
Eclipse Quotes

There are 448 quotes

"I think this Eclipse will give rather than take."
"This eclipse...signals a time of significant change and transformation, potentially bringing about a new direction or path in life."
"We often veer off the track...until a powerful eclipse comes and puts us on the right one for us."
"Seeing that eclipse that brought you to tears, I think those are those special moments that we all have that can really change our lives."
"The countdown is on to a once-in-a-lifetime total eclipse."
"A total eclipse of the sun will plunge millions of viewers from daylight into darkness for more than four captivating minutes in parts of the country."
"If it's at all possible financially or with work, if you can make this trip with someone you love, go to the path of totality and see this total solar eclipse, because it's amazing."
"Eclipse energy is the darkening of the light and therefore when you have this Eclipse energy, what you're going to find is that something comes out of the dark and is revealed."
"A total solar eclipse is a different experience for everyone; for some of us, it's a chance to witness an incredible cosmic event and just immerse ourselves in amazement."
"During a total eclipse, it's the darkness that can be illuminating."
"Experiencing a total solar eclipse is the most profound and disorientating experience."
"Remember, a total solar eclipse is a rare and precious gift. By approaching it with knowledge, safety, and reverence, you can create memories that will last a lifetime and forge a deeper connection to the world around you."
"Astronomers studying the dimming of a nearby sun-like star over time have concluded that their data point to an eclipse by a massive exoplanet's intricate ring system."
"The Moon perfectly eclipses our sun, a mathematical impossibility without an intelligence."
"We witnessed the extraordinary Eclipse right here, even outside the path of totality."
"The famous diamond ring moment in the final moments before the moon completely blocks the sun."
"How you feel on the day of the eclipse can affect the next 8 months for you."
"This eclipse brings with it this energy of major change."
"This full moon eclipse energy is going to Eclipse something out of your life."
"Wow, we are in eclipse season... a lot is gonna change quickly."
"Zero is a magical number in this eclipse, the birth of a new way of thinking."
"Partial eclipse of the Sun accompanied by full Eclipse of knowledge and reason."
"The moon's shadow falls on the earth, and now watch when the moon starts to go, the light comes back."
"An eclipse is a very powerful energy that sees you reassessing what you value in life."
"Eclipses can feel like the veil between the worlds is especially thin, allowing us to recognize our spiritual lessons more easily."
"The process happens right now, and this eclipse will bring illumination to mind and soul."
"A solar eclipse necessitates a wipeout of some plans or some area in your life so you can start again afresh."
"This eclipse will be in his 12th house of hidden enemies, behind the scenes, hidden matters of betrayal."
"Remember eclipses always surface things we didn't know about hidden aspects of ourselves."
"The moon appeared smaller than it usually does, and this led to the viewers seeing an annular eclipse instead of a total one."
"This new moon solar eclipse in Aries is about us trying to get a new beginning, to step into a new chapter in life."
"He blotted out the Sun for three full days."
"The cosmos aligning in a rare wonder, a total solar eclipse."
"The moon just so happens to be the right size and the right distance away from the Earth to almost perfectly block out the Sun every few years."
"Eclipse of breakthroughs and new beginnings and fast changes."
"It feels like night is falling, but it's not, this is crazy, we're in a total solar eclipse."
"I remember experiencing an eclipse when I was a kid in Lebanon."
"When the sun goes into the place of the moon, the moon goes into the place of the sun, we have an eclipse where you can see neither of them."
"I was just watching the eclipse dumbfounded, it was amazing."
"That's an eclipse shadow, isn't that neat?"
"The eclipse will peak at 2:30 PM, when the moon obscures eighty-six percent of the sun. We will still have some light, but it will be a dark time for us all if Gold is allowed to reach the center of town."
"What does that Eclipse want to show you about how you relate to others? It could also bring up religious or spiritual questions for you, tackle those head on, that's how the eclipse works."
"Total solar eclipse can mark the start of a new chapter in love."
"I'm getting a lot of satanic work is being done behind the scenes during the solar eclipse."
"It's a bigger part of your spiritual journey this eclipse and the previous Libra lunar eclipse hold a lot more around your spiritual growth than what meets the eye."
"Expect powerful change. New moon eclipse."
"Eclipses coincide with big changes in people's lives, especially in their sun sign, moon sign, or rising sign."
"Eclipse it is a word that sends guts himself and almost every reader of the berserk manga into an existential crisis or a PTSD induced panic attack."
"The eclipse event is said to happen once every 216 years."
