
Police Quotes

There are 670 quotes

"It's not every day that police officers see a car floating in the Colorado River."
"The Jamaica Labour Party government has delivered 1,452 vehicles to the police."
"We are charged to protect these kids. I'm a police officer for North Minneapolis and coach for the North High School."
"The police of St. Louis were created by the descendants of slave patrols... That's a little too much, guys."
"Police have far too much authority over our lives."
"I'm here to have an open conversation and to actually figure out how we as black people and the police officers can kind of mend this broken relationship."
"What needs to happen is the Metropolitan Police need to learn from this whether they would or they won't, I don't know, but they need to learn and they need to build up effective communication and transparency."
"Tonight we're debating whether or not the police are systematically racist, and we're starting right now."
"It seems to me a very good thing for cops to wear body cameras because it's a record that holds them accountable."
"The vast majority of Americans think that the police are doing their best in trying to do a good job."
"He made it clear that he felt the police were targeting him because he'd gotten too close to a truth that they didn't want him to expose."
"New Orleans police say rats can't stop eating marijuana in evidence room."
"The police try to get another criminal prosecution on top of the charges against Christo, thankfully it doesn't go so well for the cops."
"Most police officers are doing the right thing. Most police agencies are holding people accountable. We have the knuckleheads out there like you would have in any profession that make us look bad."
"The odds of being shot and killed by the police are statistically non-existent."
"These hard-working people don't loathe the police, quite the opposite. They understand what so many seem to have forgotten or never understood."
"Ideally, officers would take no one's life in the course of their duties."
"We met these policemen that were on suicide patrol... they started breaking down weeping."
"I believe we need police reform; I believe we need criminal justice reform."
"What do you think happens if the police departments are all gone? A lot of people think it's going to be rampant crime everywhere."
"Do not talk to the police. I cannot say this forcefully enough."
"An officer injured in the line of duty was visited by his canine partner, very supportive."
"On the 5th of May, 1979, calls began pouring into Birmingham, Alabama radio news and the local police department from motorists reporting a car driving around with a hand sticking out of the trunk."
"Protesting police brutality is worthwhile... because every good person, including police officers, opposes police brutality."
"Despite her pressuring police to look into them, telephone records weren't checked until many months after her daughter's disappearance."
"Brandon's Law now requires police to make a report whenever a person of any age is reported missing, and an investigation must start immediately."
"Police officers must be apolitical, impartial, and accountable for their actions. If not, how and what we police will become subject to political whim and electioneering."
"No one protects quite like the Metropolitan Police and the specialist division that look after Royals and VIPs."
"I support and respect good police officers. The job is hard... we need to be protected, otherwise it's chaos."
"The truth was actually much darker: it wasn't that the police weren't doing anything in the investigation; they were interfering with it."
"When I was a kid, police officers were human beings. They really cared about the community."
"It's a shame because when I was a kid, I'm a little older than you, but when I was a kid, police officers were human beings."
"Over 99% of active police officers will spend their entire career without ever pulling the trigger."
"Officers need to understand our communities, not just patrol them."
"We were always taught that if you need help to ask the police. So, the way this case has been handled from the beginning is heartbreaking, it's an injustice, it is a slap in the face."
"We need great people in our police departments and we have mostly great people. I would say that with certainty."
"If the police becomes more concerned about PR image and legal cases, then you know that country is in a bit of trouble."
"We're trying to raise money for police officers that have died in the line of duty."
"In America, crime has exploded. Police officers killed in the line of duty."
"Cop shows come in all shapes and sizes but in the aggregate, they are getting across a vision of what the police should be."
"Anti-police sentiment gained traction during the BLM riots."
"The more we focus on the police, the more we sympathize with them."
"The vast majority of police officers are heroic men and women."
"When seconds matter, the police are only minutes away."
"The police are often in the front line when it comes to tackling domestic abuse."
"The tension between the Minneapolis Police Department and many of their communities is pretty well-known."
"You have the right to criticize police officers, to mock police officers."
"The police are molded to fit into every single model of hero that we have existing in our culture somehow all at once."
"When the people believe that the police are on their side, they're way less likely to be violent."
"An opportunity for reflection: Rebuilding the image of the Kenyan police force."
"The police are the bravest people we have in America."
