
Pluto Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"You know me as Pluto. I was a planet, but now dwarf, you know. I hope the IAU puts me back as a planet though."
"For every three laps Neptune completes around the Sun, Pluto makes two. This repeating pattern prevents close approaches between the two bodies."
"Pluto represents what actually we have to sacrifice or that we have to abandon, let go, therefore, Pluto is an interesting influence because that regeneration process helps us move forward."
"Pluto's demotion was not an act of disrespect but an acknowledgment of our growing understanding of the cosmos."
"Pluto is the master creator, the master manifestor, and the master magician that can manifest out of nothing something."
"Pluto's main satellite Charon is always facing Pluto on one side."
"If Earth was the size of a nickel, Pluto would be as big as a popcorn kernel."
"Pluto may no longer qualify as a planet... but researchers claim it may have something in common with the planets closest to it."
"Pluto and Karen always turn the same side to each other... the only known double dwarf planet system in the solar system."
"Pluto has exotic ices... while Karen's surface is made of Frozen water and ammonia compounds."
"Pluto might have had a violently hot start according to new discoveries by scientists."
"A change in that scheme demoted Pluto from planet to not-planet."
"Pluto went from being the least of the planets to one of the greatest of a new class of object."
"New Horizons has revealed more than ever expected about Pluto."
"Pluto is still a geologically active planet with water ice mountains more than two miles high."
"Pluto shows a planet with a wide variety of terrain types."
"Pluto is the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system and was formally thought to be the ninth and furthest planet from the Sun."
"Pluto may have had a subsurface ocean, according to some evidence, but this is still up for debate."
"The possibility of liquid water being beneath the surface of Pluto raises the odds of life existing there."
"Pluto may well have all of the building blocks necessary for the emergence of life in its subsurface ocean."
"Given that the activity at Pluto is so recent, it tends to suggest that the liquid water ocean is still there in some capacity and has been for a very long time."
"It's the ultimate in discovery and exploration. We have no idea what the surface of Pluto looks like, so we could see craters, we could see geysers, we could see patches of frost."
"True color portrait of Pluto and Charon with the newest moons Nix and Hydra."
"We get one shot at flying by Pluto that's both terrifying, you know also very exhilarating."
"The presence of such an ocean hiding out on Pluto would have seismic implications on considerations of life beyond the Earth."
"Pluto deserved better. Are the cores of other planets similar to our core on Earth?"
"Poor Pluto for 76 years it occupied the coveted spot as the ninth planet in our solar system."
"Pluto's clearest image ever, taken by the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager aboard NASA's New Horizons spacecraft."
"Pluto met the first two of these criteria but the last one proved thorny."
"Neptune is actually the first planet to be located through mathematical calculations rather than a traditional telescopic discovery."
"On the 14th of July 2015 New Horizons made its closest approach to Pluto."
"It revealed a long speculated bright patch on the surface of the dwarf planet to be a gigantic 1,000 km stretching sheet of Frozen volatiles."
"Pluto is without a doubt the largest of the planets of the paper globe."
"Pluto in general is associated in astrology with whatever lies buried."
"...Pluto was demoted from being a real planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union."
"Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time in March of 2023."
"Everything we know about the origin of the solar system indicates that Pluto formed at something like half its present distance from the Sun."
"Pluto is the archetype, it's the heralding body of this whole new type of planet, the dwarf planets."
"Pluto is going to move into Aquarius for good, where it's gonna transit for the next 20 years, which is a huge shift."
"Pluto attracts like a magnet welfare, passion, motivation, spiritual power."
"Pluto is very much about self-knowledge, so we are invited to get to know ourselves more."
"Pluto is a gateway between life and death."
"Pluto delivers, Pluto shows you more of who you are and it's going to be a better fit, it's going to really strongly support who you're meant to be in this lifetime and how you're here to be more of yourself than ever before."
"Pluto empowers where we are in our power, Pluto supports us in our truth, Pluto supports us in our willingness to transform."
"For me, the most impressive discovery that New Horizons was able to confirm was that Pluto has an atmosphere."
