
Stance Quotes

There are 354 quotes

"I have never said or done anything in my life that I wasn't prepared to suffer the consequences for."
"If you don't stand for something, then you stand for nothing."
"Either you’re for bodily autonomy, or you’re against it. Either you’re for human rights, or you’re against them."
"I refuse to sacrifice my integrity and creative freedom. No, I will not be pulling 'Underage Red' from my collection and no, this is not an apology."
"I'm very anti-anti-immigrant, very pro-legal immigration."
"I'm anti-rape and anti-sexual assault. I'm not a fan of either of those things."
"They can't move me off of it. They're not standing on much."
"Our brand: Unapologetic. Beyond apologetic. Always."
"My feet are planted, my hands are at my waist."
"I actually admire Shaquille O'Neal for this type of stance."
"We do not seek conflict or confrontation, but we will not flinch in the face of bullying or coercion."
"We're at a pinnacle point where either with us or they're against us."
"I'm going to die standing on my feet versus begging on my knee. I don't give a [__]."
"There's no such thing as apolitical. You can be indifferent, but you cannot be apolitical."
"I'm standing by that joke even though it was a joke."
"We are still anti-war, no matter who starts it."
"On that ground, I am very pragmatic when it comes to my political positions."
"We ain't selling drugs, we ain't promoting guns."
"Take a position on it, even if you're going to support it, take a position on it."
"You stand for nothing if you don't stand with God."
"Good recoil control starts with a solid stance."
"Christianity is a peaceful religion, but it's not a pacifist religion."
"If you wouldn't throw a punch from that stance, don't shoot from that stance."
"You aren't just this mixture of body and mind, but you are the stand you take."
"I'm on the side of what is right."
"We have to stop being tolerant of the intolerant."
"You always, every single time, no matter what, want your feet staggered."
"We don't agree with this; we are not going to stand for this."
"It's simply wrong. There's no place for racism in America. It's all wrong. It's un-American."
"Not taking a side is taking a side."
"On which part of the body do your hands rest when you stand with your arms akimbo?"
"We are very, very against any form of hate."
"You're on the wrong side of history right now."
"I'm always going to be for whatever I believe in."
"There should be no debate about this."
"I wasn't against the troops, I was pro-troop against the war."
"If you tolerate everything, you stand for nothing."
"Add land, you take a stand. You're either with us and you're not. I don't care where you're at, how you feel, or what you think. I don't really care. But it doesn't matter."
"So I'm going to call this one a draw, but I really don't want to. Security through obscurity is not a valid defense!"
"You know, I'll tell you where I'm at on this."
"You seem very fair while still at the same time having a stand, and that's what I respect the most."
"Utterly incorruptible, he mortified the flesh with the purity of his stance against any form of privilege."
"Sometimes uncompromisable stances will separate you, and that is both psychologically sound and evidence-based."
"Not only did he strongly object to the death penalty, but the pope also argued that there was a considerable amount of new information coming to light."
"Make your everyday stance your fighting stance... and then we're just shooting."
"Sometimes you have to take a stance."
"I will never again consider abortion as an option."
"They're born with a stance, like orthodox southpaw, natural."
"Langdon had been against the drug activities right from the start."
"Why shouldn't Christians have that same sort of stance that's real?"
"It’s not how you stand by your car; it’s how you race your car. You better learn that."
"He's not in favor of war, he's not pro-war, he's not pro-military."
"What and who you let in can affect how you stand."
"I want to make one last thing clear: I do not defend people that are racist and I'm very against it."
"a classic instance of a bold and arguably courageous stance that leaves absolutely no one fully satisfied"
"Adopt a stance with the head erect, neither hanging down nor looking up nor twisted."
"Stand for something. If you don't have a stance on anything, then you might as well be a chair."
"I'm Andrew Pyle and I support the death penalty."
"Yeah, that stance is so good. Look like I'm here to put up a fight."
"Stand your ground; part of integrity is to imagine yourself honorably."
"I stand by my vote. I don't think it sucks."
"We do not fight for victory; we fight from Victory. This is the place of our stance."
"There's such a heroic nobility in that sort of stance."
"Every one of us...is going to have to take a stand on exactly this question of globalism versus nationalism, where do we stand?"
"I don't have a problem, but it's real simple. You're either with us, or we're gonna fight."
"If you're against something, they're not for something."
