
Telepathy Quotes

There are 269 quotes

"The great majority of people in America, Britain, Germany, South America, India, in fact all over the world, think they've had telepathic experiences."
"The majority of sane, normal people in Britain believe they've had telepathic experiences. In that sense, it's not extraordinary, it's ordinary. Most people had it. You're making the claim that most people are deluded about their own experience. Where's your extraordinary evidence for that?"
"This is an outstanding telepathic communication and alleviates a lot of problems at the table with planning in immediate danger or trying to give directions or communication when there are enemies abound."
"Telepathy is one of the best powers in the game."
"Love our telepathic bond; it feels like our own special and intimate place."
"You're your soul incarnated in another body, and you have this intense telepathic bond."
"Remember that telepathy must be conducted with integrity, honesty, and compassion for the other person."
"Telepathy, much richer forms of different communication."
"Imagine the joy of connecting with your loved ones, browsing the web, or even playing games using only your thoughts."
"Telepathy tells us that our consciousness is not simply confined to our brains."
"She claimed to communicate telepathically with Elvis."
"SCP-2470 is a telepathic Keter class entity with the potential to create a ZK class scenario."
"Many of you will be sent telepathic messages from all types of light beings, elemental beings, gnomes, fairies, trolls, your ancestors, certain extraterrestrial races. A lot of you will be receiving telepathic messages."
"Telepathy and heightened intuition will become the norm."
"Channeling from your higher self is like channeling your twin, connected telepathically at a higher place."
"Telepathic communication is a very real thing."
"By 2030, telepathy will be widely used, a marking point for humanity."
"We are certainly justified in according the most serious consideration to the intuitions and communications received telepathically."
"Emma Frost possesses telepathic abilities on a similar level to Charles Xavier... creating psionic shields, telepathic cloaking, illusions, and more."
"In theory, two people with Neuralinks could communicate ideas telepathically."
"That's why telepathy goes well beyond just speaking communication."
"In the future, you won't need verbal communication to talk to each other anymore. All communication will become telepathic."
"The Sasquatch have the ability to move between dimensions, communicate with a chosen few using telepathy or 'mine speak.' Some even claim to know these creatures on a first-name basis."
"I think psychedelics hold the way toward a kind of telepathy."
"Dream telepathy is not a new one over the years many famous scientists have tried to understand this mysterious phenomenon."
"If you want to be an X-Men, you gotta get that telepathic resistance. That should be like a requirement."
"Bishop's resistance to psychic influence makes it harder for telepaths to get into his head."
"Using his mind hacks, he was able to take over the minds of the gods and make them serve under him in his army."
"Even Phoenix Jean Grey or Professor Xavier, some of the most powerful telepaths in Marvel, would not be able to pull that off."
"This person feels this telepathic bond, they feel this oneness, this reunion on the other levels."
"Every single person on this planet no matter who you are if someone has some Professor X Jean Grey like telepathy reading has one thing they're insecure about."
"Beginning in the 1960s studies led by psychiatrist Montague Ullman and psychologist Stanley Krippner appeared to provide positive evidence of telepathy in dreaming participants."
"When the overall data of these 28 studies was analyzed the odds of the results occurring by chance were greater than a billion to one."
"Telepathic bond: Telepathic communication with your party over any distance for an hour is insanely good for literally every situation."
"Telepathy is normal, not paranormal, natural, not supernatural, and is common between people, especially people who know each other well."
"We're gonna have to use all telepathy skills and try to pick the same options."
"Researchers even discovered telepathic communications between instances."
"Telepathy will come easy to some people, they won't know how to shut up, watch."
"Once we get past the Golden Age, there's still a lingering telepathic ability."
"Taken at face value, these three stories and countless others like them point to an apparent telepathic link between certain mothers and their children."
"That communication in a telepathic way allowed us to experiment."
"The meditative state aids in such production and reception of telepathic concepts as it is able to take you deeper and deeper into your conscious mind and even into your subconscious mind."
"We are becoming more empathic... more telepathic."
"Not only can she read minds, but she can also dig deep into people's minds and look at their past experiences and memories they had from a very long time ago."
"Telepathic communication through music is significant."
"Telepathy is the new ability you're developing; it's powerful and significant."
"Their brain capacity exceeds that of any other surviving life-form."
"Your telepathic connection is very strong right now."
"You learn how to dive deep within your own consciousness and from that perspective, if you do certain kinds of practices, you want telepathy, you can have telepathy; you want precognition, you could have precognition."
