
Alternative History Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"Hancock's work is known for its radical theories, unafraid to question mainstream historical and archaeological perspectives."
"The phenomena or category of alternative history that delves into the research of lost history and civilizations, hijacks and stolen buildings, magic, alchemy, and cloning, antiquitech, cataclysms, mud floods, buried buildings, star forts, and fortified cities, royal bloodlines and secret brotherhoods, asylums, orphans and Odd Fellows, underground tunnels and waste management, and suppressed Moorish history."
"The conflict between alternative and mainstream Egyptology is mostly fabricated."
"He suggests that the design, construction, and geographical alignment of the pyramids indicate a far more advanced civilization was responsible."
"Graham Hancock has proposed unconventional theories that go against mainstream historical accounts."
"An alternative history of the human race may be revealed."
"The evidence to suggest an intercontinental, highly advanced, technologically superior civilization once flourished here on our planet is highly compelling."
"Here's a more weirder concept: a World War 1 grand strategy game where the win state is to prevent their ever being a World War 2."
"I mean right how do you know also if you can go back you can change him you can be painting scholarship you don't have to kill him he's a baby just make him a painter yeah yeah and then he's all lovely"
"Graham Hancock's ideas about the loss and transmission of ancient knowledge are quite captivating."
"I like to consider that there could be a pocket Empire of humanity that has retained some semblance of the former Golden Age."
"I really wanted to make this video in the first place because I found it just fascinating how this continent would create an alternate trade triangle."
"Wouldn't it be cool if the actual history of the planet was that aliens came to colonize a perfect solar system?"
"Nazism wouldn't exist in this timeline at least not in the way it did in our timeline."
"If Hitler had been a little smarter, we might very well be living in a messed up Nazi-controlled world full of Hitler Youth today."
"Western Europe would have developed much faster in this timeline... the Celts would have become the dominant force."
"For him and others, Atlantis is not a fictional device but a truth which, if brought to light, would shatter everything we claim to know about pre-history and thus ourselves."
"Who or what do you think is behind these spheres: ancient humans with amazing machinery, mother nature, or aliens?"
"No one really knows what was going on with pumapunku when it was constructed or when it was at its peak... Well, I can't say really no one because we do and you will know what went on at pumapunku as well." - Courtney Brown
"People are dissatisfied with sterile answers given by science and history, driving them to re-examine our past."
"I wrote 'Fingerprints of the Gods' because I wasn't satisfied with the answers being given to a huge series of mysteries around this planet."
"There is no World War One as by the 20th century the world is much more like the 18th."
"The Great Pyramid is a massive Wireless power plant and this is just one of many multi-functional purposes of this gigantic Stone computer that's here on Earth."
"By metaphorically saving Sharon Tate, Tarantino also saves this era of America and asks what might have happened if the party had never stopped."
"The worst thing to do is do nothing because you're confused."
"There's more opportunities than ever before today."
"Kevin Costner almost played Andy Dufresne, the main character of The Shawshank Redemption."
"An atomic strike by either side, in this alternate timeline, is a dangerous prospect."
"This was a Jesus who didn't die, who took revenge on his enemies, and who kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth."
"If that mission had failed... this could have been an entirely different world."
"Alien heroglyph in Egypt: Engravings on the wall of the Temple of Seti showing unmistakable vehicles... Helicopters, spaceships, submarines?"
"Humanity discovered Earth 65 million years ago – rewriting history or revealing a cosmic origin story?"
"Could there have been an ancient nuclear war we've never been told about?"
"Rewrite World War II history." - an enticing proposition for gamers interested in altering historical outcomes.
"Hancock trusts his theory and claims that this advanced civilization was the Atlantans."
"I Could Have Had It distributed through new line and my career would have been very very different my filmmaking career would have been very very different."
"Welcome to 'I traded for every draft pick in the 2003 NBA draft and re-simulated NBA history.'"
"There is a future where Donald Trump getting elected would have been better for the entire world."
"Could this have been some transfer of technology from a forgotten civilization in our ancient past, perhaps contact with a group of offworld beings from a distant star system?"
