
Book Review Quotes

There are 690 quotes

"There's quite a lot of data and Dean Radin summarized it in his books very well, I think. The Conscious Universe and his recent book, Entangled Minds are very good reviews of the scientific experimental data."
"This was stellar. This is a book that completely melted my heart turned me into a pile of goo, and I loved every single second of it."
"So I have five books that did romance great and I have five books that did it pretty awful."
"The book is magnificent in its presentation and design."
"The book's design is also very nice and has great visual appeal overall."
"Discussing 'The Great Awakening versus the Great Reset' reveals a book intense in content despite its brevity, opening discussions on controversial philosophical stances."
"Wilder Girls...it's really good, and I'm enjoying the way that this story is told."
"It's a very strange book and it's very atmospheric."
"This is one of just the most honest books I have ever read."
"This was cathartic on so many levels, probably my favorite book I read this year."
"I have so much ground to cover with reading this book, which I have to tell you, is a very well written when J.R. Moringa is writing it; it's very competently done."
"I have read her book twice. It is well worth the time."
"The Live Ship Trader series is just living at the top of the list."
"I enjoyed the first 50% of this books I feel like for the most part it was within the same style of the first three books I read I think what I'm struggling with this."
"If I hate it on one of your favorite books, please know that I'm just being really extensive and salty about the stuff that I don't like."
"I am giving this book a 5 out of 5 stars... it deserves five stars."
"This is my favorite video to film every single year. It's so fun for me to look back on all the books I read."
"Hood Feminism... oh my god, five out of five. Excellent, wonderful, so thought-provoking."
"The hating game... loved it. Five out of five."
"This is my favorite book I've read in this entire video. I say favorite, it's a low bar and we're comparing it to some of the worst books I think I've ever read."
"Favorite book of the video so far even though it wasn't romance."
"I have heard rave, rave, rave reviews about this novel it is an own voices novel for the Latinx representation and it just seems like a really unique novel."
"It was an instant classic. Definitely one of the best Memoirs that I've read. 5 out of 5 freaking Stars."
"A masterpiece is what this book is. It is truly a masterpiece."
"This is a fantastic trilogy I wrapped up reading it this year and I honestly could not speak for highly of it."
"This book is just so impactful and it has such a strong message."
"This is a hard hard smash I loved this book."
"It is excellent it is gruesome but it is excellent."
"Something I just really appreciate and I feel like this is like a love song to this book but it's really living up to all the hype I wanted it to."
"There isn't an aspect of this book for me that seems boring or sad or ugly or gross or not informative."
"This thing is a roller coaster ride. In this singular book, you have one emotional gut punch of a story that's probably the best in the entire FNAF series."
"The Afterlife of Holly Chase is so fantastic, it's extremely atmospheric. I find it to be very creative retelling and there are just so many little intricate things I love about it."
"It was so twisted and dark, I couldn't put it down."
"I could totally see why people absolutely love this book I just something about it wasn't for me personally but I would recommend it."
"I still give this a 5 out of 5 star... it makes me feel so warm and cozy and everything about it makes me happy."
"This was so good... That hurt in a good way... This was so good."
"I had a great time reading this, I always have such a fun time reading Cassandra Clare books."
"I think I'm gonna give this three stars I actually really enjoyed it."
"Stephen Pinker's book, Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress."
"Every little detail in the book is brilliant."
"No matter whether you liked it or didn't you just go what the [ __ ]."
"I really think this book perfectly balanced these great discussions and takeaways."
"I ended up giving this five stars. I think this is the first thriller in a long time that I've given a five out of five right off the bat."
"From beginning to end, it was a delight. I really enjoyed this book, it was so imaginative and just really gosh darn entertaining."
"I'm definitely on track to finish tonight. It has magic, it's dark and intense, but also just like gray characters. Really liking this book so far."
"I just wanted to take a second to thank all of these people for this book because I love Strix Haven. It's so creative and interesting and complex."
"This is the best chapter so far. I'm really enjoying it."
