
Film Comparison Quotes

There are 273 quotes

"How could an incredibly G-rated musical coming out this holiday season possibly remind me of a violent dystopian train cannibalism film that came out 10 years ago? Well, they're both movies about eating bugs."
"Kung Fu Hustle... equal parts Crouching Tiger and Bugs Bunny."
"I think I did like it more than infinity war."
"This movie is better than all of them to me."
"From now for me they're neck and neck so it'll be one Avengers one in one a civil war and and a Winter Soldier I just can't put one above the other at this point they're both brilliant."
"It made more money in its opening weekend than Batman V Superman made in its opening weekend."
"These are better than the Lord of the Rings movies."
"Visually, it stands out compared to some of the previous Batman movies."
"Life is like a Quentin Tarantino movie, it's all out of order."
"Dune succeeds in comparison to its other counterpart franchises that really do try to emulate the success of a successful franchise."
"Nothing man-made is truly perfect, but Cowboy Bebop comes as timelessly close to being a perfect anime as Who Framed Roger Rabbit does to a perfect movie."
"It's a much better film about family than Star Wars: The Last Jedi."
"As far as my opinion goes, Starship Troopers works on the same level as RoboCop and Total Recall, doing what great action and science fiction do best."
"The amount of creativity that went into this film can almost be put in the same lines as Toy Story."
"Sure it may not be bursting with imagination as much as Studio Ghibli's other works but it doesn't matter considering how deep and powerful the story is."
"It's not fair to compare the current Marvel titles to everything that came before Endgame."
"This movie is the most unnecessary movie sequel since Highlander 2."
"That's what makes 'The Batman' one of the most effective murder mystery detective thrillers, just like 'Seven'."
"I don't know, I think it's no Inglorious Basterds, there's no Pulp Fiction... it just... there's something missing."
"Money is not everything. That's what the makers of The Cave found out after they released one month after Neil Marshall's The Descent."
"How does Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse succeed at the whole Multiverse storytelling thing where Spider-Man: No Way Home failed?"
"I don't think it's quite as good as Ragnarok myself, but that's where I'm at."
"Zack Snyder's Justice League is not the same movie as theatrical cut at all."
"Even if Batman vs Superman is just 75 percent as good as The Dark Knight, that's an awesome movie."
"I think the best MCU movie I go back and forth between Guardians of the Galaxy and Winter Soldier right now."
"Unlike the Maguire & Garfield films, Holland’s Spider-Man is no longer the only hero on the block, but one of many."
"Even if you shoot digitally in 4k or even if you shoot digitally at say 8k 8k is the only way that you're going to get the same resolution as 35 and 70 millimeter."
"Another aspect that I really appreciate from 'Hollidaysburg,' that I didn't get from 'Not Cool,' is how well they build out these sibling relationships."
"Han Solo and Mad Max have a lot of similarities... I think it works perfect." - "Han Solo and Mad Max have a lot of similarities... I think it works perfect."
"The best thing about 'A Few Good Men' is the thing that 'Batman Returns' is missing, and that is Jack Nicholson."
"I really liked the way it felt different from The Force Awakens."
"This looks like a garbage man, this looks like District 9 and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Independence Day."
"Rogue Squadron, it's like Top Gun in Star Wars, like that'd be cool."
"Wrath of Khan has more than Rocky. Rocky has heart, but Wrath of Khan has action, humor, heart, and the devastating history of these characters."
"The 90s gave us more memorable movies overall than the 2000s."
"Shrek 2 is Shrek one on steroids and it goes on a very short list of sequels that are better than the originals."
"I put up on my Twitter yesterday, I said I'll say it: Top Gun Maverick is better than the original Top Gun."
"Kingsman was just like a James Bond film, only far funnier and way more violent."
"As far as being you know which is more watchable I think you got to give the edge to Goodfellas."
"It lacks the nuance of the hanging or that goddamn lawnmower scene in the first film."
"I give Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 a new Loomis out of old Loomis."
"A castle, a moving castle... the similarities between this place and Castle in the Sky are numerous."
"Infinity War, Endgame, and Winter Soldier, they're always switching spots."
"It was the best Spider-Man solo movie since 2004 Spider-Man 2 and in some people's eyes the best Spider-Man movie ever period."
"Let's do a super dive in to compare the two Incredibles and discuss the pitfalls of one over the other."
"It's just so much more energetic and youthful in the first film."
"I believe Star Wars absolutely will stand up to those other two films."
