
Timeline Quotes

There are 549 quotes

"The interesting detail about Anna's secondary projects is that they were seemingly founded before Anna Up's own channel was."
"It transpires that around 50 years in the future from Joanna's present, the end of the world arrives."
"It takes 17 years on average for what's discovered in science to be put into day-to-day clinical practice."
"Society just puts this timeline on all of us to follow... We don't all have to follow that."
"If you want to be on the highest timeline, choose love every time."
"The Bible attests to this reality, that we are moving along a timeline of scheduled prophetic events."
"Within about seven to ten days, you'll start to notice improvements in sleep."
"By 1999, just two years after founding, Evergrande was Guangzhou's seventh largest real estate company."
"When did you start pulling away? It wasn't in the last five weeks; it's been an ongoing process for about a year."
"This is going to be finite... we will turn the tide and I can see how to do it within the next 12 weeks."
"Enough vaccines for every adult by the end of May."
"Make a northwest jog now, this is the Tuesday timeline. This is Wednesday 1 a.m."
"We're really close, we're not picking a specific day but we're talking about a few months."
"Cosmic awakening in waves, starting in May 2024."
"I love how crime takes place after the original Metroid but before its sequel and the whole trilogy fits here and it's such a bold move that could potentially link so much more context to the entire series."
"He was found to have been in direct contact with Sandra from November 27th, 2020 to February 1st, 2021."
"It appears that this investigation is full steam ahead now we have a bit of a timeline for it tick-tock." - Rachel Maddow
"Intel's acknowledgment: 'Not going to happen overnight, but it's also not going to take long.'"
"Remember that I was here too, this is actually a really good question to bring up because the Reverie timeline is a little bit confusing."
"It's difficult to give you a date, but I think it's not more than five years."
"That's how the whole thing came about, technically you'd have been in the league 12 years by now. It's cool."
"In this revised timeline, Marvel no longer uses an Ant-Man sequel to introduce Kang the Conqueror."
"Realistically we could expect the Elder Scrolls 6 between 2024 to 2027."
"We will have enough vaccine supply for all adults in America by the end of May."
"The most important thing that you should know right now is where we are in this timeline."
"Vault 76 opens 25 years after the Great War on Reclamation Day 2102."
"The Zelda timeline is almost as legendary as the titular character."
"We're in 2024... not a big gap between the New Democrats and the Liberals."
"Grand Theft Auto 6 is expected to launch in 2024 or 2025."
"We could very well see all of those attempts intensify over the next few weeks and months."
"Four months after the wedding in April of 2006, Allison and Ray put their house up for sale..."
"We want to try to reach orbit in less than six months... I think we could potentially see people flying next year."
"Real development in the metaverse may take a few years, like social media did."
"How long does it take for Starliner to rendezvous with the ISS? Just under 24 hours."
"The payments will start in September which is next month."
"This movie represents the start of a new timeline branch."
"I'm hoping the peak is going to be reached in the next week or so."
"Pokemon Black Version 2 and Pokemon White Version 2: taking place two years after their predecessors."
"This is your timeline where you have your video laid out, and Adobe Premiere Pro works as a kind of a layer system."
"Between October 2019 and early 2023 Beetlejuice underwent a remarkable transformation."
"All I want all I'm gonna say is I want the ride to finish in May."
"The Empire of Cyrodiil predates the Aldmeri Dominion by over 3,000 years."
"You have to figure out where you are in that timeline."
"October 17th began the nightmare for Morgan's parents."
"Xi Jinping's window for launching a war in the Taiwan Strait is set between 2025 and 2027."
"Overall, when you see the Crash Bandicoot 4 announcement trailer... I can totally understand now why they decided to split the timeline after Crash 3."
"In Elon time, he could maybe even break this three-month period right, possible it could be done in two months if he gets like thousands of people just helping them."
"This is a more detailed timeline than any of us could have imagined." - Jesse Weber
"He who remains observed the timeline from The Citadel at the end of time which granted him the ability to know everything that will happen."
