
Hypotheses Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Science progresses by way of hypotheses tentatively tested and afterwards accepted or rejected according to the facts of experience."
"The idea of an advanced ancient civilization being responsible for this tube drilling is both an entirely possible scenario and one that makes sense."
"The scientific method works; we put the hypotheses on the table and we attempt to falsify them. At the point all have fallen but one, that one becomes a theory."
"It's important to know the answer to that. Right now, there are two major hypotheses, one is the spillover hypothesis and the second one is the lab leak hypothesis, which has up until recently been seen as a fringe conspiracy theory."
"Science works by making testable and potentially falsifiable hypotheses."
"In that case, even if the plan fails, we'll still be able to prove or disprove the hypothesis."
"Homosexuality isn't an issue and there's even several hypotheses about why it's actually a benefit."
"Hypothesis testing involves a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis."
"The zoo hypothesis: aliens hide themselves from us either permanently or will someday reveal themselves."
"Science is just an attempt to understand how the world works by proposing hypotheses and judging them empirically."
"And we need that in psychiatry. That a lot of our hypotheses for the major diseases have had the same hypotheses for 60 or 70 years."
"Regarding multiverse and many worlds hypotheses, which simply can't be in any way experimentally verified, are they science or are they religions? Nope, they're science."
"I mean if the Jerusalem hypothesis is true if this is a solid universe with a solid block universe of spiced on then that would probably mean that things what caused an effect are thrown into question."
"We hold on to these hypotheses we hold on to them and we treat them as if they are facts."
"So now we can come up with a couple hypotheses about how we might explain the evolution of insects or the wing number and insects from thinking about hot gene UV x."
"Four main possible reasons to explain the Cambrian explosion: climatic, ocean chemistry, continental shelf environments, and the evolution of predators."
"There are four hypotheses offered to explain oak masting: predator satiation, predator reduction, improved pollination, and energy partitioning."
"There's no truth, only hypotheses and theories."
"Various animals were proposed as culprits at one point or another."
"Hypotheses are like everything else. They help you on, as if there were need of help."
"Over the years, various hypotheses have surfaced attempting to unravel the mystery."
"The evidence doesn't finally equivocally support one hypothesis or another... probably for each person, it's probably a different combination of factors that vary."
"One of the goals of science is to be as open-minded as possible in your hypotheses."
"We're going to discuss the two leading hypotheses regarding the progression and development of Alzheimer's disease."
"Knowing that our beliefs are just hypothesis."
"You're processing information and there are a number of different hypotheses associated with why individuals then have either freezing of gait or postural instability under these conditions."
"Metaphysical hypotheses are important for science."
"It's vitally important that you always keep the multiple hypotheses in mind when you're interpreting a study."
"Science is by definition asking questions and having theories."
"You know you're in the complex space if you have competing hypotheses and you can't resolve them."
"Science has not come to absolute hypotheses; it comes to best explanation based on limited data set which means their provisional truths which can be revised with the new data set as it expands."
"What's my favorite hypothesis? I'm a geologist, I like the earthquake idea."
"A better understanding of the mechanisms leads to more hypotheses to test and ultimately more effective methods for improving speed development."
"Interactions of factors both within and across levels lead to almost infinite hypothesis or pathways by which a biopsychosocial factor can influence outcomes."
"We need to focus and continue to study all hypotheses but with the focus on the ones that are by far the most likely."
"It's healthy to entertain multiple explanations, to keep your mind open to as many possible hypotheses as possible."
"Because I'm a good scientist, you have to always say that there are alternative hypotheses out there."
"The scientific method is about a wide variety of hypotheses."
"Like all science, it's built on layers of hypotheses, ideas that are tested with evidence."
"Phylogenetic trees are hypotheses; as new information is found, these hypotheses can be supported or rejected."
"Segmentations are powerful because they lead to create these more targeted, focused hypotheses that have more chances of being correct."
"I'm developing hypotheses about what could it be."
"We cannot prove why something evolved, but we can make educated guesses that make experimentally testable hypotheses."
"We don't know why it occurs, but we have some pretty good suspicions."
"Theories are a set of hypotheses that have been tested over time and have been proven to be true."
"As scientists, we follow the data, we formulate hypotheses, we test theories."
"The scientific method is designed to essentially try and prove hypotheses wrong."
"Interpret information contained in this report should be viewed only as one source of hypotheses about the individual being evaluated."