
Unexpected Change Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Imagine this: you're playing a game of chess, you get up to go and get a glass of water, and return to find that the game has continued without you."
"The transformations beyond your imagination."
"This change is going to be something that is sort of unexpected and it's like bad news ends up becoming the best news."
"Important things that are quite unexpected can really change your life for the better."
"I can say confidently it's not a direction I thought the wind was gonna blow me in, but here we are."
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
"GME and roaring kitty changed the world by accident."
"This is trauma. The world is different in a way that we didn't expect it to be."
"God doesn't always announce your next, sometimes He just interrupts your life."
"So many of them never thought they'd ever be out of work in the first place."
"Elon Musk did a 180 and shocked the world today."
"I grabbed my backpack and ran to the front door, hastily opening it. The street was gone. In its place, only another empty room."
"So what do you make of this? Why did this sweet moment suddenly turn so weird?"
"You represent something that they were never expecting in their life, something that's really made them question everything they've believed up to this point."
"Bryce's career just changed, it just completely flipped over."
"I was happy. Why would I stop? But the universe isn't like that, you know? So the feds come in, boom, that's the end of the stores."
"This move may move in a different direction than what you thought."
"Telescoped out to three times the original width."
"One of the most talented people of Our Generation... becoming a Bible tuber."
"As if on cue, my house blew up with the dramatic violence of a blockbuster action movie."
"Immigration stays and you were in the tower all of a sudden is oh oh well sorry."
"Grandpa has officially gone to the dark side."
"Damar became one of the most unlikely heroes in the entire run of DS9."
"It's all about this feeling of hope and inspiration and the faith that takes over the time when we kind of least expected."
"Something so important yet so unexpected, so life-changing yet so improbable, so true but against everything you ever thought you would believe."
"It was a bit of a shock. This wasn't something we saw coming."
"You smell so good. What the... Oh, Nick's turning, no."
"Is injected with a snail plasma and turns into a snail."
"Nine months ago, you couldn't have ever told me that this is where I would be standing."
"He found himself on a strange unknown Highway with six lanes that were not there before."
"He saw modern 20-story buildings and apartments that were not there on previous journeys."
"Truth is back just when you thought you had all the answers, we have changed the question."
"Transformation is that where you under that unexpected really what did they say what has gone into you what's happening you think they're worried."
"It was a seismic shift. No one saw this coming."
"It's one of the strangest turnaround and change directions of a company I have ever seen ever."
"The bike rode very different with a giant man on the back."
"Oh, they speed up! Look at this, it was meant to be!"
"You're stepping into something that you never saw coming... have trust, have faith."
"The game had literally just flipped the tables on me."
"The virtual safety car did swap things around..."
"Little did we know, that changed in a big way."
"That felt like being hit by a lightning bolt. There's no going back."
"Things are gonna change... you're not even gonna see it coming."
"Imagine if Mr. Beast just quit YouTube out of nowhere."
"Last minute, Barry changed everything. He called me that Sunday, Mother's Day, and was really frantic. He didn't sound like himself."
"Aquarius is the star, something very shocking, they weren't expecting you in their life at all."
"I thought he was following me so I took a left, which wasn't my usual route."
"A seemingly normal and pleasant situation could turn so horrible so fast."
"There's going to be an awakening, a shocking revelation, a surprising revelation."
"I'm really sorry everyone. We won't be using the paper for folding origami."
"He started transforming all the animals in my base into creepers."
"As he arrives in his front lawn, he yawns that he’s ready to grab a shower and get some R&R!"
"From all the obstacles that she was facing early on in life Jupiter suddenly provided this upheaval for her."
"Sudden realization... sudden change you never saw coming."
"Changed my life in a way that I never thought was possible."
"This is not a regular spider. I noticed that because it's not that we were playing beforehand."
"Things are gonna kind of turn a bit unexpectedly... it feels magical."
"The reset occurred... it took me by surprise."
"Just when you thought you knew, they flipped you."
"The tower moment is like a surprise from the universe, taking away something to replace it with something better."
"Wow, everything just went from happy to bad in like two seconds."
"He could have never imagined that leveling up would cause her to become such a beauty overnight."