"Every decision has been leading to the perfect timeline."
"We have 10 years until the effects of climate change are irreversible."
"How did we get from that to aspartame getting full approval just one year later?"
"There's nothing in your timeline that owns you."
"I think from finding basic life... that we will find evidence of that within the next 10 uh 20 years."
"The economy began gaining steam in late 2020."
"The cube's on a strict timeline, I believe. An oddity means a strange or peculiar person, thing, or trait."
"We cannot be certain about the most recent timeline." - MGM Resorts statement
"This guy is saying that you know in November of 2023 the rights went back to me."
"One of the most stunning parts of the indictment is the timeline."
"SpaceX aims to launch Starship by the end of 2024 or possibly even sooner."
"We're probably about a year away from purging this virus of rampant authoritarianism."
"The final raid of Legion was Antorus the Burning Throne, released November 28th, 2017."
"It's been knotted two and a half years ago, about the same time Sarah went missing."
"I predict we'll finally see Joker gameplay in Super Smash Brothers and he will get a release date of March."
"From idea to tangible product, it took us 18 months and a few thousand dollars."
"We will deliver a safe vaccine to the American people in literally over the next few weeks."
"It's either power of their newfound love creates a new timeline branch so the TVA comes and picks them up."
"In 2008, we finally catch up to the MCU as it happens."
"To people in crypto, they expect to hit them in 2022 if not by the latest 2023."
"Humanity may reach the singularity within just seven years."
"There is only one timeline, and it is the one we see."
"Person two, the best candidate here... this could take two to four years."
"Janet Yellen: Inflation is likely to be with us until the second half of next year."
"The main news: 3070s in October, 3090s September 24th, 3080s September 17th."
"There's going to be some insane opportunities... in the next 6 to 8 months, maybe even 6 to 6 months to a year."
"Chapter four: Once their calculated plan was devised, it only took months to execute."
"The next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is our main sacred timeline royally screwing everything up."
"History is moving along a line. There was a beginning and there will be an end."
"It's amazing what they've done in a very, very short period of time."
"The invasion is over and the amulet is restored meaning Raiden has saved this timeline from Armageddon."
"We made the commitment... We started that in February of 2022."
"As we roll forward over the next three, six, twelve, twenty-four months, it's going to get even worse until we get an end to the war."
"The weird stasis went on for a long time. Between 1945 and 1973, there was this period of bizarre prosperity."
"The timelines will depend entirely on us on our on us on how we embrace the future."
"Elections are not due till 2025, so one can see that there is a lot of commotion going on."
"We actually found an AR-15 and this was about probably what Jeremy, how long ago do you think that was?"
"Venus figurines were manufactured over a vast period of time from around forty thousand years ago and up to around 13,000 years ago."
"Now the projection is that by Monday they'll be ready to go to opening statements."
"9 to 16 months is where I feel comfortable saying right now."
"I must admit to being congenitally optimistic. SpaceX and Tesla wouldn't exist otherwise but I think five years is possible and 10 years is highly likely."
"I'd love to get this complete in the first year. It would be a nice personal challenge."
"Once you come in, you create a new timeline for yourself."
"This disease called cv19 will be over much sooner than you think."
"The time between about really like January 1st and March 21st is like the transition point where we've had a shift."
"Within eight weeks to the eighth month, you'll be through the woods with this."
"Generally, an individual's metabolism will go back to normal about three to six months after they fully weight restore."
"Quarter one of 2022 saw 39 world records in the first three months of the year."
"Things never went back to normal after March of 2020."
"Breath of the Wild 2 is creating a split timeline now."
"I want to encapsulate his life story within a single timeline."
"We are given the exact timing of the appearance of the Antichrist, after a great apostasy and before the second coming."
"Jesus is crucified at Passover, in the grave, in the tomb, unleavened bread, seen alive by his disciples at first fruits."
"Avengers: Endgame makes perhaps the most interesting timeline choice in all of the MCU."
"This car has been four months in the making."