"May 25th, Venus will trine Pluto, that's kind of a wealth energy in its own power of love, higher love, deep love, profound love, or deep money wealth in a flowing gracious, expansive way."
"Pluto, the planet of rebirth, transformation, change, like the Phoenix Rising From the Ashes."
"Pluto is strongly connected to karma, and this might have been some kind of power struggle or some kind of confrontation."
"Pluto is quite an oddball that probably warrants its own category."
"I mean, it's obvious! Look, if there's a marginalized planet in our solar system, it's gotta be Pluto, right?"
"Pluto is moving through your third house right now, transforming a lot of your similar environments."
"Pluto is the planet that asks, are you going to fear me or you going to own me?"
"With Pluto going into Aquarius, there will be a lot more Universal welfare."
"Pluto may well have a liquid water ocean, perhaps with some ammonia or other antifreeze mixed in."
"Pluto rules anything morbid, anything black. Nuclear scientists are ruled by Pluto. Violence is ruled by Pluto. Wars, victims, venom, vampires."
"Pluto in Aquarius in this part of your chart, Geminis, you're probably gonna start experiencing a massive, radical, drastic, profound transformation of your beliefs and of your life philosophy overall."
"Pluto just never belonged in that list to begin with."
"Pluto, the lord of the dead, the lord of the underworld."
"Pluto also has to do with purging in our life, releasing, letting go of excreting, and getting rid of things, that's Pluto."
"Pluto energy...rules death and transformation."
"It's Pluto that governs the act of ultimate survival and the neverending cycle of beginnings and endings."
"Pluto in the fifth house: compulsion to create, intense influence in artistic endeavors."
"Pluto in the fifth house makes this compulsion to create and to let people know what makes me unique and different from others."
"Pluto ingressing into Aquarius in 2025."
"Pluto is moving firmly into Aquarius, allowing you to connect with your tribe."
"It's an other life self and it is associated with Pluto."
"Pluto in Aquarius: power to the people, significant shifts, power given to technology."
"Pluto is the planet that is related to Regeneration or transformation it is the naturally rules the Scorpio sign which is related to transformation The Eighth House and it gets exalted in Leo as well as Virgo."
"Pluto is going to whoop my ass for the next five years so I want to be prepared."
"Pluto no longer made the cut, the seemingly overnight Pluto went from being one of the nine planets to a dwarf planet, something literally no one had ever heard of before."
"By August 26, 2006, the announcement was made that Pluto, along with the rest of the Kuiper belt objects, were not planets after all."
"Pluto moving into Aquarius is very much a dramatic, huge astrological event that is going to shape the next two decades."
"Pluto and Aquarius can also bring a lot more diversity into leadership roles."
"Pluto has a moon named Charon whose diameter is half that of Pluto. The tidal effect is so great that both bodies are tidally locked with one another."
"Pluto in Aquarius is a game changer."
"Pluto pulls roots, transforming identity, adapting, and changing."
"Pluto was literally one of the first ever Disney costume characters."
"For many years Pluto was considered the ninth planet in the solar system and the farthest of all."
"Pluto returning to Capricorn means there's more work to be done here."
"Pluto is an incredible murder mystery story that will keep you guessing and at the edge of your seat until the very end of its satisfying conclusion."
"Pluto also represents the shadow work involved in your life."
"Pluto, named after the Roman god of the underworld, is classed as a Kuiper Belt object and a dwarf planet today."
"Despite being small, around 2,370 kilometers in diameter, Pluto still has a surprisingly detailed and mysterious landscape."
"Pluto also has no less than five moons."
"My favorite is when you could see Pluto and like the four moons lined up in line."
"If you towed Pluto into the inner solar system... Pluto would turn into a comet."
"Pluto was all about investigating and getting to the depth of something."
"Pluto's surface is likely covered by a large ocean of liquid water."
"The only reason that Neptune doesn't eject Pluto is because they're locked into this very special orbit."
"I used to be the ninth planet in the solar system until the IAU demoted me."
"Pluto is just really cool, it was such an interesting object that it started its own class of planetary object, the dwarf planet."
"Pluto has five moons but only one of them is big; it's very big, it's half the size of Pluto, it's called Charon."