"I genuinely do and I'm not ashamed to say this, go back and forth between this and the original film almost every single time that I rewatch."
"This film has an almost studio ghibli level ability to hit people right in the fields."
"The journey was never complete in A New Hope or Fellowship Of The Ring..."
"Black Panther actually made more money domestically than Avengers: Infinity War."
"...is definitely the superior Christmas movie."
"Zack Snyder's Justice League has the same core elements of the theatrical version but improves in almost every way."
"Do you think Zack Snyder's Justice League is his best movie? If so/not, where does it rank?"
"I really had to mention the kidnapping as I feel comparing this film with Room is like comparing an undercooked raw steak with a full course Thanksgiving meal."
"I love Jack Black I think he's hilarious uh and I especially love him in this movie uh this movie wasn't as well received as Napoleon Dynamite but I think it was very good."
"In the end, that's how I view Uncharted now. It's like Pacific Rim or the Avengers: a great dumb visually exciting action movie that you can enjoy."
"For me, the efforts undertaken put this film in the same league as Fury Road or even the Mission Impossible films."
"Watch the original back to back with this new version to see how important the visual language of film is."
"I'm not excited to watch it again like I am leaving with Far from Home or End Game."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home is the Batman v Superman of the MCU."
"Cars 3 - I thought it was better than the first Cars."
"One of our viewers had a great response: 'Well, we jumped from Shazam to the Joker.'"
"The Dark Knight is actually better than most Nolan movies in the emotion department."
"They pitched this movie as mixing Harry Potter with Inception with a Marvel movie."
"Jurassic Park two versus three... We all know that Jurassic Park two is way better."
"They are anti-football greedy people who just want to take money out of the game and destroy this football club."
"I feel like it was just sort of people standing in a room over and over and over again. Star Wars prequel vibes."
"Surviving horror movies is one thing; surviving life is another."
"The Snyder Cut is significantly better than the original Justice League."
"The fry the 13th series has a similar kind of charm as Godzilla."
"This is the Wolverine we have all been waiting for."
"This is the movie that you would show them and say look this is where you can take this much like how the Dark Knight is where you can elevate the genre up to a level"
"i thought there was supposed to be three [Music] there's something to be said when the hellboy from 2004 often looks better"
"Adam Sandler's Clique gave us almost the exact same thematic message about value of life and did it a hundred thousand times better than this movie did."
"That was my favorite scene that was my favorite sequence so far maybe just rivaling the rengoku Versa Casa fight."
"If you enjoyed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, you'll like this movie."
"It was like boogie nights meets days of thunder. Like it was just like it should be a movie. Like it was just absolutely brilliant."
"Seoul was a better movie in nearly every aspect than Wonder Woman 1984."
"If someone says Birdman, someone says Inception... it needs a Planet of the Apes kind of reimagining."
"Tron Legacy is obviously better than Tron. Yeah, that's maybe a good movie, I think."
"Parasite is a better movie than Joker in every regard honestly I think it's a great movie."
"This movie has more spirits, soul, and heart in its opening than most of the Marvel movies have been able to achieve in the entire runtime since endgame."
"Maybe we don't have to compare Citizen Kane and The Dark Knight though I think The Dark Knight is way better."
"Choosing movies: 'I've heard the Sixth Sense is good too, but personally, I prefer Forrest Gump.'"
"Avatar 2 likes Spider-Man: No Way Home will come just shy of the two billion Mark."
"It doesn't get the [ __ ] job done. The first one existed and it was [ __ ] better."
"I love the artistry of Fantasia more than I love the fun of 'Etsy-freeness' of The Jungle Book."
"Zack Snyder set out to make this like Lord of the Rings for DC."
"The Empire Strikes Back: another example of a sequel that is better than the original."
"Dune is like so for like a blockbuster about politics, I don't think it's like even subtle compared to Blade Runner."
"I was about to say, this sounds like a clue-type movie, like Knives Out."
"To me, it's got a little bit of a Pretty Woman sort of vibe to it."
"This movie is 10 times better than the 2016 one by comparison."
"The traps have become as important to a Saw movie as the gadgets are to 007, or I don't know, like the dinosaurs to Jurassic Park."
"It was way more Wanda movie than a Doctor Strange movie."
"It's like they took a John Wick character, threw him into Die-Hard situations."
"Why are we doing a movie with the us cuz King Kong was the big guy in the US right like he was our version of the big monster movie."
"It's kind of it's like a slow burn with a big climactic ending and that's what we wanted to kind of achieve with Hellboy..."
