
Situations Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation."
"Meanings are not determined by situations, but we determine ourselves by the meanings we give to situations."
"Funny people being put in funny situations will be funny."
"Sometimes what seems impossible because we project the worst on the situation."
"This is not the same as the situation we saw with Donald Trump."
"With moral situations, it's never a binary situation."
"It's the characters' reaction to the situation that's relatable."
"There's a lot you need to be mindful of so that you navigate these situations in the best way possible."
"Would someone like to tell me what the situation is?"
"You have to be personable, you have to be able to adapt to situations that you're put in."
"You have to put yourself in situations to find out."
"I'm calm so I'm watching how everything transpired."
"It's impossible not to compare yourself in that situation."
"Extreme measures had to be used for extreme situations."
"There are many nuances to situations, not everybody who's in that situation was just some [__]."
"It's important for us to stay open-minded and read the whole situation."
"I think these kind of situations may be the reason."
"There's always another side to any situation."
"Things get absolutely ridiculous, I mean, really just snowballs and snowballs and snowballs."
"It doesn't mean that at the end of the day this is not a genuine situation."
"You're attracting the perfect situations for you."
"It's just like coincidental that Fallout... she is dealing with the Fallout of her situation."
"Situations are social constructs that are the result not of perception but of definition."
"No one person knows the answer to everybody's situation."
"Only two things make me nervous: busted condoms and courtrooms."
"Oftentimes in life, you're faced with situations where making a small sacrifice can help benefit the greater good."
"Surely the best thing about getting a face transplant would be turning up at the Don funeral and going you definitely would come."
"a never-ending stream of asses to kick in hilarious situations to run into"
"Sometimes in those situations, ordinary people do extraordinary things."
"It's a win-win for both sides if the situations are right which is why it works."
"Jesus brought a redemptive touch into every situation he entered into."
"In some cases it can be right. Of course, there's those situations where people just question things and maybe say things that aren't supportive."
"Humans create the craziest situations for themselves."
"There isn't a best model in general but there can be a better model for a particular situation."
"The four cardinal virtues: courage, temperance or self-discipline, justice, and wisdom. Any and all situations call for one or all of those virtues."
"God is a God who can turn bad situations good and good situations better."
"Honestly though, I kind of like those situations..."
"Honesty is the best policy, especially with, you know, dim situations."
"The minor signs have three situations."
"What am I doing that's causing me to be in these situations and what can I do better?"
"The only thing we have control over is how we react to certain situations."
"I think about doing it all the time especially at the like the food places where you're just it's selfie or whatever."
"Better quality sleep equals better quality decisions and possibly getting yourself out of bad situations easier."
"Proving who you are can be definitely necessary in major situations."
"Always be prepared for unexpected situations."
"Love and laughter can be found in the strangest of situations."
"Less likely to get into situations where these things will come up and then sometimes create a little bit of lasting trauma or pain and suffering."
"God does not come into good situations, he is invited by bad situations."
"Prayer is how God provides Supernatural solutions to all of our natural situations."
"Ignorance is bliss in a lot of situations."
"Everyone's unsure of what to do. They're letting the police go even though the police are at the giveaway sign. Oh dear."
"You don't really know yourself until you're put in a situation you believe you know yourself."
"I put on the profile I'm not a prostitute but they still love to offer me 500 a night."
"But we have no control of political situations."
"Sometimes there are situations where life doesn't make sense and people take the only way they can see."
"That's all port-a-potties right there. Smell situation, the small talk situation."
"these are interesting characters enough and you put them in situations that everyday people can relate to"
"Does situation like this happen in real life? Yes, they do."
"...the Seerah itself is the best story that we can refer to on how to deal with these situations."
"Sometimes it's messed up but sometimes it's messed up and it's funny."
"They see you as a bread tamer, someone who can handle even the toughest situations."
"I have learned the secret of being content," he repeats in verse 12, "in any and every situation."
"Unexpected friendships can arise from unconventional situations."
"The sailing bit is the easy bit, what we're talking about here are those kind of situations where you have enough knowledge to know what to do."
"Are you good at getting out of...?"
"I prophesied my way out of situations."
"God often leads us into situations that only He could get us out of, so we acknowledge His power."
"Every single situation that you find yourself in is going to be slightly different, and the more woodsmanship experience you have, the better you'll be equipped to deal with those changing situations."
"I think extreme situations call for Extreme Measures."
"Letters have unique qualities. One is that they're very much alive because they deal with live situations."
"This serum will help you deal with both of these situations."
"There's not a situation you can face where God hasn't given you one of His great and precious promises."
"Being yourself in 90% of the situations is always the thing to do."
"Every situation is different, guys."
"I love a twisty-turny topsy-turvy situation."
"What we want to do with people is to understand who they are and then to figure out what situations we want to put them in to make them excited."
"What must here finally emerge is the radical singularity and concrete difference of each of these situations."
