
Difficult Times Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"The truth is all of this is important and the people who are out there donating through this incredibly difficult time are my favorite people."
"What I can do is hopefully bring a smile, a laugh in this hard time."
"Thank you all for supporting us through this trying time."
"He can carry us today through difficult times."
"Something different, something special where we hope we can give you some enjoyment and somewhat of a break from this very challenging time."
"This is a really challenging time for our family, and we are so appreciative of your continued love, compassion, and support."
"It's been a very tough time for a lot of us, and I'm honestly not sure what else to say but thank you again for everything."
"My heart goes out to everyone who's going through hard times right now, whether that's due to COVID or just generally due to limitations set by your government... You are loved, you are worthy, and you deserve happiness."
"This has been a really tough year for all of us, but especially for the moms in our life or the mother figures in our life."
"When you believe in life after death, it brings a sense of optimism in difficult times."
"Things pass really quickly so I love the phrase this too shall pass and it's something I've used many times in my own very difficult times or dark nights of the soul to remember that it will pass."
"It's going to be a very difficult time for our country."
"It's during the most difficult times when we can also be at our most vulnerable."
"We're going to remain as hopeful as possible."
"2020 sucks, but the entertainment industry persevered yet again."
"The worst phase of my life was 18 and 19 years old."
"Even in your darkest hours, I will be your solace and strength."
"It felt good to see people standing up for you in your worst times."
"Lean on him, he will be there to help you in your dark times."
"The most we can hope for is that when it's time to face it, you don't have to go through that door alone."
"Believe the good things can happen even in the most difficult times."
"We are overwhelmed by the outstanding support of the public during this horrific time."
"Comforting especially during difficult times."
"I believe the greatest revival in history is yet to come, a time of unparalleled salvation during the most difficult time."
"Difficult times bring about very important lessons."
"We're doing all we can to help you through these difficult times. We're all in this together."
"It's going to be an awful couple of months, I tell you what."
"In difficult times, all we have as strength is love."
"So, it's been a really dismal year, really dismal year, and maybe that's got some dark thoughts percolating in that brain of yours."
"I see you, I know that this is a very difficult period for the collective."
"I'm almost glad but I just dropped the nice bomb in because that gave me a bit of chuckle 'some gave me a bit of levity to what is a very very dark day."
"It's pretty clear this interview took place during a rough part of Anna's life."
"You need the most love when things are the most difficult."
"I mean, it's a hard time. We need something to give us hope."
"It's just a very difficult time for humanity."
"You will make it through this difficult period."
"God is providing opportunities for us in these difficult times."
"Dark and difficult times lie ahead, and soon everyone must make the decision between what is right and what is easy."
"A dog helps you through so many difficult times."
"Thank you guys so much for the support, especially during these crazy times."
"The important point is unity and bringing people together especially in these desperate times."
"In stagnant times, growth is silently taking root."
"2020 cannot take hope from me, keep it alive."
"Stand true if you've been going through a difficult time, you will find a solution to your situation."
"Without another big stimulus package, it's going to be a very tough winter."
"In any difficult situation, we always turn to our closest friends."
"Sometimes it's in our darkest moments that God's light shines the brightest."
"Even if this moment is more difficult than you've ever faced, even if it feels like there's no hope, I'm telling you that there is."
"When things are bad you have to look and see where things are still beautiful."
"You guys are a bright light in dark times. Thank You Chi."
"As painful as it is, give it a little bit of time, like take care of yourself as much as you can. It's gonna suck, it's sucks for everyone no matter what's going on."
"Partnership implies a system even in the hardest times."
"It's great to talk to you about this topic... and that is sort of grounding yourself during these really tough times."
"This is a challenging time, in the sense that you're gonna have doubts."
"Authentic faith is manifested in difficult times by praising God."
"Just hug your friends and family while we're all still here you guys it's it's a really hard time."
"Easily the shittiest year in most of our lives."
"Support former WWE stars like Sami Zayn during tough times."
"Even if it's not looking good for the baby at this very moment, let's just say that the storm is gonna pass."
"The future we have as Christians should help us in those times."
"They will come into your life at the most difficult moment and be like a breath of fresh air."
"The most important thing right now is to get her through this period."
"Welcome to 2023, January has been just an awful, awful month."
"In the storms of life, Jesus was still in control." - Assurance of divine presence in difficult times.
