
Ghosts Quotes

There are 373 quotes

"Skepticism isn't about saying there are no ghosts. Skepticism is about saying there's insufficient evidence to conclude that there's ghosts."
"I've never really put much stock in the concept of ghosts or the supernatural in general."
"The concept of residual trauma manifesting as ghostly apparitions raises intriguing questions about the nature of emotion and memory."
"The presupposition is that if there are ghosts, there's an afterlife. We don't just die; we go on."
"I firmly believe that if ghosts were scientifically real, we could prove it."
"The best thing to do if you see a ghost is the same thing as you would with a holy soul: pray."
"A ghost is a human soul without a body that has died but now may be allowed to appear to us on earth."
"I've always been really fascinated with ghosts and spirits."
"I wanted to get the heck out of the backyard. I kind of want to keep it. It could be like... I don't like this ghost."
"Nearly one in five Americans believe in ghosts and have also claimed to see one."
"Could this old speakeasy still be haunted with the ghosts of yesteryear?"
"Encounters with sprinting ghosts are commonly associated with haunted locations or areas with a history of paranormal activity."
"The first time I actually ever felt like I was communicating with a ghost... in the Boiler Room."
"I don't believe in the afterlife, but I'm okay with the idea of ghosts."
"I never believed in ghosts... but here is my story."
"At least 18 percent of people believe in ghosts, but I think most of us have had an experience that we can't quite understand."
"I feel like ghosts are just like people, right? Because they're literally people."
"Everyone has spooky ghost stories but not everybody has chill ghost stories. Well, I do."
"Now it's said that their angry ghosts walk the halls, screaming, banging, and even weeping."
"Ghosts are real, I'll tell you that much right now man, just straight up."
"The ghosts of children are often the saddest and most frightening."
"So in conclusion we don't believe in ghosts right christine no i'm so ready why am i apologizing and."
"The thing that was spoken of the most and seen the most - was the children."
"Are ghosts real? Yes, yes, yeah, they're definitely real."
"I felt like I were in the presence of residents I hadn't had the chance to meet."
"Maybe it's only like the best people that get to be like ghosts and get to hang out and mess with people like, you know that's like the ultimate heaven."
"They finally did the portrait ghosts again, and I love this so much."
"I am NOT going to stop until I find legitimate proof that spirits ghosts whatever you want to call them are real even if it means going to a hundred haunted places."
"I love ghosts. I wholeheartedly think ghosts are real. I fully believe in ghosts. I want ghosts to be real."
"There's no such thing as ghosts," Thomas said cheerfully.
"Hazel can see ghosts and there's so many in New York."
"The Tower of London is haunted by lots of ghosts."
"But it doesn't matter how friendly a ghost you are when every mortal is afraid of you."
"I still don't believe in ghosts but mine and the bartender's descriptions matched perfectly."
"Our ghosts played matchmaker, and we're now trying for a kid, married for 5 years."
"Maybe one day we will recognize ghosts as just fellow souls who, voluntary or not, have a go at parting some interdimensional curtain."
"Ghosts don't exist, and then what the hell was that?"
"Tonight's investigation moves Shane and I ever closer to completing our ongoing investigation into the question: are ghosts real?"
"Is this a real ghost? Those in the comments certainly think so."
"If you're in your house and there's five ghosts, do something with it."
"Multiple ghosts haunt the Myrtle Plantation according to Legend."
"Visitors report seeing Khloe's Spirit, her turbaned head and disfigured ear haunting the premises."
"This story had me believing in ghosts."
"Ghosts are more than just echoes. They can actually think and feel and act according to some internal drive."
"Most ghosts... do not do much harm."
"I never believed in ghosts unless that thing is one."
"I don't believe in ghosts, but I'm afraid of them."
"Sometimes I trust ghosts more than people because you can see right through them."
"Anything that's interesting how ghosts appear mostly in older buildings. There's like a timeline with ghosts. Once it gets older than a 100 years, the ghosts come out to play."
"Ghosts could be real, okay fine, I'm open-minded."
"There's no way in hell I would share my house with angry ghosts."
"The 999 happy haunts are happy, they enjoy being ghosts."
"Weird noises every night... she feared that the factory was haunted by ghosts."
"Why are all ghosts from like the 1800s how come you never just see some guy who died like two weeks ago wearing like a Gucci shirt or something."
"Ghosts are very, very, very real. They're not real in the sense that you might expect, but if you do something terrible enough to someone innocent enough, you can bet your bottom dollar they'll haunt you for the rest of your life."
