
Christ-likeness Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Your character, how much like Christ are you, matters more than operating in spiritual gifts."
"Salvation isn't just to get somewhere; salvation is to also become like God, to become like Christ."
"We are never more Christ-like than when we forgive."
"The Holy Spirit helps us become more and more like Jesus as we are changed into his glorious image."
"Our ultimate goal as Christians is to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to become Christ-like."
"In every situation of human interaction, our problem is a lack of Christ-likeness."
"God created you to become like Christ, to grow up spiritually."
"The important thing is godliness, Christlikeness, it's our character."
"Suffering, discomfort is the catalyst for christlikeness."
"Grace enables us to live like Jesus."
"God is waiting for a people to replicate the character of Christ."
"My Lord and my God you created us to be conformed to the image of your only son your begotten son Jesus Christ so father I pray that the mind of Christ the attitude the character the ways of your son as he was on the earth as a man."
"You are never more like Christ than when you humble yourself, than when you serve."
"Becoming more like Jesus, cultivating Christ's likeness."
"When we serve others, we become more and more like Jesus."
"There is no individual who cannot cause the Christlikeness to horizon himself if he so desires."
"He's using those situations in our life...to help us conform more into the image of Christ."
"May people look into your eyes and see Christ."
"We move toward the likeness of Christ in living the Christian Life."
"In Jesus, all beautiful character traits are represented, so that I can become exactly who I have the potential to become, and you can become exactly who you have the potential to become, while both of us are focusing on Christ."
"Be imitators of God, as dear children. Jesus is the one in whom humanity is taken back to the Edenic original purpose of God."
"The goal of unity is the measure of the stature of Christ."
"The measure of a church is the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ."
"The way you evaluate a church is whether that church is Christ-like."
"Sanctification is us turning into the likeness of Christ."
"God's will is that our life should shine brighter and brighter, meaning that we should progressively become more and more like Christ, preferably every day or at least every year."
"We want them to grow up in Christ, to be fully formed into His likeness."
"The more you understand it, the more you will be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ."
"Our calling is not to become preachers, our calling is to become like Christ."
"The destiny of God's people is to be conformed into the image of God as perfectly displayed in Jesus Christ."
"The only day when you can say 'I'm not coming short of the glory of God' is when we have become like Jesus perfectly."
"The more you value fellowship with the Father, the more you're becoming like Christ."
"We're not just called to make it to heaven, we're called to be transformed and become like Christ."
"Your hope is this: God says that His aim... is to conform us to the image of Christ."
"I want every part of your life to be Christ-like."
"Conforming to Christ can be the most fulfilling experience in life."
"We need to act like men, we need to be conformed to the image of Christ."
"We present every man perfect in Christ Jesus."
"You were predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ."
"I want Christ so bad, I want to share in His sufferings."
"Follow me as I follow Christ, and in me is Christ within me, that's the only image I desire to bear."
"God only deals with his image because you are called to be conformed to the image of Christ."
"My great passion in life is to be like Christ."
"...thorough biblical counseling seeks the sanctification of the Christian into Christlikeness for the glory of God."
"...we're seeking change into Christlikeness, that's what we're after."
"...the difference between you and me is that you cannot agree what you want people to change into... but there's one thing that all Christians understand intuitively: when we get done with them, we want them to be more like Christ."
"We are being conformed to the likeness of Christ; we are being made Christlike."
"I want to become a little more like Christ every year."
"God's ultimate purpose for your life is that you might become like Christ."
"The ultimate goal of doing theology is that we would be made more and more like Christ."
"It's only the wisdom of God that will give us what we need in order to become more like Jesus Christ."
"The secret of transformation into Christ's likeness is to realize that if you change the inside, the outside will follow."
"Let us prove our Christlikeness, not only in our zeal for saving the lost, but also openly in all our interactions with the brethren, by being tolerant and forgiving one another, even as the Lord forgave us."
"We are becoming less and less like the world and we're becoming more and more like Christ."
"The perfecting of the church until we all come into the full measure and stature of Jesus Christ."
"God's purpose is to make me 100% like Jesus Christ."
"The Christian life is the Holy Spirit reproducing Christ in us."
"The goal is Christlikeness and to pursue that."