"The next time you talk to this person, they won't even recognize you."
"This is a fundamental shift and they didn't think it would ever happen."
"The Tower: blessings in disguise, revelation into your life, shocking situations don't always have to be bad."
"god has been showing people that there's going to be this really sudden wealth release in the midst of craziness that is not normal."
"They've just had a bucket of cold water poured right on top of them. Okay, which is what the whale was done. It's worked, Libra, it's worked. Because now they're presenting as completely flipped over and presenting with the element of water."
"Uranus in Taurus brings sudden change to stable, fundamental parts of our lives."
"I swore off dairy but then Ben and Jerry's named a flavor after me so start craving hazelnuts not bad."
"I hope you like pineapple upside-down cake because your world is getting ready to be flipped upside down."
"What I saw was real, the loading icon disappeared and was replaced with an image..."
"That went from zero to 'The Omen' scarily fast."
"Sometimes in life you don't know when a big responsibility or big life change is going to hit you but they just hit you."
"Life was about to take an utterly unexpected turn."
"It really changed things to a point that it was crazy."
"We never anticipated never thought would really be a part of our home."
"I would have never expected this degree of change coming to Diablo 3."
"It's so cool to return to this world and wait what happened to the red sky?"
"The tower card talks about unforeseen change, unexpected change, and this is happening for the collective."
"But I do think that some sort of coming back around is gonna happen and it's gonna blow your mind."
"Jesus chooses people who thought their life had turned out a different way."
"My suit's turned black; I like it, but I think it's something bad."
"Has anyone else been mostly fine their whole life then randomly got a panic attack as an adult and haven't been the same since?"
"The tables have literally turned, and there's a huge change of plans here."
"Something is different over there, what's going on?"
"This suddenly comes in when you're least expecting it. It's going to be a surprise transformation and healthy choices."
"I feel something is about to trickle down to you, something is about to be very unexpected, but I also feel you're very happy about this unexpected change."
"Needless to say his favorite purple shirt was now multicolored."
"Inflation is now falling much faster than economists expected."
"I love how aggressive that verse riff is, it jumps up to G sharp for no apparent reason."
"That one misplaced eyebrow changed the whole course of what I was doing."
"Life threw us a curveball, we needed to move out here a little bit quicker."
"Tragedy struck, my parents sold their house, and I had nowhere for this Jeep to go."
"My path, which had seemed a straight road, had taken a turn into the wilderness, and I was lost."
"New growth, something good is growing from something unexpected."
"It's like it brings so much positive changes to you, and you didn't expect it."
"Things have suddenly got a lot stranger in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"I'll tell you what's crazy: 50-year-old high school chemistry teacher comes into my office, the guy is so broke he can't pay his own mortgage. One year later, he's got a pile of cash as big as a Volkswagen."
"Then, without warning, there was silence."
"Returning to Baku, I expected things to be different, but not this different. The city is transformed in a way that I could never have imagined."
"I expected you to evolve into a fire dragon, however, to my surprise, you evolved into a five-clawed Divine Dragon."
"The machines are taking over, and maybe not in the way you expected."
"Who would have thought it'd turn me to a savage?"
"Puppies are cute. Anything, it was cute that I thought we're just gonna change some kitchen counters and we tore the house down."
"I am bringing forth fruit, I am bringing forth a blossoming, I'm bringing forth a flourishing in a way that is unexpected, and that delay will be no longer."
"I love a love interest swap. When the story flips and the person you thought could possibly be the love interest turns out to be a piece of work."
"Though he had dreamed of living a nomadic life of creation and improvisation for years, he couldn't help but feel as though he was more thrust into such than truly choosing it."
"It poured down yesterday, but it was a funny pour down; it all of a sudden decided to explode."
"Sometimes life is just cruising along comfortably, but then you look around and see that the direction you're heading in isn't the direction you thought you were heading in."
"There's some very unexpected developments in your future, your very near future."
"A miracle is going to be happening in your love life, and you're going to get some sort of change unexpectedly."
"I was the last person you'd expect to become Muslim."
"Some people were corporals in the morning and entered the evening being generals."
"You're headed towards a new beginning that I don't think you're expecting."
"Tower moments can represent a blessing in disguise."