
Local Economy Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"We need strong local community banks helping local businesses; that helps job creation, local growth, local economy."
"Shop at your local market or health food shop. Not only is it better to support the local economy and to purchase produce that has been produced locally, but also it's a great way to avoid plastic."
"Let's take pride in our incredible Ontario small businesses and manufacturers. Let's support local. Buy Ontario."
"You have to ask yourself these questions for your particular area: Will there be more demand for houses or less?"
"The University of Superior has been a huge boon for Magnolia County. It has attracted thousands of new residents to the area while improving the fortunes of existing residents."
"People in Macon didn't have the most money, but they were working hard to be in charge of their own future."
"Let the people of Salem make some money. I have no problem with them capitalizing on the reputation to put food on the table."
"Three Southside fast-food restaurants are closing their doors this news came abruptly it shocked area residents it's left them concerned about the future of the local economy."
"Since many Hong kongers are immigrating and remaining locals are spending less or going north to shop, the streets eateries and malls in Hong Kong are sparse and desolate."
"For years, you watched as politicians like Sleepy Joe Biden allowed foreign nations to crush Minnesota's mining."
"Locally owned businesses are vital, maybe pivotal in the parallel economy."
"Darwin is a garrison town. There's a lot of money rolling into the economy."
"Las Vegas cannot perform without the return of conventions."
"When I look out and I see my people, I see us doing something that I don't feel like it's been done here. Like the black dollar is strong in Vegas, man, more than it's ever been."
"Since my election, over 121,000 new jobs have been created right here in South Carolina."
"Minority local businesses more than 100 million dollars," Senator Chuck Schumer said in a tweet. "New York should host the All-Star Game."
"Us Ohioans can deal with a lot of things, the one thing we can't really deal with is the loss of jobs from our great state."
"I don't like Jeff Bezos extracting value and destroying mom and pop shops."
"If your factory leaves your area then you need to figure out how to start a factory."
"People like their little neighborhood shopping areas."
"Start supporting all your local people around, yes government and also your local farmer right. Everything needs to be in your community."
"Small businesses like skate shops make a big difference in our communities."
"If it costs me on average three to five percent more to shop local I'm going to fucking shop local."
"The new buzz around town means the Hotel Chester is now bringing in thousands of guests every weekend."
"Japan's indigenous tank investment: increasing local labor force, securing supply chain."
"There's jobs in this community, employers want them here, let's pair up the skills and that's what we're working on right now."
"Support small business, it's always worth it."
"The london economy is capable of bouncing back very strongly."
"You can sort of make a huge impact in your local food economy."
"Buy local... invest in local companies... support your neighbors and your communities and their businesses."
"We need businesses to build our own products, services, and goods."
"Vote with your dollars with the local gardener, the local rancher, the local farmers market."
"Support something that actually matters and that's actually going to help your friends and family."
"Highlighting some of the smaller mom and pop stores."
"When you give people who are struggling this kind of money, study after study shows that it gets spent in the local economy and then the return to taxpayers is actually good, it's an actual investment, it's not, it's not spending that disappears."
"We need to buy these foods locally, we need to support this."
"The social element of buying local, eating local, co-mingling locally by going to the farmer's market."
"Small businesses mom-and-pop shops local areas advertising to you."
"Opportunities in Somalia: property, small businesses, coffee shops, and more."
"We mostly use cash because most of the local vendors here don't take cards."
"If you get the food experiences right, you're likely to be taking a huge portion of that expenditure, staying right in your local economy."
"You need to know where your farmers are... keep the money locally for our own people around our own local communities."
"The pandemic changed so many things... consequences of that were we had an exploding economy here."
"I think the last few things that we have are things like our church, and a couple more level two buildings."
"Spending money locally is demonstrated to have a ton of benefits."
"If we're still going to support them over businesses in our own Community what's the point of them even wanting to do the work."
"Controversy or no controversy I just love what this Resort has accomplished they help keep Filipino Heritage alive teach people about the country's history promote culture and also boost local economy thumbs up for me double thumbs up yeah."
