
Bonds Quotes

There are 636 quotes

"I believe that the bond they share with their trainers is what brings out the power of Pokémon."
"Highly social animals, dolphins often live in pods of up to a dozen individuals. They establish strong social bonds, staying with injured or ill individuals, helping them to breathe, or bringing them to the surface if needed."
"I consider this guy family. I would take a bullet for this guy. He's blood; he's more than family. And you know, he's my best friend."
"My relationship to the Jewish people has become my strongest human bond."
"In the end, it's not power that prevails, but the bonds we share."
"You've known each other before, maybe in a relationship or friendship."
"Putting money into bonds could be a good option for people who want to play it a little bit safer."
"I love Remy like Remy and I have a bond, I love her to death, yeah, but it's like day two she's like 'I don't want to be here anymore' and I'm like 'No one wants to be here anymore Remy.'"
"Be less involved in stocks, be more involved in bonds and own a little bit of gold."
"Friendship between men is stronger than blood. A woman could never understand."
"The camaraderie with these guys lasts a lifetime."
"Family bonds are inseparable. No one can break them. They are the most important roots we have in this world."
"Bonds are primarily a function of inflation and inflation expectations and again you know kind of like I laid out earlier I think inflation's coming down over the longer run." - Mike
"The connection between a parent and child is never over."
"Bonds now look much much more appealing than they were 12 months ago."
"Bonds are more attractive now than they were a year ago."
"His resolution is to realize the power of sacrifice, that sometimes bonds are so strong you have to be willing to give yourself up to save them."
"I'll say this you don't make a lot of genuine friends in your life and going through hardships together definitely builds bonds"
"Even after many years, it seems this bond can never be broken."
"This is one of the great macro opportunities... just buy bonds."
"Long-term treasury bonds are going to be a great place to be."
"Understanding bonds is just as important as understanding stocks."
"That's why investing in bonds is so important."
"Our feelings for you, they were ever so brightly, our bonds still run away, so don't take them so lightly."
"Understand how bonds work to determine their role in your portfolio."
"Bonds are like IOUs - you're loaning a company or government money."
"The bond built up between soldiers in combat is something that you can't quantify."
"This is the time of expansion... enhancing family bonds."
"Animals can also make random animal buddies and end up as true BFFs."
"Luffy's crewmates, his nakama, his allies, his friends, all the bonds he has created and connected with, are the most important thing in the world to him."
"War reveals that bond between brothers in arms or even between enemies across a field of shared sacrifice or the strength of love that can develop."
"There's friendships and then there's bonds, and I don't really like the friendships. Friendships are something I'll have, but the bonds are something that I can't replace."
"Life paths forge strong bonds and a higher duty that stands solid as an old oak."
"Our nations share close geography and history that will forever bind us together, but our values are even more consequential."
"In sector one, you want to be overweight bonds... but the last thing you want to own is a corporate or treasury bond in sector five."
"My parents are your parents, and you would always want to be on good terms with your family."
"Form community bonds, find other people that you can trust and stick with them."
"Life has meaning because of the bonds we create and protect."
"Bitcoin is surging while the 10-year treasury note is going too high too quickly."
"You are actually my best best friend in the whole wide world."
"Bonds are in a bull market and have been for the last 40 years."
"The bond of companionship is not something so easily severed."
"The bond thing that I just discussed actually I think it's valid for the more structural portfolio the longer term one I think it's a good entry point to buy back some bonds."
"There is one asset that does well in all recessions, and it's bonds."
"High-yield bonds have been amazingly resilient."
"Family can be whoever you make it."
"I don't have friends, I got family."
"You and your Pokémon have developed strong bonds by spending time together and by caring about one another."
"I don't care what you say to me, you'll always be family."
"It's those very changes that allow some of the best bonds, some of the best friendships to form."
"The ties that bind us are precious, unique. Alliance forms it me for real."
"There's no deadline on friendship."
"Family doesn't require blood; it requires love."
"The bonds of family are stronger than whatever workplace vibes The Avengers give off most of the time."
"...Family Blood Ties is the most important thing in our lives."
"He appreciated the opportunity to experience this world and the bonds he had denied while he was still on Earth."
"Nothing like the timeless bonds of brotherly love."
"Family is the bones we make, not the blood that runs through our veins."
"You'll build friendships and relationships that will last, not just the silver ones, but the gold ones."
"You would be able to look at our family and pick out, 'Oh, these two are really close, and these two are good buddies,' and predominantly that doesn't have anything to do with biology."
"This is family to me, chosen family."
"A currency needs bonds. What is a bond? It's a way to add money for interest."
"I don't know if there's anyone as close as we are."
"That bond was stronger than Mew's reprogramming."
"Family didn't have to be about blood relations, family was something we can create."
"They feel like you could be their person."
"The friendships are really special."
"Relationships, bonds with other people, are not something to be taken lightly."