"So as you can see we are at a month of Supply that we haven't seen since roughly July of 2020."
"An accurate timeline is going to give you the best answers you can get."
"The finish for me isn't just the end of the GOP Primary... it is January 2033."
"It won't be a mainstream adoption by 2022, but more widespread adoption by 2023."
"It's a much more graceful and easy loving experience that zooms us all the way into February of 2022."
"Armageddon is not even around the corner, Israel goes home first."
"The events of Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, and the final scene of Captain America: The First Avenger all take place in the same week."
"Hopefully it's more like day four and a half."
"Understanding this timeline has been a learning curve it has progressively come into greater focus with time."
"Now we head into the future, the timeline Trunks is from."
"The lion's share of emotional healing will probably be done in 2022."
"We've worked out what we think is the definitive Black Mirror timeline. Don't worry, we will be showing our workings."
"The first launch of the Starship system from Florida might happen in 2024."
"I see we have Trump, how much time do you think we have? Two years, and then two years we flip."
"It started much earlier than people thought."
"Late 2030s to 2040s, when the zenith of this is all supposed to go down."
"We have an approximation, a time frame between 2020 and 2028."
"1996 1998 1999 2000 2002 2004 he fell back asleep but that's okay sitting up there no 809 2010 he's ready to get out 2014 he's on his two feet and then in 2019 he's running around loving life that's character development."
"The vast majority of abortions happen between the seventh and the 15th week. This is when the heartbeat is already there, the organs are functioning, and fingerprints are forming."
"Historically, we probably should see a big run-up until maybe August at the earliest."
"It's past present future, okay, back to the story."
"It's actually going to be launching in 2027, but it is going to take some time before it reaches Saturn. As a matter of fact, the actual landing is planned for 2034."
"The Saw timeline is really well thought out."
"Return of the Jedi is set one year after The Empire Strikes Back."
"The developing Olmec civilization is probably one of the better choices for the 11th century BC."
"Jeffrey Dahmer committed murders between 1978 and 1991."
"Realising what had just happened, Arsames fled to rendezvous with the king and Alexander entered Tarsus on September 3rd 333."
"We're going to break down the expansive timeline that stretches across the six main films."
"The American Military has 180 days from the start of 2021 to give a detailed and complete disclosure on the UFO phenomenon."
"I believe we'll have boots on Mars by 2040."
"Your ask slide needs to be 'We're raising this much money, we want to accomplish this Milestone within the next 18 months or 24 months'."
"We are all on our own timeline, we're all creating our own lives."
"It's likely to be sometime maybe before the Second World War, but probably not before the turn of the 20th century."
"What we actually got from the one shot was a thrilling opening to a brand new arc set at the furthest point in bleach's timeline to date."
"We have proved that we're not coming from off of a linear timeline of technology."
"We thought six months for this project, six months. It took a year and a half."
"If this could come out later at the end of this year, that means within six months, we could expect Road testing."
"You can pay off your laser in less than 90 days and more importantly get into profit mode."
"Did I hit the goals? Well yes, monetization happened in six weeks."
"If by 24 months y'all not married, going about your business, going back to business."
"The key here for these problems is to use a timeline."
"For the first time, Star Wars is really embracing the fact that its timeline spans hundreds and thousands of years."
"Honestly, you gotta admit the timeline here really doesn't make sense."
"Production after everything confirmed? 2 months."
"...I really easily think that A Quiet Place could still or eventually be placed into the Cloverfield timeline."
"The Messiah's death occurred precisely in the middle of the 70th week."
"The Messiah's death and Resurrection paused the 70th week timeline."
"This is a timeline frequency change. You're leaning more into your power."
"It took you 5 minutes and 22 seconds to drive from Bundy to Rockingham. Yes, that's plenty of time."
"Six years after their initial meeting, Christopher and Georgianne married."
"That's the only thing I want to just kind of keep in everyone's mind as we see the rest of the demonstrations is that, to do any of this, I believe, in the timeline they were given is nothing short of miraculous."