"It's amazing to think that these people who apply to be a cop are given a gun and sometimes a tin badge, and it almost makes them think that the badge itself is their license to freely kill or violate anyone's rights."
"The people of a city have to believe and trust that their Police Department is looking after their best interest."
"You have the right to film the police in the course of their duty."
"The heroism of the police officers who work to protect this democracy is unmatched."
"Russ Gibson showed that... police officers... have feelings and... care."
"The Vallejo police department has 24 hours to issue a full and unequivocal apology, one that includes the words 'we were wrong' or something very close to them."
"The only person that could stop this individual turned out to be a very brave courageous policeman."
"On that fateful evening, the police received an urgent 911 call detailing a tragic incident within the Krack household."
"Last month, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved a request to loan the Capitol Police eight persistent surveillance systems ground units."
"Since the police are reluctant to help find their missing children, parents must help themselves."
"When you have issues where there is quote-unquote police oppression... why does it become default this is not the fault of America?"
"In the '70s, gay men had to fear not only violence but also the very people tasked with protecting them—the police."
"I want to know more about the why behind police shootings."
"We need a civilian review board to ask questions about police shootings."
"The victim, 16-year-old Micaiah Bryant, was innocent, unarmed, helpless, not a threat to anyone, and had been gunned down randomly by police."
"The vast majority of police officers are selfless and courageous public servants."
"When I join the police department you had to make a 75 or above on the entry test."
"We're going to defend the police, not defund the police."
"Patrol units are on their way to come get you, okay?"
"Clavin: 'The Seattle police chief highlighted the dangers of the occupied protest zone.'"
"Mass Effect's revival reminds us it's time to abolish the space police."
"Police keeps us safe all day, wearing uniforms."
"Defunding the police, holding the entire police structure responsible for the actions of certain officers is wrong."
"Perhaps it's true that cops are always in a rush."
"The German Shepherd: widely recognized as the choice dog breed for the police and military."
"The police are not your friends, at least in New York City."
"Protecting all life: Ohio police officers went the extra mile to protect a mourning dove nesting in a spare police cruiser."
"High-speed chase: Members of a police department in the United States were called to the scene of a getaway tortoise."
"Portland police officers have fun: Portland police officers have well and truly jumped on the social media bandwagon."
"Racing in a grocery store: Police officers were photographed driving through a grocery store in miniature police cruisers designed for children."
"The officer at Silbery Hill experienced an excruciating headache for the whole day after his bizarre encounter."
"People don't seem to realize just how politicized the police have become."
"You've not been paying attention if you think that white people are not killed by the police."
"That's hilarious, actually. We better leave before the police come."
"The Constitution and settled case law protect all verbal insults of police."
"People talk a lot of [__] about police, but police are the number one people that deal with all the crazy people."
"Welcome to the River City Police! I'm like one of those mascots that you see on top of shops and everything."
"Playing loud is about pushing through cops to complete objectives."
"Defund the police and defund the place is a bad idea."
"There is no reform or transformation that can fix this. We have to start over."
"People would despise the Uvalde police because every single day we somehow learn things that are worse and worse and worse."
"The Wire portrayed police fairly but didn't demonize them."
"No one was left unscathed, whether it was in Fox Lake, in the media, in the nation. Every police agency felt the impact of this and felt it terribly."
"I absolutely accept that the police have got certain challenges. But freedom of speech is an important right in our democracy."
"They're threatening to kill police officers. That's not good obviously."
"If Betsy wanted her daughters to have the money... she would have made them the insurance policy beneficiaries."
"The Asheville Police Department won't be responding to some calls anymore after losing 84 officers since 2020."
"Our lives have historically not mattered to the cops, can you please stop shooting us?"
"There's no question to any of you who have followed the channel for some time that I have been very critical of police who abused their power."
"That's what we need to return to in this country: where citizens feel like the police are working together with them."
"This is a prime example of the horrors of what happens when police do not properly do their job."
"Just sitting in the car... now killed by the police, it's just crazy."
"I think cops are afraid of what we might catch on camera... cameras and social media."
"You want everybody to be safe. If a cop wants to arrest you, just don't fight it. The best thing you can do is fighting in court because we have that case an alternative driver which affirms that you do have the First Amendment right to record."