"Ghosts are just farts that never got smelt."
"Ghosts are actually real, I used to talk [ __ ] about ghosts and never believed in them."
"Let me start by saying I didn't believe in ghosts before this."
"I couldn't stop staring at them. Were they ghosts? What the hell was going on here?"
"Imagine having an Army of Ghosts on your side. If I was going against an army of ghosts I'd be like 'you win, you win, I'm out.'"
"Those ghosts are as good as busted."
"This world is a strange one. You may not believe in ghosts or haunted houses, but you might just be in denial."
"...terrifying beasts and horrific ghosts that prey on those who cross their paths"
"This mission is the site of many tragic deaths contributing to the high population of ghosts and alleged history of demonic possession."
"Ghosts are the lives we couldn't save."
"Not all ghost experiences have to be scary or malicious, some can even be comforting."
"I think ghosts are just people who died trying to unfold a fitted sheet."
"So yeah, people do that all the time, man. And that's definitely where ghosts come from, man."
"The everydayness of these ghosts is displayed rather humorously."
"Maybe ghosts are people in purgatory, and we see them around us all the time without realizing that they're ghosts."
"I live with a ghost. A few of them actually."
"A great old house with a fascinating history must include a ghost or two who remind us that the past is always with us."
"There’s only one thing scarier than a ghost sighting: a ghost sighting you."
"Ghosts don't fuck with that. They do what they want to do on their time, when they want to. I have no control over them. So again, if it happens and you guys heard it and saw it, great. If you didn't, I'm sorry. I apologize."
"Ghosts don't possess such power. I think what we have here is something extremely manipulative. A demon."
"Ghosts don't just haunt places, they haunt memories."
"I did just have like a a long break where I didn't so now I'm like making up for last time but uh but you know yeah that's you believe in ghosts"
"Do you guys believe in ghosts? Negative, ghosts. I think they're real but I don't think I've ever seen them."
"What do ghosts put on their bagels? Sesame screams."
"They say that you can still see their ghosts lurking in the field where the orphanage once stood."
"People really do see ghosts, they're not all cranks, nut cases, people with a vivid imagination, or someone who's had too much to drink. There are ghosts, I promise you. I've seen a ghost, I've also heard a ghost."
"There are ghosts that reside in them."
"He had seen too many queer things on the sea to say that ghosts did not exist."
"Ghosts or spirits would tell her built this build this to fighting for my survival on deserted island."
"I do not believe in ghosts, so if you could just like give me a little proof that you exist, I would love that."
"The best part about it is where it starts going up the hill is at a cemetery so they say locals that the ghosts from the cemetery will push you up the hill."
"I didn't used to believe in ghosts, but I've changed because of this place."
"It wasn't strange for ghosts to react to things they liked when they were alive." - Suya
"Chester: where the past meets the present, and ghosts walk among us."
"From royalist strongholds to haunted inns: the ghostly tapestry of Chester's past."
"Between five to fifteen ghosts now that's the interesting one."
"My favourite ghost is that of a fella named Jeff Monroe."
"People making their way towards the higher rooms of the Golden Fleece do say that they often see a pair of well-kept military booties fidgeting and twitching around performing what is known as the hangman's jig."
"Ghosts for real. Best reaction channel by far."
"Come in, come in, man! I am the Ghost of Christmas Present."
"The few nights that we were there, the house that I grew up in was believed to be haunted with ghosts."
"Ghosts, creatures, and the things that haunt our nightmares."
"Watching those spits get the airport and forming up into a battle formation love came into my throat and I I had to fight for self-control because their cockpits were full of ghosts."
"I guess what I'm trying to say is that you guys win ghosts are real."
"Some of the stories that you're going to hear are going to be concerning real ghosts Spirits souls and entities others I believe are no more exciting than pressing the replay button on a video player they're nothing more than a recording."
Ghost Council: "They don't care about the ghosts they've sent away to suffer in the Flow of Failed Phantoms, nor do they care about the humans they force other ghosts to frighten."
"I don't necessarily not believe in ghosts, I just think, why piss them off?"
"If I like a ghost, it'll stop bothering me. Move a chair, I [__] up every shot, slime definitely did that."
"Sometimes ghosts are not the scariest thing. Sometimes the scariest thing you've seen is ex."
"You believe in ghosts because you think we get a chance to stick around for a little while and watch."
"Just remember something, kiddo. The ghosts that haunt houses and castles... they may be scary to look at, but they're not dangerous."