"So yeah, the timeline is pretty fucking butchered as though it wasn't enough already."
"By early 1973, they were at the very peak of their success."
"The point is that this shitty timeline is the only one we have, and a brighter future is possible, it just requires work."
"Seven weeks from the first operation to this moment."
"In a whirlwind production, the film was completed in just a little over 3 months."
"Real love, true love comes first. In love catches up on its own timeline."
"So I was using a variety of different substrates back in two thousand eight and nine."
"The timeline is malleable just like in Back to the Future, Star Trek, Terminator, time cop, Time After Time, Wrinkle in Time, somewhere in time, Hot Tub Time Machine."
"It was a long, long way to Rome, Berlin, or Tokyo as 1943 dawned."
"I didn't even buy my first house till I was in my 40s."
"It started happening Monday and Tuesday so January 27th and 28th coinciding with the time that Gannon goes missing and then is reported as a runaway."
"The editing of the back and forth between the different timelines and the fact that they made a small hearing in a tiny room feel like an action scene."
"This project is going to be done in six months."
"We have achieved everything we have wanted to, never in the timeline, but that feels like the right fail to make as opposed to not achieving what you're trying to achieve technically."
"Actually, about 17 days after Mr. Yoon returned to Korea, a different story was happening in Hong Kong."
"Woolly mammoths were still alive in Russia when the pyramids were being built."
"The Messiah must come before the year 6000 after creation."
"I believe obviously like probably very close to being after Trading Places."
"The Rapture and the second coming are two separate events that take place seven years apart."
"The Rapture is when Jesus comes for his church; the second coming is when Jesus comes with his church to defeat the Antichrist and set up his Millennial Kingdom."
"Occupation in this area goes back to 9,000 BC."
"Racism will be eliminated within 30 years."
"I feel like whenever I met him and we got closer and we were kind of like think talking about marriage in in LA in our apartment um we were like a year a year and like a half in that's when he proposed a year and a half in we he proposed to me."
"Jesus has entered into the last week of his earthly life."
"So that brings us to when she met Greg, which was in March of 2005 while living in San Diego."
"It's probably somewhere between 40 to 100 years to achieve a fully self-sustaining civilization on Mars."
"The war for us started when our entry into the war begins in April of 1917 shortly after the speech to Congress. And it ends when... it ends basically on November 11th, 1918."
"I do legitimately think like the timeline matches."
"So this situation with Chad, he had one marriage to Tammy, and that was, you met Tammy, and then within a reasonably short time, they got married. Didn't they? Yes."
"But it was a very compressed timeline and we were told that we're gonna hit this one this one town well this one town or the one city became another city became another city became another city."
"I do think it's going to change the timeline of even the live action though I think they might be like let's move this along X-Men are hot we need all this Goodwill."
"But here's the thing though right these photos that are being set up this is not 2019 because I've seen characters in 2019 go down there right um just recently I saw Charlotte go down there."
"If you just took out the years from 1920 to 1940, you could just draw a line right through that."
"I started trading when I was 19 in 1997."
"People thought the domestic violence took place when he lived with us, but that was far after."
"It could well have happened then, but 1904 was when it sort of first appeared."
"So when you think about D'Angelo, D'Angelo in his last attack in 1986, was 41 years old."
"It is a 49-day approach to manifesting your soulmate."
"Why does Bruce seem so comfortable with the idea of his timeline being the byproduct of a different one let alone supposedly having a better understanding of time travel than someone who's actually done it?"
"You should notice results in the first couple of weeks."
"She was killed on the night of the 13th or in the early morning hours of the 14th."
"Every relationship timeline is different."
"Newton believed that the date for all the great events of the end time, the battle of Armageddon, the return of Christ, the return of the Jews to Israel, all of this would happen in the 20th or the 21st century."
"...hold the frame because if you make a choice to be on a new timeline, say you're going think you're feeling act a certain way, then you make a new choice about who you are now, you've got a different timeline."
"He's doing it because it would be a shame to let this timeline go to waste."