
Marketing Strategy Quotes

There are 1419 quotes

"If you can master 15 to 30 seconds...your short form videos are going to be the appetizers of your brand."
"Marketing then is getting customers to believe that your products and services are important and that they deliver a better value than the competition's."
"A marketing strategy defines which customers you're going after and how you'll change their beliefs about your products and services."
"If you want to sell me something, talk about the Jets. If you sell peanut butter, put a Facebook post with some peanut butter and a fucking Jets hat. I'll buy it."
"You want to know what's driving everyone bananas? Well, come on down to Chipper Chippers."
"We've really gone out of our way to not lean into FOMO marketing, to try and accommodate the customer and limited edition is used sparingly."
"Marvel was successful because it capitalized on nostalgia."
"Setting up our email marketing is part of developing our backend."
"This abandoned cart sequence is when someone goes on your page, they add it to cart, and let's say they change their mind, they don't end up paying."
"The core thing to take away from this is how are you solving the problem of people not playing your game? You're solving it with marketing strategies, not product strategies."
"Red Lobster ended up losing $1 million due to their unlimited shrimp deal."
"Girls want to see someone fit wearing the product; that way, they can look at themselves and say, 'Hey, this could be me if I buy the product.'"
"She's a genius and she's just doing things the right way."
"One of the greatest tricks McDonald's uses on us is the lure of nostalgia."
"If you release a game and it kind of flops, you still own it. You can release it for new platforms, wait three years for a better market and remaster."
"You don't try and make a cereal that appeals to everybody."
"Genuine discounts were put in starter sets that were priced very reasonably."
"Toyota Australia offered the Yaris at 40 grand drive-away pricing for the first 1000 online orders, which were snapped up inside of a week."
"So what I did was first I made a style scape for Vistara's current branding itself because I wanted to understand their current visual language."
"Every person is going to get the story, but if you go super super hard on the storytelling, the con even if you're it's like hard to."
"We knew we could become the Bourbon that people instantly recognized."
"Can you simplify the marketing brief to five words or less? If you can't, you're on a good path already."
"I spend millions of dollars saying the same fucking shit in 400,000 ways, hoping today's going to be the fucking day."
"Brand awareness, that is what we ultimately gained from this."
"It was almost invaluable when it comes to advertising."
"I treat Mark Davis just like I treat Hugo the janitor."
"Quickly launch a survey and ask the users who clicked on your ads what mattered most to them? Was it the free shipping? The 15% discount? Or maybe the product reviews?"
"Marketing is done one single offer at a time."
"All you have to make sure is that when it comes to winning product that it has a wow factor solves a problem or it has a wow factor then has a passionate audience."
"Include an email opt-in directly on the home page."
"Using Affiliates to advertise your products for free - it's just a no-brainer."
"Create a social media marketing strategy that works across multiple different platforms."
"So over time what you want to do is get your target CPA down or get your target return on adspend up because you want to drive conversions at the lowest possible cost."
"It's about authenticity and that you cannot automate."
"Traffic isn't everything... The real formula to success is traffic plus conversions cubed."
"Brands are the future. You need to build a brand. Now this is a quote from Eric Schmidt, the ex CEO of Google 'Brands are the solution not the problem. Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.'"
"If somebody doesn't do the signature line with some of our talent, you know, a Cody Rhodes, a Jay Uso, Roman Reigns, I think they're missing the boat on something that can be very impactful towards their business."
"Follow the 80/20 rule for selling; focus on relevant content with a sales call to action occasionally."
"Instagram ads will help showcase your product, service, or brand in a way that's memorable and unique."
"If you want to sell a million records, then you need to meet one million people."
"The haves and have-nots of marketing are becoming very clear. The stakes are very high."
"Social media is the most important thing that you can do as a brand."
"My official recommendation is don't spend money here. I'd rather see you spend your money and more importantly, your time creating content and curating content, then promoting it."
"If you make a good product, you don't really need to market."
"They're basically banking on the idea that they're going to make more money from bundle sales in Modern Warfare as compared to releasing a full remaster of Modern Warfare 2."
"I've never seen merchandising this... I don't even think Activision's been doing this for Call of Duty."
"Is this the next major thing in sports hydration? Or is it yet another Logan Paul get rich quick scheme?"
