
Scenarios Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"This story is wild, between some of the propositions it has for why things have happened to humanity to different scenarios that could have taken place."
"Pilots trained to handle real emergencies. Every possible scenario can be staged."
"Being prepared for a tsunami means planning for two very different scenarios."
"Several of these scenarios can be simultaneously true."
"I needed to decompress and seriously eliminate all possible scenarios that capacitor that adrenaline high is not ours."
"I just can't conceive of the mind that can picture these scenarios."
"We're spinning out plausible scenarios, almost all with an unhappy ending."
"Even if nothing happened, which is the kind of best-case scenario here, you know, and if something has happened to them and they're in the middle of this media storm, I mean, that's just horrifying to think about."
"The best case scenario is abortion essentially remains legal and a battle."
"Seems like this would be the best-case scenario for the children."
"I love scenarios, I love it, that is so good."
"I like seeing a set of characters contend with a variety of scenarios."
"Yeah I am because these are all very real scenarios that could happen."
"I've looked into the future, 16 million possible endings to the scenario and we lose in all of them."
"I know why you'd want to do that, potentially I really can't think of many scenarios Wade won't do that."
"We have that power. So why would we collectively create dark and disheartening scenarios if we have this power? It's to open our eyes to what we truly are."
"Our worst case scenario has now gotten much better."
"What happened was not the high probability scenario always... we have a tendency to dismiss those other scenarios."
"The Premier League is the priority and I'll give you a scenario imagine at the end of the season we are we lose the Europa League final and we finish sixth."
"Guns are for more than your home intruder scenario."
"Prepare for any series of events that are perfectly lined up. There's about a well over a dozen scenarios from false flag Putin nukes Ukraine, three-letter agency false flag attack, cyber attack."
"You cannot predict the future. You need to have a best case scenario, a worst case scenario, and the most likely probable outcome."
"Every choice leads to a whole different scenario."
"It's wild, isn't it? There are so many scenarios."
"This in my opinion will be the best case scenario."
"It seems like you all really put a lot of thought into all the different scenarios."
"Supporting our independent channel, you are also protecting yourself against one of the most likely out of the many scenarios that could happen." - Micro version, smaller yet same protection.
"There are two possible scenarios that we think could fit this particular equation."
"From the dumb and accidental, to the outright insane."
"It's pretty easy in those scenarios to hold back."
"People missing in general is pretty realistic."
"I'm gonna give you some scenarios, are you both ready?"
"Nothing that happens feels forced; it's all natural through the scenarios they're put through."
"Tying it to a scenario is an easy way to do this as well; it makes things a lot more fun."
"We'll share our knowledge in videos, help you practice with hands-on activities, and take you through scenarios that you might encounter on the job."
"Being faster and then finding a way around, well those are two completely different scenarios."
"All of these little clips are just obviously little tiny blips of very much larger scenarios."
"You either own the stock at a discount, meaning a price that you're comfortable with owning the stock at with a discount factor, or you simply keep the income from the short put. Those are your two possible scenarios."
"So the generic probability, if I'm giving you like some scenarios or whatever, the probability of any event is the number of desired outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes."
"That's kind of an important point just to realize, hey, there are those two different scenarios."
"Do you guys play out scenarios in your head sometimes?"
"Whenever I'm shopping, doing my online shopping I'll see something and I'll make up these scenarios in my head."
"Being able to identify standout cases of best-case scenarios is just as important as identifying instances of worst-case scenarios."
"Our ability to learn from our imagination is not make-believe but dress rehearsals for scenarios we might encounter."
"All these scenarios are going to cause the same thing."
"Lock in for the next half hour and learn a bit about how these Do or Die scenarios shape the NBA you've grown up with."
"Communication: a way to communicate in a grid-down scenario."
"In Dragon Ball Z there are some scenarios which if they had gone another way could have drastically changed the future of the earth and the Dragon Ball story."
"Pick actions today that make ethical sense in a wide variety of future scenarios and do those."
"K-class scenarios are not a concept used lightly by the SCP Foundation."
"What if your ward is a complete stranger? What if you don't get along? What if it's someone that another party member has vowed to kill?"
"1.5 is not likely to be achieved. The reduction you need for that is quite dramatic. But the extreme scenarios like four degrees, fortunately, because of the changes, that's off the table."
"The best key for this one is preparation just make sure you're prepared for all scenarios."
"I really like doing what if scenarios at least in my own head because it's so fun to figure out what weaks could actually change an entire story."