"An eclipse is a fascinating occurrence that has captivated people for many centuries and is involved as a pivotal point in many different fictional stories."
"It's an eclipse. It's an cool Eclipse."
"Eclipses are a really cool time for scientists to be able to study the sun."
"Are you looking forward to being one of the few people seeing today's total solar eclipse from space?"
"Right now, you see we're seeing a partial eclipse of the sun right now. But if you look at the upper left-hand corner of your screen, we're expecting totality there in about an hour and 4 minutes."
"Solar eclipses are an omen of dark things to come."
"The eclipse energy is here to empower you."
"Nearly a thousand years ago the Haudenosaunee Confederacy was founded under a total solar eclipse."
"There's a lot of buzz from indigenous astronomers and in Haudenosaunee communities that this eclipse is going to help amplify the message of peace."
"We've got you covered so strap in as we bring you a full day of Special live coverage of the eclipse."
"Stay with us wherever you are in the country whether you're in totality whether you're going to see a partial solar eclipse whether you're out of it all together you can experience it with us on CBC wherever you get CBC news."
"We'll all be talking about it for a while, and how we felt on the day the sun was eclipsed by the moon. That's right."
"Remember, all eclipses are game changers. But in the ninth house, they have a lot to do with things that are far ahead in the future."
"Millions are within the path of totality, so whether you'll be beneath the moon's shadow or experiencing this remarkable event with us at CBC, we've got you covered."
"That three-hour drive is a long one, but this is where you want to be. Total solar eclipses are just not the same as partials."
"It's so cool to be here during an eclipse. You can definitely tell something's off, like it's just not as light as it normally would be."
"The last 15 seconds or so it gets about a million times darker when you look up you see this diamond ring in the sky a bright bead of sunlight as the moon covers The Last Remnant of the sun's bright glare."
"Honestly one of the cleanest eclipses we have seen."
"Getting hyped about a solar eclipse, boy if you don't get your goddamn ass...bro I'm not going to lie, it's kind of mid."
"This eclipse is your life force, your full expressive life force. It says it's time to ignite a new identity, to see yourself with new eyes, to remember who you are on a spiritual level."
"If you're in a committed relationship and there's going to be an eclipse on your moon or something, it can bring about a deeper solidification or the chance to sort out some issues."
"One of the themes we're going to look at is this lunar eclipse in Libra is highlighting the pathology of codependency."
"That's right, where's the... that's because the moon's in front of the sun, that's so them are pretty good. Yeah, that's why they ain't no light."
"It is now safe to look at the eclipse without your glasses. What an amazing sight, folks."
"This is incredible, really a once in a lifetime, unless you're an eclipse chaser, which I'm considering, I might become one after this."
"Eclipse energy... exposing... bring the [ __ ] out and bring it to the light."
"This eclipse is a real catalyst for change. A lot of people are going to glaze over it, and that's the very thing you shouldn't do."
"A spectacular Eclipse experience, worth the journey."
"Solar eclipses are like the new moons, turbocharged, and this is asking us now to step and leap and jump into that unknown."
"An eclipse is really like a new moon on steroids."
"Even in the red aura of the eclipse, there lies even more energy."
"This eclipse is really going to be powerful. This is your new beginning. This is you feeling so empowered."
"It's like the eclipse looking at you and saying, 'Is that all you've got? Bring me more.'"
"Eclipse season is no joke... anybody that's been working against you is going to be illuminated."
"This eclipse it really supercharges everybody what I said like there's the potential for conflict right if it's not used properly so it kind of means that you're still ahead of the game here you're still moving more quickly than most of the people around you."
"This eclipse is happening in your first house of you, your body, yourself, your image, your identity."
"...this Eclipse could really be exposing that fear or some kind of insecurity you have within yourself so that you can change it up and you can face the fears..."
"I view the solar eclipse as a wakeup call, so it's calling attention to some of what we need to wake up to here in the United States and be attentive to the deeper meaning and messages of these eclipses."
"Uranus is full of surprises, full of shocks, and full of the unexpected. Uranus is going to give this the energy of this Eclipse some inventiveness, genius, inspirations can occur as a result of this Eclipse energy."
"During Eclipse Gateway, there's usually a theme of releasing and letting go to make space for the new."
"This Eclipse can turn that around 180°, you might get the job of your dreams or you might move out of a career that you are hating into something that feels as comfortable and right as your favorite pair of slippers."
"Eclipses are times of Awakening, times of change."
"You'll see that your social influence does grow during Eclipse season."