"These snow-capped mountains at the bottom left-hand side of Pluto's heart are a truly incredible discovery."
"The revelations about New Horizons' visit to Pluto last week made headline news."
"We've got this amazing colored image of Pluto and Charon."
"Pluto is no longer considered a planet."
"New Horizons took to the stars in January 2006, given the task of the first ever flyby of Pluto."
"The images that New Horizons sent back were revolutionary and truly gave a new view of this beautiful, mysterious planet."
"I used to be the ninth planet in the solar system planetary mix."
"Pluto is a planet that is considered to be the ego destroyer and... where the greatest breakthroughs can come about."
"Wherever Pluto is placed, that's where there's going to be a strong need to destroy egocentric ideas."
"The Pluto return represents radical change and reassessment."
"Pluto and its ilk were planets, dwarf planets."
"Pluto's atmosphere never freezes largely due to the world being primarily composed of water ice which retains heat exceptionally well."
"With Pluto in the 11th house, you seek deep and profound connections."
"Pluto is the power point in your chart, and it is so important that you understand your Pluto placement and that you understand it deeply."
"Pluto, the planet of ordeals and the transformations that arise from them, re-enters the zodiac sign of Aquarius."
"This is it, this is the discovery of Pluto. This is Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 systematically scanning the sky."
"Your spaceship is approaching dwarf planet Pluto."
"Pluto is a very slow planet; it takes 248 years to travel around the zodiac."
"Pluto used to be a planet, now it's not."
"Every time I read a chapter of Pluto, I'm feasting."
"Finally, on plates taken on January 23 and January 29th, he saw a tiny dot that moved, a new planet."
"An 11-year old English school girl, Venetia Burney, suggested Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld, which was accepted."
"With clear proof of an atmosphere, Clyde Tombaugh's dim and distant dot had become even more interesting."
"Pluto is represented by transformation, death, rebirth, truth, power, and secrets."
"Pluto will have you on a deep and bold crusade around figuring out these very things in this lifetime."
"I think it was very disrespectful what they did to Pluto, and I think Pluto needs its day."
"Pluto, when it transits an area of our chart, really asks for us to psychologically dig deep, release the old, and shift towards the new."
"Pluto was more or less in the location where Percival Lowell had thought that Planet X should be."
"I am dwarf planet Pluto, The most famous dwarf planet that you know, With so many secrets to be unfurled, Named after the Roman God of the Underworld."
"I used to be planet number 9, But that was before a planet was defined."
"I have 5 moons - more than Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury, My largest moon Charon is half the size of me."
"I am dwarf planet Pluto, I’m smaller than your moon, about 2/3’s the size or so, I may be small but I have a big personality."
"I have a big Heart, my most lovable trait, Called the Tombaugh-Regio, 1000 miles wide, it’s great!!"
"But the images that we've been getting and the science we've been getting from Pluto has really just been, you know, more than amazing."
"On Pluto, the kind of ices we think make up the planum, carbon monoxide ice, nitrogen ice, methane ice, these ices are geologically soft and malleable even at Pluto condition, and they will flow like in the same way that glaciers do on the Earth."
"There's a whole lot more we're going learn about Pluto."
"We turned Pluto, which was a little fuzzy dot, into a whole new planet and world to explore."
"Pluto is no longer officially called a planet, but it represents the last type of solar system object that we have yet to see up close."
"Without Pluto, our story of the solar system and its history is missing an important chapter."
"Pluto has blue skies and red snow, and is known to spin on its side and spin backwards like Venus."
"Pluto had to die really started with the discovery of Pluto back in 1930."
"Tomorrow morning, the United States spacecraft will fly by the Pluto system and make history."
"Pluto is a capstone of our solar system exploration and also opening up this new realm."
"Pluto is every bit as geologically active as any place we've seen in the solar system."
"So as we've been saying, Pluto did not disappoint."
"Who would have supposed there were ice mountains, you know? It's blowing my mind."
"I would never have believed the first close-up picture of Pluto wouldn't have a single impact crater on it. Astonishing."
"Pluto is the death and rebirth of something through a process that destroys something to give birth to something else."
