
National Interest Quotes

There are 423 quotes

"This is something that is touching a lot of people here in the U.K... The whole country is really watching Princess Catherine right now."
"Standing on the side of justice, ending impunity, and working to stop mass killing in a genocide is very much part of our national interests."
"The best thing for our country is to follow this package of measures to the letter."
"There's no such thing as ancient tradition when it comes to geopolitics. Countries do what's in their best interest."
"The right thing for Ukraine's leadership to do, if they care about their people and about the future of Ukraine, is to find some way to end the war and to agree to peace."
"Joe Biden said, 'It's in our overwhelming national interest and international interest of all our friends.'"
"We're dealing with people that have to get their act together for the good of the country."
"I will always protect Canadian workers and Canadian interests."
"Germany has no right to pursue its national interest at all costs, destroying the rest of Europe, particularly Southern Europe."
"Any leader, any government, as we do here in the United Kingdom, when we look at any issue, we ensure that we're putting UK's interests and the interests of British people first."
"These are big decisions that we can make without reference to my personal moral values or yours. We can just try to do the best thing for the country."
"What it comes down to is that, like with any nation, Switzerland is going to do what is best for Switzerland."
"You know what the right answer is for our country. You know what the right answer is for the American people."
"The best way to guarantee the safety and prosperity of your compatriots is by cooperating with foreigners."
"May Mother Spain, solicitous and ever mindful of the good of her provinces, soon put in effect the reforms that she long planned."
"This isn't about politics; it's about principle and the country."
"We think that would be really good for our country. We support it. We're ready to negotiate."
"Let's put the country first rather than worry about any personalities or any type of individual."
"Our Navy's force structure should be built and designed to protect our national interest or achieve specific diplomatic goals."
"Our government should exist for the benefit of the people who live within the confines of the country."
"We shouldn't put those global organizations and transnational organizations ahead of the interest of our own people."
"When's the last time in your memory that the President of the United States endorsed a new asset class to every government agency, noted that 40 million Americans wanted it, it's growing exponentially, and ordered everybody to embrace it?"
"I care a lot more about taking care of Americans, making sure that Americans can live a life of dignity."
"It's time to take them on. Our nation's future depends on it."
"It's the US that benefits it's the reserve currency that is entirely the US."
"This is what it takes to take our country back."
"Would the U.S go to war with the second most powerful Nation on Earth over two islands with the total population of 400?"
"Honestly, the country probably doesn't care too much about anyway."
"The supremacy of the dollar... that's why we have to defend it."
"Americans stand strong behind a president that's putting America first."
"They want him to get reelected at the expense of the entire nation because they know he will entertain."
"It's ideological, it's certainly not driven by America's best interests."
"Whatever comes out of that dialogue will have to be in the best interest of the nation."
"I give Kevin McCarthy a lot of credit for doing what he did. He went against that MAGA base and he did the right thing for America."
"He did the right thing, the right thing for the country without a doubt."
"My view is we have to stop divide and conquer instead ignite for our country stop demonizing people..."
"We're really all working together... this is not about parties, this is about our country."
"We have to be very assertive and very determined in advocating for our national interests and our values."
"We better make damn sure they're not being used for purposes that undermine our national security."
"Resupplying Ukraine in any way that we can is actually for the good of this country."
"As long as the United States continues on its path of owning the space domain and creating technologies that help us to maintain a commercial edge, I don't think a conflict will happen."
"America is stronger when everyone can contribute, participate, and join in our national revival."
"We have to deal with our immediate national security concerns."
"You have to take decisions that are better for the country not better for you."
"It's an America last agenda versus an America first agenda."
"Whatever is in the National interest will happen."
"President Trump cares about America's interests."
"We have an important election coming up... don't vote out of hatred, vote out of what you feel is going to be the best for your country, for yourself, for your family, your children, your grandchildren."
"America wants to see is that we actually care."
"Opposing peace or negotiation is not pro-Russian. We should be looking to do what's in the American interest. I'm not on the Russian side, or the Ukrainian side, per se. I'm on the American side."
"I love markets, but I'm willing to critique markets when I think they're not serving people and they're not serving the nation."
"The duty of a president is to put this nation's own citizens first."
"I think the part that's been missing... why Ukraine matters."
"How many more generations of America's daughters and sons... is it worth?"
"I will not repeat the mistakes... of staying and fighting indefinitely in a conflict that is not in the national interest."
"Our agenda was not about right or left, Republican or Democrat, but about the good of a nation."
"A president who will be focused on one thing, and one thing only, doing what is best for the people of the United States of America."
"It's not about getting all the power that I can have, it's about trying to do what's best for the country."
"It's not about partisanship, this is about patriotism."
"Puncture it if you care about your country and you care about freedom."
"Pressuring Ukraine to conduct political investigations is not in the national interest of the United States."
"I hope that's true, and I say that out of interest for the country."
"I want the American worker and the American, our American citizens to be able to get jobs."
"The American people want to make sure that they have jobs for the American people not for people that come in in many cases illegally into our country."