"We hate the police, but if they say the wrong thing about a certain person, it's like then we're fully quick to take their word."
"Cops absolutely loved it... it was the car of choice for the LAPD and a bunch of other police agencies around the country."
"Abolish the police for closing down [] city streets for these [] [__] premieres for flops."
"Symbols have enormous power. The second you see a police force carrying that flag on them, you know which side of the gender debate they are on."
"What began with the militarization of the police in the 1980s has snowballed into a full-fledged integration of military weaponry, technology, and tactics into police protocol."
"Police in regards to this altercation with all the talks of police brutality against black men, it's just like bro, it's absurd."
"Literally, Sam, this is the best thing that has ever happened to police training ever."
"It has exposed really big vulnerabilities in the Capitol Police."
"Despite knowing that the police investigation was flawed from early on, they had held onto this small hope."
"How many police officers are out there to enforce this law?"
"Peaceful protests met with police violence escalate into cycles of community and police violence."
"Police been looking for me for two, three days straight for some reason."
"If you say I support police as a blanket statement you don't love justice because all over the nation police and government are abusing justice."
"The police and the captains, the sergeants, the lieutenants, their chiefs, they got to be held accountable."
"This is supposed to help with the mental stress of being a police officer."
"Prayer for their families... make sure that y'all show respect to police officers because again they are the First Responders."
"Now as a police officer, you have to be a therapist, you've got to be a doctor, you've got to be all these things."
"The police are looking for a mysterious and brave hero."
"Tonight thanks to remarkable police surveillance techniques we're going to lift the shroud that's protected the Rizzuto's so you can see the reality of the criminal underworld as it hasn't been shown before."
"No society would go so far off the rails that the police would pump black ink into a lake to make it ugly."
"You'd better come downstairs," he said. "The police are here and they have something important to tell us."
"The management tried everything not to go to the police."
"Always hated may being mixed up with the police, now he's mixed up with them himself."
"If I defended myself, would the police be on their way?"
"I'm a different kind of police officer. I've got my partner involved in something he doesn't quite understand."
"We have to get out of here before the cops show up."
"Cops don't have to go to the scene of crimes, cops don't have shootouts?"
"You have to understand the police around London are fantastic they will help you if you're not sure how do I get to this site or which way is the best way to cross the road they'll tell you they'll be glad to tell you they'll be glad to help you."
"She is a hero, a heroic female police officer."
"We need the police. And I defend those working class cops who saved our lives like Officer Dunn and Officer Fanone and Officer Hodges, who got stuck in the doorway."
"Two days later a ton of police show up at the house and there is total chaos."
"When you have all these bad shootings that are very public, people are gonna be upset. And you know, there should be a conversation about it. But let's not lose focus of the fact that most, and I mean most, 99% of police want to do a good job."
"Am I going to break his legs? I'm actually not concerned at all about being pinched by police for it because at this point their incompetence is endangering my life and the life of my neighbor."
"It shouldn't take long now. That autopsy report gives us the green light. The police will move in now and we can put the pressure on."
"The Wetumpka Police Department gets an F for wasting city resources by sending three squad cars to arrest two senior citizens attempting to help animals on public property."
"The police weren't talking to Brian, but they were watching him."
"Now, after Miss Chung took the police to where Nadi was, Miss Chun was basically lying and telling the police that there were more suspects than she was actually the innocent person."
"Police intervention is absolutely sometimes necessary."
"Seattle Police form an emergency command post to coordinate their assignment."
"Police are cautious, knowing from experience that someone willing to shoot a cop is far more dangerous than the average criminal."
"I believe it's one of the worst things going on now is the abolition of police or even the partial abolition of police."
"I think if you kind of look into all of the documents in this case that the police Essex police specifically use human error to sort of sell their Narrative of what actually happened in not just the phone calls but in lots of other scenarios."
"There were at least a hundred detectives involved in the Jane Doe hunt."
"You definitely don't want to talk to the popo, right?"
"Incidents involving Police use of force are not new, each case raises questions about potential preventative measures and deescalation tactics."
"Just one year into his 25-year jail sentence, Lawrence Gaudenzi is talking for the first time, leading police here to Spotsylvania County."
"The perception is that the bad cops are doing everything around the good cops, and that's just not true."
