If we do see a second wave, because I've heard Dr. Fauci answer this question, if we do, we're going to be, I think, very well prepared, and the second wave won't be like the first wave."
"Spend time alone with God. Now this secret of resilience and this secret of stress resistance may be the secret that you do the least, spending enough time alone with God."
"What can we do if this killer virus returns?"
"Preparing for the next great global pandemic involves serious planning and a long-term commitment."
"Now is always a better time to have a pandemic than last year because we always know a little bit more than we did the year before."
"We are going to be much, much prepared for the third wave."
"Should the coronavirus re-emerge at any point next fall or next winter, we will be prepared to deal with it."
"It's not too late to prepare for the next wave of the pandemic."
"Imagine waking up in a world where the constant threat of viral pandemics no longer looms over humanity."
"We need to plan to open these schools with the understanding that COVID-19 is going to occur." - Dr. Redfield
"Capitalism failed as a system to prepare for a pandemic."
"The stronger your immune system, the greater your possibility of surviving a pandemic."
"You really, really, really, really ought to be preparing for this."
"I didn't have toilet paper when COVID hit, but I did have food, and it just gave me such peace of mind."
"China is prepared for this pandemic while the US is not."
"The risk of a global pandemic is very much upon us."
"So, when March of 2020 hit, I was able to help a lot of people because I had lots of toilet paper, had lots of food."
"We have to ask ourselves a simple question: How does it happen that despite spending so much money on health care, we were totally unprepared for the pandemic?"
"They could have been planning for this, they could have been producing personal protective equipment, they could have been ramping up testing capacity, they could have been building ventilators, and they didn't, and that was a political decision."
"We are right now gearing up for a whole new fight with a whole new variant."
"The upshot here? In a global zombie pandemic, study up on your fungi."
"We're certainly prepared for if it comes back in the fall."
"It bought doctors, scientists, researchers time to develop either treatments and eventually hopefully a vaccine."
"Even Obama Biden none of these guys had prepared for a pandemic... a guy named Bill Gates knew."
"Another pandemic will come, it's just a case of when."
"If all Americans wore masks for six to twelve weeks, they'd bring the pandemic under control."
"We need to mobilize our shared experience to create an early warning system for the next pathogen."
"Maybe COVID-19 is the dry run we needed, the fire drill to awake us from our complacency and reform the food system before it’s too late."
"After watching enough simulations about how easily humanity can be destroyed by different plagues, people all over the world decided to make a special computer program to analyze pandemic situations."
"Preparing for a pandemic goes beyond a mask. Our infrastructure could break down."
"It's not a matter of if this virus hits us, it's a matter of when." - Administrative Judge Brennan Sheehan
"We are a sovereign country. No other country is going to tell us another country will not determine how if and when we can protect ourselves during a future pandemic."
"Unless everyone's vaccinated in the world, we're going to be vulnerable to all these different variants."
"The purpose of the research as I say was to predict and prevent the next pandemic."
"We have the best tests in the world... now we have ammunition more than hopefully we'll ever need."
"We're mass producing all of the most promising vaccine candidates in advance."
"My net belief now is that we have to talk about a thousand-year solution to human life with weaponized viruses, with weaponized nuclei."
"We will have a toolset for respiratory pandemics that will be excellent."
"When used in conjunction with a high-quality gas mask, you're basically getting the highest grade protection that you can for pandemic events."
"It's going to create jobs for the future, proof the UK against potential pandemics, speed access to the latest advancements in vaccine technology."
"The possible range of applications is broad, and potential is great as we are now seeing in experimental therapies and rapid responses to emerging pandemic threats."
"Covid-19 is not the only threat in nature's repertoire, but we cannot meaningfully prepare for the next pandemic unless we have achieved the SDGs."
"Mortgage borrowers entered the pandemic with stronger balance sheets than in the mid-2000s and are therefore better prepared to handle a drop in home prices."
"There are though especially in light of COVID, clearly very important consequential questions about how broadly that kind of pandemic preparedness work should apply."
"Building stronger infection prevention programs throughout healthcare will not only prove our ability to protect the public during future pandemics but will simultaneously improve patient safety."
"If I can succeed, this will save lives when, not if, a real pandemic hits."
"...we're not in a position to fight the next round of pandemics like coronaviruses and Nipah virus and flu, etc."
"It will be far better to have a respiratory disease plan and a blood-borne pandemic disease plan."
"We've really been in this space now for 20 years and over that time have been building a vaccine platform that we're hoping is robust and able to be utilized almost for any new pandemic outbreak."