"Ghostbusters fighting Spirits from the Nether world and discussing the cures for hiccups. It's like Seinfeld but with ghosts."
"Now up to that point Lorraine and Rosemary claimed to have identified three ghosts in the small home."
"Write a book about those particular ones. It would be cool to write something about like a gaggle of ghosts."
"The only ones I chase are two ghosts."
"Better hurt than drained of blood by a ghost."
"Subduing ghosts wasn't just simply sealing them, need to investigate the cause of their death."
"'Main thing I learned about ghosts is that they're not always scaring you, you know. They're not always just jumping out, going booga booga. Hey, how do you like that? Usually they're just hiding, watching you when you think you're alone.'"
"Ghosts felt so much realer in the night when nobody else was around."
"Ghosts don't appear to audiences; they don't perform and demand to do that."
"Ghosts, they're real. They're here. And someone's got to stop them. It's a job for professionals. It's a job for the Ghostbusters."
"The ghost of a former orderly has been spied making rounds, a spectral little girl has been sighted in the surgical room, and the entity of a mysterious young woman has been observed pacing about the third floor."
"...the farm has a reputation for being haunted, with visitors reporting seeing ghosts, hearing unexplained noises, and feeling an eerie presence."
"...visitors have reported hearing strange noises, feeling cold spots, and even seeing ghosts, including the ghost of a guard who was killed by an inmate."
"Disneyland California is super haunted. If you want to see ghosts, well this is the place to be."
"People say that seeing is believing. I'm not quite sure that applies to ghosts. You generally can't see them but you can often trace the results they have on people's lives."
"Ghosts aren't the only kind of haunting, and you, being who you are... What the hell am I? I'm going to show you something."
"Why do ghosts always have to be baddies? Yeah, why are they such dicks?"
"Ghost, doctor. I think everyone wonders what they would do if they saw a ghost. And now my wife has given us all the opportunity to find out. Amusing."
"Ghosts just don't stay in the basement."
"The ghosts of the hundreds of people who used to call this area home walk around the playground at night."
"This summer, you're going to believe in ghosts."
"...isn't the horror story or the story of ghosts always fundamentally optimistic..."
"A human can open a portal for ghosts. It's true, the most mind-blowing concept."
"Two mirrors facing each other create a portal for ghosts to come in."
"Ghosts should create tension, presenting an ever-present but unseen threat."
"A sea without shores, a sea of wreckage, a sea of ghosts."
"If anything, this place proved to us that ghosts exist."
"I would like to share with you my experience with three ghosts or shadow figures from the years 1993 to 1995."
"But this experience had not turned me into a believer of ghosts but it's made me believe in the possibilities of ghosts which I honestly thought I would never say."
"I've always believed in ghosts and I've had some smaller encounters with what I believe were ghosts"
"Ghosts aren't always scary; sometimes they remain neutral."
"Not all ghosts wind up to be dangerous or pose a threat."
"Scrooge, you are gonna be haunted by three ghosts."
"I've seen ghosts at the Comedy Store, dude."
"The hotel's owners state that staff and guests regularly encounter the hotel's numerous resident ghosts."
"If this doesn't make you believe in ghosts, I don't know what will."
"Whether you believe in ghosts or not, this may totally creep you out, dude."
"No one was truly dead, and I became aware of other consciousnesses inhabiting this realm. These were consciousnesses that were already dead and had not yet been born. In other words, ghosts."
"Who knows? Are ghosts spirits that have left their human casing after death? Are ghosts spirits that are looking for human casing before life?"
"Jesus Christ took everyone's suffering, so I think he would want to help the ghosts."
"It's like when people say that they've seen a ghost, I'm not like whatever loser, you're lying."
"Ghosts don't have watches. It doesn't work like that. Ghosts do what they want to do when they do it."
"The ghosts that we're seeing are actually the ghosts from the grave. So a spotlight will go on the grave and then that's who is talking. How cool is that?"
"That place would have been full of ghosts. Yeah, if even one percent of ghosts are true, one percent of ninety thousand is still a hell of a lot of ghosts. There's still nine hundred ghosts down there. Yeah, can I see anything? Can I... can I rip on our industry for a second?"
"The effects are really well done with the ghosts and face transformations."
"New York is filled with ghosts, noisy and frustrating like when they were alive."
"Haunted Mansion is a historic and extremely popular attraction. It is an eerie mover through a haunted house filled with 999 ghosts."
"I learned that day that monsters are real and perhaps so are the ghosts."
"Nobody is born cool except of course ghosts who abide by the blanket law."