"Over the course of our 30 years of doing real estate we've learned the value lesson of driving Street by Street neighborhood by neighborhood."
"We're going to be showing you the exact strategy we use to generate ten thousand dollars in 24 hours with no paid us just using Tick Tock organic traffic."
"Nintendo is selling to literally everyone, regardless of age, gender, location, and income. Underpricing a little bit on the front end makes sure they're not alienating any of these groups."
"This video today was the return of the greatest Marketing in movie history."
"The 60-second content is the marketing. It is the setting up to the longer form."
"Launching your Amazon product is more than just doing one thing; it's like an art. You gotta throw a little bit of this, a little bit of that, in order for it to succeed."
"PPC is Amazon's advertising platform, a way to get our product in the eyes of customers."
"Remember to use the promo code 'Thieves' when you download Cash App in the App Store or Google Play Store today."
"Analytics are crucial to figuring out what's working and what's not."
"The amount of good they could do just by opening that stuff up and also frankly it's an amazing advert."
"I think it's genius. I think they've advertised this perfectly."
"At its core, Red Bull never set out to be a beverage company, it was a storytelling company."
"The ultimate lesson from Red Bull: not just sell a product, but sell a feeling, sell an image."
"Collecting an email list is great because then you can email all of your subscribers and give them discounts for products and things like that, and promote more products. It's a really great way to make extra sales."
"It's what we can extrapolate from the data and it's what we can get from the data to understand about our target market their needs etc that's where the real wind comes from keyword research."
"The internet has completely changed the game, where now you can find the customers first and then create the product second."
"You gotta do everything possible to get your name out there."
"Just by implementing this very simple two-step sales funnel into your affiliate marketing business, you're gonna explode your conversions."
"I'm going to show you a paid traffic strategy which is going to allow you to get high conversions with very low competition."
"It's the whole idea of a free sample. The one that tastes best is generally the place I go to. America could start giving away free samples, meaning we help you, we get you fixed up, and then business will come our way."
"Creating a video ad specifically a short form video is the most important step this year."
"Content is king... it has to be valuable to somebody."
"If you do not have a hook in the first 1.7 seconds, you now have to move on."
"The benefit of building an email list is I can communicate and build a long-term relationship with them."
"The best email marketing is when you're almost like acting as if the person you're sending the email to is a friend."
"If the logo is the product, the presentation is the packaging, and good packaging presents what's inside clearly and without question."
"The movies have to be a payoff... a teaser for the movie that's gonna come next."
"It all starts with something that's called customer insight."
"I pre-sold it for four months before it came out."
"It's like a mind meld but instead of sharing - you're sharing trailer footage from remedy she's the ultimate game marketing through snippets of an engine not on Xbox one obviously."
"Most people have seen through shameless cash grabs... not doing them any favors."
"Every landing page should have a clear goal."
"The reason why we're saying this is because you need to take the customer through a journey."
"Buy underpriced attention. Whether that's buying ads or working with influencers."
"Create multiple ads to test different creatives. Aim for 3 to 5 ads initially."
"If I'm selling something worth $100 I'd want to be spending $10 to $30 a day initially."
"You think you could sell this on the dark side of the moon?"
"Right product, right place, right time, and some luck."
"The whole Kickstarter process actually provided the marketing budget."
"It's a brilliant idea to put Star Trek trailer in front of Star Wars."
"Being associated with the Jacksons created the kind of media exposure and free advertising that executives could only dream of."
"Two years after Donald had left, Norman was transferred to Burger King, where he introduced a new marketing campaign, the "Battle of the Burgers" which pushed the narrative that Americans preferred Burger King’s flame-grilled burgers to McDonald’s."
"The tours were maybe a better answer to how much we spend on advertising because it is in a way advertising."
"I'm going to allow you to test drive this new software for just $1."
"The Paradox of Choice: Even though more shoppers were initially attracted to more variety… With less choices the supermarket was able to sell 10x the amount of jam."
"Nintendo's first big hit, Donkey Kong... Nintendo's first key decisions in the U.S. was marketing the NES as a toy not a video game."
"You never want to come across as very pushy... People are very skeptical now. Give them some value before making a pitch."
"Let me leave you on this note. Hire Gen Z to market your movies to Gen Z."
