
Greens Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Greens have almost no calories yet tons of nutrition."
"Greens are important. They give you the vitamins, the minerals, some micronutrients and the fiber."
"Greens are my favorite, just because they're so utilitarian."
"Greens are the ultimate gut health supplement."
"Everybody's like, I feel like the natural condition of the human is to eat green things."
"I love spinach, and the only green that I love more than spinach is bok choy."
"I love finding ways to sneak in greens at breakfast because it is a great way to start the day on a strong note."
"Salads aren't the only purpose for greens; there's more versatility to it."
"So get your greens and improve your health."
"I really wish I had mixed greens or kale instead of spinach."
"Indoor agriculture has the potential to be cost-effective, especially for leafy greens."
"I loved the greens and the blues, it felt very masculine and appropriate for that rustic space."
"Anytime you can sneak some greens in to your Foods that's a really good thing."
"I love having these greens in the morning because fiber is so great for your gut health."
"A single cup (240 ml) of cooked greens worth of vegetable nitrates significantly boosted maximal power and velocity in quads so much it was 'functionally equivalent, to acutely reversing the effects of several decades of aging.'"
"...greens have no threshold and the more you eat the better and they should not be restricted."
"I like to mix a few different types and be kale in college together which are mild tasting which my kids love they love the mild tasting greens."
"Six ounces twice a day and we're doing one-third cruciferous, one-third carrot beet, and one-third more benign type greens."
"It puts a whole new meaning to eating your greens or drinking your greens."
"The greens super, super quick, barely touched it and it just went boom."
"Juicing is a good way to get our greens in."
"Leafy greens boost your intake of important nutrients like phytonutrients, B vitamins, and antioxidants."
"Chaya is a perennial leafy green for Florida, meaning it's going to grow year-round for you and be a reliable and consistent source of leafy greens no matter the time of year."
"You actually can go from someone who doesn't enjoy greens to someone who craves them."
"These are the best greens I've seen this year."
"It's delicious; it's one of my favorite greens."
"Greens are one of the most accessible, cheap and effective means of trying to improve our overall health particularly with brain health."
"Make green your favorite color; always make sure there's something green on your plate."
"The greens saw huge gains across the country."
"Green's win first ever Council outright."
"Understanding that the reason they did that and the way that they did that is because they are part of their communities, they are intrinsic within it."
"I eat a lot of greens, a lot of purslane, and I also get my omega-3 fatty acid levels checked every single year."
"Have some greens every single day."
"Kale is a highly nutritious green."
"Try different kinds of greens; most bearded dragons' favorite greens are going to be dandelion greens."
"Greens activate the cellular machinery that keeps our endothelial lining of the blood vessels smooth and slippery."
"Greens are fantastic, they've done a great job"
"Greens are one of the most essential foods you should be eating on any diet."
"The old two-party system is dying; we are seeing big swings towards the Greens."
"I always try and put greens in my smoothie; kale is my absolute favorite."
"Bok choy is an amazing green... it's low in oxalate which means that all the minerals that are in there we are going to easily be able to absorb."
"Greens, green cruciferous vegetables are one of our best defenses."
"You have to eat greens in your diet if you want to lose weight."
"I try to eat greens every single day."
"Sugar doesn't make the greens sweet, but it does take away the bitterness that can often accompany collard greens."
"Super greens for a dollar twenty-five... you cannot go wrong with super greens."
"The more greens that you eat, the more lively your body will be. You want to eat live foods."
"The greens are the most nutrient-dense foods in the entire planet, more people should be eating more greens."
"Forest Dunes is immaculate and is known for the tremendous green complexes, very fast, very true."
"I get a lot of questions about mixing greens."
"This way we can get our greens right up next to it."
"All right guys, so this is going to be our recipe for collards and cabbage greens."
"Greens, greens, greens, greens. Let greens be that medicine."
"In my opinion, we should base our diet around the greens; the greens are the most healing foods on the planet."
"I want you guys to make smoothies with lots of greens because greens are the most underrated food on the entire planet."
"Greens can be elected, and once we are elected, then we can make a difference."
"Look at here, man, just this little bit of greens in this little tray here provides a whole lot of nutritional value."
"Dark leafy greens are the number one food missing from the American diet."
"I love these greens, this like grungy green, I love these reds."
"Most southern thanksgivings are greens, which is a general term for collard, mustard, or turnip greens."
"Always eat an abundance of the dark leafy greens; those are the most nutrient dense and they'll feed your body with the most amount of energy that you can get."
"If you care about your brain health, maybe add a little more green to your plate tonight."
"Green, green is everything, if you don't like eating greens, it's something easy you can make, this tastes good, I'm not lying to you."
"Let's always add our greens to everything; that's what makes it so healthy and it's delicious."
"Eat your greens, the greens have all the things you need."
"Kale and collard greens are very high in calcium."
"I feel like the benefits of including lots of dark leafy greens just is immeasurable."
"Some people say that leafy greens are the number one thing for colon health."
"I definitely recommend incorporating greens into your diet."
"There's nothing better than fresh greens from the garden."
"Greens... very low in calories compared to their volume."
"Greens have successfully changed my life."
"Every single week I always grab some kind of greens because I just think greens are like one of the best foods out there for you."
"Adding spinach in there is just a great way to disguise some greens without it tasting like greens."
"Kale is one of the most cold-hardy greens you can grow."
"Smoked meat just takes any greens to the next level."
"Greens are so important to overall health; they provide you with protein, minerals, vitamins."
"Greens will give you that glow with your skin."
"I like those swampy greens and like army greens and mustard yellows, I think they're beautiful."