"These kinds of stories are red meat for alternative history proponents because they like to believe that good science very often can't move forward because of interference by the powers that be who don't want history to be changed."
"The business of fighter jets is money laundering."
"The history of our world is nothing like you've been taught."
"Imagine... the pyramids were actually a radioactive waste site."
"My guest today is Dr. Michael Salah, and Michael's written a book called 'Antarctica's Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs.'"
"Exploring alternate history timelines can be a fascinating mental exercise."
"What if Superman had been raised in the Soviet Union?"
"What if there's another species that's already been on this planet far longer than we have have existed think about that put that in your pipe and smoke it tonight."
"I love alternative history sci-fi, anything about killing Nazis, that's all good stuff."
"You can refer to him as the Anunnaki you could refer to them as those of planet Nibiru or of Planet X."
"For fans of alternative history, you can start creating your own colonies and speculate on what could have been."
"The existence of a 12th planet - astonishing as it may sound."
"Not only did the fantastic gore lend more weight to the gameplay, but it also worked beautifully with the narrative set in an alternate timeline where the Nazis won World War II."
"What if non-avian dinosaurs never went extinct?"
"Real science supports the fact that there were lost civilizations, politically correct science does not."
"It was not a tomb or even an Egyptian artifact but a power plant."
"Why is it so difficult to suggest that maybe we had help from aliens? And they didn't maybe didn't build it but maybe helped us and told us how to start pouring stones."
"The reality of the global COVID-19 pandemic in America has started to set in."
"Supporters of this idea believe that nearby architectural features including channels, tunnels, filters, and reservoirs represent evidence of sophisticated planning done by extraterrestrials thousands of years ago."
"Wolfenstein 2 easily grabs the pleasant surprise award. It paints a fascinating picture of an alternate history where Germany won World War Two."
"If Tupac was alive today, Barack Obama would have never been president."
"It takes in much more than just mud floods or you know the fact that our history has been totally hidden from us."
"Myths and legends may hold more truth than history books."
"As we've seen, thanks to the efforts of Venga Vangog, the alternate histories for at least a few of the Q's twisted experiments are decidedly more hopeful."
"Chariots of the Gods to me was the Catalyst that got me to ask the big questions."
"If Darth Bane wasn't the only survivor of the war, how history would change."
"It reminds me of that one line from Royal Tenenbaums: 'Everyone knows that Custer died at Little Big Horn, but what my book presupposes is, maybe he didn't?'"
"I'd like to see a version of history where genetics was discovered first."
"And now that I’m thinking about it, I wonder what would have happened if instead of Luffy training with his dad, he actually followed his Grandpa’s wish to become a marine."
"Star Wars Infinities: The premise is such that what if you pull one little thread at one point in Star Wars history, and see where it goes? Just follow along here, let's go on a little quest and see where it goes."
"If Brannon Braga had been in charge, Seven of Nine would have died."
"Next time if you join us we're going to deal with the question of what if the pilgrims had landed in Massachusetts, not in 1620, but several centuries earlier."
"The pyramids were orchestrated by another dimension; the heavy lifting was done through levitation and vibrational frequency."
"I wish I could travel back in time and plot my wife's death differently."
"Mandated mushroom water might have helped shut down the military-industrial complex a little bit."
"Maybe it weren't for Wild Wild West you would have had a worse Matrix."
"What would have happened to the Great and Powerful Albus Dumbledore if Dumbledore had lost the jewel to Grindelwald?"
"We're trying to de-program and examine these moments where things could have gone differently."
"No Hitler, no World War II in Europe."
"I think Caesar is one of the architects of the modern world. I have no doubt that the world would have been of a different place if Julius Caesar hadn't been born."
"You wonder what would have happened if there was a concerted effort on behalf of the Crusaders to take Egypt."
"Alternate histories of our own world to see how things could have gone, a single choice that could reshape the entire world."
"It's a great opportunity to actually show what would that have sounded like had Peter Green's guitar not accidentally been modded."