"What-if scenario analysis: questions like 'what if a particular scenario changed on the project would that produce a shorter schedule?' are put forth to understand the impact of specific changes on the schedule."
"One change alters the timeline and presents multiple scenarios."
"...hopefully, that covers every single possible scenario that at least I could think of when it comes to basic authentication in an xjs app writer application."
"I got just perfectly focused results in all scenarios, different Focus distances."
"Scenarios should be realistic, engaging to participants, and aligned to meet the predetermined objectives."
"If somebody has future sight Mino and base is going to have an issue with that 100% but on the flip side edot tensei Mino breaking out nine tals chak R mod as where it's like okay let's pull it back now I can see where Mino would be beating Shanks in that scenario."
"The darkest scenario is not Trump winning the darkest scenario is Biden winning and Trump legally overturning the election."
"Figure out different scenarios, we strategize."
"Various scenarios that cover a lot of different possibilities."
"Good science fiction writers and good scenario planners think about alternatives to their scenarios."
"Perhaps my favorite thing that I rediscovered here in Budokai 1 were the 'what if' scenarios."
"You can combine options short and long in two structures that allow you to make money in different scenarios."
"Probability is important, so the system will run 500 random scenarios."
"I imagine their world in my head like it's a zombie apocalypse TV show or like cartoon. Shut up, shut up, okay?"
"It's real life and most of the time in real life you never have a situation where everything goes your way you might have one or two things go your way but you're never going to have a day where everything works out in the exact perfect possible scenario."
"...we're probably going to be in a coin flip scenario at worst against pocket nines or lower."
"Essentially what you're looking at is a scenario of good, better, best."
"I love engineering people don't smash me for this but you know they work on everything being perfect in a given scenario."
"The worst case scenario...worst case scenario."
"Visualize and practice how you would respond to fear and greed scenarios repeatedly."
"The more we think through certain language scenarios, the more we find they don't actually make sense."
"The parables are applicable to a variety of scenarios."
"You learn probably more about your retirement plan doing stress testing and running what-if scenarios than just about anything else."
"It's really important to stress test your retirement plan and then run some what-if scenarios to see how you might address those potential issues."
"You don't have to create complex lighting scenarios."
"It would be dishonest if I said that this particular scenario didn't hurt me."
"Sometimes you have scenarios come out and happen, and you just have to do the best that you can."
"It's very much gauging your level of professionalism and your own situational judgment in these scenarios."
"It's always amazing to me how the show can morph the couch into any possible scenario."
"This camera more than suffices in many scenarios."
"And that's the thing about contracts, you got to always plan for not only the worst case scenario but the best case scenario."
"This simplicity makes it ideal for different scenarios."
"I mean, come on, like when we talk about this kind of stuff in our courses, I always talk about, 'Hey, you've got to have your eyes open to all the potential different scenarios and the indicators that would tell you which path you're on.'"
"A lot of good replay value because there's tons of different scenarios."
"Those and many other scenarios are a perfect fit for SQLite."
"There are three kinds of what-if analysis tools that come with Excel: scenarios, goal seek, and data tables."
"With scenario manager, we can create different groups of values or scenarios and switch between them."
"You can just set them up, switch between them, and see them very easily."
"Chat GPT brings interesting scenes like a theatrical street performer or witness to a crime."
"Scenarios where medicine makes perfect sense."
"If you're going to be studying poker in depth, you want to be looking at all sorts of scenarios."
"That's a really good conversation to unpack because that's a really common scenario."
"Using science and using science fiction to explore these potential scenarios and even develop strategies for how to deal with these scenarios."
"What does a day in the life look like? Actually giving someone's kind of a scenario is definitely a better way of teaching."
"It's not about perfect scenario, it's about what if there's one, two, or three things happening at the same time."
"I'm just playing those scenarios in my head as I educate myself."
"The Adventure Crucible, building stronger scenarios for any RPG."
"Plan for all possible scenarios with robust contingency plans."
"Choose the best option that makes sense for your scenarios."
"I always like to think on the best and worst case scenario."
"You'll play through over 800 scenarios recreated from real-life professional games."
"This might be like a best case scenario."
"All of our aquatic skills are ultimately put to the test in real-world scenarios."
"My average dream is waking up in some sort of scenario that you'd probably see in a movie."
"It forces you to ask yourself, what would I do in those scenarios?"
"Robustness is a strategy that seeks to reduce the range of possible scenarios over which the strategy performs poorly."
"You aren't a bad person or a good person in most scenarios; you unfortunately could be behave badly in a particular situation and in another moment you could actually be the victim."
