
Online Culture Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"Vine became one of the first video hosting platforms to find success comparable to that of YouTube, with their 6-second videos quickly shaping online culture."
"Coalition building is good. Changing minds is good. But those positions are anathema now in the online left."
"No good deed goes unpunished. This is what you will learn about the Twitch culture."
"Rickrolling is a bait-and-switch prank that involves posting a hyperlink that is supposedly relevant to the topic at hand in an online discussion, but redirects the viewer to the music video of 'Never Gonna Give You Up.'"
"'Embrace the cringe, chat. Don't kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part of you that cringes.'"
"There are only three guarantees in life: death, taxes, and people commenting on YouTube videos telling the creator how to do their job better."
"We've cultivated this culture online where everything needs to be like a debate, even on the simplest topics."
"The people that obsess the most about height are usually insecure dudes online."
"More than ever, we just have to keep sharing cool things that we like online."
"It's sad to see somebody that just leaves the internet and stops making content, especially if it's because of harassment."
"Zola captures the raw audacious very online energy of its source material in a saga about two strippers heading to Florida to dance together that goes very very awry."
"The reality of family vlogging channels is much more dark and sinister."
"You have something to say? Oh. You have five seconds. Ah, sub to Fidias. Sub to Fidias!"
"Derek proves to us that with a little bit of cash, some elbow grease, and a can-do attitude, you too can create a subpar movie that gets endlessly ridiculed online."
"What's up my beautiful weirdos? We're looking at r/slash found Satan today."
"Anyone who is invested in the gaming community knows how much negativity exists within it."
"He hit every [ __ ] victim-shaming fallacy there is. I can't wait for the day that a vlog squad member says my name because it's like a spoken word."
"It's difficult to engage in or even reliably find honest thorough criticism of any piece of media in a landscape where every piece of media can suddenly become a hill that terminally online weirdos are just dying to die on."
"Newgrounds can be seen as a kind of time capsule preserving both the good and bad sides of the internet."
"Glory to Rap Toria! Get that comment section loaded up with circle 7 salutes and everything else for the captain of the ship."
"Are people actually doing what I think? Bro, do you guys want the Robux codes and the soda codes?"
"My calling in life is really not science or spirituality, it's just smoking cigarettes on YouTube live."
"It's hilarious watching you post tin foil hat conspiracy theories on your tiny YouTube channel."
"Let's give it up for watching YouTube videos and buying YouTube merchandise! Yay!"
"I just love how weird YouTube is, how fast content changes."
"By admitting that you're wrong and admitting that you made a mistake, it comes with everyone hating you online."
"In a world where everyone else online is always walking on eggshells... adp 445's brash attitude was somewhat refreshing."
"You can start to just exist in this online echo chamber or bubble where all the news is bad news and everyone is constantly Doom and Gloom."
"If you like the zombie futuristic survival and want to party, make sure to smash that like button!"
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, unless it's the YouTube comment section."
"So guys, we did it, we killed our whole family, poggers."
"I think the conversation has become too much about attention and followers and growth and not enough attention on value."
"It's exciting to watch if you like nerding out about online communities, online culture, art, technology."
"Gamergate was really the inception of the anti-sjw and skeptic community on youtube."
"Thank you, guys. Thank you. Remember, guys, always be nice to other memers. Could you tell Tommy and Chad that he's the best?"
"It is unhealthy to hold this level of resentment towards someone like Anita Sarkeesian or Zoe Quinn for gamergate-related stuff."
"No one cares about Genshin creators though well I think that they obviously do if they didn't care about them they wouldn't be trying to cancel them on Twitter every day."
"I knew nothing about sjw's I knew nothing about you know trolls and their anonymity I was thinking totally outside of that box"
"Can we get hearts in chat for McConnell for existing?"
"The early days of online gaming was pretty great."
"Destroy that like button down below to smash it's right down there if you guys are straight 100 percent Savage."
"God, I really hope that last one isn't true, but knowing the internet, I'm sure it is."
"Smash that like button down below, guys. Let's see how many likes we can get."
"TikTok dramas will be the end of us, y'all, so petty but super entertaining."
"You definitely just have to have thick skin as far as the toxicity. I obviously wish it wasn't there."
"Magamemers are continuing to be completely undefeated and absolute Legends."
"As people spend more time online, they tend to lose touch with reality a little bit. Have you ever used the word 'poggers' in front of someone who isn't online all the time? That's a nightmare."
"Life is better with him, like, doing shitposting."
"So stop I can see they're just balloon boobs I know it's all cartoon boobs."
"It's a hundred percent wholesome memes time."
"No matter which side you are on, I think everyone can agree that [hate raids] suck."
