
Police Investigation Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Despite the horrifying nature of this call, police could not have anticipated the twisted tale of violence they were about to embark on."
"Little do these officers know there's a sinister secret lurking in the background of this crazy story."
"Police now say they have a murder suspect in custody."
"Does the president believe that there should be an investigation into the police response to this school shooting?"
"Daniel's Father David Robinson was not too happy with that conclusion or with the Buckeye Police Department and their response to his son's Disappearance in general."
"Canadian police investigate after 14th human foot washes up on coastline."
"The trash can emitted an unusually strong foul odor. The officer carefully opened the trash can and discovered the body of a woman."
"Most people don't realize the lengths to which the police will go to investigate a crime and the power of forensics."
"This was absolutely terrifying for the Carters and for police."
"Thankfully, with the help of family, police finally woke up and put an end to the madness."
"We can't rely on evidence if the police haven't done their due diligence."
"Police said that Pamela was found as a direct result of public involvement and social media awareness."
"One of the most tragic crime scenes police had ever seen."
"Only 6 ounces of material from Hella Crafts' remains was ever recovered, but it was enough for the police to make their case."
"If this is a person that Luis Rivera ran his mouth to and they go to the police, it's going to be worth zero."
"I hope she's right and maybe the police have more than they're even saying."
"In March of 1998, the Philadelphia Police Department, accompanied by the Vidocq Society, teamed up to try and figure out if they could reopen this case and get to the bottom of it with the new technology available." - Aiden Mattis
"He ended up telling the police the truth about the murder of Lorenzen."
"Not every police investigation is wrapped up with a perfect bow. And sometimes the authorities manage to get things horribly wrong."
"Police in Washington state were beginning to suspect that fellow officer Sergeant Matt Bachmeier was responsible for the disappearance of 35-year-old James Brad Wren."
"Thanks to the hard work of police in ESR fingerprint and DNA science determined who killed Alicia McCallion, offering some answers to a grieving family."
"They were quickly identified... having circulated their description they came forward voluntarily."
"All I know is that we were called out to your house and that there was a body found. Um, sorry."
"Baffled beyond belief, the police took off to enlist help but when they returned three days later, the electricity and phone lines had been cut and the place had been thoroughly abandoned."
"Inside of each of these barrels was the ghastliest thing any of the police discovering it had ever seen."
"All of the samples matched. Fort Collins police had found Sarah Dean's killer."
"The defense used inadequacy in the police investigation... to create reasonable doubt." - Highlighting flaws in the legal process.
"And of course, our reporting also suggests that police do not know the license plate number on that car as well."
"We're asking that you come forward, please give this young team, this police department, everybody in front of us today some information to help find out the truth, whatever it may be."
"25 years went by and it was with much certainty to the police and probably even to Christopher's family that this was it they would never get the answers they so desperately needed."
"When police arrived at the home just minutes later, they immediately saw signs that there had been some kind of attack."
"Police are normally very skeptical about the many reports they receive of big cat sightings, but they're taking the incident that happened in this field very seriously indeed."
"After an article about the disappearances was published in 2014, several tips came into the police."
"The police suspected that the legendary assassin known as the goblin was the professional Hitman in question."
"Police became skeptical of the harassment, especially after they set up 24-hour surveillance on the house for days, during which time the harassment stopped but continued as soon as the surveillance ended."
"Each individual crime is so different that they might never have been connected if police didn't find a duffel bag full of weapons from the crimes."
"So before going straight to Paul, police actually, they reached out to Carla and they wanted to like create a wedge in the relationship, knowing that they could probably get more information from Carla."
"You knew this had happened, you knew she was dead, isn't it true that you would have told the police about this conversation if anybody but your brother was the suspect?"
"To trap a killer, police had to rely on both hard science and dogged determination."
"Cotton could never have anticipated that pieces of a gun he never planned
"on using during this attack would then lead police to the hitman who would then confess everything he knew."
"Didn't know the police department got involved in this sort of thing. We usually don't, Mr. Bentley, but this is kind of a special case."
"Tonight's first reconstruction is of a crime that had so many witnesses you might think it's a wonder the police need any more."
"A case solved by viewers that had dogged police for 11 months."
"The evidence shows Officer Josh Griffin took an inappropriate interest in Kim Medlen."
"The cases we featured tend to be untypical, the more serious crimes which police are most keen to solve quickly."
"The failure to adequately investigate Mr. Haynes's death was not just an isolated misstep by one police station; it was evidence of a systemic failure by New South Wales police to handle indigenous deaths the same way as non-indigenous deaths."
"Officially it's still a cold case, and the police file is still open."
"Police in Canada are investigating after an air cargo container carrying almost 15 million dollars in gold and other valuables vanished."
"It is not always an exact science, but Dr. Bass's work, the first of its kind, will help the police with murder victims found long after the crime."
"When the case has gone cold and police have nowhere to turn, they seek assistance from the public."
"It was incredible police work over the course of 40 years."
"It was clear to us the police that something really serious had happened."
"Diagnosis, Mr. Mayor, not theories. And before I venture any further deductions, I must first insist on full access to all police files."
"Every day, more mysterious missing person cases are added to the books of police departments around the world."