"We can't let foreign countries grow those businesses into making decisions that go against what the American people vote for."
"Everything's going in our favor, but this is absolutely crucial to our assurance to the American people and to the American economy."
"He believes that his interests are the country's interests."
"We're going to want to get the country flying again."
"The whole country, from all walks of life, are watching and I would hope that most people are rooting for your success."
"This trial should concern every American regardless of political affiliation."
"Every country should think about what side of history they want to be on here."
"If they want to put the country first, they will put politics aside for a few months and get some big things done for this country."
"As controversial as he is, Trump coming back is very interesting and we'll see where it goes because at the very least what you can say is he cares about America and he wants it to succeed."
"In football it is the Cowboys because they are the glamour franchises and they got fans throughout the country."
"Now China's doing great. We're very happy. But we have to do something with that. We have to take care of our people."
"It's the biggest match this country has seen in almost 30 years."
"This case has consumed the nation's attention in a way we just haven't seen in years."
"The last chance that we have for cryptocurrency to be American-based was Libra coin by Facebook."
"The interest of the country and the impasse we're avoiding doubt have to come first."
"It'll be a great thing for our country and the players and the coaches want to do it really badly."
"My 20 odd years of professional experience working on the EU has left me very clearly, very firmly of the opinion that it's in the national interest to remain."
"A general election at this point in time would not be in the national interest." - Prime Minister
"The fruit of Liberty is national prosperity."
"Incentives-wise, the Russians have by far the most gain."
"Patriotism is about putting your interest aside in the interest of something larger."
"And so at this point everybody that's interested in this, which is literally all of the people of Mexico..."
"We need to do policy that's in the nation's interests, not just what's in pharma's interest."
"Russia benefits by keeping tensions high right now."
"It's in Russia's best interest for us to underestimate them."
"It's time for the Democrats in Congress to start working across the aisle and put the American people first."
"Donald J. Trump is good for the United States of America."
"Good leadership is doing what’s best for the country."
"If you care about this country and a free press, today should have sickened you."
"Every country is there to take care of themselves and what's in their best interest, not have it dictated by somebody else as if someone knows what's best for you personally."
"The road to this end will be long and arduous, but the task at hand is critical to the sustainability of this great republic that we share."
"Let us peacefully and through the democratic process take back this country for the American people."
"The media's entire reason for being is to defend the interests of the American people."
"What Trump means by sovereignty... is that we're gonna have governments that will do what is in the interests of the population of the nation."
"Anything we do that can create stability is, in fact, good for the American people."
"This was one of the most national scandals at the time, now here's Eric, it's just strange right?"
"It's not about him, it's about the American people."
"Diplomacy is about the interest of your country first, you need to be flexible and deal with countries that might not share the same ideology and values as you, otherwise, you are acting like an arrogant prick."
"It's gonna be the most exciting British heavyweight fight in a long, long time."
"They have to win in Ukraine... this is existential."
"There's nothing they would like more than to see us in Afghanistan for another 5, 10, 20 years. It's simply not in the national interest. That's insane."
"The evidence shows Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States has put himself before his country."
"Every decision we make from our border policies to our foreign policy to domestic policy comes down to one question: what advances the interests of US citizens?"
"We've got to get back to what's in the interest of the American people. We don't have that right now."
"Stick to your convictions and realize, in the end, what do you care about: your team winning or the country winning?"
"My policies are America first. We've lost hundreds of billions of dollars each year with China and many other countries."
"Go out into America and find people who want the best for their country."
"Supporting Ukraine is in our national interest, but it's a critical moment."
"Legitimate course asking for a nation is not a crime."
"I can think of no better thing for the United States government to focus on than that."
"This administration, you know, whether you like them, hate them, whatever, they're really about what's right for the country."
"The BJP's personal political gains are not national gains."
"The job of a monarch is one that requires Great precision. The Monarch is expected to have the country's best interests at heart."
"The party and the country are sick and tired of MPs putting their own leadership ambitions ahead of the UK's best interests."
"It's about the financial security and future of every American."
"It's time for our courts to stand up and bewilder his team like I did, for the sake of the country and the world."
"Doesn't America want that to the dollar to remain uh King and not to be leapfrogged by a competitor in other countries' currency?"
"National interest means the interest of the people of your country."
"What Britain needed was a small war like this. It would do morale no end of good."
"I just want the president to be successful for the country."
"The American foreign policy should be pretty simple: Do what is in the interest of the United States."
"I see Trump as really wanting to help the country."
"You gotta do the right thing for the American people."
"It's not a victory for Biden or for the Democrats, it's a victory for the United States of America and for us to move forward as a country we have got to work together."
"The fate of Ukraine matters to the world and to Canadians."
"It's time to put people ahead of politics... to vote for America."
"Socialism is the economy organized and forced to work in the interest of the country overall."
"President Trump has made it very clear that if he can get a great deal for the American people he'll go to us."
"This is concerning and a possible threat to national security."
"Patriots that do think that the American public deserves to know."
"What's in those documents? Why did Mr. Trump keep them? And was national security compromised?"
