
Astral Projection Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"What if consciousness was so real that our consciousness can leave our physical body? This is sometimes referred to as out-of-body experiences or astral projection."
"Dreaming is about control; astral projection is about surrender."
"Astral projection gives you incredible freedom."
"Here are some of the best ways to practice astral projection: Munroe technique, Rope technique, Hammock technique, Stretch out technique."
"Astral projection can be extremely straightforward and safe when done according to the right astral technique."
"Learning how to do astral projection in full consciousness will help you become more aware."
"Astral projection allows you to directly access the subtle realms of energy and light."
"This is the true power of astral projection: protection."
"Astral projection is similar to what you may know as an out-of-body experience."
"Astral projection: the early hours trigger, where the mind is lucid yet deeply connected."
"Psychic gifts, astral traveling, lucid dreaming, and Pathak abilities."
"Your astral body is immortal; its energy can go through things, composed and comprised of consciousness."
"Astral projection is when you lay in your bed and your soul or astral body leaves your physical body and is able to explore the world free from physical restraints."
"When your body starts shaking... this is your astral body trying to get up out of your real body."
"Astral projection is like seeing yourself in your sleep, floating above your body."
"Astral projection... maybe we could use this as a form of espionage for intelligence."
"The ultimate proof of astral projection lies in the direct experience of it."
"Remember you are meeting with council on the astral so some nights you could sleep for many many hours but you feel exhausted upon waking."
"Astral projections are not going to repeat themselves because it's not a pre-designed story that you're following, it's real life just in a different plane of existence."
"The more I focus on the differences between them, the more frequently I do have astral projections."
"Astral projection is where you have the sense that a part of you can detach from the physical body and travel other places, see people on this realm and in other realms."
"Astral projection might be an added ability, where the soul wanders, similar to lucid dreaming."
"You can actually start having astral projection experiences spontaneously."
"Pay attention to those feelings. It's how you're vibrating that says if you're dreaming or if you're astral traveling."
"When Steven's knocked down, he can leave his physical body, sort of like a ghost."
"They will meet in the astral and do their spells and rituals there so they're still manifesting and still working together even if they live hundreds of miles away from one another."
"Do not attempt to astral project. Do not venture into a world you know nothing about."
"I wasn't sleeping because I wasn't here on Earth. Physically here, but my spirit was bouncing around all the cosmos."
"Through astral projection, individuals are provided with irrefutable personal evidence that we are immortal."
"FLIGHT! Probably the best part about astral projection."
"Intentions is everything. Maybe somebody here has been astral traveling into your dreams."
"They're using some sort of lucid dreaming, astral projection technique to try to alter this Pisces' mental state while they sleep."
"...understand how to astral project, how to derive information from higher levels of consciousness, higher levels of existence, bring that information down to earth."
"As long as we've been there before, we can always go back in the spirit any time we want to. I'm telling you that stuff is real."
"You are perfectly capable of astral projection even if you aren't able to visually visualize because there's lots of people who visualize with sounds and with smells and those kind of things."
"The best way to explain remote viewing is that it's astral projection without traveling to the astral plane. So you are spiritually separated from your physical body, but you have not traveled to the astral plane."
"It's neither an OBE nor any other dream state; this is a way to truly exit your body using sleep paralysis as the catalyst."
"When your consciousness leaves your body, you have the ability to astral project and astral travel."
"Cats are sort of natural masters at astral projection."
"I've learned about the astral projection and the Soul Space, very real concepts that apply to your everyday life."
"Astral projection lies in the splitting of our Consciousness among various different planes of existence."
"We are afraid of our own magic, we have locked ourselves out of the astral world."
"...see astral projections and ghosts and even interact with them if he chooses."
"When you first find yourself out of your physical body, there is no doubt that you'll be surprised."
"Reality cracks and impacts on the next; dimensions fragment, then the astral project song."
"Holy crap indeed, you have successfully astrally projected, Briar. Well done, well done indeed."
"Astral projection is being fully awake, fully aware - in this practice, this is what you have to learn to recognize."
"If you are truly patient and have faith that you will eventually astral project, I guarantee; it will happen."
"Yes, astral projection is real, the ability to separate your consciousness from your physical form is possible."
"Let's astral travel so we can reunite in our dreams."
"...through Astral projection, I started to look for answers like why are we in this state, how can we change our lives, how can we design our world, our life."
"Lucid dreaming and astral projection is synonymous with the awakening of consciousness."
"Good luck, and I wish you many lucid dreams but also for you to go beyond those dreams and enter the objective reality of the astral plane."
"I woke up really exhausted because I was astral projecting in my dreams."
"Everyone has the energy to astral project; everyone has a body, everyone can do it."
"Gaining these lucid dreaming and astral projection experiences requires practice."
"There is something better than astral projection," he shot me another hypnotizing smile.