
Economic Strength Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"The secret of the strength of the U.S. economy and also the German economy for the last 200 years is because they've got hundreds if not thousands of small local community banks."
"We should encourage economic strength and independence, not complete protectionism, but the ability to be independent in countries around the world."
"America's economic strength and competitiveness is a bright spot in the world."
"I think the stock market will recover. The economy is very strong."
"The government is taking the approach that we're going to heat up the economy and we're going to make it such that the economy is actually stronger going forward."
"We are the economic powerhouse of the world, and Europe is, in theory, our ally. If we just act in unison, we can shut them down."
"It's the medium-sized companies that are the backbone and so secret recipe of the German economy."
"I still think the economy is very strong. Unemployment claims low, industrial production strong, business investment strong, holiday sales very strong."
"The US dollar has stood on its own ground, meaning the source of the value of the dollar comes from a combination of trust, military prowess, property rights, etc."
"We'll get through this using the full weight of the federal government and the full strength of the American economy."
"The best economy in the history of the world."
"Building companies that will legitimately strengthen the economy is something that we need to be focused on."
"The economy is very strong, the consumer is the strongest it's ever been."
"Australians have more purchasing power than those in almost any other country."
"The economy is pretty strong... I don't think we're on the brink of a recession or anything."
"China is a complete power... economically and militarily." - Dr. Ross Stewart
"We're going to have the strongest economy in the world."
"What you would do if you are smart and the leader of the United States is you would strengthen America's economy."
"We need a president who knows that America's strength and leadership abroad depends on the strength of our economy here at home."
"The reason that the United States economy leaps forward is because we're literally the only country on earth that is a major industrial power that has not been completely wrecked all the way to the ground."
"The housing sector remains very strong and business investment is increasing at a solid pace."
"We achieve peace through strength but you first must have a unified nation and one that is economically strong."
"The US economy right now is still really strong and that's why we're only 2% off a new 52-week high on the S&P 500."
"The American economy is fundamentally strong."
"German efficiency is real and its economy is no joke."
"Workers know the economy is not as strong as the data suggests."
"The Metroplex area, boasting a GDP of 620 billion dollars."
"Our economist continues to believe the U.S. economy will deal with challenges from a position of strength."
"The fundamental bitcoin has never been stronger, hash rate is at an all-time high, liquid supply is at an all-time high."
"Consumer spending is strong, so we're in what is arguably the best economy in a while."
"We have the strongest performing economy in the world."
"The only reason we can afford it is because we have a strong economy."
"The more people you have in high-wage, high-skill jobs, the stronger your economy."
"The importance of strengthening our economy and making it more resilient to shocks like that in the future."
"The value of a currency is related to the strength of an economy."
"We built the strongest economy in the history of the world."
"We have made America wealthy again, strong again, proud again, safe again, and great again."
"Countries with a huge foreign reserve are the most economically viable."
"Tesla's financial position has never been stronger as they've paid down debt and built up a massive war chest of cash."
"Going green actually is good for the economy because it's gonna make us stronger and healthier."
"The Russian economy today is stronger today now than it has ever been."
"I think the biggest one is that they have great pricing power."
"By this point, we also have a pretty strong economy."
"The ability of the U.S. economy to withstand higher interest rates is probably at the highest level in 20 years."
"The US economy is much more robust than ten years ago. It has record profits for corporations."
"There are plenty of signs that the U.S economy is genuinely strong right now."
"You know, there's definitely staying power behind this."
"They are now in their strongest cash position ever."
"TDL with Vesper is insane... fundamentally strong."
"A fight to restore the values that built the largest middle class and the strongest economy."
"The economic conditions are far stronger across most of the sun belt states."
"A strong democracy depends on a strong economy."
"I like giant PP it's very good it's very healthy it's very important to have pricing power."
"The euro-dollar system was forever a national security strength and now it's a national security threat increasingly as a result of what I just described."
"The President says the American economy is strong."
"We had the strongest economy anywhere in the world and now we're gonna have an economy that's even strong."
"America's economy is now the envy of the world."
"America now has the number one economy anywhere in the world."
"Germany is seen as an industrial powerhouse in Europe and one of the world's top economies for decades."
"California's economy is one of the most dynamic in the world."
"Here was an area where we had an undeniable comparative advantage."
"The economy is still strong enough."
"We've got a strong and growing economy."
"The Canadian economy has been one of the stronger major economies of this whole last three years since the pandemic."
"Germany is the strongest economy in the EU and makes up about 16% of the union's population."
"The economy is stronger than expected, the job market is robust."
"Alberta, the strongest economy in Canada."
"The strongest economic growth of any year in nearly four decades."
"I believe the American economy is the strongest economy in the world."
"The fundamentals of the Israeli economy are very powerful."
"What I didn't appreciate was how much internal strength this economy had."
"Every dollar the federal government does not take from us, every decision it does not make for us, will make our economy stronger, our lives more abundant, our future more free."
"What we have to do is to make that economic strength count in the economic support, the diplomatic support, the moral support, but above all the military support that we give to Ukraine."
"Britain has enormous strength. It's got big strengths in the financial sector and technology sector."
"The fundamental strength of any country is its economy."
"Solid U.S. factory orders point to enduring manufacturing strength."
"The economy continues to be very strong, the jobless rate is very low, and the S&P and the NASDAQ continue to make new highs every day."
"This is a government which is ensuring we have a strong economy providing jobs for people."
"Poland's purchasing power is ranked 19th in the world."
"The economy is in a fairly strong position."
"We need to keep the talent in America to maintain a strong workforce, strengthen our economy, and enhance our competitiveness."
"Consumer demand is very strong, incomes are very strong."
"America is still going to be the strongest economy in the world."
"It's really a testament to how strong the market remains."
"The power of food to nourish communities and strengthen economies through times of crisis and beyond."
"The American economy is by far the strongest in the world."
"The United States of America, right now, has the strongest, most durable economy in the world."
"You can only do this if you have a strong economy able to pay for these things."
"We can't have strong defense without a strong economy."
"Our decision today continues this process. We continue to expect that the ongoing strength of the economy will warrant gradual increases in the federal funds rate to sustain a healthy labor market and stabilize inflation around our 2 percent longer-run objective."
"South Africa is economically strong and has good and standard systems in place for its citizens."
"The strength of our economy gives us the ability to fund the armed forces we need to maintain our liberty."
"Japanese must be known globally as the economic powerhouse."
"The economy is incredibly strong right now."
"The emphasis is on the economy is so hot and there's a begrudging acceptance that this economy is not nearly as fragile as people think."
"We continue to expect that the ongoing strength of the economy will warrant gradual increases in the federal funds rate to achieve and maintain our objectives."
"I certainly think history is going to look at this President as somebody who helped defeat ISIS, who built an economy that was stronger than it's been in several decades, who brought unemployment to a 16-year low, who's created over 1.7 million jobs since being elected."
"The commitment to America is going to provide an economy that is strong, we are going to provide a nation that is safe."
"And we also have, right now, the strongest, by far, economy anywhere in the world."