"It's these fools in my comments and the sassy man apocalypse that are literally ruining it for everyone."
"There is nothing guaranteeing this cheating PewDiePie here will follow through in his promise to retire and leave his channel to the winner."
"It's a totally original idea that I did not see on Reddit."
"What's more pathetic like me with all my flaws and faults or the people that obsessively research me only to waste their fucking lives writing petty little vitriolic blog posts."
"I've upset the really weird commentary channels on YouTube, like the Leafy clone sort of. I'm the weird guy, that's true."
"Thank you for your sacrifice, that's in the chat for the Drinker."
"Facebook is pure garbage anymore. You're better off without it." - Trash Panda 365's opinion
"Sign me up for getting paid to sit around and browse Reddit all day."
"I think by the end of this decade the latest, those of us who do not agree with any of these things... will have to leave the internet as we know it today."
"Without Minecraft Monday, the internet would certainly be different."
"You really do need to have a collection that is curated to your wants, your passion, in your likes, and not a collection that is curated to stand up to others online."
"The Internet will turn people into monsters, man."
"The Internet will tell you quickly, 'Black in,' and it will tell you, 'N***a, stop crying.'"
"The mere fact that you actually have the audacity to have an opinion and stand behind it is something that is just so catastrophic to the internet these days."
"This movie is our love letter to the Internet."
"Be weird online. There's other weirdos out there."
"I love these games with a passion and I still love them for all their 2000s DeviantArt charm."
"Let's get a little sprinkle of some clutch in the chat."
"Cheese with cheese is tasty. Sorry, I missed your previous stream, son. Here's your allowance from your Internet mom."
"People have become increasingly more self-entitled constantly complaining online and expecting more and more for less cost or even just for free."
"I was doing kind of like one more time, yeah I was doing a YouTube apology video."
"As someone who grew up using the internet experiencing these same late nights going down rabbit holes, this captured that exact online experience better than any movie I've ever seen."
"Nothing really bothers me more than people who have absolutely no original thought in their heads existing only to read bad opinions online and then parrot those same opinions wherever they can."
"Every single one of you guys out there, smash that like button right now!"
"It's better to have slow, measured progress even if it results in lots of arguing of people on the internet."
"It's one of the good things about YouTube. You know you are exposed to criticism but at the same time that criticism usually or at least sometimes with four seeps you, I improve."
"Every single person on YouTube has been hypocritical about something."
"If you ain't on the field, you get memed, Eddie. I'll defend you to the death."
"If you ain't sub to Little Squeegee, if you ain't like Little Squeegee, you ain't part of the Squee Networks."
"Pickups videos at their core are just showing off what you think is cool, and I think that's what the whole point of internet fashion is, is like being able to connect with people on that level."
"I think there's a problem right moving to California pushed me more Center being online and seeing how like how crazy things were getting as far as if things you would label SJW right that pushed me more Center."
"Every time I'm on the internet I see some ignorant and people laughing or like they act like they don't got no sense."
"This is the most sincere and genuine apology video on the entire goddamn platform."
"They think these things are insults, but we end up just memeing them."
"But yeah, hackers, just people on the internet, just people. I don't know, they're so much fun, aren't they?"
"The theme is one that's been used by some really smart people on the internet that I love following."
"I don't think as her fans she would be happy with you sending death threats."
"Cancel culture is The New Normal online. Freedom as we know it has ended."
"It's just one of those like really satisfying animations to watch like if you ever see like the satisfying gif loop subreddit or something like that."
"I think we can make a massive difference in negativity online."
"Online culture changes rapidly, expeditiously, and frighteningly."
"I cannot stand those relationship coaches online."
"Encasing food in resin is very cringe online, which is... this was my idea, I know, right?"
"We live in a world now where the level of perfection being portrayed online is insane."
"The fact that good criticism is still so hard to come by online left is disappointing," remarks Oia Murin. "Some of the most powerful videos are usually on apps where people can turn out videos quicker and longer like Tik Tok."
"This is my squad and this is the Discord squad."
"The winner take all culture of online debate encourages a level of brutalism in which Bros will do anything to prove they are the smartest, quickest, and best."
"The man can literally change his Discord profile picture and everyone will still be throwing at him."
"I think memes and online culture, in general, have harmed people's abilities to be well-informed on various topics because distilling things down into bite-sized easily accessible chunks of information is not always good."
"The future you were promised was dismal online Life Run entirely by corporations and you've got it, stop complaining."
"I've seen this a lot online, so I feel like this is really popular."
"All right, troll of the nights, I hope you enjoyed."
"I feel like Pearl gets more hate than love online, so how is she overrated?"
"...it's definitely a problem... online culture excludes cis women quite okay."