"the ability to communicate telepathically is the ability to make a video of your dreams when you sleep at night you'll be able to take data and [ __ ] make a video out of it that is [ __ ] awesome yeah"
"I love that telepathic connection that you seem to have with that random teenager. You both just knew what you had to do in that situation, so fair play to you, and fair play to her."
"Doctor Strange is basically the silver standard when it comes to powerful telepaths in the universe."
"The telepathy you share cannot be ignored, your words are slowly leaving imprints upon their heart."
"The telepathic connection between twin flames serves as a profound and sacred bridge."
"Goku telepathically instructs Gohan to deflect the Spirit Bomb."
"If the person couldn't hear the mind speak message the telepathy then feelings are easier to pick up on even the lowest vibrational being can sense emotions from others."
"I've never encountered a species in which telepathy was so present and to such a great magnitude."
"Betazoids are such fascinating creatures, with their telepathic abilities they can come to know one another so intimately."
"Naganadel is also known to be capable of telepathy, making it one of the few Pokemon capable of communicating with humans."
"Constantly communicate telepathically, picking up where words leave off."
"You can actually communicate telepathically with your loved ones when you're a soul, when you're a spirit, when you're on the other side."
"Rosemary saw her target and immediately entered Lily's mind."
"They are attuned to each other's thoughts."
"As we learned in 'Amok Time', most Vulcans enter into a form of arranged marriage via telepathic Bond as young children."
"I can read your mind. It's like a TV watching the TV like [__]."
"Telepathy is a two-way street. It's giving and receiving. The more we purify our Consciousness, the more benefits we're going to get in the non-physical."
"There's nothing quite like the kick of realizing for the first time that you are 'talking' to someone else in your mind or sharing information with another in a conscious way."
"This is someone where the communication between you is so strong. You know, it's one of those telepathic, when you have a what I call a Bluetooth connection with someone and you think it and they're picking up on it."
"Twin telepathy is real. It is so real right now."
"You will still feel them when they're thinking about you."
"These buggers are or can be anywhere, anytime, and mind speak is real."
"Naturally, there are those who were skeptical—a man from another time who conversed through telepathic means. Much too fantastic. Alex Harper would look with infinitely sad eyes and agree that it was too much to expect anyone to believe his story. Except for one thing."
"Telepathic communication could become mainstream, allowing us to communicate with each other using our thoughts."
"The great apes were an ally Mothra, a guardian, and Gojira, a god. They coexisted, developing telepathic Communications with the Titans."
"the ability to communicate with people who also have the shine without actually opening your mouth you can do things with your mind you can see things that aren't really there"
"Was that a manifestation of Asmodius as a person? Was that like somebody as Modius was like controlling telepathically?"
"Rachel summers like her mom was a telepath and telekinetic and that was it...but she was the one who sent the mind of Kitty Pryde into the past."
"Telepathy, the silent conversation between minds, is a testament to the profound connection that exists beneath the surface of our human interaction."
"That's the first time I heard the voice. It was a man's voice and it seemed to be speaking to me telepathically. I had no idea at the time what telepathy was, but someone was talking to me inside my head."
"I've come across Bigfoot stories where Bigfoot used some type of telepathy or something, and I've heard similar accounts on Lee Stroud's YouTube channel, so I suspect a Bigfoot was present that day."
"You are never reading someone else's mind you are on the same vibrational wavelength as them and having the same thoughts at the same time because that's the thoughts that occur with that frequency that's what telepathy is."
"He's also immune to telepathic attack and even though most powerful telepaths in the Marvel Universe admit they can't read his mind as soon as they try to, they can't make sense of what the [ __ ] going on inside of it."
"It felt like a telepathic download of sorts."
"You're the one who wanted to come here," she said, reading my thoughts.
"She's strong, to a degree that we cannot fathom right now. I mean, she, it looks like she has telepathy."
"50 percent of people had an experience of telepathy under the influence of psychedelics."
"Telepathy is a natural aspect of the way social animals coordinate their movements and behavior."
"Physical distance does not matter in the fifth dimension; it's an energetic plane where telepathic communication occurs."
"If you could telepathically say something that all 7.8 billion people on earth could hear at once, what would it be? 'You picked the correct religion. I'm real, and this is the proof you've been asking for.' Then I'd watch the world blow up."
"Soulmates often use music and songs as telepathic aid in order to share spiritual messages and emotions with each other."