"It was Naruto reaching out to him without concession that cut the bond Sasuke chose not to break completely."
"Family should be what you make of it."
"And it's going to be there forever, things that time you're never going to get back, never bonds you're never going to—it's done, so yeah, man."
"Family make you blood, but loyalty make you family."
"I love this picture of all the different bonds of course playing poker."
"Friendship makes magic after all."
"The bonds of friendship are stronger than any force in the universe."
"Okabe Zero could not afford to undo Okabe Two's failing to save Kurisu, nor to undo Okabe One starting its journey through the Alpha world line."
"Amidst the trials of nature, bonds are forged that withstand the test of time."
"Sometimes family is what you make of it, and sometimes you have to make a family with nothing more than perfect coincidences and a lot of love along the way."
"Mash pointed out that blood relations and unquestioning obedience don't define a family."
"They felt a lot of emotional satisfaction with you guys."
"Just because we're not blood-related doesn't mean that we don't have that same care and passion for each other that our family should have had for us."
"Family remains family at the end of the day."
"There really are bonds that can never be broken."
"And family extends outside of biological territory."
"There really are bonds that can never be broken. You really can find that one person, hopefully more than one, but one's good."
"So higher interest rates mean a lower price for the bond."
"Families at times aren't defined by blood or even paperwork."
"The hair is very strong with great bonds like our sisterly bond."
"These bonds can't be broken and that even over a span of years they're still working to bring us together."
"What factors determine the required return on bonds? Factors such as real rate of return, inflation, interest rate risk, default risk, taxability, and liquidity of the bond all contribute to the required return on bonds."
"The bond between Rob and his direwolf became stronger when Rob was proclaimed King in the north."
"Family is like the most important thing."
"Family is the most important thing. Strong bonds forged together."
"If you can figure out what happened or what almost happened in the foreshadowing period, that becomes the thing that the loosing of the bond is predicated on."
"We do annual camping trips, we have, you know, Christmas parties. These are literally my kids' very best friends that I really feel like are going to be their forever friends."
"Carbon is trying to form four bonds, each of the four bonds, if it were a hydrogen, then both partners would be happy."
"The bonds he forged got him the win."
"Even the strongest bonds can face unexpected tests."
"I wonder how much we're seeing bonds as the risk asset. Government bonds as the risk asset and equities is actually in some ways a sure bet because you got a Fed that basically is saying we got your back."
"The relationship between yields and prices for bonds and bond funds is an inverse one."
"If you're receiving a fixed rate of income then any kind of inflation which is higher than that income will effectively erode any value or any income which you're getting with that bond."
"Your family is who you make it to be."
"The market value of the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond Index is fifty nine trillion dollars."
"You can take that away, but you can't take away family."
"Friends make that big a difference, did you not know that?"
"Sometimes blood don't make you family, like a true bond amongst friends."
"Family's family, you know? We all got our own friends, we all got our own things."
"I consider you my family. I hope you consider me your family."
"Strong bonds come in small packaging."
"The bonds that you make with people are just incredible."
"It was a testament to the boundless nature of love and the unbreakable bonds that we form with those that have touched our hearts."
"The more you have in bonds, the smoother your ride will be."
"Because Luffy is not looking for a fantasy football team he is looking for a family who he can love and who loves him back."
"That's what's been amazing really, just throughout the whole run, is you create these friendships and these relationships that are just more than, you know, like a brand and stuff like all right, those guys, they're welcome in my house anytime."
"It's bonds formed by a mutual desire and love."
"Attention attention, investment bankers! We'd like you to form a syndicate and bid on our bonds."
"It's not only football, friday night lights and beyond where we talk of course about the show but we also talk about life and we talk about friendships that have been going on for the better part of two decades now."
"It really is a friendship for life."
"Relationships are bonds, attachment bonds. It's the stuff that glues us together, that we seek out the comfort of our spouse."
"The number one reason people buy muni bonds is to collect tax-free interest."
"Bonds formed on the battlefield are often as unbreakable as the strongest family ties."
"Sometimes there really are bonds that can never be broken."
"They meet in Brokeback Mountain and create emotional and sexual bonds in a society where homosexuality is unthinkable."
"Held by the bonds of love, great place to be."
"There are bonds that can't be broken."
"The half moon mark on the palm could be viewed as a tangible symbol of these Soul connections, serving as a reminder of the bonds shared between individuals across different lifetimes."
"Puerto Rico even went a step further to entice Wall Street's writing into its constitution language suggesting that certain bondholders would be paid first ahead of anything else."
"We can form bonds, empathic bonds, and resonate sort of interior to interior."
"We've made friends that are closer to us than family."
"This Victory highlighted the effectiveness of their collaborative approach and the strength of their familial Bonds."
"Rothschild bonds played a crucial role in shaping the modern world."
"Genuine bonds of friendship and sisterhood."
"Blood isn't always thicker than water."