"They need to bring that price down to get it into more people's hands."
"We are ready to add conversations to marketing."
"This really goes to show how far they were willing to go to rebrand Clonoa into something more appealing for a Western audience."
"This was probably one of the best marketing tactics, one of the best personal endorsements ever in American history."
"I like to go through and share with you how to generate more leads make more money and grow your business."
"I've really toned down on marketing. I've toned down on a lot of stuff because I'm looking for quality over quantity."
"I highly recommend sending something free to subscribers like a free ebook."
"I don't think this ad campaign is designed to sell Android phones."
"This ad campaign is designed to sell Android phones."
"Conceptually and creatively I loved the remix concept...it checked a lot of boxes...that spoke to the branding but also just made sense."
"We wanted to reward people who had bought in the past and we wanted to put them in categories of having certain benefits based on past behavior rather than starting everyone at zero."
"Long-form always works better than snappy slogans."
"So you can acquire a customer for a hundred dollars in ad spend and they're now worth a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars when you sell it."
"Tracking your campaigns is vital if you want to truly understand if your marketing efforts are paying off."
"Understanding what makes a successful or unsuccessful campaign will help you optimize your strategy moving forward."
"Pinterest makes for a very good affiliate marketing platform because it has a lot of traffic, it's social media, it's going to keep growing, and it has a very easy way to create popular content that can get you a lot of affiliate sales."
"A way to differentiate yourself is by going medium content."
"Build a VIP text message marketing campaign."
"Email follow-up sequence will start selling for you."
"You just made a thousand dollars in one day by sending one single email."
"JoJo Siwa is a media genius. She knows how to market herself."
"Now you're getting it, getting that marketing team working, eh?"
"You can start a YouTube channel, it's free to start a Facebook page, something where now you're putting out content where you can educate people about your product."
"Thank you for watching this comparison video between the Ventrac and the subcompact tractor. We hope that it helps you to talk to customers about the difference between these two machines and the advantages that one or the other offer."
"Go check that out first thousand people to click it get a free trial and I highly recommend it I know you guys are gonna love it."
"The best way to do affiliate marketing is to add free value to people."
"If you don't pick a niche, it's gonna be a lot harder."
"The main thing that you need to focus on is providing value to your audience."
"You can clone my exact business that I showed you today, the exact high converting funnel that I'm using right now to get sales."
"Content is King when it comes to affiliate marketing."
"Understand your audience's false beliefs... about the thing you're trying to sell them... their internal ability to do the thing... and then the external fear they have."
"Automations is another one that is actually incredibly powerful and it's something that I really like to use."
"You can't blow your marketing load once, and if you blow it too soon and people come and they get a bad first impression then it's twice as expensive for them to come back and give you a second chance."
"Remember, no affiliate links in the education section - we're just trying to get people to our website."
"Customer lists are a powerful way to upload a direct audience for either building a lookalike audience or running a remarketing campaign."
"Your goal here will be to make sure your average profit per order is higher than your cost to acquire a customer."
"The point here is that to craft truly effective messages, well you've got to understand who your market is."
"With YouTube ads, it's important to just start small and then slowly build."
"Save time and effort with saved audiences for future campaigns. ⏳ Streamline your targeting for better results. #MarketingEfficiency"
"There are so many different things that you can change you need to think about changing your creatives testing out different audiences and different interests and before you completely kill your store."
"Brands can scale really quickly when they do limited drops."
"The options really are endless when it comes to Facebook detailed targeting."
"It's very advantageous that we test out multiple audiences so we get a broader range of data."
"Clients will pay you anywhere from one thousand to ten thousand dollars per month to bring them new customers."
"Take pictures of your success and tag Rubix on social media so we can share your posts."
"Like isn't the whole point of this to drive engagement with the Xbox brand to show people that yeah you are making good games that are worth paying attention to."
"The higher you go, you can see the estimated reach. So 21 million people versus a 1% is just over 2 million people."
"If your cold traffic campaigns are just breaking even, you can still be profitable overall by running retargeting."
"Your job is not to sell the product to the viewer. It is your job to make that marketing guy look good to his boss."
"It just seems like EA is trying to pull off and hold back the World Cup hype until we get right up into the start of the World Cup."