"It felt like a mix of John Wick and True Lies."
"It gives me the same kind of essence like they're like pairing up as friends but then it starts turning into more and i felt like it really captured the vibe of these two movies."
"Two types of people in this world: the people that went to the theater for Oppenheimer first or the people that went to the theater for Barbie first."
"Speed is a transcendent and phenomenal movie."
"Craig's Bond would absolutely murder all the other Bonds."
"Chongqi made more money on second weekend than Black Widow."
"They absolutely are in the same league and like I mean Peter Parker's been pretty lucky movie was compared to a lot I have liked all three Peter Parker's like the movie I've had things I liked and things I didn't like."
"One of the most faithful to the novel adaptations."
"Surpasses the 1945 film in authenticity and emotional depth."
"It was basically the Avengers endgame of its time."
"It felt like high school musical meets like a 90s movie."
"Three definitely feels very different to the other two."
"It's a fuller, more rounded fun movie than the Avengers."
"You'd have to bump Spider-Man No Way Home pretty far down... if a lot of movies really hit then 231 million dollars could get bumped off this chart entirely."
"That was definitely better than the first one."
"A cage match between the Warrens and every demonic possession, oh geez, what I wished for, that's what we wanted, that's what I wanted, I still want to see that like the Avengers of horror films."
"Hitman movies like this are sort of like garage rock... when you put them in an interesting order and put in a few interesting flourishes something can feel quite new."
"I do like this film a lot better than the first movie."
"Overall, I'm pretty surprised to find that the second movie had more impactful emotional scenes than the first movie had."
"Kind of like after seeing Infinity War, which ended pretty ballsy, that Ant-Man and the Wasp was such a palette cleanser."
"Theaters delivered $10,738 per theater, bringing in more people than the Super Mario Brothers movie."
"Bruised falls short of a movie like Warrior, but it's still better than your mid-2000s drugstore dollar DVD bin turds like the Never Back Down series."
"This version of Justice League is, in my mind, definitively better than the one that hit theaters back in 2017."
"This is such a better use of these characters than the 1995 film."
"This is like making a movie but way better, the storyline and symbolism are incredible."
"It was the most like John Wick, just the cool stab moments."
"Not okay follows in the footsteps of other films like 2017s Ingrid Goes West."
"Every single thing about this version of the film is better than the theatrical cut."
"Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy versus all Marvel movies."
"For years, Spider-Man 2 was the webslinger's definitive cinematic outing. Into the Spider-Verse didn't just surpass that film, it entered a league of its own."
"This is like the godfather 2 insofar as it actually bested the previous one."
"Both of the films are great. Very subversive of the conventionalities of horror."
"Back to my original point, 'Midsommar' has all the things that makes 'Hereditary' great and none of the things that make 'Hereditary' distracting."
"I just want DC to form its own identity aside from the great success Marvel has had." - Calvin
"People say it is so much better than the prequels and I don't think it's that much better than the prequels or the sequel trilogy or rebels or clone wars or the Mandalorian or Boba Fett or any of these shows."
"I think there's definite bias... but I don't agree... I stand by my Stanley Kubrick comparison."
"Any movie that can retroactively make other movies look better and be like 'wow that was awesome'... pay respect to a lot of characters... is actually more impressive than both endgame and maybe even Infinity War."
"Both films introduced royalty in the form of Black Panther and Wonder Woman into their respective franchises."
"Why does it have to be better than The Godfather? What like it's this movie could be nominated for best picture of the year and not be as good as The Dark Knight and that's okay."
"Even though the original will still most likely remain the best-known it's this film that seems more carefully put together..."
"That's truer to the comics than Chris Nolan's origin."
"There's a difference between an Apatow movie and 'What's Your Number'—a smart dick joke versus just saying 'I like [ __ ].'"
"The 1990s version is hands down the best Ninja Turtles movie ever created."
"The Eddie Murphy version, the superior cavity."
"I remember when the first XXX came out, I thought, 'This is the James Bond for the modern era.'"
"The difference between the filmmakers of Snake Eyes and the martial arts we see in something like Shang-Chi is..."
"Terminator 2 is the better film and it really is."
"Finding content that feels like a territory of David Lynch and Donnie Darko is difficult."
"It feels a lot more like The Hobbit films than it does Lord of the Rings."
"John Wick absolutely chapter four that is was able to beat out all of the other John Wick films when adjusted properly."
"I'd say I like it better than Shang-Chi, wasn't all that boring like people have been saying."