"No one wants a full-scale war with Iranians but you know who doesn't want a full-scale war the most? The Iranians."
"The burden is on the president to explain why this matters."
"I think America is already itching to be like okay we need to go back to work or we're not gonna have a country to go back to."
"We need to start electing servant leaders who can set aside their self-interest and ask what's best for our country."
"Vladimir Putin thinks about his country's long-term future."
"This is a story that matters not just to some but to every American citizen."
"It's just so alarming that people don't see that...if she was the nominee, it would be better for the country."
"The person who is wielding the powers of the state as president is not working in the interests of the country."
"Canada works best when governments work collaboratively in the interests of Canadians."
"It's a choice between surrender and standing up for what's good for the US and what's good for our allies."
"Does it tend to increase personal liberty, and does it serve the vital interests of the people of America? If the answer to both those questions is yes, then I'm in favor of it."
"I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing, but at a certain point one has to think not only about what's best for the nation... but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity."
"Our foreign policies would be based on the prosperity and the security of our country first."
"This is not a Republican or Democratic bill. It's not a green bill. This is a red, white and blue bill."
"Ukraine is not a core interest of the United States of America."
"It's still capitalism, but with rules and practices that favor the outcomes that we need as a nation."
"Politicians of all political parties have a duty to put the national interest first so that we can put this controversy behind us and move on to a brighter future for the British people."
"There has to be something around which the House, and possibly the country, has to coalesce."
"We are talking about um a situation of of National Security here crisis of national um security."
"An important win for our economy, for the American people."
"The President's fighting for the American people and the American way of life, and I think that's really important."
"Our allegiance is not to special interests, but to our children, citizens, and nation."
"As Prime Minister, I will always act in the national interest. This is always my first consideration."
"Stop playing games, stop playing the charade, stop this stupidity, let's put the country first."
"The American people deserve the truth, and it's imperative for the future of our Republic."
"Vitalik Buterin is now a citizen of Montenegro."
"The Khalifa politely declined the meeting, shielding Pakistan's interests."
"China has been preparing for this for the last 70 years, the moves of China, they're thinking in terms of generations."
"There are Republicans out there that are common sense, facts based, and want the right thing for the country."
"The goal is to get back stolen belonging stolen stolen property that belongs to the American people."
"Foreign policy should be based on the self-interest of the United States."
"Those are unmistakably good things for this country..."
"Make them commit themselves to only those policies that are beneficial to this country."
"Political discourse in this country has maybe gotten to an unfortunate place but it will go to a worse place if only one side is held to a standard of incitement."
"I'm not going to attack other people personally. I don't think it's good for our country."
"None of these companies had to partner with the administration, they didn't have to do it. They did it because they love this country."
"Marcos Jr. will have to really really make the right decisions that is good for his country."
"Some money is not better than your country's instability."
"Supporting this should be a national story, it should be on the front page of every single newspaper."
"Liz Cheney is a leader that I think everybody in this country should look to."
"This isn't bearing any kind of resemblance whatsoever to the kind of national enthusiasm that we had to go to the moon back in the 1960s."
"We need to have some degree of manufacturing in our own country."
"An American president has to approach it in a different way; he's got always to think first of what is best for America."
"Countries have no eternal friends, have no eternal enemies; they only have eternal interests."
"It's in America's vital National interest to assist Ukraine in repelling Russian invasion, assist Israel in driving out terrorism, and assist our Indo-Pacific partners in standing up to China's threats."
"We're not going to fight foreign wars that don't advance our interest."
"...I want it to be about what's right for the country."
"Bismarck's approach to statecraft, known as Realpolitik, emphasized the use of power and the national interest of the state above all else."
"...American Primacy matters because the survival of the United States is the most important goal that it can have."
"The key strategy is to decide what is the primary national interest of the United States, and I believe the primary national interest of the United States is to create a strong American society."
"The welfare of our country must be set above everything else."
"Lincoln declared that a railroad to the Pacific Ocean is imperatively demanded by the interest of the whole country."
"...the United States has the right to protect its own interests."
"Do you think there's a scenario where Indian agents are justified in killing overseas citizens? Theoretically speaking, if someone has to defend your country against threats which you perceive to be of your core National interest then all means are fair."
"Countries need to create sustainable and productive foundations for their own people."
"A strong economy is crucial for the overall well-being and prosperity of our country and its citizens."
"The only reliable foreign policy is one that's based on national interest."
"So I'm all for putting the interests of the United States first. All countries do that. And the only reliable foreign policy is one that's based on national interest."
"Successive governments remained very clear on what the national interest was."
"House prices are a national obsession."
"It is in our best interest, as this country, to get that business -- not let it go over to the other side of the water."
"I just really believe even though in some domains we're not on the same page, that science can be one of those domains where it's in the national interest to have a dialogue."
"There's never going to be enough fund to do all that needs to be done. Unless you're out there in front pushing your needs and not just pushing, but bringing forward why it should be done for the benefits of the country as a whole."
"It's always better if the United States won. I think it would have been disastrous if the United States had simply rolled over and let that happen."