"Many of you who have watched me for a long time already know where I stand."
"The importance of taking a stance: it's never easy, full of fear, but trust in a higher truth."
"Even if the culture changes, maybe someone comes to power that says no, no, kill gays or torture gays. If someone does that, you know what the Catholic Church will say? No, no, we're on their side."
"Nancy Reagan took an aggressive stance in support of stem-cell research."
"I'm totally against the abortion ban."
"You don't need a super wide stance or anything."
"I'm not advocating violence of any kind. I'm not a violent individual."
"Yes, I am pro-life, and I've posted about that on my Instagram."
"It's almost always going to pick a side."
"Being apolitical is being anti-woke."
"I'm not anti-white, I'm just pro-black."
"Equipped with 21in front and 18in rear wheels, giving it a much more commanding stance."
"You can never afford to be neutral."
"There is no middle ground on the struggle for justice. Either you're for justice or you're for injustice."
"There is no middle ground. You are either for your people or against your people."
"Liberals devise Liberal things, and by liberal things shall he stand."
"She's standing there and she's got her hands on her hips and she's just looking at the car."
"You're handling all this like a boss. Love your zero tolerance stance on cheating."
"I was flat-footed with a long guard."
"I won't accept quote open source and quote as a description of what I do or what I'm standing for. I'm not a supporter of Open Source."
"I stand on everything I do or say."
"Jesus stood against racism... Jesus is Lord because Jesus has risen from the dead."
"I'm kind of curious you know what stance you guys are not taking."
"At this moment, everybody has to pick where they stand."
"I'm not against immigration, I'm against illegal immigration."
"The various Lutheran church bodies in the United States do not take a hard and fast position on contraceptives."
"There is no mainstream Israeli leader, no mainstream Israeli party that would accept any kind of permanent ceasefire that would allow Hamas to reconstitute itself."
"Oliver Quesnel, the head of Citroen Sport, made Citroen's position on the matter very firm."
"Where you stand has a lot of value and significance."
"All that being said I stand by my pick for first place and I will fight anyone who says otherwise."
"...they've come out and said, 'This is a platform I'm using it for this agenda and if you don't like it, we don't want you as a fan.'"
"Step one should be figuring out what stance you, oh yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa, came out of nowhere, yeah."
"I'm not coming on here to lie back down. Bullying is wrong no matter the cause."
"We were the ones who opposed polygamy."
"Be known for what you are for and for what you are against."
"The key to Earth bending is your stance. You've got to be like a rock yourself."
"You cannot be neutral in the face of abuse."
"I don't shoot dogs. I shoot [__] fascists."
"Definitive statements are needed on issues like homosexuality, abortion, and women in Holy Orders."
"With regard to his relationship with a third party, however, the suspect did change his official stance, stating that no real sexual activity occurred."
"I do like this low wide stance that we have with it."
"This channel does not stand for bullies."
"I ain't going out like that, brother."
"The spin tricks are just... I think it's cuz the stance is wider."
"I'm never gonna hate you, simple as that."
"My plan for right now is for you to acknowledge the fact that I have a right to be here doing what I'm doing."
"You cannot make me. I am staying here!"
"At the end of the day, it doesn't matter your race, your color, you know what you stand for."
"Discrimination has no place in our schools."
"Stance width is determined by the width of your pelvis, not the width of your shoulders."
"When your wheels are 13s but your tires are 205, bro. Look at this stance."
"Of course, I do support Black Lives Matter. And the people who don't, they are not welcome here."
"He wasn't particularly sympathetic to Jewish causes but he was very critical of overt anti-Semitism."
"I do not stand for women tearing women down, and I will never ever be by that."
"I am radically anti-liberal but at the same time I am absolutely anti-fascist, anti-nationalist, and more than that, radically anti-racist."
"You can't be neutral on a moving train."
"I stand by love only and don't tolerate any hate, racism, or discrimination."
"There's never ever ever a time for violence, that's my take on it."
"There's a stand that you decide to take with your life."
"I can't let someone hate someone because of who they are."
"We won't tolerate anti-Muslim hatred in any form."
"We will not accept, we will not tolerate anti-semitism in any form."
"Batman's stance is I'm taking those opportunities away."
"There is no room for racism or discrimination."
"You know I am neutral, and as long as the balance is maintained, I take no sides."
"It's got a good stance to it, the colors look great together, this is an all-around good-looking freaking ride."