"One of those reasons I'd say personally as someone who is chronically online and has a grass allergy is because it has such a huge influence on my own sense of humor."
"You know, I don't like when people online, someone creates a narrative of Fred online and everyone just runs with it."
"This stream alone I feel like has devalued the Jaylon purple."
"I'm back on fig in a cello not gonna fig in the chat."
"I always want to be that person for everyone online to be a safe place and a positive place."
"Don't win debates, is it fool's errand to go around winning debates online because nothing to do with truth, it has to do with who was the most clever in debating."
"If you got artists online celebrating somebody getting killed, I can guarantee you they didn't have nothing to do with it."
"Y'all are so far gone into tearing people down and not realizing that's not real. Just like me, y'all be like 'oh that's a clickbait title.' Duh. What do you think YouTube is? It's not real life, babes."
"Early days of the internet and later on the early days of YouTube, incredibly exciting times to be online."
"People love to hate things more than they love to love things, which is so amplified online."
"It is not a coincidence, BreadTube is the perfect example of everything wrong with socialism."
"My biggest takeaway is you can enjoy time alone and and you can Embrace that and there's nothing to feel ashamed of or to feel like you have to be a certain way because of what you see online."
"A video [expletive] on Vosh from a left-wing channel will get more viewers and more support from a left-wing audience than a video in which Noah Samson was dunking on a right-winger. That is the world that we live in right now."
"A lot of the most hated groups of people online just so happened to Harbor a large population of teenage girls."
"I haven't ever shared anything online you know you have to share it now I don't know what to tell you like even if it's just the us us three in this little Discord call you got to share it."
"...there's bound to be someone who's going to start whinging about Reaper in the comments section."
"Apparently there is an online drinking game. Anytime that Stan and I talk about the vibes, so there could be a healthy buzz in the fandom worldwide."
"These videos, these fake exposed videos, they got Mad Max views. They did really well and it was cool to see this whole kind of counterculture or counter community created around the psycho videos."
"Normally as ruin everything is a Battle Cry that you'll hear echoing throughout the various hallways of the online world."
"They're streaming this like online. I understand what's at stake here. This is like some dark or deep web type [__] you know what I mean."
"There's legends out there in the attack P community."
"I never get tired of YouTube drama."
"Everybody likes a good unboxing video."
"Gooning is something you don't do on Cameo, it's something you pay for on fans."
"I think we are in an era of personal style, we are in an era where, the information is out there, it's prevalent, the inspiration is out there, and the fulfillment is also out there, and both are mostly happening, um, online for this new generation."
"It feels like online right now there's a lot of echo chambers that eventually just stack up this negativity even if they aren't really trying to and counteracting that with positivity I think it's just the best course of action."
"Yeah, it's super interesting because people keep talking about toxic fandoms and that's like the most toxic fandom I've ever seen online."
"For me to be a part of an online movement, I would have to lose my authenticity, so I'm an individual. Call me an outcaster, a weirdo, whatever, but I'm not a part of any online movements, none, not one, none honestly."
"I don't want to beat around the bush and say things that you probably have heard online and, you know, sensitive whatever. I'm just going to keep it straight up and real."
"Twitch chat is a place where common sense and rational thinking go to die."
"Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can tell this is all a joke done for laughs."
"The only people who were ever going to see the entirety of my AO3 history are me, my FBI agent, and God."
"Online culture War issues are affecting real world politics more than ever."
"This is a very common thing online."
"We're a musical theater internet cult."
"The strongest communities, both online and offline, are not built on shared interests; they are built on shared beliefs."
"In a world of fake news and fake personas online, it's refreshing that you let your foibles hang out."
"You went from don't talk to strangers online to hi, let's go meet our strange friends from online in person. Welcome to the 21st century, kids."
"I named myself Deadmau5 on an Internet chat room just kind of as a joke."
"I think it's super important to note that online stuff is always like three years ahead of IRL."
"We're also seeing the rise of increasingly sorts of interaction online that seem to have more to do with kind of traditional oral culture than with more traditional forms of literate writing."
"Welcome to the world of YouTube, no matter what you do, there will always be people with a different opinion."
"I cannot stand people who are so obsessed with being online, and I just think, you know, look around you, there's so much beauty and grace."
"Review bombing is and has been a big issue for the online world for a while."
"Who is the real NPC, the girl doing the live stream making bank or the thirsty dudes that are donating to her?"
"Personal relationships and stuff are more important than fighting and scrapping over who your favorite online streamer guy is."
"It created new online communities, launched careers, and changed anime conventions forever."
"People take things way too seriously on the internet."
"Shout out to the rocketeers and shout out to the craftsman and the deepest chat room on the net."