
Speculative History Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"This story is wild, between some of the propositions it has for why things have happened to humanity to different scenarios that could have taken place."
"Atlantis was not a single continent but the pre-deluvian world."
"The Book of Enoch is full of stories about demons, Giants, angels, and creatures that might be aliens."
"Aladdin might not be set centuries in the past, but thousands of years in the future."
"The serapium is like this smoking gun evidence for some other form of transportation."
"Every human on Earth today is in some degree Annunaki descended."
"Could these familiar sounding descriptions really be a literal transcription of events documented by our ancient ancestors?"
"Wouldn't it be cool if the actual history of the planet was that aliens came to colonize a perfect solar system?"
"The ancient lost city beneath Missouri would be at least 300 million years old."
"Perhaps Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married... as the DNA results suggest."
"Could it be that Jesus was talking to Mary Magdalene, his wife, asking her to protect their son?"
"Could we speculate that there wants could have been not just individuals like Goliath in the Bible but entire races of gigantic people?"
"This means that if this was indeed left by a craft the beings who made it would now if still in existence be unimaginably more advanced than the modern man of Earth."
"Did ancient humans ever coexist with a race of giants maybe with the Nephilim of the Old Testament or are the gods and goddesses of Roman and Greek pantheons more fact Than Fiction?"
"There are those who doubt that a Nazi flying saucer program ever existed."
"Could this Chariot have been a UFO—an unknown glowing flying object that must have boggled the minds of us Muggles on the ground?"
"Many believe that whoever built these structures received help from another race that was far superior at stone masonry than ancient humans."
"The effect of the Kairos Alliance is that ancient aliens were actually human beings who achieved quantum mechanics, advanced space travel, and time travel."
"When you look at these ancient beings that are described in the ancient text and you look at the modern-day UFO accounts, you're probably really looking at the same beings."
"The Sixth Sense lies dormant within human beings due to the interbreeding between the early humans and the ISU. If awakened, this sense can be used, known as Eagle Vision."
"The creation of the star people came about following a deeply traumatic and horrifying interplanetary war between Earth and its former Colony Mars."
"Humanity discovered Earth 65 million years ago – rewriting history or revealing a cosmic origin story?"
"The Atlantans were not just an advanced society but could also generate energy and had sophisticated communication, transport, and even weapons of mass destruction."
"There is speculation that it once allowed for instantaneous travel to other unknown locations."
"Could the pyramids really have been portals to other worlds powered by an unknown force?"
"While we can't say for sure if this thing ever functioned as a portal and allowed in otherworldly visitors, it's certainly one of the places on Earth that looks like it could have."
"These entities were vastly superior in terms of intelligence to the human race."
"I think the planet's been having visitations for as long as it's been here."
"I like the idea that there is ancient extraterrestrial power on Earth."
"Now I become death, the destroyer of worlds."
"Could these gods... have been the remnants of an ancient forgotten advanced civilization?"
"One of the biggest influxes of Galactic's help came after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
"Could this have been some transfer of technology from a forgotten civilization in our ancient past, perhaps contact with a group of offworld beings from a distant star system?"
"The hive city of Ferrograd had been chosen to store vast quantities of dark age of technology weaponry of the nuclear kind."
"What if fredbear's Family Diner wasn't the origin of Freddy's? What if instead it was this circus Fallfest 1970?"
"New Jersey would have likely been not undamaged but certainly not threatened."
"The Great Pyramid is probably an extremely old structure, maybe 100,000 years back."
"What these whistleblowers like Corey Goode, Pete Peterson have said is that the ruins found under the ice date back to Atlantis."
"He's convinced that this thing is from an advanced ancient civilization or from an extraterrestrial race AKA aliens."
"Legend has it that on a warm summer day in 1944 Waldemar Josra was walking through the Hills near the edge of Akambaro."
"People say that the hieroglyphs at the Temple of Seti show a helicopter, a submarine, and a zeppelin or plane."
"I tend to lean more towards that it was German technology."
"Whether one believes the radical ancient alien theory, the Anunnaki tablets exemplify the human impulse to explain our mysterious origins."
"The moon was liberated in February by the alliance."
"The ancient alien theory proposes contact with intelligences beyond our civilization."
"Can you imagine what VR would have looked like right now if Oculus even put half as much energy into 'hardcore' VR as they did mainstream VR?"
"It's enough to make you wonder if there wasn't some kind of stone age 3D printing technology at play."
"Could ancient extraterrestrials be responsible?"
"There was some kind of cohabiting between human beings and let's say advanced intelligences."
"Mercy was probably recruited roughly at the age of 21 or so."
"Did humans come from the Dark Continent and if they did, why did they leave?"
"Tell me in the comments below, do you think Humanity was on the Dark Continent?"
"Was the V2 only a weapon or was it a means to send the signal to extraterrestrials?"
"What if there was a civilization of people who existed peacefully before they were infected by a virus that brought the zombie apocalypse?"
"I think Earth was a part of the galactic community."
"If that didn't happen, then our history looks like one thing and if we've been living under a regime that is not elected and decided to take power and not relinquish it, our history means something entirely different for 60 years."
"The US Navy been in the time travel business since the 30s."
"Could it be true? Could an ancient civilization have carved a huge pyramid structure out of rock, only to have the frigid Southern snow cover it from view?"
"George Nori: 'Jason, so they needed to mine gold from this planet, god knows how many tons of gold they pulled out of here...'"
"Did you know that during the Wii era, we might have got a Zelda game that didn't star Link, Zelda, or almost anyone else from the mainstream Zelda series?"
"The discovery sparked speculation that a time traveler with knowledge of future events and inventions dropped the watch in the Tomb."
"This has been the story about how World War III got started by a tree. Thank you for watching, best way to support the channel."
"The myth of Atlantis and the possibility of a Nazi base on Antarctica."
"This is such a good reminder that back in 2018 a Tesla stock could have gone private had things played out differently and ultimately many of the newly minted Tesla millionaires would not exist now."
"Had Donald Trump convinced enough people... we could be living right now in a kind of presidential dictatorship."
"Well, I for one am pleased that we survived World War 3."
"But cheer up! For us, it's probably the best if we had two sons. Perhaps the solar system would never have become what it is now. Our planet might not exist at all. And that means that there might be no life."
"It's only one thing that ever gave us Paradise on Earth and I was the Grand matriarchy when the women had control of the world from a love perspective as the."
"...we here at The Infographics channel believe that as a possible time-traveling pirate, Major actually left our timeline to find earths in alternate dimensions where Hitler had won, liberating one timeline after another from the rule of Nazi dickheads."
"Perhaps over the horizon of history is some advanced world civilization."
"What was Kong? Was he sub-human or sub-ape? Was he the missing link that anthropologists have sought since the time of Darwin? I do not know for certain."