"Anything that does happen during an eclipse is fated, right? Especially during this Eclipse, anything that arises or happens is fated and is bringing us into Divine Alignment."
"I hadn't even known there was going to be an eclipse but when I saw it I thought it was a sign that I'd made the right choice."
"I did have such exciting Eclipse research."
"We used to hook up, but it was just sex. Then the eclipse happened, and I haven't thought about you since."
"I pray that your faith will not be in a permanent Eclipse."
"It might be a really cool topwater day. I don't know. We are floating and the eclipse is already starting to take place. So, we're getting out on the water just as its little edge is starting to happen."
"We're fresh off the lake y'all, and what did we experience during the eclipse? Fast and furious fish catching action. Basically, the fish started schooling and then right after it was like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. The fish were going crazy."
"This eclipse is going to make the fire signs want to start new things."
"The eclipse is giving you the strength to release it all Scorpio and truly open the door to access the path that leads you to your destiny."
"Put yourself into the path of totality if you want to experience the full thing."
"All the photographers... say just focus on getting that total solar eclipse."
"The eclipse was an amazing experience and I am totally ready for the next one."
"I just don't think it was that big of a deal here because, I mean, it's not the hot spot, oh, yeah, there are certain locations where, like, it was more intense, right, doesn't, like, the solar eclipse only happen, like, two times in your life?"
"When there's a total eclipse of the sun, there's an Audrey 2 that just appears somewhere."
"We can make a new holiday. Everybody give each other a present on the eclipse."
"Whatever comes up at the time of the eclipse, my recommendation is to see it as a nudge from the universe."
"A solar eclipse is just a new moon on steroids."
"This eclipse could shed some light when it comes to your self-sabotaging patterns."
"Surprisingly enough, we actually caught a good glimpse of the eclipse."
"You might find a hidden talent in an eclipse cycle, something that you didn't know that you were good at."
"Skoll and Hati... were believed to chase and devour the Sun and the Moon during the events known as solar and lunar eclipses."
"The gods are so upset with you two forces for fighting here that to give you a warning, the gods are going to make the Sun go dark."
"Look at that beautiful bite taken out of the sun, it looks like Pac-Man yawning."
"During a total solar eclipse, the darkest part of its shadow, the Umbra, will pass over the Earth."
"If you are within the path of totality and you sit under the shadow, you'll be able to witness the eclipse."
"With a camera and a tiny bit of preparation, you can take great photos of an eclipse."
"The partial phase of the eclipse lasts 2 hours and totality will last 4 minutes."
"It's one of the most dramatic sites in nature, a total solar eclipse when day turns to night in a rare and spectacular sight."
"Live in the moment while the eclipse is happening."
"Tomorrow will be the longest lunar eclipse of this century so far."
"Let's get rid of all the confusion; the actual biblical and spiritual sign of what the eclipse means is really pretty simple."
"Appearing through a portal from the future that would create an eclipse in present day."
"Astronomers have actually been able to date this eclipse to May 26th, 585 BCE."
"Sometimes the moon gets in between the sun and the earth and covers the sun."
"We're really starting to feel the effects of this Eclipse; it's like the dust has settled."
"I got to see a total solar eclipse over the city of Dallas where I am now, and it was absolutely amazing."
"It's comparing an annular to a total eclipse is like comparing night to day."
"That's what my favorite part is, seeing the multiple images of eclipses on the ground made by things that are just otherwise shadows of leaves."
"A lot of this nation is going to have the opportunity to see an eclipse in its totality, something that not everybody gets to experience."
"If you're somebody that has photographed an eclipse and you want to assemble those images into some type of a composite inside of Photoshop, I've got a couple ideas for you."
"What if we embraced under the totality of the eclipse?"
"The thing that I love about the eclipse is that it's just so forgiving."
"The Sun didn't go dark because the gods have gotten angry with our behavior; the Sun went dark because the mechanics of the universe had simply rolled around."
"Walking outside during the eclipse is just so surreal."
"The shadow of the Moon passing over, the birds are going crazy."
"This isn't just any eclipse though, the sun will completely disappear in the middle of the day."
"A total lunar eclipse... from our perspective is when the moon passes into the Earth's shadow and the whole thing turns red."
"Never look into the sun, even during an eclipse."
"As the day preceding the onset of darkness unfolds, a forboding event is said to transpire: the sudden disappearance of the sun's light around midday."
"In 650 million years, the last ever total solar eclipse will happen."
"You did it, you experienced a full solar eclipse."