"It takes testing, analysis, and new content to consistently reach new audiences and generate leads."
"Set a generous daily budget to reach more of your audience."
"Release order matters when it comes to shaping The Narrative around your brand and it matters a lot."
"I Told You So would be the new Mega. All he needs to do is add a new product called I Told You So."
"This is the example of a coin that's just done the meme marketing just right."
"You have to focus on cultivating your audience bringing your audience with you that is important in Steam it is I think just it is also important in Epic but your efforts will go far further in Steam than they will on Epic."
"Don't just put your affiliate link on Quora, direct the traffic to a bridge page and then from that bridge page send people to your affiliate link."
"It's about your business, it's about getting that hustle going and getting your money up."
"Giving the consumer as many ways to access your brand on their terms."
"Tap into your audience's pain points and present your product as the solution."
"It's fascinating to watch from a marketing perspective rolling out with the best of the best is essentially laying a statement for the future graphics technology."
"Always do more than you're asked because one of the best forms of marketing is word of mouth."
"Build the audience first, then sell your feature."
"Your ability to execute, your ability to market it, build a brand around and build a business around it."
"The number one asset in the world is other people's attention."
"Customers don't buy what they don't buy the what they buy the why."
"Never forget that you are selling dreams, not products."
"Step number three is honestly my secret weapon of how I constantly win pitches for brand deals."
"Branding is essentially getting intangible ideas to connect with your product in the customer's mind."
"Scarcity is one of the number one ways in the world in all of branding to create brand value."
"To advertise cigarettes, Bernays didn’t only advertise the fact that the American Tobacco Company sold cigarettes, he linked the product to an idea, and a pretty strong one at that: the idea of Freedom."
"Brand awareness is really about being aware of your target customer, understanding and clarifying your brand story, and ensuring alignment across the marketing mix."
"Or you could just ship the game on PC and then sell that one game to five out of five of those PC gamers."
"The original Mustang was a bid by Ford to develop a vehicle that was aimed at young people of the time."
"Searching on Instagram for proven products is a great way to find success."
"Co-promotions are very helpful... feed off of each other's fan bases."
"His effortless wit and improvisational skills put every other host to shame."
"Make your free materials better than everyone else's paid materials."
"How can we pack when we sell without selling?"
"This is perfect, this is exactly what we wanted for the challenge Heineken Legends."
"I think Nike did a great job at implementing storytelling into the sneaker."
"Figure out what your dream customer's pain is and then figure out what his real desire is."
"We're not selling your modules, your meal plan, your macros, your workout, your support team, your URLs, your whatever. We're selling Maui."
"Discover untapped marketing channels and dominate your industry. Most companies aren't running ads everywhere – capitalize on that!"
"Once you upload your course to those marketplaces all the marketing is done for you."
"It's better to have 4,000 fans in one city than 40,000 fans spread around the world."
"Marketing over everything. I got to put it on TV."
"The best type of marketing is marketing that doesn't feel like marketing."
"They're really trying to capitalize on that FOMO thing."
"They know what they're doing and who to sell it to."
"What if you could discover a buy button inside the brain of your customers?"
"Tie diamonds to love and people will buy it."
"Show your audience how the product can help them."
"You don't have to be right-wing to buy a Jeremy's razor, you just have to not be a woke jackass."
"Giving away stuff for free... it also establishes you as a credibility and an expert in your market."
"The more free stuff you give... the more goodwill that you're building up."
"Don't let that trick you because I can guarantee you now within a few weeks a few months that could be turned around to being a very profitable store."
"That's what you've got to look for and they're cheap to advertise."
"That's the thing about the Blair Witch, if there's one thing you can say about her that she did good she got some great marketing."
"The Blair Witch Project, it was a movie where they did the marketing behind that was so well calculated that a lot of people that they led a lot of people think was real."
"Make the photos look natural and appealing to the audience and they will likely be more inclined to buy from your store."
"The second strategy you can use to finding 10K per day products."
"The most important thing you can do is make it extremely attractive... put them in the title and the bullet points... make it mind-blowing."
"Make sure you have a button because, ultimately, the purpose of this is to have as many leads as possible."
"If you don't somehow convince people that they should never sell their diamonds after they buy them your business is gonna hit a glass ceiling."