
Ice Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"Water doesn't follow the normal rules of chemistry... it expands when it freezes, and so ice floats on water."
"It's a mystery continent at the bottom of the world and the largest single mass of ice on Earth."
"Above ice sheet there are no underground tributaries leading into this lake, hundreds of feet thick, the layers of dense ice actually cover flowing liquid."
"The IRS doesn't play, and ICE, oh [__] yeah."
"It looked like a perfectly square piece of ice as if machines had cut it from an ice field."
"Freeze everything with the Ice Age of the Mera Mera no Mi!"
"It's like that but instead of being dragons it's a ton of guardians that have been trapped in ice for ages."
"The cold, hard, slippery truth is that ice deserves more consideration than that."
"Antarctica might just look like a giant field of ice but there's actually a huge continent underneath."
"The 5th Umbral Calamity, the Calamity of Ice had begun to freeze the entire world."
"When you think of ice, you think like whites and... different variations of blue and white."
"It grants Hitsugaya the ability to both create and control ice."
"Buried in ice, in all probability, it's probably just a research for 30, but we still don't know for sure yet as this strange block still remains on Google Maps to this day. You can even go and see it for yourself."
"Zamboni: a machine essential for ice skating rinks, designed to keep the ice surface perfectly smooth."
"We are the sister princesses of fire and ice."
"Depending upon the severity of a winter season and the length of time sub-zero temperatures manage to continuously take hold, there's an act of nature that occurs maybe once every 20 to 30 years in the Natural State and that's frozen waterfalls."
"As the Sun rose, it reflected off each piece of ice, spinning it into a rainbow."
"The ice frozen over this windshield."
"I've never known someone to like ice like you like ice. I'm anemic, babe."
"The illness escaped from the ice."
"I can't see my beautiful cabin there's too much ice in the way."
"But as soon as you melt this ice back the Columbia river is restored to its present course."
"So with time, what happened was that all of these asteroids that Saturn was able to capture, these were mostly containing ices and things like water, all of these basically created the beautiful rings that we have around Saturn today."
"Ice was much easier to manipulate."
"Each year fresh powder falls, melts, and refreezes. The weight compresses oxygen out of the previous layers eventually forming crystal-clear ice that can bend sunlight."
"Water ice deposited there Long Ago by comets..."
"Even after melting into the water for months, this block of ice still weighed an impressive 1.2 million tons."
"I have to give props to the captain and his team on this ship. This ice we are navigating through right now is no joke. I can't even imagine how hard this would be, navigating in between massive icebergs, and we're just plowing right through most of it."
"Ice reflects sunlight with 60 percent efficiency compared with open ocean water that reflects it with only six percent efficiency."
"it's like a warm cave Oasis underneath the ice"
"Ice is liquid water that has been frozen solid. When it melts, it turns back into liquid water, and liquid water is very slippery."
"That's the thing I like about ice on my back, he's always happy."
"Enceladus is covered in ice with a subsurface ocean at the southern pole, geologically active in the southern region."
"A world with nitrogen ice glaciers flowing across its surface into valleys underneath mountains that were three kilometers high made from water ice covered in a nitrogen snow."
"Ice is what you want honestly I don't think too many people are like let me get that Red Zone ticket at least not me"
"But 12 days later, so does this ice challenge."
"The landscape shaped by ice, sculpted by glaciers thousands of years ago."
"I actually don't even have pure ice anymore."
"If you are somebody that likes drinking spirits and you like a bit of ice in it, this is definitely better than a cube because it's nice and big."
"He looks as good as anyone on the ice."
"They are so cute, I've never called an ice cube adorable before but this is an adorable ice cube."
"This literally shows us the ice map, the water ice map of the entire planet."
"It's like a mountain of ice, it's huge."
"Frost flowers bloom on young sea ice in the Arctic Ocean or on thin lake ice. They're fragile and delicate ice crystals."
"Water frozen solid? Yeah, science."
