
Identity In Christ Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Jesus became unrecognizable so we could become recognizable to the Father."
"You are not defeated; you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus."
"You are not a sinner anymore. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus."
"Jesus identifies himself more closely with David than any other figure... He was someone that everybody overlooked."
"If we begin, as women, to come into agreement with our identity in Christ, we will see a revival."
"You've got to know your enemy so that you know how to combat, but most importantly, you've got to know who you are in Christ Jesus."
"Grace is not a curriculum, it is not a subject matter, grace is a person - His name is Jesus."
"I was a sinner but now I am a Son."
"Positionally, you are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
"God declares you are His masterpiece."
"Every single one of you as a believer and union with Christ, you are a possessor of something."
"For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith."
"We are crucified in Christ; therefore, we no longer live, Jesus Christ now lives in us."
"Focus on who Jesus is and who we are in Him and rest there."
"I have been crucified with Christ; I no longer live, but He lives in me."
"I am complete in Christ. I no longer have to prove I'm somebody when I'm already somebody to Him."
"Oh how strange and divine, I can sing: all is mine, yet not I, but through Christ in me."
"When He looks at you, He sees you with eyes of love; He sees you in Him."
"I identify as a new creature in Christ; I'm a new creation in Him, old things have passed away and everything has become new."
"You are not the same person when you become born-again; you literally become the sons of God."
"...my identity is in Christ...I am not identified by these outward works."
"Neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
"We are Kings and Priests unto God; as He is, so are we in this world."
"Reckon yourselves dead unto sin, but alive unto God in Christ Jesus."
"The cross reminds us that we died with Him, right, and we're reminded of the fact that we died with Christ and our lives are not our own now, they belong to Him."
"When you understand who you are in Christ and what you can be, you operate, you function very differently."
"Joy comes when we know who we are in Christ Jesus."
"Christians stand righteous before God not because of our deeds, because of Jesus' deeds; we're hiding in him."
"Know who you are, Jesus lives, and forever as we patiently wait for the returning Lord, stay blessed."
"Once you see who you are in Christ, once you see what you already have in Christ, it changes how you see your world."
"You will never become more holy as you mature; you simply grow into who God has already made you to be."
"We are saints under construction; God calls it, and we got to believe what He says about who we are in Christ."
"To hope to be better is to fail to see yourself in Christ only."
"See them as God sees them, his beloved, and confess over them who they really are in Christ."
"You used to abide in Adam, now you abide in Christ."
"I am a child of God, I am in Christ, I go from victory to victory, I go from glory to glory, and I go from strength to strength."
"Believing in the identity of Jesus Christ is the core message of the gospel."
"This is the year that we will individually and collectively walk in our Christ-like identity and strive to be more and more like our awesome and amazing God."
"When the Holy Ghost takes you from dead, he places you into Christ; you no longer, God doesn't see you, he sees Jesus inside of you."
"The Holy Spirit immerses you into Jesus, why is that important? Because it deals with a lot of our insecurities, it deals with a lot of our fears, it deals with our past, it deals with generational curses, it deals with our identification, we are into Christ."
"You are now the righteousness of God and you got to quit looking at yourself in the natural and you got to see yourself in Christ."
"Your eyes will be opened to the details of who you are in Christ, your eyes will be opened to the details of what you have in Christ, your eyes should be opened to the details of what you can do and what Christ can do through you."
"What God has wrought in Christ by implication is what God has wrought in the believer."
"We are seated with Him in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus."
"We're not gonna be able to walk in that authority unless we know who we are in Christ."
"I am the righteousness of Christ, a temple of the Holy Spirit."
"Our primary identity is indeed in Christ. Our primary citizenship is in heaven. Our primary allegiance is to Christ and his church."
"Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not mine, but it is lived by faith in the Son of God."