"This is the biggest case of police corruption in the city's history."
"The incident was not only a horrific and tasteless blow to Amanda's loved ones, it also understandably had the effect of sowing major distrust between the public and the city's police force."
"If the police had done any appeal at the time, then obviously, I would have gone straight to the police with what was obviously contradictory information from Stephen about Gabriel."
"The police burst in firing a .38 caliber pistol as they slammed open the living room door."
"To be honest, I was about to drive to the police station, so I guess it's a good thing you're here."
"Why am I being pulled over? Okay, you're nervous all right."
"What's your favorite thing about being a police officer? It's not routine, it's different every day."
"Both of these chases so far have shown just how well trained and fit some police officers are."
"Rajesh was confronted with video footage that seemingly bolstered the police theory."
"When seasoned police officer Michael Daniels pulls over a car for a routine traffic violation, he has no idea that the woman behind the wheel, Laura Caldwell, is about to change his life forever."
"I'm gonna call the police like Davie 504 and report you. Come on, subscribe to this channel!"
"The police suspected that the family had been victims of Foul Play."
"You gotta [ __ ] and come up the furniture my neighbor called the police."
"I love when dumb people accidentally admit to what they did in front of the police."
"Saving lives is every police officer's duty, but today these cops have an equally important job to make these kids' day unforgettable."
"After I showed the police the texts where he says he has my TV, pictures of the box he sent me with my name on it, and where my refund was denied, they went to talk to him."
"If you have any information about Ravel Balmain which could assist the police investigation, call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000."
"Tony said to her, 'You're not well. The police will help you.'"
"The individual racism of white officers mixed with the simple reality that police had never been intended to protect poor neighborhoods or businesses in an organized fashion left black people with no option but to protect themselves."
"Lady luck's spirited revenge had me find the thieves without any identifiable traits catch both in the act of stealing something else intimidate them into being dumb enough to stick around had a cop show up the exact moment I walked away from them."
"The cops were actually called but after talking to the apartment manager EB and BB as well as us they had decided in our favor."
"I'm gonna tell you right now, again if you can make the police laugh, you have a chance."
"Even though the decision is largely for the police, it's not entirely for the police."
"...she had stayed with her boyfriend but they called the cops cuz Mercedes was crying..."
"...the cops were like essentially never defunded."
"It's not a real gun. Don't tell the police, even though I am the police now."
"Officers saw him throw out so there's still an active foot pursuit taking place."
"I don't dislike police. I dislike bad police. And that's what I saw right here. These guys were on me."
"Every time I go into a police station, I get nicked, they started reminding me. They remind me for a couple of days and the charges will be dropped."
"I'm all for the police, I'm laughing because I want to. I'm just gonna enjoy this movie, okay? And we know who the good guys are in it. We know."
"The most serious crimes are committed by the police."
"The crime rate has probably gone down because it seems to me like the most serious crimes are committed by the police."
"Miami police caught up with Venegas and her accomplice shortly after and arrested them both."
"There's a truck here, like a radioactive material on it, and that's why there's like a whole convoy of cop cars there, I can see it."
"...if you look above the door of the building you can still make out the letters of police carved into the stonework."
"The emergency operator dispatched two police vehicles to the scene."
"People are going to scream about keeping politics out of our anime, but we constantly witness the disconnect between the image of police and the actuality of police."
"If you want to know what the law actually is, don't talk to the police. Talk to a lawyer."
"But the fact still remains that police investigators, thanks to an unconventional method, managed to capture a murderer who would have otherwise remained at large."
"Police radio: 'This is Reinhardt, can you get me Lieutenant Beck?'"
"Police have continued to find human remains that they believe may be a result of Thomas's sick crimes as recently as 2015."
"The police of Castle Douglas don't mind the teenagers all flock there to admire the effect of the Gulf Stream."
"Sometimes I get called by the police when a crime or disappearance happens in the wild."
"Marie just lost it. She was so righteously angry, she went after the cops. She started hitting them and pounding them."
"What likely saved me was calling the police that first time."
"My lawyer is out of town, but his partner will meet us at 4:00. He'll take you to the police station."
"This is a perfect example of good cops not hesitating in the face of danger."
"It's the police, it's okay buddy, come on."