"You are not alone through your difficult times."
"Through the screaming and the drugs and the sleepless nights, there he was."
"Given how what a hellish dystopia we've lived in for several months I think Christmas was the only thing people were looking forward to."
"I know this has been a difficult time for us, we are important loving caring people together my life would be incomplete without you I love you."
"He was by far our best player in one of our worst periods in the Premier League."
"You can find humor in hard, scary, sad things."
"You have been so stressed for such a long time, and this is not just talking about the issues that you may have been dealing with this year 2020."
"Because He lives, we can be at peace in the midst of the most difficult times in our life."
"Sending love to her and her family during this incredibly difficult time." - Serena Williams
"Even in difficult times, there's hope for the republic."
"Count your blessings for what you do have, especially in difficult seasons."
"We live in some dark times right now and I know there's a lot of pressure and a lot of up and down but the truth is that is light at the end of the tunnel and it's light that we need now."
"Remember: choose love when you are at the most hurting and frustrated."
"People do want to have that sense of the 'I got this' figure in charge that can give them some comfort to see past these very difficult and uncertain times."
"If you feel like you're down in the dirt right now, you're closer to your breakthrough than you think."
"You really light up their life, you really want to bring a lot of positive energy to this person because maybe they're going through lots of struggles and in the dark right now."
"This pet is a soul that is being sent from the universe to help you through a very dark time."
"Even in the most difficult times, a word from the Lord can truly make a difference."
"You might be that friend that someone needs the most during a dark time."
"There is a light at the end of the tunnel if you've been going through a very, very difficult time."
"You are my one true friend in this dark age of death."
"There is good in this world, there is love in this world even in the most horrific times."
"You're protected during difficult times, guided out of any difficulty."
"His words served as a much needed life raft during tumultuous times."
"2020 has sucked, but I'm not going to pretend this isn't at least one good thing that came out of 2020."
"Give your partner some space in this season; it's not particularly easy."
"It's the ending of a difficult situation, especially if you were dealing with a divorce."
"Thank you for all the love during that time because I really, really did need it."
"If you're in a good environment, let's share with everyone else because these are dark times we're in."
"It's very, very crucial to be there for each other during this process."
"My faith actually made it easier to get through those times."
"It's been a rough week, that's all I can say. Just gotta ride it out and wait for the storm to pass."
"In these difficult times, obviously your support is really valued."
"They have learned that even the difficult times in our lives are not wasted."
"This has been the hardest time of my life."
"I know it feels horrible and you feel like you're being horrible, but you're not. You're just... having a hard time."
"If only you can go through difficult times with inner grace, you will see that every situation we face is an opportunity to enhance our lives."
"Bringing consciousness to those challenging times is valuable."
"Speak with your heart, especially if you are going through a difficult time."
"I'm grateful for one of the most painful four to five months of my life I've ever gone through."
"Every wealth transfer in the Bible happened in difficult times."
"The world transfer does not violate previous patterns; it happens in the middle of crazy difficult times."
"This is gonna be a very, very testing time."
"When you go through difficult times... you really learn who you are."
"Kind of rough times, but these are the times where escapism is needed."
"She's an extraordinary girl. She's been through some difficult times with her mother."
"Hell, 2020 has been brutal to everybody."
"Why is it so important especially if you're facing difficult times yourself to use your time to give back to your community to give to other people?"
"Bar Germania has been one of the few things that has got me through this very troubling time."
"Maybe one of these will help you smile during these dangerously dark times."
"I just want to say thank you like that really got me through some really hard times."
"In these difficult times, there is nothing more important than friendship."
"We're in very difficult times right now in the world as a whole, and I just want you to look after yourself."
"Thank you very much for every comment, we really appreciate it during this difficult time."
"Keep up the grand job you're doing, you're making so many people happy in these tough times."
"He's given me all the courage and strength in the world to get through this difficult time."
"I hope you're all well in these difficult conditions in our world, and you're somehow coping with the situation."
"Love is what we need in difficult times."
"You are making the hardest time in somebody's life so much better."
"Please know you all have been in our hearts during this difficult time."
"You need comedy in times like these."
"We appreciate all of the love and support during this incredibly difficult time."
"We appreciate all the support that's been shown to all of Tara's family and friends during this very difficult time."
"It was Jesus and a sewing machine that helped me through some very difficult times in my life."