"Theosis means becoming like Christ."
"The Holy Spirit uses the word, the word is the substance with which the Holy Spirit creates the image of Jesus in you."
"An honest, authentic relationship with Christ will often challenge us to be more like Christ."
"We have to repent of not being 100% like Christ."
"I have a passionate desire to become more like Christ."
"Your identification with Christ means that now you are treated and considered as one and the same."
"You are never more Christ-like than when you are choked with compassion for the brokenness of others."
"His goal for you is to become like Jesus Christ."
"Every time I give, I become like Christ."
"We are put on this planet to grow up spiritually, to be like Christ."
"A man that's really after Christ is trying to pursue righteousness, holiness, he's trying to be more like Christ."
"You're living in your secret life in agreement with Jesus because then you're expressing Christ-like likeness."
"Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church."
"The mark of God's blessing in the New Covenant is that we become like Jesus Christ."
"The bottom line... was not intellectual precision... but transformation into the likeness of Christ."
"The point is to transform us more into the likeness of Christ."
"It is the image of Christ the Christian looks for and loves."
"The point seems to me to be to be transformed and to be an agent of transformation of others into the likeness of Christ."
"Sound or healthy doctrine is to transform us into the likeness of Christ."
"Your greatest need is to be like Jesus Christ."
"The highest calling of a believer is to become like Jesus."
"Virtue is a measure of your closeness to the character of Christ."
"These are the things that build the servant of Christ: faith, virtue, knowledge... until the complete statue of Christ is made manifest."
"The goal here folks is Christlikeness; we want to become more and more like Jesus."
"Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had."
"As you partake of this communion today, Christ shall be reflective in your life."
"It's a process of transformation whereby we become more like Christ and less like the world."
"God knows what I need to be conformed to the image of Christ."
"God's intention is to bring out of human history a community of people who are like Jesus Christ."
"Jesus came to show us what we can look like with Christ in us."
"It's through suffering that we become more like Jesus."
"It is God's will that we grow up spiritually into the image of Jesus Christ as we become fully matured."
"We have the mind of Christ; we do hold the thoughts, feelings, and purposes of His heart."
"You became imitators of us and of the Lord; you look a lot like Christ."
"We can attain the full measure of the stature of Christ."
"Manhood is synonymous with Christ's likeness, and so Christ's likeness is a balance of characteristics."
"For you to live is Christ, so all the attributes of you are totally ones with the attributes of Christ."
"Salvation is being saved from being unchrist-like."
"We can't convert people into being like us until they learn how to be like Jesus Christ."
"They help you become more like Jesus."
"Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as Christ is pure."
"You also should have in yourselves the mind of Christ."
"Coming short of Christlikeness is sin to me."
"Your spirit is in a perfect image or likeness of Christ. That's who you are today, not what you're going to be."
"Your invitation comes with an assignment: you gotta share the light, and the light is being Christ-like."
"...there is not I who live, but Christ who lives within me."
"Every teaching that you hear should make you look more like Jesus, not less like Jesus."
"If the purpose of the fivefold ministry is to grow us up into Christ in all things, then every teaching that you hear should make you look more like Jesus."
"Everywhere we go, we're to bring the sweet-smelling savor of Jesus Christ."
"Christianity is not confession; Christianity is Christ's likeness."
"When we partake of Jesus, our characters and hearts will get back to God's original ideal in humankind; we become like Christ again."
"When you come to Jesus, you don't remain the way you are; you move to becoming like Him daily."
"I choose in my demeanor, in my behavior, in my attitude, to resemble, reflect, and reveal the character of Christ."
"May the Lord beautify us with the beauty of Jesus Christ, with the holiness, righteousness, purity, compassion, love, and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Spiritual progress is becoming more like Jesus Christ in our life and in our ministry."
"The church must be conformed to Jesus Christ."
"We want to become more like Christ; we want to be people that are all about Jesus Christ."
"We're not here to be like Paul; we're here to be like Jesus."
"Spiritual transformation is the process of becoming like Christ for the glory of God, for the abundance of our own lives, and for the sake of others."
"What we do know is that the call for all Christians, regardless of sex or gender, is Christ-likeness defined by the fruit of the spirit."