"If you 20 years from now have an opportunity to be in the line of totality for the next solar eclipse, absolutely do it."
"This is incredible... we are seeing our very own natural satellite, the moon, as it passes over the sun."
"NASA is launching three rockets to study the eclipse, but not at three moons because we only have one."
"We're at the tail end of the eclipse season, full of change, unexpected things, big goodbyes, big hellos."
"This strikingly precise coincidence allows it to just completely cover our Sun during totality, allowing us to see the sun's beautiful, ghostly Corona."
"I saw the eclipse, that was kind of cool."
"The eclipse was awesome here in Cincinnati."
"How do we allow this Eclipse season to work with us in a really profound, deep philosophical way?"
"Eclipse Lyrics mentions about secretly meeting the light, which is accurate because the light of the Solar Eclipse is hidden at the back of the moon."
"She sings about eclipse, relating it to destiny and fate and as to how after such a passing moment, it becomes unforgettable."
"Odd eye circle's task is making the other 2 subunits accomplish the same by embracing their other halves using the power of the eclipse."
"It seems that Loona one-third's Sonatine is taking place during the Solar Eclipse."
"It's the second eclipse I've seen, second time I've been in totality."
"As we move through this Eclipse portal, we are becoming more and more ready to say yes to our hearts."
"The sun in dim eclipse, disastrous twilight sheds on half the nations, and with fear of change perplexes monarchs." - Paradise Lost, John Milton
"The sun was nearly blotted out, it was magical, otherworldly actually."
"An eclipse is when the Earth, the moon, and the sun are completely aligned."
"We had the weird Eclipse thing today."
"This is the eclipse that we're under right now, and it's actually the last total lunar eclipse that's completely covered in Scorpio until 2051."
"This full moon that we're under, this eclipse we're under, is very rare."
"If you view the eclipse without the proper protection, it can severely damage your eyes."
"What better reason is there to come together with friends and loved ones than to share a once in a generation experience like the solar eclipse."
"The Indians observed this eclipse and were so astonished and frightened."
"I guess there's a solar eclipse running through America, and I thought I might get on my bike and ride over to Ohio and check it out."
"A dragon devouring the Sun, a giant Puma demon, a pair of Scot wolves... throughout history and across cultures, an eclipse has been interpreted as a perplexing or fearful event."
"Even the 2017 Total Eclipse raised claims of impending apocalypse by evangelist groups in the United States."
"But what if the next eclipse didn't end?"
"But don't worry, you wouldn't live in the moon's shadow all the time."
"A total eclipse is an amazing experience."
"You'll be able to see the corona, which is something that you can only see during the total eclipse."
"The temperature might drop wherever you are during totality."
"Observing a total solar eclipse is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; let's hope it stays the marvel it is."
"Thank you for joining us, happy Eclipse day too."
"You know what other Casino can you see the sun in even during an eclipse? We saw the sun in here."
"The Eclipse is definitely one of my favorite knives of all time."
"You can see solar eclipses because even though the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, it's also 400 times closer to Earth."
"Enjoy the time-lapse video clip of the eclipse over Niagara Falls."
"This is more rare than the sort of eclipse."
"A total solar eclipse is one of the most spectacular celestial events you can witness."
"More people may witness this Eclipse than have witnessed any eclipse in the history of civilization."
"An eclipse is like no other experience, it ties us to the universe in a way that we almost never get to experience."
"It means so much more than the eclipse."
"Everybody in that shadow as that shadow moves on is looking up, sharing this majestic moment."
"The glasses are off, we are in the Umbra, the great North American eclipse is happening right now above us."
"The total solar eclipse delivered, but not in the way that some expected."
"I saw the solar eclipse in totality, which I saw in Savannah, Georgia. It was incredible."
"I'm here to tell the truth. Telling the truth during the middle of an eclipse, this should be interesting."
"Nothing gets me more excited than a total solar eclipse."
"About two minutes before totality hit, the world changed and I literally said, 'Now I get it.'"
"A total solar eclipse is one of Nature's most spectacular sights."
"You have a little modicum of control of how this eclipse can go for you."
"It's a great eclipse if you want to make a break, cut ties, kind of clean the slate."
"Eclipses as a pattern breaking type of astrological event."
"There's also a partial lunar eclipse which is so close to being a total lunar eclipse."
"It's amazing how much light is still out with the moon covering like 98% of the sun; that massive ball of fire is pretty bright."
"The shadows were the coolest part; shadows were weird."
"The fourth and most important stage is called totality."