"It was really nice to see that Amethyst had her old friend Vidalia to try to help her through the hard times at home."
"It sucks really bad at the time, but then later on you can go back and laugh about it."
"We are here to sit with you, walk with you through dark times to help you figure out what's next."
"What we place our hope in influences our ability to endure difficult times."
"We are here to help you through this difficult time."
"You are all such a bright spot on the down days."
"I just lost a friend. It's been a really hard week."
"It's hard times, hard times everywhere."
"Your vlogs have been a great source of escapism during these difficult times."
"Knowing I still have you by my side during these harrowing times makes all the difference."
"There's times like these you need all the comfort that you can get."
"We're facing a longtime difficult situation, and our people are rightly very worried about it."
"Even though this is a nightmare, I'm glad that I could have met her."
"This person's offering you stability through a difficult time as well."
"These are difficult times when there's not that much good news, and I think this is one of those things that is universally good, no matter where you are on planet Earth."
"Her goal is to comfort people who are going through difficult times."
"Thank you for being with me during this nightmare."
"That season was extremely dark and difficult and filled with a lot of trial but filled with so much glory and just so many beautiful miraculous moments."
"Thanks for everything today, Sam. It was a hard day."
"Your videos are what got me through a very tough time when I decided to quit."
"Dark and difficult times lie ahead. But remember this: you have friends here. You're not alone."
"Thanks for making this difficult time easier."
"In your driest seasons, in your most difficult times, God will send Ravens to you."
"Andy Andy, thank you so much, you are always ready to help in a difficult situation."
"I'm glad to see you again, even though we're in a sort of bad time."
"Their 'BE' album got me through a really, really hard time."
"Thinking of you during this trying time."
"Real love is being there for somebody even when it's hard for you."
"She was there for me during the hard and tough moments."
"It's been a very difficult year," he admits, worried about his son developing behavioral issues after the death of his wife.
"Caring thoughts are with you during this difficult time."
"It was just a really, really hard and stressful time that I needed a lot of support during."
"I hope my videos can bring some form of entertainment or happiness for you guys during these difficult times."
"Thank You for keeping us safe all these days, Lord, in these difficult days."
"We're here standing with them, we're supporting them and thinking of them during this really terrible time right now."
"It's been a hard year for everyone, and we just want to bring some smiles to their faces."
"It's only at the end of a really bad day that I feel lonely."
"I hope that your hearts are finding some peace in such a difficult time."
"I hope that you are taking care of yourself. I know that it is a very rough time at the moment."
"The fact that we brought a little bit of sunshine to a gloomy situation, it was a motivation for us."
"Don't forget to support your local gun shops; they are the ones that are not going to turn their backs on you during these difficult times."
"We're hoping to bring a little bit of relief into your homes during these complicated times."
"Please be with Reverend Wallace and his family tonight in this trying time."
"It's given me life in these trying times."
"I'm sending you guys all the love and comfort in the world during your difficult journeys."
"You've experienced that, and yet you continue to walk in obedience and choose love even when it was difficult."
"I think we all need a little warmth and comfort after this quite difficult year."
"That was probably the hardest time of my life."
"Take good care of yourselves, these are challenging days for many of us."
"It's a brutal time to be a female, you know."
"Thanks for the support in these trying times."
"My thoughts, and I'm sure the thoughts of everybody watching, go out to you and your wife on this very difficult day."
"Being a smile on somebody's face or helping somebody when they're going into the difficult time of their life is the best thing you can do for them."
"We hope that this time brings you joy in a tough year."
"My heart goes out to Yaroslav and all his friends and everybody there; it is a very tough time."
"It's just to persevere in this difficult time."
"Source of joy in these dark times that we're living through."
"You have to just be with somebody who's understanding that you have really bad days sometimes."
"You take on difficult times with grace."
"Please pray for us, pray for our family, God have mercy on us, this isn't easy."
"God is carrying you through this difficult time."
"Receive his love for you in his darkest hour."
"In difficult times, people should help each other."
"It's a very, very difficult time in the world at the moment, so please do not feel any pressure to spend money you don't have."
"You're going to be taken care of in difficult times; support is all around you."
"I'm absolutely loving it and I'm so happy that I could help you out and keep you entertained in these difficult times."
"I appreciate you opening up to me. These are very difficult times and it is good to feel the support of colleagues."