
Visual Representation Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"To have true human-level intelligence, I think you need to ground language in reality... having systems that have some visual representation of what is being talked about."
"Of course, this video will never do it justice."
"We now have an array of squares, great, and we have wrapped these squares over each other to appear like a grid, amazing."
"If you follow this you'll be happier and healthier and I'm really interested in the types of imagery that goes along with it as well."
"It always looked like a person in a duck suit."
"Let's go get this Beckham. Let's see what he looks like in our Yorkshire Whites kit. Come on, David."
"All of our starfish in a line, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7."
"This looks proper this looks right this looks like the way the world actually looks."
"There was another drawing of a butterfly. I felt my heart sort of recoil in my chest as I beheld the uncanny depiction."
"Wolverine needs to be burly and mad looking and just look a little scary." - Joe Star
"A picture is worth a thousand words, and in the case of a stock, especially like Tesla, I think a chart is worth a hundred thousand words."
"Just look at this picture and think that each one of those filaments... represents a spasm of this tiny star until it finally collapsed down."
"Laxus might as well be a child given her face and body proportions."
"When I finally saw it, I was like 'oh, that's how all that looks'."
"Sergeant Pepper's and Unknown Pleasures... images that you would happily see over and over again."
"The ship looks like a render, like something you would see in a future render."
"It almost looks as red as it looks on the map."
"Your image should read graphically and 2D patterns and also 3D space."
"I very much wish we could, to better illustrate what's going on in the film."
"If you want to know what the world would look like without us in it, Varosha will give you a good idea."
"My prayer is that this experience stops, my dream is that our children are given images that are more useful, truthful, and beautiful."
"The likeness for honor blackman and diana riggs is pretty impressive just reminds you how good looking both those women were."
"One of the biggest benefits of a drawing is that we can capture unique perspectives of location."
"Uranus, an icy blue sphere with red rings, captured in a colorized photo."
"This film's visualization of spice is the first time I get it."
"Everyone's on Bolts. Every poster, every magazine cover was basically a Lightning Bolt ad."
"I like how you see all different ages, all different skin tones. It's very inclusive and diverse."
"Caricatures aren't about making fun of, it's about representing what is recognizable about someone into a fun visual medium."
"The title is literally what insanity looks like."
"The best feeling for me is when it starts to look like the pictures."
"And your delivery really cost. No motor fuels on the input and everything was completely free down the way except the labor of the people."
"The environments are perfectly portrayed, especially with the limitations of the PSP. The theater is no exception."
"You want to make sure it looks like it's in water."
"Man looks at the ball, looks like where he wants it to go, and it teleports."
"That's why when I draw the chart for people I highlight every single dip I could draw them the other way yeah I could show the pumps."
"Doesn't get better for an opening shot than someone having a poster of the thing you love to see it."
"The screenshots for this one did not do it justice."
"The main problem with the sphere argument is that when we flatten out all of those orange wedges if we were to do it accurately in a way that preserves their area, they don't look like triangles, they should bulge outward."
"It's really just a matter of studying carefully where you place the pencil marks in regards to what it appears like in the reference image."
"Hopefully that puts a little more visual behind some of these ideas."
"Gives us a much truer depiction of how our eyes see the color."
"I'm just gonna put our names this hurts so bad you know all things considered it's not looking too bad."
"There's something that my brain really liked about just the 3D representation of these things."
"Her emotional revenge journey is reflected through her visual identity."
"You kind of want your imagery to add to the visual anthropology of our era."
"One interesting one is Lenza AI which is, you know, the sort of GPT generative AI created a visual of yourself based on a few photos of the person."
"...it's one of my favorite visual representations of movies. I just find it so unique, so fascinating. A great way to represent the movies we all know and love."
"You can see that the roughness goes from zero to one, so blue is rough and pink is shiny."
"You can visually see how awful and controlling Hope's Umbridge-esque regime is."
"The most pure version of the band we could give people was the one that had a visual ranger."
"This is my light this one's more like sloped this one's more like like that's a jaw you know what I mean."
"It's not just the footprint that they have that can be equated between two graphic settings; it's also their silhouette."
"I think this is a very good visual representation of what is going on as you're shopping."
"The other way is with a color object."
"I'm going to use fabric in this portrait to represent the sound of the music coming from the violin."
"I can see a pie chart showing me all of my opportunities by status, so I can see how many are open, won, and lost."
"We see perspective, deep realism, an attempt to portray this as if you are looking at it."
"Scale allows you to define the size of something visually in a picture."
"You want to see what it looks like, what the students are going to see, what their parents are going to see."
"It looks like something out of Blade Runner or, you know, a movie like that representing some view of the future."
"We can show this shadow transition, show the shape of the face, show the images that we want to show."
"The instructions are useful, but you kind of need the picture on the box to know what it's supposed to look like."
"It gives you an idea of the colors, textures, and portions that I don't think sketches can fully capture."
"I find patterns really cool; it's essentially what charts are."
"Of course, we had to put the captain into place so you could see scale."
"Camera just does not do this justice."
"You can also create a visual model to represent your ideas and findings."
"This looks super cool, this looks like the coloring, the kind of light floofiness to the feathers, and even kind of the more recent thoughts about the crest on the head have been taken into account here."
"It paints the texture of what it should actually look like to humans."
"I can't really speak on how accurate this costume is to the movie, but having seen it twice, I feel like this is a good representation of it."
"This is a visual medium and you use idealized physical forms to represent idealized moral or spiritual forms."
"The proof really is in the picture."
"It's difficult to use words to describe an image like this."
"A picture is worth a thousand words; that wasn't always a cliché, mind you, it used to be Confucius."
"For the most part, this is the best looking representation of Jazz in terms of a masterpiece scale that I believe we've ever gotten."
"Absolutely gorgeous, and I don't think the camera is probably giving you a really good representation of just how beautiful it is."
"And this is what we want it to look like."