"The dog-human bond: It's a chemical attraction."
"You're not going to feel good about getting your bond called because not only are you foregoing that capital appreciation, but you also now have to reinvest the proceeds at the lower interest rate, oh my goodness this is so much fun."
"Covenantal bonds are not forced or compelled; agency remains operative."
"Family can be more than just those with whom we share blood."
"...even if it's true that some outside force I.E ukan is responsible for connecting them all those years ago they themselves are the cause of their now unbreakable bonds."
"The true strength lies in the bonds we share."
"At its heart, I think it's about family, those ties that last so long over time."
"Bonds form. Teammates become less of a hindrance and more of a necessity."
"You bond with people and it's like those bonds don't go away."
"Family is not only about blood. There are some people who come into our lives and they become like family."
"These are literally my second family"
"It's kind of beautiful that these guys had such tight bonds with each other, even despite the circumstances."
"War is the moment when we loose the bonds of convention."
"Seeing these cherished bonds severed is truly heartbreaking."
"There's nothing better than family."
"The greatest power comes from within, fueled by the bonds we share."
"Family isn't just blood; it's the bonds we forge along the way."
"This is going to cost the bondholders, who hold tax-exempt state and local bonds. Who holds state and local bonds that are tax exempt? Obviously, the higher income brackets."
"People seem to have a relatively high conviction that somehow or another equities are lower risk than bonds."
"Y'all the people that mean a lot to me and blood don't make you family, okay? Family make you family."
"Gratitude enhances social bonds and strengthens relationships."
"Fox was indeed his family, in fact, he was more family than some in the clan who shared his flesh and blood."
"Governments don't actually need to issue bonds, but they choose to for various reasons."
"Sarah loved that old cat and that old cat loved her back. Bonds like they had can't ever be broken."
"Her formative years were marked by the close-knit bonds she shared with her siblings."
"They do form very strong bonds and those females then obviously, throughout the rest of their life, pass skills and knowledge to get passed on down. And I just want to make sure I get more of these eddies and friends."
"Their story is also a testament to the enduring bonds of family."
"The opportunity to concentrate for the extended period, the teamwork that comes out of it, you forge bonds with people."
"I think it was a perfect example of chosen family."
"Christmas is about the bonds that bring us together, it's about friends and family and killing Santa, the true meaning of Christmas everybody working together, how cliche."
"Relationships are more important."
"As an owner of this unit investment trust, as the bonds pay interest and mature, that will be distributed to you."
"Affiliative leadership builds strong bonds and results in loyal team members."
"If interest rates go up, bond prices go down."
"Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you, no matter what."
"So to just say it much more simply, if you take 2 bonds with the same present value you could well have that situation where they have the same present value because one of the bonds pays a lot of stuff early and terrible stuff late."
"The loneliness of leadership, it's a cliché, but it's absolutely true and earned. Especially when the bonds are that deep and that profound."
"Your family doesn't have to be your family."
"A bond with a narcissist is a bond like no other."
"Well, the bull market is easy because... ergo of a 40-year bull market in bonds."
"Someone feels like they clown themselves for breaking an unbreakable situation or bond with you."
"I gave birth to three humans who should be best friends cradle to the grave."
"The bonds of brotherhood that could not be broken."
"That's one of the things I saw that you all have is a good strong family ties still."
"Nothing they can do or say can ever keep my love from them."
"I don't think Henry was as close to Jimmy and Tommy as Jimmy and Tommy were to each other."
"So what if we're not blood family?"
"you know, y'all can be upset with each other and all that, y'all might not talk, but you know, family ties never break."
"Family is who we choose to keep in our circle."
"Their friendship would become legendary."
"Their bonds now stronger after acknowledging their differences."
"Shallan has a bond with the cryptic Pattern, allowing her to manifest Pattern as a Shardblade."
"A bond is normally an interest-only loan."
"Mind-boggling how a predator's Warrior clasp it for such deep bonds."
"Index funds simply buy all, or a representative sample of the stocks or bonds in an index, so as to achieve the same return as the index."
"Sharing is good; sharing creates the bonds of society."
"We got to see their bond kind of evolve on screen and off screen over the course of the entire season."
"The bond of two Heroes forged not just in battle but in understanding."
"There are friends and there's family, then there are friends who become family."
"When you have a fear Bond versus a joy Bond a fear Bond brings a burden giving a joy bond is burden lifting."
"I would love to see that they come into this world um or already being a family having been a family for a long time having been doing what they were doing maybe behind the scenes a little bit and have that those family bonds."
"A sibling is someone who will always be there for you."
"Living without those bonds was the worst kind of torture."
"Causing physical strain in a bond that you want to break."
"Real friends are rare, we pretty much call them family."
"Family, ain't no buddies, friends... Family."
"There are two types of bonds that form between glucose molecules: alpha 1-4 bonds and alpha 1 6 bonds."