"I love that we're matching. Are we not intentionally? Our minds, you're just telepathically connected, isn't it?"
"He's alive, but something's wrong. He's not responding, not even telepathically."
"He doesn't just talk to fish, he dominates their brains and forces them to bend to his will."
"Isn't that something? You read my mind, girl. You read my mind."
"The presence of the Phoenix force is so powerful that telepaths across the universe can feel a disturbance."
"Scarlet Witch is an insanely powerful telepath with telekinetic powers."
"Professor X is the founder of the team, one of the world's most powerful telepaths, able to mentally speak, control, or paralyze others, as well as erase and restore memories."
"Jean Grey is one of the most powerful telepaths in the universe, as well as having an immensely powerful telekinetic ability."
"I'm seeing a friendship here that has strong telepathy abilities for Virgo."
"Their eyes fixed upon me telepathically, a message entered my mind bypassing language and lodging itself directly into my understanding: pattern, conduit, obligation."
"I have super powers and it's telepathy. Yes, it sounds crazy but I swear I'm telling the truth."
"I know what she's thinking. I can hear her mind. That proves it."
"It's so controllable, it's almost telepathic, this thing."
"What difference does it make to a thing... if you now call it telepathy...?"
"Imagine how easy communication would be if we were telepathic, but would also be a nightmare too, so I don't know."
"If there's one power that a lot of people would like to get, and that's the ability to find out what the other person's thinking."
"Telepathy is very, very widespread in the animal realm."
"Throughout all fiction we all can agree that willpower just in general is the ultimate counter against telepathy type stuff."
"Kade Skywalker was a surprisingly skilled and versatile telepath."
"As soon as you open the possibility that it's not just mind to mind but it's mind to who knows where, then the possibility of getting information that will match certainly goes up."
"Somebody is definitely trying to telepathically connect with you."
"It's something like that telepathic that can control things."
"Saturn girl tells the other she has a bad feeling about the lsv revealing that esper blocked her from Reading their minds at the diner"
"Maybe they really could hear each other's thoughts."
"Telepsychics and the state of trance."
"In this Advanced Society all individuals possess telepathic abilities."
"There was a telepathic connection so it was like I would see these entities in front of me and some of them were also like gray aliens so they look like Grays and then other kinds of other entities so I would interact with them and it was more on a mind-to-mind level."
"...this thing seems to be able to communicate telepathically."
"You are already connected to this person telepathically. You have a strong spiritual connection."
"It was a very strange sensation, and it felt like some kind of weird telepathy thing, not too dissimilar to those weird fish people on Kanasa who could see the future."
"Our destiny is bound together, a telepathic link binds our souls in eternal love."
"Thought transference does exist and may be accounted for upon purely scientific grounds."
"They're feeling each other's emotions, mind reading, connected through space and time."
"For years, it seemed as though telepathy was nothing more than a pseudoscientific myth."
"Something like telepathy really does exist; it's not as dramatic typically as the stories that we hear in everyday life, but we also have much higher confidence that the effect that we're looking at is a real one."
"You mean you read people's minds? Yes."
"Emma Frost is one of the best telepathic minds we have in the comics."
"Telepathy will enable the user to control a smartphone or computer simply by thinking."
"They communicate telepathically; the less you acknowledge them, the less they'll bother you."
"Imagine it's 3,000 years in the future, so you don't even have a cell phone anymore, you communicate with everyone telepathically through the power of your mind."
"Cable is an extremely powerful telepath and telekinetic."
"Her telepathic abilities rival and surpass even those of powerful mutants like Professor X."
"One definition of extrasensory perception is the perception of another person's thoughts and actions not received by the senses."
"Shining, the ability to communicate telepathically, is a character in and of itself."
"It's perfect, it's tuned perfectly, it's telepathic, it flies amazing."
"I dreamt of telepathy. Because without this telepathy, how can we solve problems and make things better?"
"My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts."
"Rayquaza is a Mythic Pokemon who can telepathically speak with people and has lived since the dawn of time."
"When you press 'listen,' you can hear whatever your soulmate's thinking."
"Did you know that sensory deprivation and telepathy coexist?"
"She's a mischievous little chaos baby who uses her telepathy for evil, and by evil, I mean manipulating her parents into getting cookies, hugs, cartoons, and adventures."
"Twin flame telepathy is one of the most profound and easily recognizable signs of a true twin flame connection."
"This instantaneous telepathy, not just through the thoughts but through emotions, this energetic transference of feeling between you and your twin flame."