"We need to ensure that we're encouraging Canadians to buy Canadian."
"It's so important right now that people come out... to support Chinatown so it can exist even like 10 years from now."
"Get ready because you don't know when this thing is going to bust loose financially, on the stock market, socially, politically."
"Support your local businesses, support your small businesses."
"Research local farmers and consider buying locally."
"Now instead of traveling outside our community, we can spend our money right here in our own community."
"Local businesses are also affected, facing declining revenues and even closures."
"There's nothing wrong with protesting as long as it's peaceful. Don't harm local businesses."
"We have to commit to building our own schools, creating our own jobs, bouncing our dollars in our communities."
"Your money is supposed to stay in your own community and bounce at least 8 to 12 times."
"Bargaining, racing, and trading: the pulse of the annual cattle fair in the Thar."
"I love supporting local people just think about when you're going to purchase seeds what your dollars are supporting."
"Hidalgo's brainwave was to get the locals working on more varied self-sustaining cottage industries rather than just relying on the mines." - Hidalgo's innovative economic plan for Dolores.
"Get local and get to know the people producing food in and around your community."
"The US Fortune 500, Wall Street, these are all corporations we know about... directing your money locally to local businesses."
"Try and support the local people; they're keeping the money in their community."
"We strongly believe in supporting local businesses."
"Favoring local markets over big box supermarkets is kind of a way of life here."
"When you shop at places like a farmers market or a health food store that sources locally, you're supporting your own community."
"It's always nice when you have the opportunity to support a small business or a local business."
"No matter what your personal dietary preferences, most of us can agree that supporting one's local farmers who contribute directly to the local food system is a sensible if not honorable act."
"Supporting local farmers not only keeps money within the community but also builds a level of resiliency in the region as a whole."
"The purpose of the center is to allow small tourist manufacturing and tradespeople to make things here and sell them to the tourists public."
"Support small businesses. Ninety percent of everything that comes in your Box of Awesome is from a small and upcoming brand."
"...do as much as you can to keep the cash flow within the local stores and community so you actively help these producers to grow."
"I think it's really important that we support small businesses whenever we can."
"Buying food locally is something we strongly believe in and encourage everyone to look into."
"I love being able to support local farmers in my area."
"I'm down to spend you feel me a couple little 10 20 30 40 maybe 50 and I'm supporting our street vendors near the freeways."
"Eating at local restaurants is a direct investment in the community."
"Let's encourage everyone to buy British and let's make sure that we use as much of our land as possible for growing food."
"We're just out there trying to do a job that we enjoy to do and provide a good product in the area that we live in."
"It's really about taking these local ingredients which are not per se consumed a lot for the local market and just adding local value making something completely new out of it."
"Supporting local is one of the best movements."
"Don't forget to support your small businesses like Jouer."
"I really wanted to bring something to the house that was locally sourced."
"You're supporting a small business."
"it's not even anywhere near as expensive as some venues"
"We're starting to see visitors come specifically for the beer product but also when somebody comes for other reasons we're able to enhance their enjoyment of the city and hopefully extend their stay."
"Trona mining means about 2,800 high paying jobs in Sweetwater County."
"The industry in Sweetwater County contributes about $500 million to the state economy."
"Craft breweries are perhaps more important to a place like New Brunswick than anywhere else in Canada."
"You definitely wanna go local anyways because it keeps the economy localized and keeps stores in business."
"Part of our mission as in the BDR is to bring money into these towns that could use some help."
"Buying from a local rancher, I can get really good quality meat and support the local economy."
"There is a massive divide with wealth in Cornwall. You have this incredible wealth here, and then just a little bit inland, pockets of extreme poverty."
"So, um, if you end up coming by here, make sure to stop by some of the bars, spend some good money, help stimulate this local economy and overall have a good time."
"When you completely localize your economy, you stop your reliance on money, on fossil fuels, and on all the other environmental destruction that money buys."
"Reduces the influx of tourists who could have contributed to the local economy."
"Please support both of them, they're both family businesses. Keep them going, support them."