"You have the thing that I think is most exciting about that sort of situation, that's enthusiasm."
"Confidence goes so far in any situation."
"There are no hopeless situations."
"I have to really trust the situation."
"There's these really interesting situations that happen, and the rules are blurry and it's not so clean cut."
"You gotta put yourself in situations that make you nervy because they make you grow."
"Anxiety stems from not having control of certain situations."
"The context of these situations will determine how people react to it."
"He is so serious, and when he's thrown into these ridiculous situations, it creates this really strange dichotomy."
"Common sense must prevail in all these situations."
"I just think it would be really helpful in a lot of different situations."
"I've gotten to a point where I'm just more comfortable in those kind of situations."
"Peace of mind and serenity is what's needed when you're in these type of situations."
"He could charm his way in or out of any situation."
"Situations are just situations, it's what we attach to them is what tends to make them spiral."
"Every situation is different, there isn't a one-size-fits-all."
"Understanding in certain situations is just better."
"When I'm in these type of situations, what I do is I just look at it logically."
"They're not helpless, they're not stupid, they're just placed in really, really messed up situations."
"Sometimes life is put into perspective by the situations."
"Every situation... there's usually at least a million other ways of looking at that situation."
"I feel like the situations were real."
"Everyone reacts differently to these type of situations."
"Maybe people need to have a little bit more empathy in those situations."
"I am taking positive steps to be more mindful in situations like this whenever they occur."
"I don't think there's a situation that I can't look at the other side."
"The car is really effective for a lot of different situations."
"You've got to know when to leave certain situations."
"We don't have problems, we have situations."
"We're thankful not for all situations but we're thankful in all situations."
"Incredible situations that due to their limited logical explanation have even been classified as paranormal events."
"We choose our emotions and situations."
"He was always cool and relaxed in a situation like that."
"Different circumstances require different kinds of thinking."
"Being masculine is about also understanding situations."
"Choose you every single time, no matter what the situation is."
"I tend to love the ambiguity of feelings that can be tied to situations we usually associate with one outcome."
"We gotta really use our intelligence in a lot of situations."
"It's very sickening but also makes you wonder how these situations come about to take place."
"Things are really getting complicated."
"Situations are only awkward if you make them awkward."
"What looks like a people problem is usually a situation problem."
"Confidence can get you into a lot of situations, good and bad."
"What you can control is how you react to situations."
"The best solution for most situations is probably a healthy mix."
"You cannot treat all situations the same because not all situations are the same."
"People trick themselves into all sorts of ridiculous situations."
"It is not the shark that is dangerous, but the situation we create."
"Your word gives us wisdom for every situation that we face."
"All situations have lessons within them."
"Human politeness gets us into all kinds of bizarre situations."
"The situation is complicated, you don't have to simplify something that's complicated, you just have to understand it."
"I think it's perfectly fine to speak up, like in all situations."
"Because sir only comes out in certain situations, and now you got me thinking about certain situations."
"I never try to make judgments about people until I've seen them in situations."
"I'm not sure some people realize how fast these situations can change."
"We're now into the rare complex situations."
"The important thing is when you're dealing with serious situations is to treat them properly."
"You are in control of how you choose to react to these situations."
"You've got to adapt to all situations and circumstances."
"I react quickly to certain situations."
"The most important thing is the ability to ask questions in any and all situations."
"Some people just want to escape to a different situation."
"I think I would thrive in any situation."
"You don't understand how emotionally invested you can be in a situation."
"From the seemingly impossible to the utterly unimaginable, these little cuties get themselves into and out of the most extraordinary situations."
"You don't know where people have been; you don't know what their situations are like."
"Every situation, no matter how fantastical, has some connection to helping you know who you are that much more deeply."
"There's a sort of mutual respect you have in certain situations."
"You got to just avoid certain situations."
"Hopefully now you can see how sometimes good people get caught in bad situations."
"We have to move to a dyadic level of analysis. Do the situations matter? Of course, they matter. Does the partner's personality matter? Of course."
"You don't know what you would have done unless you're in that situation."
"You're able to transform any situation with that honesty level."
"Situations are often invisible, which means we're unaware of them."
"I want to make the best of any situation."
"Think logically in every situation."
"When you're in a weird situation, just full send it."
"People react differently to different situations."
"The importance of teamwork in certain situations."
"You got to try to find the humor in these situations."
"Love loving yourself and others in every situation, no matter what the outward appearances may be."
"You are the light in the situations that you're in."
"You guys are powerfully attracting better situations and circumstances for you."
"This went from the worst situation to like a really good situation."
"You adapted to any situation you were in."
"There is going to be some kind of situations that are going to arise that are actually going to give you some kind of peace of mind."
"It's our emotions that help guide us through these situations."
"Temperance represents finding the good in all situations, no matter what."
"It's important to take charge of any situations that occur and don't let them linger."