"There is no place on any campus or anywhere for anti-Semitism."
"This truck actually lays on the frame when it's fully aired out."
"The fight should be against terrorism from everyone. There should be no justification for terrorism."
"We remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters."
"I stand strongly against violent crime."
"We don't appreciate or accept racism in any form here, so go the hell away for that one."
"I'm not saying I condone it, I'm not saying great, but I'm saying I care about you."
"I don't think violence is the answer for anyone of any side of the issue."
"I believe in zero tolerance for abuse."
"This lift kit will do a really good job at establishing a more aggressive stance out of the Jeep."
"I do not accept the deprivation of life."
"We are not about the criminal lifestyle or for the gang culture or anything like that; we are 100% against that culture."
"I am unbiased and on the side of Truth."
"No homophobia here, thank you very much."
"Take a stand, Patrick, way to take a stand."
"...we have a lot of growth to do, just make sure you follow on the right side of things."
"I can't stand injustice... we cannot just sit by and do nothing."
"OTK stands firmly against sexual harassment, assault, and bigotry of all forms."
"We must stand as we've always stood, not for war, but for peace."
"Refusing to platform people who were advocating for really bigoted positions."
"I'm not a racist, and I don't tolerate racism on any of my platforms."
"We've been against violence from day one."
"Racism and discrimination must not stand, not in society."
"It's not enough to just not be racist, you have to be actively anti-racist."
"I don't much enjoy participating in controversy, and I'm very anti-censorship and anti-harassment."
"Society Las Vegas has a zero tolerance policy for racism and hate."
"We could debate how serious climate change is. I personally am not going to risk being on the wrong side of this issue."
"If you don't stand for anything, you're gonna fall for anything."
"We're not going to make transphobic comments in 2017; we're not going to do that."
"Hey, hey, I don't want any trouble, but actually what you're doing is you're weaponizing a very innocent stance."
"We're not going to tolerate the kind of anti-Semitism that we've seen rear its head in certain quarters of America."
"There is nothing cool about violence."
"I am absolutely 100 percent in opposition to racism."
"The stance is the same regardless of how we say it, so why don't you listen to what we're saying."
"For those that believe that I'm anti-police, it's simply not the case. I'm anti-police brutality."
"I don't agree with like bullying someone."
"My position is not a political position."
"I'm doing the right thing, I don't support or condone domestic violence at all."
"Purity culture harms more people than it does good, and I will stand by that."
"I don't stand for racism and for people that think they're superior, better than other people."
"I don't condone hate, and I don't condone violence."
"We're going to take a position involving diversity, equal treatment of people, fairness."
"Assault of any kind is just unacceptable."
"While your snowboard stance is subjective, this video is a guide to help you with your stance."
"When it comes to a freestyle setup, traditionally you're going to want more of a duck stance."
"So I personally like setting up a stance that's going to favor the middle, allowing me to have great range of motion, agility, as well as balance."
"The AG is not pacifist but deplores war and is committed to its avoidance."
"I really respect the fact that you've taken this stance because it comes a time there has to be a change."
"At some point in time, you have to stand for something."
"We're standing like this, man, right, just trying to stand on our rights peacefully, professionally, and responsibly."
"The most standard and true angle is 9 12. So a negative 9 on your back foot plus 12 on your front foot."
"You ought to stand for something, or you stand for nothing."
"I can't stand racism in any form, shape, or color."
"The requirements for this essay type are for us to have an opinion about a topic and to pick one side of an argument."
"Racism is bad, nasty comments that are based on race, not welcome."
"There's no place for racism in this world."
"It's not muscles that are holding me upright; this is where I want to be."
"Not wanting there to be a fight is the only side to be on."
"I would never ever lower myself to do a show with somebody that I know is a staunch homophobe, racist, transphobic, anti-semite."
"It's better to be good and to stand on the right side and be moral."
"That's homophobic, and we don't stand for that on this channel."
"The church stands against abuse in all of its many forms."
"I'm standing behind what I believe in."
"And truly it is for the best that Poland stood tall."
"We denounce white supremacy, we think that's wrong."
"You need to take a stance for something and you need to be strong in that stance."
"It's incredibly comfortable, very kind of chair-like stance."
"We're not standing against anyone, but we're simply reaffirming our stands for humanity and for the basic tenets of human rights."