"I just bought their book the hard of hearing yeah and I bought it another bookstore everyone it's all red and blue book this understand people like Peter Green I think about the book right."
"I did enjoy myself while I read it. It was fun, I had a good time, it was fast."
"I understand why people like it so much, like I get it fully."
"It's a five star, if you haven't read it and you're still on this channel, go do what I tell you to do."
"Maximum Ride Forever feels like someone just poking the side of my head over and over again and not light pokes either."
"Book 4 is arguably the best in the entire series."
"The worst part of the Order of the Phoenix is, well, the Order of the Phoenix."
"I'm so confident that the overall rating I'm going to give the Throne of Glass series is going to be five stars."
"Both books that I've read from her so far have just been phenomenal, and I'm really hoping that that pattern will continue."
"Another one that I haven't heard a lot about is 'Too Late' by Colleen Hoover."
"I gave it a 5 out of 5 stars because it just feels incorrect to not do that."
"It's the best book we've had." - Ernest Hemingway
"Truly an outstanding book. I can confirm the left should be afraid of this book."
"The last 30 pages of this book are electrifying."
"Love From A to Z was a big surprise for me. I breezed through it super quickly. It is so sweet and wonderful."
"This book is called Black Light and it's a heck of a piece of work."
"All of these things I am really intrigued by, this just sounds so, so good."
"Hands down easily 5 out of 5 stars one of my favorite if not don't quote me on this so far my favorite cassandra clare book I've ever read..."
"I flew through it, I read it so quickly, I think it's well worth it."
"I really really loved this, I think I gave this 4.5 stars."
"This book was so much more than I even wanted it to be... I didn't think that I was going to like it and be as attached to it as I am..."
"I really enjoyed this book; it had the perfect mix of fantasy, thriller, and heart."
"One of the coolest magic systems I have ever read."
"I just wanted something a little shorter, a little fluffier, a little fun, and so far this is definitely delivering."
"I can totally see why Jack loved this book... so many lines that I was in love with... absolutely fascinating... absolutely stunning."
"This was obviously a five stars... I'm so happy that this one ended up being a winner... if you hate this book it's probably because you didn't see the value in it."
"I finished this book. This book was incredible."
"Positive strides in the home-related sector."
"I think this was like one of my very favorite romances ever, it's so sweet."
"So yeah, I will keep you guys posted on what my thoughts are with this book as I keep reading it."
"I finished the book and with the amount that I kind of struggled with a lot of it, I feel like I just can't give it more than three and a half."
"My favorite book of the video so far: four and a half stars to 'The Cutting Season'."
"This book was compulsively readable... we hit the ground running."
"This book is probably going to be a five star. It is so incredibly good."
"Perfect in every single way, an adult epic fantasy."
"I just finished well not just finished because I started something else already um I am finished with terms and conditions and I am giving this book five stars."
"I think this was a solid book, a solid installment in the series."
"What I liked so much about this book was our hero."
"Nice Try, Jane Sinner is seriously so so good."
"I actually really liked this book. I gave it three stars."
"It's absolutely worth the hype and I'm so glad that I read it."
"But I do think that some of you guys could end up actually really liking the book."
"I thought the pacing, the multi-perspective, the story, everything just pulled me right in."
"That book was so good it fully lived up to the hype."
"This book is just stunning, I love it, one of my favorite books of the month."
"It was truly devious by Maureen Johnson. I gave it 5 out of 5 stars."
"I read the title as 'Slaughter Pretty Girls' and I was like, well, that's basically what the book was about."
"Love the books, just finished Killing Jesus. So impressed."
"I feel like i'm never going to find anything remotely like this which is sad so this is it these were the best books that i have read in 2020 that i can't recommend enough hopefully you will pick up some of these maybe you already have."
"Again, I didn't hate this book, but it was just a three-star read for me."
"Hello, besties, I finished The Lost Hero and I have a lot of things to say."
"Monstrous, a 4.5 out of 5 stars... the world building in this one was very, very interesting."
"I ended up giving this five stars because it was just such a nice light read."
"I would give this second and final book like a 3.75, definitely a solid read."