"You got to support local businesses."
"Neighborhood businesses, small businesses are playing an essential role in our communities."
"It's great to see that a company like that is still building, still using the local labor force."
"If you've got a local store that offers the same stuff, give them a chance, they deserve it."
"Biomanufacturing depends on local feedstocks, so it will create real impact to create place-based economic opportunity around biomanufacturing activity in communities throughout the nation."
"Every $1,000 of cash given actually had a total economic effect of $2,500, thanks to 'spillover' effects growing the local economy."
"We have to invest into our local businesses."
"You're helping support the local economy."
"So we will find community members, the locals here, they will come with bicycle or motorbike to sell their produce, amazing."
"This local community is really struggling, so I think we should support the local economy."
"This closure reflects the microcosm of the current economic situation in China."
"They are trying to set up small farms and trying to make an economy based on small local farmers."
"Support small businesses in your area."
"This will, in theory, improve your quality of life, reduce pollution with fewer cars on the road, and boost your local economy."
"It's a passion project and a on-the-clock mission to try and help Tacoma monetize their underground by allowing people to explore it."
"It's a beautiful day here in Leamington Spa, and our dealers are ready to do business with the locals."
"The sustainability of domestic automotive manufacturing is vital to the future prosperity of our local economy."
"I'm all about just supporting the small business here."
"We are using, utilizing, buying, and engaging more Jamaican goods, services, supplies, and people than ever in the history of tourism in Jamaica."
"We want to support local businesses."
"Keeping our town centres vibrant is so vital."
"It really does speak to the importance of sourcing locally."
"One of the best things about Sabian is that I don't have to go to Ontario or Alberta or British Columbia just to make a living, I can do it in my own home province."
"There's a huge number of jobs being created in my area anyway when it comes to massage therapists, when it comes to kinesiologists, when it comes to chiropractors, when it comes to Pilates instructor, physical fitness instructors."
"Splendid landscapes, splendid animals, we are restoring our local economies and let's create splendid people."
"Ninety-six percent believe that buying local honey supports local businesses."
"The strength of the business right now is the local business."
"Spending that same $100 at a mom and pop store can benefit the local economy two to three times more."
"If you want to know the impact of money in politics, look at the shops that are shuttered in your neighborhood."
"I do not intend on going to another kingdom. What I want to do is to visit the marketplace of our own kingdom."
"Support local businesses if you can."
"It's important to support small businesses if you can."
"Stop buying their product, stop doing this, shop at your local vendors, support your local businesses."
"As Floridians, we can take back control of our water and we can fix places that are crucial to our sport, to our economy, and to our way of life, like Florida Bay."
"Eating local means more for the local economy."
"The best way to keep them going is when you're able to give them your business."
"Supporting them by buying a voucher actually goes a lot further than you may think."
"You do that by buying local when you can, buying from the originators when you can, even if it costs you a little bit more."
"For me personally, I like to identify what is plentiful in my area and then build a business around that."
"Support local businesses, support young business people."
"Support local businesses where you can. I know you can't do it all the time... but when there's nothing else on offer, go to these local places and support them."
"Real estate's local; every market's going to behave a little differently."
"Living in Fairfax County means you will participate in one of the country's strongest job markets."
"I don't need to go to another place to a big city only for fantasy when in our community good jobs at a good price."
"The jumping dogs of Stand Rock keep the tourists coming, and tourism keeps the local economy humming."
"I support local business, that's true, that's true."
"It's all about supporting the local businesses."
"When you shop small, you're helping kids go to football club, you're helping families put food on the table."
"It just feels good supporting; the money is going back into your own neighborhood."
"Many local people have spotted new business opportunities and become entrepreneurs, which have further diversified the economy."
"Trail tourism, adventure tourism, that's a huge thing for our area."
"Jobs are created for local workers in hotels and restaurants, etc."
"Support your local businesses wherever you are, as much as you can."
"Buy it local if you can, then you're going to help everybody out in your local community."
"Pay attention to the cost of living that is in your neighborhood and in your state."