"Had he failed, the gulf Europe and the colonization of the Americas might have gone down a far more strange and complicated path."
"This country would not be in this position if Donald Trump were president."
"The internet would have been like completely different, thank God it didn't."
"I am a firm believer that if we never left the era like with that that like if we just follow what the native Americans taught us like everything would be so different these days and probably better."
"Batista winning the 2014 Royal Rumble was the right move, had Bryan won, his path to WrestleMania would have been easy and the YES Movement wouldn't have been as strong."
"Apart from Indonesia, which had the Dutch been in a stronger position, they would have possibly reconquered."
"What if Ahsoka made it back to Coruscant before Order 66? That's our story for today."
"It's a version of history we much prefer would have happened in real life."
"Well, I think we're all better off that the war ended, but if it hadn't, you may very well have seen Winchester Automatic Rifles going into service in, oh, something like mid-1946."
"I adore the world-building of the airships and curfews with Britain having a president."
"Welcome to the Breaking Bad what-if series that I'm dubbing as the Heisenverse, a series where I make a change somewhere in the Breaking Bad timeline that changes everything that we know about the universe."
"What if Harry Potter was killed by Voldemort as a baby?"
"What would have happened to the story of KOTOR, nay the story of Star Wars itself if Revan had continued his reign as Darth Revan?"
"If the FW 190Ds had been available at the beginning of the war, then things like the Battle of Britain could have been very different with all the implications that would have had."
"If the world was ruled with bloody Murphies, we'd be on a goddamn Golden Age, mate."
"In the corridors of power and in the back rooms of secret meetings, there exists a map of America unlike any seen by the public. This map details the existence of three American States known as El Dorado, Atlantia, and New Columbia."
"This one was such an intriguing read I absolutely loved it couldn't put it down from start to finish I highly recommend this if you are interested in like alternative history type books this fills that uh that kind of requirement."
"Had this scenario succeeded, perhaps World War II wouldn't have happened."
"Maybe there would be no Nirvana, Green Day, Suede, Killers, Arctic Monkeys, Blur, Radiohead, or Prodigy."
"These what-if videos are purely just for fun, they're effectively just my fan fiction, an alternative take on events from the source material."
"Sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, right? But for those who subscribe to the Anunnaki Theory, this isn't mere fiction but a plausible explanation of human history."
"The Empires of Atlantis represents a radically new theory of the origins and the development of civilization."
"It's a great what-if story and is by far one of the most interesting stories in the history of Kong."
"If someone had been able to stand up to Queen Victoria, his life would have been very different."
"It's arguable that Lord of the Rings would ever have been made if we had made Kong."
"One of the more controversial theories on the Great Pyramid at Giza is that it was an energy source built at a specific location to harness a strong natural electromagnetic field."
"So as unfortunate as it is that we didn't get another stab at a Blind Faith album, if that group hadn't folded, we never would have gotten Clapton's best body of work."
"Randall Carlson's theory proposes the existence of advanced human civilizations that thrived long before the commonly accepted timeline of known history."
"Randall Carlson's theory about advanced ancient civilizations is truly fascinating and a bit of a departure from what we usually hear in mainstream archaeology."
"As the asteroid which concluded the Mesozoic never struck Chimer, dinosaurs remain the dominant terrestrial megafauna."
"Film allows us to see a world that could have been, rather than what we know was historically accurate."
"What if the Bermuda Triangle was not a watery grave in the middle of the ocean but a land lost in time?"
"We're going to live in a verse that wasn't Shaq and Kobe but it was AI and Tim Duncan."
"If the Partnership for Peace would continue, probably we would live today in a different world."
"It's quite possible that if Ford put his faith in steam and electricity powered engines, modern world would be different from the one we know."
"Had Rasputin lived then perhaps none of these things would have happened."
"What if human history as you know it is a lie? Take a journey through time and discover what could be the true story of human history."
"We talk about all the things that your history textbooks did not."
"Radiance is a deco Punk pulp science fiction all history's space opera mystery set in a Hollywood and solar system very different from our own."