"I've read about 60 pages of these violent delights and so far this book has really engaged me right away."
"E. Lockhart creates such a tense atmosphere and, like, you know there's a twist coming but I was not prepared for how good the twist was."
"This is one of the easiest five stars I've ever given. I would invent a sixth star for this book."
"The Bone Season... characters were compelling... want to find out more about these characters."
"I've talked about this before every time I review children's books on this channel but when I'm reviewing a children's book I come at it from the perspective of one as a children's author myself."
"I'm not gonna apologize for saying this book is fucking terrible."
"From the start to the finish I thought solid book I'm enjoying myself it's creepy it's odd it's enough to keep me going I'm having a good time and then that ending hit me and I gave it five stars."
"This book had me laughing out loud, gasping, and smiling."
"I loved this book, a little different, a little weird, but I still enjoyed it."
"I'm really enjoying it so far, it's called 'Catching a Serial Killer: My Hunt for Christopher Halliwell.'"
"It was a grand old ride and honestly I just love this formula and I will keep reading it but I really want to articulate regency romance is essentially fantasy so if you love fantasy check this out."
"Unlike a lot of YouTuber books that I've read, there's at least a good moral to some of the stories being told."
"He comes across as more mature in this book than he does now. And that's not really saying much."
"One of the worst books in general I've read."
"I gave this book five stars which is incredible for me oh my god I loved it so much."
"The slow burn of it was so good read this book."
"I absolutely ate this book up, her writing is just so easy to read."
"I recently read the OG Thrawn trilogy for the first time and holy crap, Mara was the single greatest redemption arc I have ever experienced." - JustCaleb
"This book, I just, I mean how could you not love it? Like it's really, really, really good."
"The reason I really like this book and the reason I have Michael on the program is that he gives in-depth evidence and illustrations."
"I know this book isn't for everybody but man I really enjoyed reading it."
"I gave both of these volumes five stars, I think that they're fantastic."
"This entire book is 617 pages and I read the entire thing. I mean, this conclusion was excellent."
"This is the best book I have ever read by far."
"I feel like this is going to be a super high rating for me. I can already feel like this is going to be one of my favorite romances."
"I ended up finishing it, and I... I really don't know how I felt about this one."
"I literally cried multiple times. I know it took me forever to read, but I did finish Reminders of Him recently and I loved that book."
"It's a book of hope, it's a false alarm but I like it."
"The last 100 pages of that book were so good."
"I actually finished it a few days ago but I have not talked about it yet I ended up giving this four stars."
"I went into the book knowing a lot of the major beats and I was still blown away."
"I completely forgot what the aim of the book was."
"Despite all of the hurt that accompanies the way that the relationship ended, I loved this book."
"It's official I have finished the Stardust Thief and I enjoyed this book."
"A lot of interesting stuff coming out from this chapter."
"Thank you so much Alex Marshall should do read of my book it's an okay book."
"Super great read, really really liked this book."
"This book was amazing. I really really enjoyed it."
"Ultimately, I left the novel with a full recommendation, but mostly only for fans of the series."
"This book is awesome." - "You want a review? Here's a review. This book is awesome."
"The series was just so good I'm so happy to over read it I was saying right now I think this book is sitting at a 4.5 for me I really really enjoyed it and again cannot speak more highly of this series seriously check it out..."
"Hands down one of my favorite romances I've read, it was so good."
"Hopeless is a five-star read for me... it's just it's not like your typical Colleen Hoover read."
"A book does not have to be offensive to be bad and this was bad."
"I feel like a victim of TikTok hype yet again because with the way that people were talking about this book I like really expected to love it but I kind of just didn't."
"I just finished this book, and it was simply the sweetest, most charming story."
"Kind of hard to start with just how many ways this book was strong, just about every datasheet was pretty overtuned."
"It has a place in the world that's fairly easy to recommend."
"This is definitely a book that I enjoyed like having read and thinking about now because it's just it keeps being devastating in like new ways."
"This book completely caught me off guard, and it's probably still my favorite book on the long list so far that I've read."