"True standalone films like The Dark Knight, like Spider-Man 2, like Logan."
"Having seen Black Widow, Pig, and Lamb this year I guess you could say the Charlotte's Web cinematic universe is off to an interesting start."
"It's not often that a sequel is better than the original but when it is, it almost uniformly blows said original out of the water."
"The Hobbit trilogy... significantly worse than Lord of the Rings."
"Rush Hour 2 is one of those rare situations where the sequel was better than the first."
"More lightsaber fights doesn't mean a better movie. It's not the best right there. It's the best of the prequels, but it's not the best Star Wars movie."
"I'm not surprised that no other movie has approached the Matrix storyline."
"Good news: it's a video game, it's not a movie." - Spawn Wave
"Rear Window is an excellent movie, done over 60 years ago and done way way better."
"The Snyder cut made the same scenes as the original cut so much better."
"I genuinely think it was better than the original."
"For me, First Blood will always be the best. For all the blood and guts in Rambo 2008, that violence doesn't come anywhere near just the threat of violence in First Blood."
"Fast & Furious franchise is up there with the Godfather saga as one of the great American film franchises." - Rob
"This is like 'Alien' all over again, but finally our long journey came to an end."
"It’s like Carpenter’s The Thing. The original… is a classic. No question about it. But the remake… sips Cola Sweeter. Bolder. Better."
"Cameron has compared the sequels of Avatar to The Godfather movies."
"The performances are amazing, that must be nice. It was such a luxury compared to... this movie."
"What if I told you that this movie came out nine years before the MCU one and not only does MCU's Doctor Strange copy it a lot but this animated movie which runs less than 80 minutes long is maybe better than the MCU movie?"
"Game or not, it looks like something out of Saw."
"It's dumb as [__] and I just you know I think about movies like The Peter Jackson Trilogy like the amazing experience of watching that feeling like it's a real world almost feel like there's there's an element of uh of believability to it."
"The action scene at the end of this one I thought beat number four."
"It's like compare this to any of the action scenes in Daredevil, right?"
"You remember right, this day went, we got it, we got to learn a lesson from Casino Royale to Quantum of Solace, but 10 years later and infinitely better."
"Instead of seeing RoboCop, go see Robot and Frank, the touching story about Frank Langella and a little robot that helps him steal [__]."
"To ignore the gigantic differences between these two films is to also ignore what made the first film so successful in the first place."
"Alien and Star Wars had basically the same budget, but Alien needed much fewer visual effects shots."
"This is it takes two, this is the parent trap, this is princess diaries, no, no, no."
"It's like the thing, just like chasing them, and it chases them down to the ground floor where there's like this giant grinder and then the chainsaw sequence, which has a very, very similar end to 'Evil Dead 2013.'"
"This movie's so bad that it made me like the second one a little bit."
"Comparisons to the original are inevitable, but it's to Halloween 2's credit that it still fares well and establishes itself with a higher body count and a more aggressive kinetic pacing."
"The key elements to Cruella ultimately going mad share striking resemblance to those two."
"Kong is to America in this film as Godzilla is to Japan in the 1950s Godzilla movies."
"Coda's fate will be very similar to little miss sunshine."
"But for me, The Green Knight is clearly the more Superior of the two movies."
"Oppenheimer was great but Oppenheimer is going to be Christopher Nolan's Jackie Brown."
"Mission Impossible now is much better than James Bond."
"It's not a rare thing for two films to be compared within the same genre, especially if those films are two of the standouts in that category."
"Which is the best Brosnan? Is it Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, or The World Is Not Enough?"
"It's been called Boyhood meets Jackass."
"Everything that fans wanted the Netflix film to do was already done in this film."
"This movie is different, it transcends in a way that Spider-Man 2 is a maybe the best superhero movie of all time."
"I like Rambo better. I like the soundtrack more, I like the message more."
"This looks more like a Star Wars movie than the prequels."
"Phantom Menace, I don't care that Jar Jar is ridiculous, I would still take it over Force Awakens."
"What's the worst movie you've ever seen and what's the best movie you've ever seen?"
"This is by far the Empire Strikes Back of this series because it is dark, it is brutal, and you cannot stop thinking about it."
"This Batman is the first of a new trilogy, better than Batman Begins."
"Believe it or not, 37 years separate David Lynch's 1984 Dune and Denis Villeneuve's 2021 reboot."
"If Cavalcade was a drama, Hellfire is like an epic action film."
"Halloween is the 'Gone with the Wind' of horror movies."