
Father Figure Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"One of the primary motivators in Barry's life is his desire for a father figure."
"A father figure can guide you through life's perils when no one else will."
"When I think about my dad growing up, I certainly think about that seriousness, but very few people get to see he's funny, weird, and really playful."
"He was a mentor, he was a father, he was a human being."
"He's almost like a dad. It sounds weird to say that."
"My uncle was like a father figure to them guys."
"He's the one who takes them out, does things with them, plays football with them. He does the father role."
"Hugh Jackman plays the father that will do anything to find his daughter."
"He became like my dad, he raised me my whole life."
"The movie has a thematic arc about Arthur searching for a father."
"Practically every intimate relationship women develop in life is either an attempt to distance herself from a negative father or to perpetuate the security of a good father."
"I feel like it fits more with what you were saying before about like, yeah, it's close father figure."
"He wants to be the father figure in her life that she's been craving all along."
"Joel is giving birthday presents, he's trying to teach Ellie the guitar, he's trying to make the best life possible for Ellie."
"That's how I was taught from my father figure not my father, my father figure."
"Beautiful animation on the bird bald eagle moment."
"I think it's great that your dad is someone you can look up to like this, real."
"Naturally you seek love from another man, you know maybe not in a sexual way, you know what I'm saying, but you seek that in a fatherly way."
"This game was like my dad... never took me there."
"The perfect father figure, ain't that ironic?"
"Harmon was like a father figure to her"
"I never had a dad, but I always had you."
"He was the first father she ever had."
"Who wouldn't want to have a Mr. Miyagi as a surrogate father?"
"Having no Father Figure... I'm happy that he has Mr. Miyagi."
"Atticus Finch is such a wise character and a wonderful father figure."
"Paul stepped in as a father figure for Kaya because he saw what she was going through and he said this girl needs a dad and I'm going to do that for her."
"He did it all, and infinitely more. And to Tiny Tim who did not die, he was a second father."
"He treated me like I was a son there's no doubt about it like he from the time I started dating his daughter through the end of his life he treated me like I was a son."
"Meanwhile, Vincenzo was also struggling to come to terms with the loss of Mr. Hong, whom he had grown to see as a father figure."
"What are you looking for in a man? I want someone who's like my father."
"Jay is amazing. Jay is our surrogate father, daddy Jay."
"I love you Mitch is kind of I kind of view Mitch is the dad that I wish I had."
"Tony Stark had become something of a father figure for Peter, having taken him and his family into Avengers Tower---"
"Zangetsu serves as almost a second father figure to Ichigo."
"Most people who reject the notion of the God of the Bible do so because they had a horrible reference point for an Earthly father figure."
"How much does a father figure figure?"
"He had a great sense of humor and he was kind of a father figure for everybody in the cast."
"Jonathan Kent is the kind of father figure that any young man would be lucky to have."
"I looked up to you like a father and for that too San I will forever be grateful."
"He saw himself in his father's image."
"My stepfather's been in my life. He's raised his grandkids and my kids. He's been there. That's my dad."
"What kind of dad that everybody really wished they had, you know what I mean? He just, he always seemed like a dad that you wish you, like in real life John Ritter was your dad."
"Strider always made himself available to her; he was a father figure when she had no father figure."
"He decided he wanted to create an animatronic father figure to replace William."
"He's like a father to them sir, I am," Hexwell said fervently.
"You're my future, my family, and Jiraiya, you're the closest thing I've had to a father. You both mean so much to me."
"My grandfather was my father figure."
"Alfred is like the father figure we all wish we had at some point."
"Shanks is the real father figure of Luffy."
"The daddy issue is really about making sure that you had a strong male figure in your life."
"...Bonnie had really been the only father her kids had ever known and he had been a very good dad yes Bonnie told police of course there had been arguments but even the very worst of those between leth and Chris had never resulted in any physical violence."
"He's not just a teacher and a man of God but a father to so many."
"...many of you probably wish that Bandit was your actual dad and with everything I mentioned I don't blame you at all."
"My number three pick is Mufasa. Obviously, all the dad characteristics. Also, when he dies, you just get to keep talking to him."
"He was like a father to a lot of those students who didn't have one in their household."
"Losing him really does feel like I lost a father."
"Lenny was the father I never had."
"He taught me how to swim, how to drive my car, he attended all the school functions I was in."
"I wish you were my dad because you're nice, because you listen, because you care."
"He's the ultimate father figure in this show."
"My one and only father will always be Whitebeard."
"I love Pop, he was like a father to me."
"Uncle Phil, one of the most iconic father figures ever put to television, a bold yet humble and honorable man who was just as frightening as he is understanding."
"I guess I'll place my dad with Michael B. Jordan."
"By confronting their father figure, the hero achieves enlightenment."
"I love him, he's been like a daddy to me."
"Thank you for saving the life of someone who was like a father to me."
"I remember looking at him like a dad, because I saw him so much."
"Our grandfather stepped in and has raised us ever since, and he has been more of a father figure than my real dad could have ever been."
"I've come to the sad realization that sometimes, having no father figure may be better than having the wrong stepdad."
"Chuck is a nice guy, and he really went out of his way to be there for the girls."
"I always considered Sir Alex as my second father."
"He became an American icon, and someone who millions of people looked to as a father figure, and a moral compass."
"There's a lot of people in this world that need a role model, that need a dad... and that's what you were for me."
"Jody has become a father to many of us who don't have a father."
"He was genuinely a father figure for me."
"Peter was a true father to me; he was wonderful."
"It's really profound to see this Father Figure go out of his way to save his kid in hopes of letting that kid see a future of an era that Whitebeard himself cannot witness."
"Sirius is the closest thing to a father to Harry."
"Effectively, the heart of the season is the father/daughter dynamic between Hopper and Eleven."
"I think that he's a very good mentor for Rue and that would be a good father figure."
"He's the first man who I ever met who I said I wish he had been my father."
"He said thank you, and that was my one and only interaction with my father in my 30 years of living."
"He wanted to be seen as the father of the nation."
"You're more than my best friend, Ellis. You really have always been a father figure to me."
"He was basically a father for me up here in Boston."
"He had a demeanor about him that just automatically wanted to allow you to think of him as a father figure, a mentor."
"What a lot of people don't know is, I kind of grew up without a father figure."
"I want to help you guys out as much as I possibly can and be there for you like a father figure."
"He's the only father I've ever known."
"He very much sees Ellie as a second daughter, and she views him as the father that she never had."
"Good Times solved a lot of problems for people, showed people how you know if you didn't have a father, John Amos was a father type to you."
"Basketball became that father figure that I never had."
"The kind of man who will make you think, 'I wish my father were more like this.'"
"Like a shepherd He feeds us, and like a father He leads us from the morning to the evening till the sunrise again."
"Joe was always perceived as kind of a second father to a lot of his players."
"He was in many ways a surrogate father to Charles."
"He was kind of like a father to me if I'm going to be totally honest."
"I love my stepdad like a father, he has been a father figure to me."
"You will always find a home, a father, and a friend in me."
"Cecil's has very like dad energy in real life; he makes you feel very safe, and he's like very funny and nice."
"You know, I never know what it's like to have a family, but when I'm with Iruka, I sometimes wonder if that's what it's like to have a dad."
"There's a fatherly energy that is showing up for you in the spiritual realm, Pisces, that is adding a layer of protection."