"Halloween, a time when all the ghost, goblins, and psychopathic killers wearing William Shatner masks come out to play."
"The spectral encounters reported here are not just limited to visual apparitions but many visitors claim to hear the distant Clash of arms the Urgent drum beats and the anguished cries of soldiers echoing through the turmoil of the 1815 battle."
"But as I was walking away she said, 'Do you think that there are ghosts?' I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at her like what did you just say."
"At times his ghosts can be found leaning against this obelisk and weeping."
"It's a big have you ever heard about the ghosts that's here?"
"Oh ghosts and then he goes are you guys's YouTube people that are so we got struck upon a conversation."
"...a type of witch that can see ghosts but not in a scary way, it's an adorable very heartwarming heartfelt way."
"I had a friend tell me that the ghosts in Asian countries in general are just more legit, more active, more everything."
"Many people believe that the ghosts are angry at the abuse of the forest which has been exposed to illegal logging and deforestation."
"Thanks for tuning in for our list of five real people who were actually killed by ghosts."
"...the ghostly soldiers are said to appear so real that they're often mistaken for reenactments by unsuspecting onlookers..."
"I personally still think ghosts Sur Real I am a lot more skeptical now of ghost gear."
"Is anyone really proven that ghosts exist? Probably not. So does that mean that they don't exist? But then what explains all the things that happen?"
"I like ghosts. Do you like ghosts?"
"What do ghosts actually do? I think they just haunt you."
"I've always been a believer of ghosts and the paranormal."
"I always maintain that I do believe in the possibility of ghosts and stuff and obviously I loved the idea that they might be real."
"I forget in Harry Potter what makes a ghost a ghost usually it's unfinished business in most ghost Lords they don't have unfinished business well you would think they do that's what I'm saying is why aren't they go so do you have control if you're a ghost"
"I still don't have a definite answer as to whether ghosts really do exist."
"I had never talked to ghosts before so this was really special for me."
"There's no question that people experience ghosts."
"Lot of--a lot of ghosts will linger if they feel they died with--with no justice, no cause..."
"Apparently there's been already reports that these ghosts have been like throwing things shutting off the lights banging doors giving people scratches and trinity marks on them."
"Do you think ghosts like to mess with people more when they aren't recording?"
"I've always had an open mind when it comes to spirits, ghosts, specters, whatever you want to call them. I'd never personally experienced anything until the night that I'm about to describe."
"I personally don't believe in ghosts. Nonetheless, I am very interested in paranormal stuff."
"Most of us had some kind of brush with our ghost, usually hearing noises or feeling watched, but sometimes things would fly off the shelves."
"Ancestral ghosts, the ghost of a white lady, and a demon dog are all said to haunt this building."
"If you're ever being chased by a ghost, the quickest way to safety is to run over a bridge."
"Every person that's ever seen a ghost is like, 'Oh sure, I saw it, but also I don't know.'"
"Like I said I've always believed in ghosts and I've had some smaller encounters with what I believe were ghosts but up until that point in my life those were the most intense encounters I'd ever had."
"I really liked that movie. That was good. It was different. It was more like Thriller, uh, horror, but I liked it. And I liked the idea of the ghosts being the good guys. Right? That's a clever idea."
"I believe that spirits and ghosts are just a form of energy that we don't yet understand."
"I've lived with ghosts my entire life. Well, at least I lived with the idea that I was never really alone."
"I think there's no such thing as a bad ghost. I think there's just a ghost that makes bad choices, you know what I mean? Let's make some good choices around here."
"I felt so bad about leaving her here with a ghost, but it had happened before. I had seen ghosts before and left, and nothing had happened to the people who had stayed."
"I've never actually had a Florida ghost before, so I'm quite excited about this."
"Why are these ghosts so bold that they do not feel they need to wait until the darkness of night to do their bidding?"
"One of the coolest things about ghosts is that they are transparent. You can see through them."
"He talks about the first time he watched it and just got a chill because he was a person who was dead asking him if he believed in ghosts."
"It's about a little round guy running through a maze trying to figure out, eating everything in sight and getting chased by ghosts of his past."
"A lot of people say you need to reach out to the ghost in their specific language but then on the flip side there's a belief that ghosts can transcend language and communicate just via energy."
"Ghosts would of course be an imaginary thing in my mind."
"Space traveling ghosts, has that ever been done? I don't know, it's a new thing."
"Ghosts used to be people, and not every person you meet is bad, so maybe not all ghosts are bad either."