"The actual experience of telepathy happens through the heart, through the heart chakra predominantly."
"Twin flames telepathically communicate because they are connecting so deeply through the heart."
"The fifth and final form of twin flame telepathy is telepathy in the form of pure emotion."
"Astropaths use their telepathic abilities to carry out superluminal communication and thus link mankind throughout the galaxy."
"Just think what you want to say, and I will hear you."
"In essence, twin flame telepathy is more than just a way to communicate; it's a transformative experience that propels both individuals towards greater self-awareness, healing, and spiritual growth."
"It's a dialogue of the soul where words are unnecessary and understanding is instantaneous."
"Anya is a total gremlin with her telepathy."
"For everyone else, could you call someone and speak to them just through your mind to mind? Extraordinary."
"They're calling it telepathy, which certainly implies that the big aim of this is to enable people to communicate who previously haven't been able to."
"...if you're reading my thoughts, type, I love you in German, and the kid typed Ich Liebe Dich."
"One of the characters connects with a Titan that is able to telepathically link with not just the memories of people that used to be the Titan's master but future people."
"I think there's some connection with bath and sensory deprivation tank and telepathy going on."
"Humans will be able to one day telepathically communicate with AI in our lifetime."
"Your dreams are my dreams; you have a telepathic connection with this person."
"Close soul connections are harmoniously synchronized, creating moments of telepathy."
"The guardian first communicates with any living being approaching it via a telepathic message instructing them to either leave or forget."
"The Athanaeans, the telepath cult, were skilled with matters of the mind."
"She is a psychic with the ability to read other people's thoughts."
"These things can read your mind and project thoughts and images and sounds to you."
"Ultimately, Rana effectively predicated her success on passive perception, whereas Lord Odion unleashed active telepathy."
"The motion she felt as she held her dying friend awakened her telepathic powers."
"So not only is telepathy, thought transmission, and mental influence possible, we're doing it all the time, consciously or subconsciously."
"Pinning is very strong and particularly pinning people and using telepathy is very strong as well."
"Yogis can do that, it is possible, and there are many instances of people having telepathic powers."
"She can shield from Godlike telepathy, a psionic attack on the scale that rivals the power of Trigon."
"Look into my mind and see that I know your purpose... Galactus stands against you."
"If two mind readers are reading each other's mind, then whose mind are they reading?"
"Plastic Man's mind is no longer organic; he is untouchable telepathically."
"Crystal, help, please help," I heard Olivia's voice in my head.
"It's at times like this I wish I was telepathic, don't you, Tim?"
"Telepathy, this is the power of the gods."
"Twins might seem to have this ability of something like telepathy."
"The dark Phoenix has immense telepathic and telekinetic abilities, being pure psychic energy."
"Moon Dragon has been shown to possess telepathic strength great enough to possess millions of people at once."
"It's a game changer; it's like reading someone's mind."
"The Kraken understands abyssal, celestial, infernal, and primordial but can't speak; however, it can use telepathy."
"It's like somebody reading my mind, which is scary."
"The sea emperor leviathan is so large it can somehow manipulate neurons to communicate telepathically."
"Animal whispering or telepathic animal communication happens at the energetic level, which is all very explainable by quantum physics."
"There is a telepathy between souls we've forgotten, but it's very much real and actually surprisingly well studied."
"Gut feelings and knowings, all of these things are telepathic and they're all very natural."
"Those with such patches could talk through thoughts alone."
"She's like so excited about going on a spy mission, she's so so cute and she's a telepath."
"You really get me. It's like you can read my mind."
"Forget the technology, forget the printer, because the future the way that we're going to hear each other, see each other is telepathy."
"I can hear you; definitely a strong spiritual telepathic connection."
"The person on your mind is definitely thinking of you, feeling connected to you."
"They are proficient in numerous languages and possess telepathic communication abilities."
"The concentrated, one-pointed thought will reach the person, no matter how far away he may be, and will strike his Telepathic Apparatus."
"Once they touch, they're bonded; he can hear her thoughts, and she can hear his."
"Female cicadas can only speak with telepathy; they don't have sound-making organs."
"If two people are telepathic and they're both reading each other's mind, whose mind are they really reading?"
"It feels like two people have some type of telepathic connection."
"Telepathy being a very normal thing, being able to communicate with the deceased."
"The evidence for the extended mind is very strong through telepathy and through the sense of being stared at."
"It is natural to be a dualist; it is natural to believe in communication by telepathy."