"Water is nothing other than melted ice."
"Blood they say is thicker than water, but ice is a different matter entirely."
"Glacier National Park: Witness the power of ice and the beauty of rebirth."
"These will freeze your enemies. They kind of turn into like a spike of ice mid-flight. They're pretty cool."
"The ice itself is totally colorless, and it's like glass, absolutely flawless."
"The satellites of the outer planets share compositions with Kuiper Belt objects and centaurs: water ice, ammonia, methane, and sulfur dioxide."
"This is 20 years of vengeance waiting. I want the secret to clear ice."
"This suddenly makes sense. This is why ice sickles are clear because they are directionally freezing down."
"Walking on an ice Glacier in Canada... was probably one of the most exciting experiences ever."
"These frozen bubbles create an incredible display, especially because the clear water of the lake turns into virtually transparent ice."
"Favorite scenes come to life in more than 2 million pounds of hand-carved ice sculptures and slides."
"Check out these blocks of ice, that's incredible."
"It is like a frozen castle with beautiful ice sculptures and intricate designs."
"This is one layer of ice, oh my God."
"Antarctica isn't just a land of ice and snow; it's a scientific playground that's as fascinating as it is freezing."
"The others who are literally living ice could actually be the ice giants these legends speak of."
"Despite remarkable advances in technology and exploration, there remains an astonishing array of things trapped in ice."
"Ice is just water you haven't met yet."
"The South Pole is basically a land mass with a load of ice on it, but it's 2,700 meters thick."
"The bigger the ice cube, the slower it melts because you've got a greater surface area."
"When a drop of water freezes, it spreads out to form an ice crystal."
"When you freeze water it expands in forming ice, whereas for almost any other substance you could ever name, when you go from a liquid to a solid it actually contracts and gets smaller."
"That's exactly what happens with ice. As you all know, ice has a smaller density than water."
"The solid form of water actually floats in the liquid form of itself."
"Something about pellet ice makes life so much better."
"Any creature that's been preserved in ice can teach us more about what the world was like hundreds or even thousands of years ago."
"Tiny crystals of ice... they essentially act like tiny mirrors."
"I never realized how incredibly beautiful and grand ice can be."
"Ice can preserve almost anything; when an object, a building, or even a living creature becomes encased in ice, the ice will keep it looking relatively fresh for thousands of years."
"Ice is amazing how it works; it's very healing and it obviously really calms things down very quickly."
"Ice is just so great; it's really healing, really brings down inflammation."
"The ice crystal structures... they look like a stained glass window from a church, amazing."
"A creepy twisting column of ice reaches down to the sea floor, killing every living thing it touches."
"The entire lake is locked in ice that's 15 million years old."
"The chamber with its dark volcanic gravel beach and infinitely rich blue ice was really quite spectacular."
"Look at what man has built with frozen H2O."
"A glacier is a thick mass of ice that forms over hundreds of thousands of years by the accumulation, compaction, and recrystallization of snow."
"A glacier is kind of a slow moving river of ice."
"The ground is not solid rock but floating ice."
"The composition of Uranus is very different from that of Jupiter and Saturn because of the presence of ice which dominates over gas."
"We saw lots of seals on floating ice in this area."
"So much ice! What a gigantic and powerful thing a glacier is."
"This Frozen realm has stood as a testament to time, preserving its secrets beneath layers of ice for countless millennia."
"Ice babies can be connected and form gigantic ice caps."
"Ice is very important, I mean when a cocktail bar has a good ice game, you know that they have a good everything game because it means that they're paying attention to the details."
"The ice of Antarctica can preserve almost anything."
"I love the sound of ice cracking in a warm drink."
"Ice is volumetric and it has details that you can see on the interior of the surface."
"Maybe you can't freeze time, but you can sip it over ice."
"Water ice could actually exist in the shadowy craters of the Moon that never see sunlight."