"I might even have three alternate endings where each one actually wins for certain scenarios."
"The possibilities are limitless; there's so many different scenarios that can play out."
"What if scenarios are a hallmark of pretty much any form of media."
"What we're going to see at the end is instead of just seeing one scenario or three scenarios for our particular project, instead we're going to see a thousand or 10,000 or a million scenarios for our particular project and how likely they are to occur."
"What's the worst case scenario, what's the best case scenario, and what's the most likely scenario?"
"I think we like to have safe scenarios to play out scary moments in a different way."
"We hope you enjoyed it team, let us know what other scenarios we should get ourselves into for Loadout in the future."
"It's kind of a fun scenario to daydream about."
"As kids, we look up to our dads to be able to react to certain scenarios."
"I always like to imagine what I would do in an 'I don't work here' situation."
"It prepares you for real-life conversations in real-life scenarios."
"It's a movie that'll create chatter between couples like would you do that that kind of thing."
"I have abandonment issues where like if he's not home by a certain time, I start thinking about the worst possible scenario."
"We want to be prepared for every scenario."
"He's a deeply analytical and intelligent person; he's probably weighed out all of the scenarios here."
"We humans are particularly good at imagination, at simulating scenarios in the world."
"The odds of any one of those scenarios transpiring was close to 91 percent."
"These are fun exercises to have because they allow us to think outside the box and play through scenarios."
"Imagine the situation happening somewhere that you actually know."
"We've had a little bit of every scenario, we've had wind, we got to practice all different scenarios."
"What's the worst that could happen? Playing out the scenarios usually gives you the confidence that there's no way that's going to happen."
"You can ask it to help you problem solve specific scenarios."
"The lesson of Mount St. Helens is that in some cases even the worst-case scenario can be exceeded."
"We have the power to experiment with multiple 'what-if' scenarios to achieve the best possible solution."
"AQP takes real-world scenarios and has you practice them or see them and review them in the simulator."
"Welcome to a brand spanking new 'what if'."
"It will give you every possible scenario for any type of trader you want to be, and it will put you in the high odds category."
"You have to put yourself in a lot of different scenarios so that when you get to your test, you're not super surprised."
"Historical scenario testing takes only the situations or scenarios from history."
"It's all about how you prepare yourself for a variety of scenarios."
"It's just like what can you take from what we've learned this semester and use it to apply to whatever scenario we're given."
"A scenario is less abstract than a use case; it's a little more specific, a little more detailed, a little more real."
"It's really fascinating because it's real life situations and scenarios."
"In these tough scenarios, you must remain calm."
"This talk is about a very simple scenario that I think we've all encountered at some point in our working career."
"We train under every scenario that we could possibly imagine."
"Once you have that reliance on the calibrated model, you can start setting up alternatives and scenarios."
"The main goal of scenario planning is to stretch the thinking about the future."
"What it takes to configure the account contact model in Marketing Cloud and then given different scenarios, differentiate the different types or settings and uses of data extensions within Marketing Cloud."
"Your spirit guide gonna do that for you... always put you into the right scenarios."
"Nobody knows what will happen in the future, but they work on different scenarios."
"Playing out scenarios in your head helps you a lot too."
"It's really useful to measure the best-case scenario."
"Ethics is difficult in the sense that there are so many different scenarios and circumstances which makes this topic quite subjective."
"It's just a rehearsal, you know. I have to go over every possible scenario that could possibly occur."
"I'm preparing for every possible outcome, every scenario."
"I'm thinking to myself, what's the most likely scenario of a situation like this?"
"We should use an ArrayList when we have scenarios that require random access to different elements."
"This is what I used to call the real-world scenario, or at least as real-world as you're going to get."
"What does VAR seek to answer? First, what is the worst case scenario, and what will be the loss if that worst case scenario happens?"
"For one brief, glorious moment, a multitude of scenarios ran through my mind."
"These scenarios are sufficiently realistic that they deserve examination, discussion, and watch over time."
"The ability to imagine scenarios and states of affairs not present to direct consciousness must have had an adaptive power in human prehistory."
"I create different scenarios... I never think of myself as losing ever."
"I don't have a crystal ball, but I want to talk about the two likely scenarios that Bitcoin may experience over the next year."
"You have to think of every possible scenario that can happen."
"We want to watch out for freaking out about things or worst-case scenarios."
"That was a really good question, Kevin, and I really enjoy being the type of thinkers that think about every possible scenario and how we would handle that."