"Pluto, a tiny dwarf planet at the edge of our solar system, has a pretty bizarre atmosphere."
"At least give respect to Pluto, like poor thing."
"Pluto is no longer a planet because it's actually a member of the Kuiper Belt."
"We think that the things that we have learned about the Pluto system are tantalizing."
"What a delightful surprise Pluto was."
"We're seeing real complexity on Pluto's surface."
"What does Pluto's surface really look like? Are there mountains, are there valleys, are there geysers? This is why we're going."
"We think it's very important to share with the public. Let them share in the excitement of Pluto."
"I'm Bill McKinnon and I'm a Plutophile because Pluto is the last unexplored outpost of the solar system."
"I hope that Pluto will help us in that journey."
"Ladies and gentlemen, Pluto as never seen before."
"We're going to have surprises and discoveries over the next year and a half as Pluto reveals itself with each and every DSN pass."
"We're entering a new realm as the Pluto New Horizon zooms towards Pluto, the realm of the Kuiper Belt."
"The story of Pluto from its discovery to the present day is a vivid reminder of the dynamic nature of science."
"Pluto, in its silent beauty, challenges our understanding and invites us to delve deeper into the unknown."
"Pluto's expanse of rugged landscapes is home to one of its most mesmerizing features, the Sputnik Planitia."
"This vast basin stretching more than 650 miles is believed to have been formed by the impact of a massive celestial body."
"The surface of Sputnik Planitia is modeled with a complex pattern of convection cells, each the size of a country on Earth."
"Pluto's journey around the Sun is unlike any other planet in our solar system, with an orbital period of an unimaginable 248 Earth years."
"This cyclical process of sublimation and condensation is a defining feature of Pluto's climate."
"Far from a static frozen wasteland, Pluto's surface is a dynamic environment."
"Pluto's weak gravity allows much of its atmosphere to escape into space."
"This leakage is not a steady gentle flow but a complex interaction with the solar wind."
"Pluto stands like a sentinel at the edge of our solar system."
"New Horizons leap into the unknown bridged the gap between assumptions and reality; Pluto was no longer just a point of light in our telescopes, it was a dynamic world full of surprises and beauty waiting at the edge of our solar system."
"I like to call Pluto the Sci-Fi Planet because everything about it is just bizarre."
"Crossing the orbits of all four giant planets... with an intercept for Pluto."
"Pluto as it turns out is every bit as interesting as Mars is in many, many ways."
"We found evidence for very large volcanoes on Pluto's surface, larger than any volcanoes until you get all the way back to the Earth and Mars."
"Pluto's been geologically active on a massive scale."
"Mars conjuncting Pluto, so rare, doesn't happen again until January 2026, take advantage now."
"Pluto is what I think of as the smoking gun for some dramatic events that took place in the early history of the solar system."
"Pluto's peculiar orbit is one smoking gun of this event."
"We learned from the New Horizons flyby of Pluto that its surface composition is quite complicated, even bizarre."
"Pluto is covered in these very highly volatile frosts of nitrogen and carbon monoxide and methane."
"Pluto is generating geology on a massive scale."
"Pluto is the planet of destruction and transformation."
"Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, which is the planet of rejuvenation and rebirth."
"The key part of that big puzzle of how the solar system formed will come from looking at Pluto."
"By studying the motion of that dim and distant dot of light, astronomers discovered a Pluto year was equal to 248 Earth years."
"Pluto is death and rebirth, so being born again, establishing a new cycle, a fresh start."
"Pluto will definitely help you get there, your goals the goals that you want to achieve."
"Pluto has a 248-year orbit cycle, so this really is a once in a lifetime Transit that we are going to be experiencing."
"Pluto gives a tremendous willpower and focus, and you can transform yourself."
"Pluto is fearless and it digs in to what is necessary to know and reveals the secrets, reveals what needs to be exposed."
"Pluto is at the height of its power and it's also an incredible opportunity for you to gain a glimpse into some of the really powerful energies at your fingertips."
"Pluto transits represent a major transformation."
"Pluto helps you regenerate whatever may happen in your life."
"Everybody loves Pluto, especially at the holidays."
"Pluto has the energy of fate and destiny."