"The sound of ice breaking up and cracking each year tens of thousands of ice quakes are actually generated by the fracturing and thawing sea ice."
"Ice is less dense than water, which means that ice floats and therefore insulates the water underneath."
"Frost flowers bloom on young sea ice, they're fragile and delicate ice crystals."
"For generations, scientists have suffered out on the ice trying to unlock its secrets."
"I'm going to be ice, and I'm going to freeze you and crack you open."
"The ice is blue... the concentration of it is so strong that it looks blue."
"It will take up to 10 times longer to stop when it's icy."
"Ice is worse than snow, trust me."
"Ice really is like one of the most beautiful things on this whole planet."
"Ice shelves are dense floating sheets of ice at the end of a glacier, sometimes up to three thousand feet thick."
"Iceberg ice has been compressed for thousands of years, so it's incredibly dense."
"I am most looking forward to going and taking the ship into the ice for the first time."
"We will find salvation within the ice, and then a crusade will begin anew."
"There's something about ice that strikes me as immaculate and pristine and pure."
"You can make models out of ice; they're called sculptures."
"Water floats when it's solid, which is really, really rare amongst any chemicals."
"Using big clear ice blocks, we get a slower dilution so you can enjoy your drinks for longer with less dilution."
"Entertaining is a big part of my life, and I knew having plenty of good quality ice for cocktails and the like would be really handy."
"The ice albedo feedback concept is relatively simple: ice reflects a large fraction of the incoming solar radiation right back to space."
"He can create swirling tornadoes of ice merely by swiping his claws."
"I feel like we need to get some ice trays and stop buying bagged ice; that's another way we can be less wasteful."
"Art is everywhere, not always on the ice, but sometimes."
"I really love this ice and the atmosphere here is awesome."
"Driving on snow or ice is always dangerous and always unpredictable."
"If you detect a loss of control, take your foot off the gas, do not apply the brakes, maintain the direction of the vehicle."
"On Pluto, the kind of ices we think make up the planum, carbon monoxide ice, nitrogen ice, methane ice, these ices are geologically soft and malleable even at Pluto condition, and they will flow like in the same way that glaciers do on the Earth."
"Ice floats on liquid water is really weird and a really important."
"Look at how nice this looks, this thing is just icy now."
"Ice 19 only has 4 sides; it can also only be created in a setting of negative 247 degrees Fahrenheit."
"The biggest piece of ice ever recently broke apart from the continent and drifted away as an iceberg."
"It's really cool because it actually won't even be able to see this ice cube at all, just completely clear."
"If that had an ice cube in it, that's plain lemonade, that's really good."
"He's able to manipulate and control ice and also able to generate ice to a mid-degree scale."
"We're gonna try getting this, I believe that lower layer of ice I can get that away with an axe and possibly clear the debris."
"So that as the snow fell, it stuck to whatever it hit first and froze there."
"The ice cap contains almost 70% of the world's fresh water and 90% of its ice."
"Not quite 3 percent as freshwater, and of that 3 percent, three-quarters of it is tied up in ice and glaciers."
"Very satisfying to drive through this. It makes your tire wet, so when you pull out of it, it kind of freezes instantly, like it's tacky like fresh paint."
"This ice is clear, it is so pretty, it's like ice that you get at the restaurant."
"This morning there was ice; it was gonna be a good day."
"The ice hunt has ended. And all this ice is going to melt really fast. So we got to drink really fast."
"Endless white bodies of ice covered with cracks… Colossal streams that look so stunning."
"This ice has a different molecular structure, thanks to which it doesn’t melt for so long."
"Solid water, which we call ice, is actually lighter, less dense than liquid water."
"The ice lasts forever, they're great."
"Wow, it's amazing, you look up into this ice, you can see all the pockets of air trapped in there."
"I love that my ice can be in little shapes; it's the joy of my life."
"I want all of my ice to be custom-made."
"This is why you can skate on ponds, because ice has a lower density than water, so ice floats on water."