"I read it in one sitting, which I typically don't even with short books, but I just couldn't put it down."
"Even if you didn't like even if this book isn't for you you can agree that at its core it's just a really happy found family story."
"Words On Bathroom Walls, for me it was just all around a really great read."
"The first five six chapters were in our opinion pretty fun."
"His books do not call to me. To this very moment, I cannot understand why his books are so celebrated."
"This book lacked the atmosphere that was necessary to make it a compelling story."
"This was amazing this is definitely five stars one of the most memorable books that I read all year."
"I rated this four stars... definitely better than the first book for me."
"I am a broken record, but this book was so good. Definitely 5 out of 5 stars."
"I feel like Sarah Desai really nailed it and this book was really, really phenomenal to me."
"That built-in tension and backstory with Daisy and Liam just really put this book over the top for me."
"I really enjoyed THE FEMALE OF THE SPECIES; I gave this book four point five-out-of-five stars."
"I really adored this book. I gave it four point five-out-of-five stars."
"Honestly parts of this book aren't so ridiculous."
"It's insightful, it's a book that I can see is an accomplishment, that I can firmly say is a good book by a very talented and smart author."
"This book just did an expert job at examining technology, climate change, race, relationships, consumerism, and stuff like that."
"I just finished Half a Soul and it was so good. I loved it so much."
"I really enjoyed this a lot more than the first book. I feel like Donatella's story just had so much more to it compared to Scarlet and felt more important and it was more interesting in my opinion."
"...this translation I think is really well done and I highly highly recommend it."
"I think I'm going to stick with just like a three star. It wasn't like my favorite mystery, my favorite book, but I would recommend it. It was definitely a good story but it just was a little bit slow and the ending was a little bit underwhelming."
"If you're looking for a happy and feel-good story, then this is a pretty simple and easy book to read."
"When Women Were Dragons is great. This book is written kind of like a memoir, a diary, and scientific research. It's very interesting, very unique, and beautifully done."
"This book was honestly life-changing."
"What a read so far I've literally only read like three pages but this book is great."
"Nikki Bella's book sounds like trash."
"It's not a very long book so chef's kiss I I don't know what else Amy mcne has written."
"This was such almost a perfect novel in my opinion."
"I really, really liked this book."
"I read this book for the first time without having watched the movie I really did not know anything about the plot and it was a really fun way to go through this book."
"...it was uncomfortable to read but I do think it's done on purpose again there's a lot of social commentary surrounding the choices that she makes in this book and I think it's very nuanced."
"I did not enjoy the book of Boba Fett whatsoever."
"I gave this 4.5 stars. I feel like the beginning of it was a little bit slow to get into, but once I got into it, I couldn't put it down."
"The New York Times calls the book a remarkable new Memoir and a fulfillment of Amos's own abundant talents as a writer."
"Seven Days in June is a five-star, of course it is."
"For the fans, 100% five stars, this is literally the best book and if you haven't read it like it's so underrated."
"Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones is about the infamous wizard Howl and a cursed hat maker named Sophie."
"The Sword of Kaigen by M.L Wong is a Japanese-inspired fantasy."
"The Mistborn trilogy is super accessible with a very unique world and magic system."
"I loved this book. It made me cry four times, tears were rolling down my cheeks."
"It's rare for me to come away from a Sanderson book and not at least say I had a great time."
"The book is filled with humor that's wrapped in truth, and that is a wonderful combination. I recommend it highly."
"Book 12 kicks off with a note from the author, this is Sanderson's first book and I'm not gonna lie, I just about cried."
"I believe everyone could benefit from checking this book out."
"I finished this book and just felt a bit... there are just parts in this book that I didn't love."
"This was my only five-star book of the year."
"This book is like taking a shotgun to the door of the office of literary convention and just blowing it off the hinges like all bets are off."
"'Nevada' by imin Benny... instantly engaging."
"'Station Eleven'... lived up to the hype and then some."
"'Say Nothing' by Patrick Ren Keefe... just a stunning book."